Nicer syntax for ternary with a let? - swift

Is there a nicer way to do the assignment to DEF in the following example? I want to convert type A to Type B, but still preserve the nil possibility whenever I can.
Can't seem to stumble into a better way of doing this, however. Suggestions?
class ABC {
var DEF: Int?
func X (someValue: Int8?) {
DEF = someValue != nil ? Int(someValue) : nil

Swift 1:
class ABC {
var DEF: Int?
func X (someValue: Int8?) {
DEF ={Int($0)}
Swift 2:
class ABC {
var DEF: Int?
func X (someValue: Int8?) {
map() takes an optional, unwraps it, and applies a function to it. If the optional resolves to nil, map() returns nil.

You are describing optional map:
var i: Int? = 2
let j = { $0 * 2 } // j = .Some(4)
i = nil
let k = { $0 * 2 } // k = nil
Think of this map like array or other collection map, where optionals are collections that have either zero (nil) or one (non-nil) element.
Note, if the operation you want to perform itself returns an optional, you need flatMap to avoid getting a double-optional:
let s: String? = "2"
let i = { Int($0) } // i will be an Int??
let j = s.flatMap { Int($0) } // flattens to Int?


Map only non-nil values

I am serialising some json into objects with a failable json initialiser like this:
sections = {
let sectionJsons = json["sections"] as! [[String:AnyObject]]
return {
DynamicSection's init:
init?(_ json:[String:AnyObject]) {
//Boring stuff that can fail
I want to only append the DynamicSections that passed the init to sections. How can I accomplish this?
I can use filter+map like
return sectionJsons.filter { DynamicSection($0) != nil }.map { DynamicSection($0)! }
But that leads to initing the DynamicSection twice, which i'd like to avoid. Is there any better way to do this?
You can use flatMap:
return sectionJsons.flatMap { DynamicSection($0) }
struct Foo {
let num: Int
init?(_ num: Int) {
guard num % 2 == 0 else { return nil }
self.num = num
let arr = Array(1...5) // odd numbers will fail 'Foo' initialization
print(arr.flatMap { Foo($0) }) // [Foo(num: 2), Foo(num: 4)]
// or, point to 'Foo.init' instead of using an anonymous closure
print(arr.flatMap(Foo.init)) // [Foo(num: 2), Foo(num: 4)]
Whenever you see a chained filter and map, flatMap can generally be used as a good alternative approach (not just when using the filter to check nil entries).
// non-init-failable Foo
struct Foo {
let num: Int
init(_ num: Int) {
self.num = num
let arr = Array(1...5) // we only want to use the even numbers to initialize Foo's
// chained filter and map
print(arr.filter { $0 % 2 == 0}.map { Foo($0) }) // [Foo(num: 2), Foo(num: 4)]
// or, with flatMap
print(arr.flatMap { $0 % 2 == 0 ? Foo($0) : nil }) // [Foo(num: 2), Foo(num: 4)]
For Swift 3.0 and above:
return sectionJsons.compactMap { DynamicSection($0) }

Given a Swift `Any` type can I determine if it's an `Optional`?

Given a value of type Any is it possible to check and see if it's an Optional or not?
This code doesn't work because instead of checking to see if it's optional or not it's trying to cast it, and it passes
let a: Any = "5"
switch a {
case let optional as Optional<Any>:
if case .some(let value) = optional {
print("wrapped value of `\(a)` is `\(value)`")
print("\(a) is not an optional")
Base on #dfri's solution
private func isOptional(input: Any) -> Bool {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: input)
let style = mirror.displayStyle
switch style {
case .some(.optional):
return true
return false
You can use runtime introspection using Mirror:
let foo: String? = "foo"
let bar: String = "bar"
var a: Any = foo
// if wrapping an optional, the reflection of the value has
// a displaystyle "optional"
if let displayStyle = Mirror.init(reflecting: a).displayStyle {
print(displayStyle) // optional
// for a non-optional fundamental native type: no displaystyle
a = bar
if let displayStyle = Mirror.init(reflecting: a).displayStyle {
} // prints nothing
Optional/non-optional example where the underlying type is user-defined (non native):
struct Foo {}
let foo: Foo? = Foo()
let bar: Foo = Foo()
var a: Any = foo
// if wrapping an optional, the reflection of the value has
// a displaystyle "optional"
if let displayStyle = Mirror(reflecting: a).displayStyle {
print(displayStyle) // optional
// for a non-optional non-fundamental type:
a = bar
if let displayStyle = Mirror(reflecting: a).displayStyle {
print(displayStyle) // struct
If you don't want need to use the binded displayStyle variable (e.g. for printing) but simply want check whether the wrapped value is any kind of optional, you can add a boolean clause to the if statement that holds the optional binding of the displayStyle case,
if let displayStyle = Mirror(reflecting: a).displayStyle,
displayStyle == .optional {
// is an optional ...
... or remove the binding entirely in favour of a single conditional expression using the nil coalescing operator (??)
if Mirror(reflecting: a).displayStyle ?? .class == .optional {
// is an optional
Note however that for all the methods above, this simply tells you as dev whether the type wrapped by the Any instance is optional or not: Swifts typing system still knows nothing of the sort.
let a: Any = "5"
let b: Any? = "5"
if type(of: a) == Optional<Any>.self {
print("a is optional")
} else {
print("a is not optional")
if type(of: b) == Optional<Any>.self {
print("b is optional")
} else {
print("b is not optional")
a is not optional
b is optional
another example ...
let a: Any = 5
let b: Any? = 5
let c: Any = "5"
let d: Any? = "5"
let arr: [Any] = [a,b as Any,c,d as Any]
arr.forEach { (x) in
print(type(of: x))

Satisfy one of multiple constraints in an if let construct

I want to satisfy multiple constraints in an if let construct. I know we can use a "," (comma) to unwrap multiple values but they both have to be successfully unwrapped.
For example :
var str: String? = "Hello"
var x: Int? = 10
if let intValue = x, stringValue = str {
// do something here.
} else {
I want if one of the conditions is successfully unwrapped, then a block will execute.
for example:
class CustomClass {
var x = 10
static func someValue() -> String? {
return "some"
var flag: Bool? = false
var x: Int? = 10
var status: String
in this i want if either customclass someValue function or x value any of successfully unwrapped and flag is true then code executes
You can create a tuple and use a switch like so:
switch (str, x) {
case (.Some,.Some):
print("Both have values")
case (.Some, nil):
print("String has a value")
case (nil, .Some):
print("Int has a value")
case (nil, nil):
print("Neither has a value")

How to use generic function to tear down swift's optional pyramid of doom

Instead of using multiple optional bindings, we can define a function to tear down optional pyramid of doom.
func if_let<T, U, V> (a: T?, _ b: U?, _ c: V?, fn:(T, U, V) -> () ){
if let a = a {
if let b = b {
if let c = c {
fn(a, b, c)
Then I can write like this:
var s1: String? = "s11"
var s2: String? = "s22"
var s3: String? = "s33"
if_let(s1, s2, s3) { s1, s2, s3 in
print(("\(s1) - \(s2) - \(s3)"))
However, the problem is how to make this if_let function more generic so that it can accept any number of arguments. My implementation is like this:
func if_let<T> (values: T?..., fn:(params: [T]) -> ()) {
for value in values {
guard value != nil else { return }
let unwrappedArray ={ $0! }
fn(params: unwrappedArray)
I tried to map the array and get a new one with all elements unwrapped and then call the fn. But when I ran the test again, I got a compile error:
Cannot convert value of type String? to expected argument type '_?'
Can anyone explain and fix this error?
The problem is that your second implementation of if_let no longer takes as a final parameter a function of type (T,U,V)->(). It now needs a function of type ([T])->(). If you call it with one, it compiles:
if_let(s1, s2, s3) { args in // or: (args: [String])->() in
print("\(args[0]) - \(args[1]) - \(args[2])")
A relevant note, rather than an answer to the specific question: with Swift 2, you needn't enter the pyramid of doom no more
let a: String? = nil
let b: Int? = nil
let c: Double? = nil
// possible mutate...
if let a = a, b = b, c = c {
// do something with shadow vars

How do you overload an operator in swift?

Say you have a class C. It has two instance variables, number and vector. vector is just an array of either ints or doubles.
I would like to do the following:
c1 = C()
c1.number = 2
c1.vector = [1,2,3]
c2 = C()
c2.number = 3
c2.vector = [4,6,7]
println(c1.number + c2.number) \\print to screen 5
println(c1.vector + c2.vector) \\ print [5,8,10]
Basically, I'm looking to overload the "+" operator so that it knows which "version" of the "+" to use depending of the type.
The + operator is already defined for the type Array. It does an array merge and tacks the values of the rvalue onto the lvalue. To do a sum of values by index you can do something like this:
protocol Numeric { }
extension Double: Numeric {}
extension Int: Numeric {}
func +<T: Numeric>(left: [T], right: [T]) -> [T]? {
var numElements: Int = 0
if count(left) != count(right) {
return nil
} else {
numElements = count(left)
var result = [T]()
for var i = 0; i < numElements; ++i {
if let lvalue = left[i] as? Int, rvalue = right[i] as? Int {
result.append(lvalue + rvalue as! T)
} else if let lvalue = left[i] as? Double, rvalue = right[i] as? Double {
result.append(lvalue + rvalue as! T)
return result
But generally, I wouldn't advise overriding a predefined operator because of the high potential to cause confusion and chaos later on down the road.