Casting Any to Array - swift

Here's the code I try to make work
struct A {
var x:Int = 0
struct B {
var y:Int = 0
var c: [String:Any] = [
for (key, value) in c {
let arr = value as! [Any]
It just throws exception. The runtime exception is raised when trying to cast Any to [Any].
The main thing I want to achieve is iterate through the elements of Any, if Any is array. To me it was natural to cast Any to [Any], but for some reason it doesn't work. So how can I do this in obvious thing in swift?
I saw some workarounds to cast Any to [A] or [B], but that's not my case, because the array can contain just an arbitrary struct.

You can make use of runtime introspection to inspect whether values in your dictionary are of collection type, and if so, iterate over their children (= elements, for array case), and append these to an actual array of Any, in so letting Swift know some Any values in your dictionary are actually arrays.
/* Example setup */
struct A {
var x: Int
init(_ x: Int) { self.x = x }
struct B {
var y: Int
init(_ y: Int) { self.y = y }
var c: [String:Any] = [
"a": [A(1), A(2)],
"b": [B(3)],
"c": "JustAString",
"d": A(0)
E.g. as follows
/* runtime introspection to extract array values from dictionary */
var commonAnyArr: [[Any]] = []
for (_, value) in c {
if case let m = Mirror(reflecting: value)
where (m.displayStyle ?? .Struct) == .Collection {
let arr = { $0.value }
/* resulting array of any arrs, that Swift now recognize as actual arrays */
commonAnyArr.forEach { print($0) }
/* [B(y: 3)]
[A(x: 1), A(x: 2)] */
commonAnyArr.flatten().forEach { print($0) }
/* B(y: 3)
A(x: 1)
A(x: 2) */
Alternatively, use the runtime introspection to construct a new dictionary, containing only the key-value pairs of c where the underlying value wrapped by the Any value is in fact an array (however in the new dictionary explicitly specifying for swift that the values are arrays of Any).
/* runtime introspection to extract array values from dictionary */
var dictOfAnyArrs: [String: [Any]] = [:]
for (key, value) in c {
if case let m = Mirror(reflecting: value)
where (m.displayStyle ?? .Struct) == .Collection {
let arr = { $0.value }
dictOfAnyArrs[key] = arr
/* "remaining" dictionary keys now only with [Arr] values */
for (key, arr) in dictOfAnyArrs {
for element in arr {
print("Do something with element \(element)")
/* Do something with element B(y: 3)
Do something with element A(x: 1)
Do something with element A(x: 2)
--- */
Just note that the above could be considered somewhat "hacky" (in the eyes of Swift and its pride in static typing and runtime safety), and possibly mostly interesting more out of a technical aspect rather than to be used in actual production code (I would personally never allow anything like the above in production of my own). Perhaps if you take a step back and look at how you've reached this issue, you could re-work your code and design to not reach a point where you need to resort to runtime hacks.


Value-binding pattern with Swift structs

As the Programming Swift book describes, tuples can be destructured either in the assignment or by value-binding in a switch
let point = (3, 2)
switch point {
case let (x, y):
print("The point is at (\(x), \(y)).")
let (a, b) = point
print("The point is at (\(a), \(b)).")
I can't find any mention of how to do the equivalent for structs. For example:
struct S {
let a, b: Int
let s = S(a: 1, b: 2)
// This doesn't work:
// let (sa, sb): s
// Outputs: error: expression type 'S' is ambiguous without more context
// let (sa, sb) = s
// ^
This doesn't exist as such in the language.
One option is a helper computed property:
struct S {
let i: Int
let b: Bool
extension S {
var destructured: (Int, Bool) {
return (self.i, self.b)
let s = S(i: 10, b: false)
let (i, b) = s.destructured
Of course, you have to manually keep that in sync. Possibly Sourcery could assist with that.
Structs cannot be destructured in Swift.
Your tuple, point = (3, 2), is of type (Int, Int), which is part of why you are able to destructure it.
The type of your struct, S, is just S. Its variables, a and b, are not included in its type in the same literal way as they are for a tuple. A struct is simply a completely different kind of object, and this behavior does not exist for it.

Replicating Array.reduce() method

I am trying to replicate the Array.reduce() method in my custom class and realised that it uses Result as type. Just could not understand that is the Result type been created as Enum or is it something else.
import Foundation
public class MyArray {
private var arr: [Int] = []
internal static var instance: MyArray?
private init() {}
public static func getInstance() -> MyArray {
if self.instance == nil {
self.instance = MyArray()
return self.instance!
public func insert(value val: Int) {
/*************** Custom reduce like function ***************/
public func perform(_ initialResult: Int, _ nextPartialResult: (Int, Int) -> Int) -> Int {
var result = initialResult
for element in arr {
result = nextPartialResult(result, element) // calling the closure
return result
Now accessing the MyArray class from outside
var arr1 = MyArray.getInstance()
arr1.insert(value: 1)
arr1.insert(value: 2)
arr1.insert(value: 4)
arr1.insert(value: 3)
arr1.insert(value: 2)
arr1.insert(value: 5)
arr1.insert(value: 2)
arr1.insert(value: 2)
// :Complex calculations left for user to implement
var result = arr1.perform(0) {
return $0 + ( $1 * $1)
print("Complex calculation in elements of MEMBER array of arr1: \(result)")
// :Just another way of writing the above closure
result = arr1.perform(0) { (result, num1) -> Int in
return result + ( num1 * num1)
print("Complex calculation in elements of MEMBER array of hello arr1: \(result)")
// :Simple calculations
print("Factorial of elements in MEMBER array of arr1: \(arr1.perform(1, *))")
print("Sum of elements in MEMBER array of arr1: \(arr1.perform(0, +))")
The problem is that I have to define my perform() function with one particular type at a time ( Int or String or Double etc ). I am trying to create my function to work with any type just like the reduce() function.
I am not able to understand how to define the Result type in my class and then use it in my function !!
I understand that Result type is not a part of standard library in swift.
The standard reduce function makes use of generics. See the Generics chapter in the Swift book.
func reduce<Result>(_ initialResult: Result, _ nextPartialResult: (Result, Element) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
It has two generic types: Result and Element. Element comes from the type of the values in the collection and Result comes from the result type of the reduced value.
So your first step is to use the identical signature in your own perform function.
But in doing so you will discover that you now need to make your MyArray class also based on a generic instead of being hardcoded to work only with Int.
And in attempting to do that you will discover that you can't define MyArray to be generic and support the singleton pattern at the same time. So you need to remove instance and getIntance().
The end result becomes:
public class MyArray<Element> {
private var arr: [Element] = []
public init() {}
public func insert(value val: Element) {
/*************** Custom reduce like function ***************/
public func perform<Result>(_ initialResult: Result, _ nextPartialResult: (Result, Element) -> Result) -> Result {
var result = initialResult
for element in arr {
result = nextPartialResult(result, element)
return result
With this in place, your first example becomes:
var arr1 = MyArray<Int>()
arr1.insert(value: 1)
arr1.insert(value: 2)
arr1.insert(value: 4)
arr1.insert(value: 3)
arr1.insert(value: 2)
arr1.insert(value: 5)
arr1.insert(value: 2)
arr1.insert(value: 2)
// :Complex calculations left for user to implement
var result = arr1.perform(0) {
return $0 + ( $1 * $1)
And this outputs the desired result of 67.
In the end, it works but if you'll notice, there's no point to this MyArray class (other than a learning exercise). Just use Array.

Swift: Cast array of objects to array of sub type

Say I have an array of Animals and I'd like to cast it to an array of Cats. Here, Animal is a protocol that Cat adopts. I'd like something like let cats: [Cat] = animals as! [Cat] but this seg faults in compilation (btw I'm on both Linux Swift 3 and Mac Swift 2.2). My workaround is to just create a function that downcasts each item individually and adds it to a new array (see small example below). It produces the desired result, but isn't as clean as I'd like.
My questions are:
is this totally dumb and I'm just missing an easier way to do this?
how can I pass a type as the target parameter in the function below, rather than passing an instance? (e.g. I'd like to pass Cat.self rather than Cat(id:0) but doing so causes an error saying cannot convert Cat.Type to expected argument type Cat)
Here's what I have so far:
protocol Animal: CustomStringConvertible
var species: String {get set}
var id: Int {get set}
extension Animal
var description: String
return "\(self.species):\("
class Cat: Animal
var species = "felis catus"
var id: Int
init(id: Int)
{ = id
func convertArray<T, U>(_ array: [T], _ target: U) -> [U]
var newArray = [U]()
for element in array
guard let newElement = element as? U else
print("downcast failed!")
return []
return newArray
let animals: [Animal] = [Cat(id:1),Cat(id:2),Cat(id:3)]
// ERROR: cannot convert value of type '[Animal]' to specified type '[Cat]'
// let cats: [Cat] = animals
// ERROR: seg fault
// let cats: [Cat] = animals as! [Cat]
let cats: [Cat] = convertArray(animals, Cat(id:0))
Am I missing an easier way to do this?
You can use map to make the conversion:
let cats: [Cat] = { $0 as! Cat }
how can I pass a type as the target parameter in the function below, rather than passing an instance?
First, you need to remove the instance parameter:
func convertArray<T, U>(array: [T]) -> [U] {
var newArray = [U]()
for element in array {
guard let newElement = element as? U else {
print("downcast failed!")
return []
return newArray
Since you cannot specify type parameters explicitly, you need to provide the compiler with some info to deduce the type of U. In this case, all you need to do is to say that you are assigning the result to an array of Cat:
let cats: [Cat] = convertArray(animals)
As of Swift 4.1 using compactMap would be the preferred way, assuming you don't want the method to completely fail (and actually crash) when you have any other Animal (for example a Dog) in your array.
let animals: [Animal] = [Cat(id:1),Dog(id:2),Cat(id:3)]
let cats: [Cat] = animals.compactMap { $0 as? Cat }
Because compactMap will purge any nil values, you will end up with an array like so:
[Cat(1), Cat(3)]
As a bonus, you will also get some performance improvement as compared to using a for loop with append (since the memory space is not preallocated; with map it automatically is).

Swift dictionary comprehension

Other languages such as Python let you use a dictionary comprehension to make a dict from an array, but I haven't figure out how to do this in Swift. I thought I could use something like this but it doesn't compile:
let x = ["a","b","c"]
let y = { ($0:"x") })
// expected y to be ["a":"x", "b":"x", "c":"x"]
What is the correct way to generate a dictionary from an array in swift?
The map method simply transforms each element of an array into a new element. The result is, however, still an array. To transform the array into a dictionary you can use the reduce method.
let x = ["a","b","c"]
let y = x.reduce([String: String]()) { (var dict, arrayElem) in
dict[arrayElem] = "this is the value for \(arrayElem)"
return dict
This will generate the dictionary
["a": "this is the value for a",
"b": "this is the value for b",
"c": "this is the value for c"]
Some explanation: The first argument of reduce is the initial value which in this case is the empty dictionary [String: String](). The second argument of reduce is a callback for combining each element of the array into the current value. In this case, the current value is the dictionary and we define a new key and value in it for every array element. The modified dictionary also needs to be returned in the callback.
Update: Since the reduce approach can be heavy on memory for large arrays (see comments) you could also define a custom comprehension function similar to the below snippet.
func dictionaryComprehension<T,K,V>(array: [T], map: (T) -> (key: K, value: V)?) -> [K: V] {
var dict = [K: V]()
for element in array {
if let (key, value) = map(element) {
dict[key] = value
return dict
Calling that function would look like this.
let x = ["a","b","c"]
let y = dictionaryComprehension(x) { (element) -> (key: String, value: String)? in
return (key: element, value: "this is the value for \(element)")
Update 2: Instead of a custom function you could also define an extension on Array which would make the code easier to reuse.
extension Array {
func toDict<K,V>(map: (T) -> (key: K, value: V)?) -> [K: V] {
var dict = [K: V]()
for element in self {
if let (key, value) = map(element) {
dict[key] = value
return dict
Calling the above would look like this.
let x = ["a","b","c"]
let y = x.toDict { (element) -> (key: String, value: String)? in
return (key: element, value: "this is the value for \(element)")

Nicer syntax for ternary with a let?

Is there a nicer way to do the assignment to DEF in the following example? I want to convert type A to Type B, but still preserve the nil possibility whenever I can.
Can't seem to stumble into a better way of doing this, however. Suggestions?
class ABC {
var DEF: Int?
func X (someValue: Int8?) {
DEF = someValue != nil ? Int(someValue) : nil
Swift 1:
class ABC {
var DEF: Int?
func X (someValue: Int8?) {
DEF ={Int($0)}
Swift 2:
class ABC {
var DEF: Int?
func X (someValue: Int8?) {
map() takes an optional, unwraps it, and applies a function to it. If the optional resolves to nil, map() returns nil.
You are describing optional map:
var i: Int? = 2
let j = { $0 * 2 } // j = .Some(4)
i = nil
let k = { $0 * 2 } // k = nil
Think of this map like array or other collection map, where optionals are collections that have either zero (nil) or one (non-nil) element.
Note, if the operation you want to perform itself returns an optional, you need flatMap to avoid getting a double-optional:
let s: String? = "2"
let i = { Int($0) } // i will be an Int??
let j = s.flatMap { Int($0) } // flattens to Int?