Xamarin Native Facebook iOS does not use the Native FB app - facebook

Im am trying to make my Xamarin iOS app use the native Facebook login but I get the browser instead of the native functionality.
I have: Url schemes, FacebookAppID, FacebookAppName in place in my info.plist
In my Facebook app I have added an iOS app and set the BundleId to my bundleId. Also I have set SingleSignon true (read that somewhere)
I have left the URL Scheme Suffix empty (don't know what to put there)
I have installed the FB app and logged in to this on the IPhone I am using but still the darn Webview is showing.
A login using the webview goes fine and if I quit the app and rerun the app the Xamarin Login button does say that I am logged in (displaying Logout)
Can anyone help?
Kind regards

Facebook has intentionally disabled switching to the native App, see blog post from late 2015: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2015/10/29/Facebook-Login-iOS9

try this, it supports native fb login https://github.com/IdoTene/XamarinFormsNativeFacebook


iOS Facebook SDK,how to login within App , not in safari

Is it possible to use the Facebook iOS SDK to authenticate within an app (not go to Safari), and also keep those authentication credentials for the next launch of the app?
I have usedFacebook SDK sample code SessionLoginSample to check . It opens the Facebook login account in the safari....I want it to open with-in the app ..
I am not using FBConnect as it is been expired ...How to use it for the Facebook SDK
https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk ...its sample code
this sample code here~~
The Facebook iOS SDK will open within the app provided your user is on iOS 6 and has their Facebook account setup within the device. Otherwise, it will gracefully fallback to the Facebook App (if installed) and then only to Safari. From the SDK Docs:
The native Login Dialog is available after a user has logged into
Facebook on their device. If the device isn't connected to Facebook,
the native Login Dialog isn't available and permission requests will
be made via the fast-app-switch to the Facebook app (if installed) or
Safari. The Facebook SDK methods [...] will seamlessly fallback to
this fast-app-switch behavior.
If your user has neither Facebook configured on their iOS 6 device nor the Facebook app installed and you still want the login to happen within your app, your best alternative might be to pull up a UIWebView pointed to your own server somewhere that carries out a server-side login.
Bear in mind a big disadvantage of a UIWebView-based approach is that your UIWebView does not share cookies with Safari so even if the user is already logged in within Safari they'll still need to re-enter their username and password again in your app. I'd be a little hesitant to do so in a third party app since there's no way to know if they're spoofing the Facebook site and phishing for my credentials.
FBSDKLoginManager *login = [[FBSDKLoginManager alloc] init];
login.loginBehavior = FBSDKLoginBehaviorWeb;

My web app not showing on facebook native app

My app is showing on facebook desktop, m.facebook.com, but not on the native app?
I meant not showing on bookmark or favorite. When I search for it within the native app I can find it.
According to the documentation it should also appear on the native Facebook app bookmark?
Can anyone please advise what did I do wrong? I have set the mobile web setting already.
If your app has a native app, the it will show up in the Facebook app bookmark list. If you app is a desktop or canvas app, it shows up on desktop. If your app is a mobile site, then it shows up on m.facebook.com. You need to specify the type of app or apps you support/have/exist in the developer dashboard for the app.

facebook app doesn't auth for my app

I have a problem to connect facebook app with my app.
I don't know much about facebook sdk, so I simply copy & paste from the facebook sample app.
(i only need upload image with some text).
it works well unless facebook app is installed on the device, but if a device has facebook app, it seems like can't get the login information.
I think it is because of facebook app doesn't ask auth for my app unlike safari browser.
What do I have to do?
Please Download the latest version of Facebook app (4.1.1) from app store. The Single Sign On(SSO) only supports in the latest version of Facebook application.

iPhone facebook connection is not working with existing native facebook app

I have an iPhone app using facebook connection using FBConnect from github code.
It worked fine in the simulator, however when I installed it in the device with existing facebook app from facebook it didn't work. It opens the existing facebook app instead of returning to my own app.
How to avoid this kind of conflict using FBConnect for facebook connection with existing facebook app?
FYI, facebook app screen says "You have already authorized MagLetters. Press "Okay" to continue." however when I click "Okay" it will bring me facebook app's default page not to my app.
I would check the following:
Are you running the latest Facebook App?
Did you setup the URL Schemes in your plist file?
Are you overriding the application:handleOpenURL: method?

Face book latest IOS SDK problems in iPhone?

I am working in face book functionality in my apps. I have integrated the latest Face book-IOS-SDK. When runs the application, the application is started and runs in the safari browser. Now I want to load the application in the user view(FB web view) instead of Safari. How can I achieve this?
Facebook doesn't want you to. Facebook's new SDK wants the user to login into Facebook once, and than that Facebook login be used in every app on the device that uses Facebook. Because of the way the iPhone works, the way they had to do that was through safari so that each app could get that info. You can go back to the original way (which so far I personally prefer), but I'm not entirely sure how.
However, if you use the new way, it will automatically redirect the user back to your app once they finish authenticating it. Also in the Safari page they can give your app permissions, ie. post status updates.