Value-binding pattern with Swift structs - swift

As the Programming Swift book describes, tuples can be destructured either in the assignment or by value-binding in a switch
let point = (3, 2)
switch point {
case let (x, y):
print("The point is at (\(x), \(y)).")
let (a, b) = point
print("The point is at (\(a), \(b)).")
I can't find any mention of how to do the equivalent for structs. For example:
struct S {
let a, b: Int
let s = S(a: 1, b: 2)
// This doesn't work:
// let (sa, sb): s
// Outputs: error: expression type 'S' is ambiguous without more context
// let (sa, sb) = s
// ^

This doesn't exist as such in the language.
One option is a helper computed property:
struct S {
let i: Int
let b: Bool
extension S {
var destructured: (Int, Bool) {
return (self.i, self.b)
let s = S(i: 10, b: false)
let (i, b) = s.destructured
Of course, you have to manually keep that in sync. Possibly Sourcery could assist with that.

Structs cannot be destructured in Swift.
Your tuple, point = (3, 2), is of type (Int, Int), which is part of why you are able to destructure it.
The type of your struct, S, is just S. Its variables, a and b, are not included in its type in the same literal way as they are for a tuple. A struct is simply a completely different kind of object, and this behavior does not exist for it.


Creating an enum instance

suppose I have
enum Example {
case one(string: String)
case two(string: String)
and now I have
let x = "Hello")
The question:
let y = ?
how do I create another instance of the same enum in e, so that I end up with y == .one("World"))
The types of enum cases with associated values are closures with arguments corresponding to the type of the associated values, and with a return corresponding to the type of the enum (with the value of the return being the specific case). I.e., for your example above, the type of as well as Example.two is (String) -> Example, where the closures expressed by these two cases yield different results; instances of .one(...) and .two(...), respectively.
Hence, instead of writing your own method to "clone" a given case, you could simply have a computed property which returns the already existing closures and Example.two (if self is one or two, respectively), which can subsequently be invoked upon a String argument to construct a new Example instance (with value .one or .two; along with the supplied associated String value).
enum Example {
case one(string: String) // type: (String) -> Example
case two(string: String) // type: (String) -> Example
var caseClosure: (String) -> Example {
switch self {
case .one: return
case .two: return Example.two
let x = "Hello") // .one("Hello")
let y = x.caseClosure("World") // .one("World")
However, since all the cases in your example are closures of the same type, namely (String) -> Example (i.e. have the same number and type(s) of associated values), you might as well, as already proposed in a comment by #Hamish, wrap an enum with no associated values in a struct along with the always-String "associated value" a separate member of the struct. E.g. expanding Hamish's example with some initializers:
struct S {
enum E {
case one
case two
var e: E
var string: String // Since "associated value" is always the same type
init(_ e: E, string: String) {
self.e = e
self.string = string
init(from s: S, string: String) {
self.e = s.e
self.string = string
let x = S(.one, string: "Hello")
let y = S(from: x, string: "World")
let z = S(x.e, string: "World")
You do that by calling the Initializer exactly like you did for x:
enum Example {
case one(string: String)
case two(string: String)
let x = "Hello")
print(x) // Prints one("Hello")
let y = "World")
print(y) // Prints one("World")
Also, The , in your enum declaration is wrong and has to be removed.
The comment explained the question in more detail, so here is my updated answer:
An elegant way to solve this is to use a function on the original enum type Example.
enum Example {
case one(string: String)
case two(string: String)
func cloneWith(string: String) -> Example {
switch self {
case .one:
return .one(string: string)
case .two:
return .two(string: string)
let x = "Hello")
print(x) // Prints one("Hello")
let y = x.cloneWith(string: "World")
print(y) // Prints one("World")

Generic factory method and type inference

I have the following class with a generic factory method:
final class Something<T> {
let value: T
init(initial: T) {
value = initial
extension Something {
class func zip<A, B>(_ a: A, _ b: B) -> Something<(A, B)> {
let initial = (a, b)
return Something<(A, B)>(initial: initial)
How come I can’t call zip without explicitly specifying the return type?
// ERROR: Cannot invoke `zip` with an argument list of type `(Int, Int)`
let y =, 2)
// OK: Works but it’s unacceptable to require this on caller's side
let x = Something<(Int, Int)>.zip(1, 2)
Thank you for your time!
The reason you're seeing this is that there's nothing in this call:
let y =, 2)
That tells Swift what T should be.
Your call implicitly specifies what A and B should be, and specifies the method should return Something<A, B>. But that Something<A, B> is not connected to Something<T>.
In fact, nothing at all in your call is connected to T; T is left unspecified, so it could be anything. I mean that literally—you can actually put (nearly) any random type in the angle brackets after Something and it'll work exactly the same:
let y = Something<UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout>.zip(1, 2)
What you would really like to do is somehow specify that T has to be a tuple and the two parameters are of the same types as the tuple's elements. Unfortunately, Swift doesn't currently have the features needed to properly do that. If the language were more sophisticated, you could say something like this:
extension<A, B> Something where T == (A, B) {
class func zip(a: A, _ b: B) -> Something {
let initial = (a, b)
return Something(initial: initial)
But for now, you'll have to make do with this horrible hack, which works by meaninglessly reusing the T type parameter so that it's no longer at loose ends:
extension Something {
class func zip<B>(a: T, _ b: B) -> Something<(T, B)> {
let initial = (a, b)
return Something<(T, B)>(initial: initial)
In short explanation, you use generics not correct. It's not realtime feature, it's precompile thing. If you need to make abstract class from generic input values, see and do like this:
class Abstract<T> {
init(value: T) {
print("inputed value: \(value)")
class Something {
class func zip<A, B>(value: A, value2: B) -> Abstract<(A, B)> {
print("", value, value2)
return Abstract<(A, B)>(value: (value, value2))
}, value2: 40) // "inputed value: (5, 40)"
T simply isn't related to A and B in that way and so can't be inferred.
let z = Something<(String, String)>.zip(1, 2)
let z2 = Something<AnyObject>.zip(1, 2)
work just fine to return a Something<(Int, Int)>
You can introduce type inference for your case like this:
final class Something<T> {
let value: T
init(initial: T) {
value = initial
class func zip<A, B>(_ a: A, _ b: B) -> Something<T> where T == (A, B) {
let initial = (a, b)
return Something<(A, B)>(initial: initial)
let y =, 2) //works

Can I extend Tuples in Swift?

I'd like to write an extension for tuples of (e.g.) two value in Swift. For instance, I'd like to write this swap method:
let t = (1, "one")
let s = t.swap
such that s would be of type (String, Int) with value ("one", 1). (I know I can very easily implement a swap(t) function instead, but that's not what I'm interested in.)
Can I do this? I cannot seem to write the proper type name in the extension declaration.
Additionally, and I suppose the answer is the same, can I make a 2-tuple adopt a given protocol?
You cannot extend tuple types in Swift.
According to
Types, there are named types (which
can be extended) and compound types. Tuples and functions are compound
See also (emphasis added):
Extensions add new functionality to an existing
class, structure, or enumeration type.
As the answer above states, you cannot extend tuples in Swift. However, rather than just give you a no, what you can do is box the tuple inside a class, struct or enum and extend that.
struct TupleStruct {
var value: (Int, Int)
extension TupleStruct : Hashable {
var hashValue: Int {
return hash()
func hash() -> Int {
var hash = 23
hash = hash &* 31 &+ value.0
return hash &* 31 &+ value.1
func ==(lhs: TupleStruct, rhs: TupleStruct) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
As a side note, in Swift 2.2, tuples with up to 6 members are now Equatable.
Xcode 11.2.1 (11B500), Swift 5.1
struct Tuple<T> {
let original: T
private let array: [Mirror.Child]
init(_ value: T) {
self.original = value
array = Array(Mirror(reflecting: original).children)
func getAllValues() -> [Any] { array.compactMap { $0.value } }
func swap() -> (Any?, Any?)? {
if array.count == 2 { return (array[1].value, array[0].value) }
return nil
let x = (1, "one")
let tuple = Tuple(x)
print(x) // (1, "one")
print(tuple.swap()) // Optional((Optional("one"), Optional(1)))
if let value = tuple.swap() as? (String, Int) {
print("\(value) | \(type(of: value))") // ("one", 1) | (String, Int)
If you wanted to be a Bad Person™ you can define custom operators on tuples, like this:
postfix operator <->
postfix func <-> <A, B>(lhs: (A, B)) -> (B, A) {
return (lhs.1, lhs.0)
let initial = (1, "one")
let reversed = initial<->
FWIW I can't think of a place where my 'clever' code trumps the readability of just writing your swap function.

Swift Tuples - Different from struct and from each other?

How different are tuples in swift from structures? (1)
As I understand, both tuples and structures can be sent by value instead by reference in function calls, returns, right?
Also, I know that if have
var A : StructureX
var B : StructureX
I know that structure A and B have the same Type, which is StructureX. But...
let A : (Int, String)
let B : (Int, String)
Are A and B tuples the same Type? (2)
What are the advantages about using Tuples instead of structures? (3)
I find it's easiest to conceptualize Swift Tuples as "Anonymous Structs" with a few critical differences. They behave similarly, but a struct has a formal definition and allows more control over mutability, while tuples allow for pattern matching.
Similarities Between Tuples and Structs
Both may have any number of members of any type, including closures
Both can be constructed inline (see typealias in the code below)
Both prevent mutation of any members if declared as constants
If a tuple has labeled members, both structs and tuples allow member access by label
Differences Between Tuples and Structs
Structs require a definition before use
Structs do not allow pattern matching against their members
Structs allow mutability of members declared as variables if the instance is a variable
Tuples do not allow mutating functions or functions that refer to any of its members
Tuples may not implement Protocols
If a tuple has anonymous members, its members can be accessed by index, unlike structs
Some code for a playground illustrating these differences and similarities
// All commented code causes a compilation error. Uncomment to view error messages.
struct StructureX {
let a: Int = 0
var b: String = "string"
// Struct member variability
var structureA: StructureX = StructureX()
let structureB: StructureX = StructureX()
//structureA.a = 2 // declared as a constant, instance is variable
structureA.b = "allowed" // declared as a variable, instance is variable
//structureB.a = 2 // declared as constant, instance is constant
//structureB.b = "not allowed" // declared as constant, instance is constant
structureA = structureB // these are the same type
// A tuple can't be used as a literal to construct a struct.
//let StructureC: StructureX = (a: 17, b: "nope")
// Typealias a labeled tuple and it can be constructed similarly to a struct
typealias StructureT = (a: Int, b: String)
var structureD: StructureT = StructureT(a: 0, b: "asdf")
//structureD = structureA // but they are distinct types
let emptyTuple: () = () // philosophically, isn't this the definition of Void?
print(emptyTuple) // prints as ()
let single: (Int) = (23)
//let namedSingle: (a: Int) = (a: 42)
// Tuple Labeled Member Access
var labeledTupleA: (a: Int, b: String) = (a: 0, b: "string")
labeledTupleA.0 = 5
var check: (a: Int, b: String)
check = labeledTupleA // same type
// Tuples can have functions/closures
let labeledTupleB: (Int, String, fun: () -> Void) = (0, "string", { () -> Void in
//labeledTupleB.0 = 10 // this tuple is a constant, so all of its members are constant
// Tuples with members of the same type, but differet labels are not of the same type
var labeledTupleC: (c: Int, d: String) = (c: -1, d: "fail")
//labeledTupleC = labeledTupleA
//labeledTupleC = labeledTupleB
// Tuples with anonymous members matching the type pattern of a labeled member tuple are of equivalent type
var unlabeledTuple: (Int, String) = (0, "good")
unlabeledTuple = labeledTupleA
unlabeledTuple = labeledTupleC
// Tuples with closures may not refer to sibling members
var labeledTupleD: (de: Int, df: (Int) -> Void) = (de: 0, df: { (num: Int) -> Void in
//de += num
// += num
// Tuples allow pattern matching, Structs do not
//switch structureA {
//case (let i, let s):
// print(i, s)
// break
switch labeledTupleD {
case (_, let closure):
I'm not sure the official terminology around tuples however, you declare them as if they were a special kind of type:
let A : (Int, String)
Maybe we could say that A is now a variable of type tuple? However, not all tuples are the same. If you declare variable of type tuple and try to assign it a tuple with parameters that differ in count, sequence, or type you'll get a compiler error. This will fail
let A : (Int, String) = ("Bob", 1234, 4.0)
Though this works fine:
let A : (Int, String) = (1234, "Bob")
Of course this strong type safety is also enforced with structs.
As far as the advantages, here are some thoughts on the differences I'm aware of.
Structures require that you define them before using them. Tuples, on the other hand, let you return an arbitrary list of values. How is this useful? I have an iPad app with a shopping cart view controller in it. There is a summary view in the cart view that displays a current status of what's in the cart at any given time--sometimes just normal items, but RMA items and items on re-order are also potentially in the cart. I have a method on my shopping cart class that returns a tuple containing cart count, RMA count, re-order count, and total count. I don't have to declare a structure to get back all four values. It's very convenient:
class Cart : NSManagedObject {
var totals : (cartCount:Int, rmaCount:Int, reorderedCount:Int, totalCount:Int) {
let cart = ... // Calculate cart count
let rma = ... // Calculate rma count
let reorder = ... // Calculate reorder count
let total = cart + rma + reorder // Add them all up
return (cart, rma, reorder, total)
In my cart view:
let cartValues = cart.totals
self.summaryView.cartCountLabel.text = "\(cartValues.cartCount)"
self.summaryView.rmaCountLabel.text = "\(cartValues.rmaCount)"
self.summaryView.reorderCountLabel.text = "\(cartValues.reorderedCount)"
self.summaryView.totalCountLabel.text = "\(cartValues.totalCount)"
There may be other reasons, but convenience is the most compelling one for me to prefer tuples in this scenario.

Swift functions accepting tuples

Is it possible to pass in a tuple into a function as long as their types match up?
When I try it, I get a missing argument in parameter error:
var myTuple = ("Text",10,"More Text")
func myFunction(a:String, b:Int, c:String) {
// etc...
It was possible, although was deprecated in Swift 2.2:
In Swift 2.1 and earlier it was possible to use a carefully crafted tuple to fill the parameters of a function. So, if you had a function that took two parameters, you could call it with a two-element tuple as long as the tuple had the correct types and element names.
This syntax — affectionately called “tuple splat syntax” — is the antithesis of idiomatic Swift’s self-documenting, readable style, and so it’s deprecated in Swift 2.2.
I came here wanting to know how to pass a tuple as a function parameter. The answers here focus on a different case. I'm not entirely clear what the OP was after.
In any case, here is how to pass a tuple as a parameter. And, for good measure, how to do it variadically.
func acceptTuple(tuple : (Int, String)) {
print("The Int is: \(tuple.0)")
print("The String is '\(tuple.1)'")
acceptTuple((45, "zebras"))
// Outputs:
// The Int is: 45
// The String is 'zebras'
func acceptTuples(tuples : (Int, String) ...) {
var index = 0
// note: you can't use the (index, tuple) pattern in the for loop,
// the compiler thinks you're trying to unpack the tuple, hence
/// use of a manual index
for tuple in tuples {
print("[\(index)] - Int is: \(tuple.0)")
print("[\(index)] - String is '\(tuple.1)'")
acceptTuples((45, "zebras"), (17, "armadillos"), (12, "caterpillars"))
//[0] - Int is: 45
//[0] - String is 'zebras'
//[1] - Int is: 17
//[1] - String is 'armadillos'
//[2] - Int is: 12
//[2] - String is 'caterpillars'
Passing tuples in can be a quick and convenient approach, saving you from having to create wrappers etc. For example, I have a use case where I am passing a set of tokens and parameters to create a game level. Tuples makes this nice and compact:
// function signature
class func makeLevel(target: String, tokens: (TokenType, String)...) -> GameLevel
// The function is in the class Level. TokenType here is an Enum.
// example use:
let level = Level("Zoo Station", tokens:
(.Label, "Zebra"),
(.Bat, "LeftShape"),
(.RayTube, "HighPowered"),
(.Bat, "RightShape"),
(.GravityWell, "4"),
(.Accelerator, "Alpha"))
Yes, it's possible under these conditions:
the tuple must be immutable
the number of values in the tuple, their type, and their order must match the parameters expected by the function
named parameters must match external names in the function signature
non-named parameters must match parameters without external name in the function signature
So, your code is ok, the only thing you have to do is turning the tuple into an immutable one (i.e. using let and not var):
let myTuple = ("Text", 10, "More Text")
func myFunction(a:String, b:Int, c:String) {
// etc...
One more example with external names:
let myTuple = ("Text", paramB: 10, paramC: "More Text")
func myFunction(a:String, paramB b:Int, paramC c:String) {
// etc...
In your tuple, it appears as though you must name them and then refer to them as such:
so your code should be
var myTuple = (val1: "Text", val2: 10, val3: "More Text")
func myFunction(a:String, b:Int, c:String) {
// etc...
myFunction(myTuple.val1, myTuple.val2, myTuple.val3)
The tuple has named values (val1, val2, val3) which you set and then reference, when you pass in myTuple, to the function myFunction(), it appears as though you are just filling 1 of the 3 available arguements - and with the wrong type to boot! This is the equivalent of storing the types in a tuple, then taking them out for a function call. However, if you want a function to actually take a tuple as a parameter, see below:
var myTuple = (val1: "Text", val2: 10, val3: "More Text")
func tupleFunc(a:(String, Int, String)) {
Yes, but that's the wrong structure: you're passing three variables called a, b, and c rather than a tuple with those components.
You need parentheses around the whole thing:
var myTuple = ("Text", 10, "More Text")
func myFunction(a:(x: String, y: Int, z: String)) {
You can use the following feature: Swift allows you to pass a function (f1) with any number of parameters (but without inout parameters) as a parameter of type (TIn) -> TOut to another function. In this case, TIn will represent a tuple from the parameters of the function f1:
precedencegroup ApplyArgumentPrecedence {
higherThan: BitwiseShiftPrecedence
infix operator <- :ApplyArgumentPrecedence
func <-<TIn, TOut>(f: ((TIn) -> TOut), arg: TIn) -> TOut {
return f(arg)
func sum(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int {
return a + b
print(sum <- (40, 2))
In swift 3.0, we should not able to pass the tuple directly to the function.If we did so, it shows the error message as "This type has been removed in swift 3.0"
func sum(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int
return x+y }
let params = (x: 1, y: 1)
let x = params.0
let y = params.1
sum(x: x, y: y)
Hope it helps you!!
The best option for now seems to be to just save it to a compound variable or use the build in dot syntax
let (val1, val2) = (1, 2)
func f(first: Int, second: Int) { }
f(first: val1, second: val2)
let vals = (1, 2)
f(first: vals.0, second: vals.1)
That feature called implicit tuple splat was removed in swift 3.
You can find more detailed explanation on the removal proposal here
Some suggestions to keep using tuple as an argument is by doing so:
func f1(_ a : (Int, Int)) { ... }
let x = (1, 2)
func f2<T>(_ a : T) -> T { ... }
let x = (1, 2)