Visually Comparable Plot - matlab

So I have to plot certain data (90 sets total) and a single set looks like this.
However when I hold on and plot 90 sets superimposed, it looks just like a patch of multiple colours.
Now what would be the most optimal way to represent the plots that can let us compare them and study the difference. For example (and this is just my thought and I am open to opnions) how can I compare these 90 plots in a Matrix fashion viz.
Is there even better ways to represent such collection of plots instead of just superimposing them?
EDIT: To clear things up, I have 90 graphs that look similar to the first graph and I have to compare them in say, a single page. What would be the best way to do it? Also is subplot the best idea for 90 graphs?

You need subplot(), which allows you to plot multiple figures in one window.


matlab scatter plot time series

I would like to look at two dimensional data in a time-series - the first idea I had was to use a scatter plot, where you can easily explore timepoint-to-timepoint. Is there a function I could use for this? I looked at scatter3 but it can only plot perfectly-cubic data, not as below:
scatter3(data(1,:,:),data(:,1,:),data(:,:,1)) %throws an error
edit: Originally I had something like >this< in mind
scatter3 seems to be for 3D plots, but you say your data is 2D.
For a simple time-series graph you could presumably even just use plot:
nPoints = 25;
dataX = 1:nPoints;
dataY = rand(1,nPoints);
plot(dataX,dataY, 'o-')
However, the example you give in your link looks like something else, so it seems like scatter (rather than scatter3) might be what you're after. Maybe something like this?
nPoints = 25;
dataX = 1:nPoints;
dataY = rand(1,nPoints);
dataArea = rand(1,nPoints)*100;
dataColours = rand(nPoints,3);
I think I understand better what you mean, sorry I didn't see the buttons at the bottom of the link, but correct me if I'm wrong. So you have a set of XY coordinates for multiple objects at different points in time, and ideally you want to plot how the XY coordinates of each object (in 2 dimensions) change over time (in 3 dimensions). Your initial approach in using scatter3 was to try and make a simple 3d graph, but maybe ideally you want a 2d graph that can be either animated or interactive, to change the time point displayed at any given time?
Going back to your original question, I think the issue with your attempt to use scatter3 (or plot3 might be useful too) is I'm not sure what your dummy data would represent. You created data as a 5x5x3 matrix, and I assume that might represent 25 data points, at 3 different time intervals? However, which data would represent the X and which the Y coordinates? It would work with something like the following, where each variable represents the X/Y/Z coordinates of 6 objects (columns) at 5 different time points (rows)
myX = rand(5,6,1);
myY = rand(5,6,1);
% I'm making each time point increase linearly.
myZ = repmat((1:size(myX,1))', 1, size(myX,2));
plot3(myX, myY, myZ, 'o-')
grid on
% Note I find the default dimensions it treats as X, Y and Z unintuitive (e.g. the Z dimension is the vertical dimension), but one could swap the input arguments around to overcome this.
However, especially if you have a lot of points, I'm not sure how clear a graph like this will be, especially compared to the example in your link.
Instead it seems like you ideally want only the XY coordinates of all objects to be plotted for only one time point at once, and a way to cycle through each time point sequentially. This seems trickier, and maybe someone else will be able to answer better than I have. A couple more questions though that might be useful:
How much do you care about the smoothness of the transition. In the example link the circles move smoothly from one position to another, rather than just jumping/teleporting between points.
Ideally do you want a function that would produce an 'animation', cycling through all the time points from begining to end, or a way of manually specifying/changing which time point is being displayed. If the former, maybe this function would be useful (though I've tried it myself yet)

MATLAB: Digitizing a plot with multiple variables and implementing the data

I have 8 plots which I want to implement in my Matlab code. These plots originate from several research papers, hence, I need to digitize them first in order to be able to use them.
An example of a plot is shown below:
This is basically a surface plot with three different variables. I know how to digitize a regular plot with just X and Y coordinates. However, how would one digitize a graph like this? I am quite unsure, hence, the question.
Also, If I would be able to obtain the data from this plot. How would you be able to utilize it in your code? Maybe with some interpolation and extrapolation between the given data points?
Any tips regarding this topic are welcome.
Thanks in advance
Here is what I would suggest:
Read the image in Matlab using imread.
Manually find the pixel position of the left bottom corner and the upper right corner
Using these pixels values and the real numerical value, it is simple to determine the x and y value of every pixel. I suggest you use meshgrid.
Knowing that the curves are in black, then remove every non-black pixel from the image, which leaves you only with the curves and the numbers.
Then use the function bwareaopen to remove the small objects (the numbers). Don't forget to invert the image to remove the black instead of the white.
Finally, by using point #3 and the result of point #6, you can manually extract the data of the graph. It won't be easy, but it will be feasible.
You will need the data for the three variables in order to create a plot in Matlab, which you can get either from the previous research or by estimating and interpolating values from the plot. Once you get the data though, there are two functions that you can use to make surface plots, surface and surf, surf is pretty much the same as surface but includes shading.
For interpolation and extrapolation it sounds like you might want to check out 2D interpolation, interp2. The interp2 function can also do extrapolation as well.
You should read the documentation for these functions and then post back with specific problems if you have any.

How to neatly cut off an extreme value in a plot that compresses the rest of a plot?

So basically, the graph labeled "Thermal Wind" has an extreme value that compresses the y-values for all the other plots, making it much harder to see any of the individual variations in the other plots. Is there a way to neatly cut off this extreme value? I could just rescale the y limit to a maximum of 40, but then this looks ugly.
As for the alternative I've tried - it's here:
I would recommend trying to plot it on a log scale. The function you'll want to consider using is semilogx, though for completeness I recommend also reading the help file on loglog.
Alternately, you could use subplot to generate multiple plots, one of which is zoomed into a region of interest.
Are the outlier points errors in the data, or do they represent extreme cases?
If they are not valid data, just manually exclude them from the data, plot the graph, and include a text clarification when describing the graph. If they are valid data, then trimming them would misrepresent the data, which isn't a good thing.
Graphs of data aren't art: their main goal isn't to be pretty; it's to provide a useful visualization of data. There are some minimum requirements on appearance, however: the axes have to be labeled, the units have to be meaningful, the different curves have to be visually distinct, etc. As long as your graph has these things, you shouldn't expect to lose marks for presentation.
There are two approaches that I use:
One approach would be transform the data so it will fill the plot nicely. Make the transform so that it wouldn't touch the range - say -10 to +10. In your case you could choose it so that 100 transforms to +15 and -100 to -15.
For clarity you need to then also set and label the y ticks appropriately. And for nice style make sure the line changes slope when it goes over the border.
I plot the data as is. But set the axis limits say from -10 to +10. Where points lay outside I place upwards and downwards triangles along the border to mark in which direction the "outliers" would be. Obviously this is only good when there aren't too many.

Matlab : How to show multiple plots in one single figure with nice navigation like scrolling?

I have a large matrix that I compare each column for dependencies. (70 x 70 matrix)I want to show all the correlation plots to be able to interpret data visually. But it seems that matlab provides me a figure with many single lines and I cannot view them clearly. Are there any solutions like scrolling into one figure?
I believe the Scroll SubPlot submission to the file exchange is what you are looking for.

5-dimensional plotting in matlab for classification

I want to create a 5 dimensional plotting in matlab. I have two files in my workspace. one is data(150*4). In this file, I have 150 data and each has 4 features. Since I want to classify them, I have another file called "labels" (150*1) that includes a label for each data in data files. In other words the label are the class of data and I have 3 class: 1,2,3
I want to plot this classification, but i can't...
You need to think about what kind of plot you want to see. 5 dimensions are difficult to visualize, unless of course, your hyper-dimensional monitor is working. Mine never came back from the repair shop. (That should teach me for sending it out.)
Seriously, 5 dimensional data really can be difficult to visualize. The usual solution is to plot points in a 2-d space (the screen coordinates of a figure, for example. This is what plot essentially does.) Then use various attributes of the points plotted to show the other three dimensions. This is what Chernoff faces do for you. If you have the stats toolbox, then it looks like glyphplot will help you out. Or you can plot in 3-d, then use two attributes to show the other two dimensions.
Another idea is to plot points in 2-d to show two of the dimensions, then use color to indicate the other three dimensions. Thus, the RGB assigned to that marker will be defined by the other three dimensions. Of course, that means you must be able to visualize what the RGB coordinates of a color represent, so you need to understand color as it is represented in an RGB space.
You can use scatter3 to plot your data, using three features of data as dimensions, the fourth as color, and the class as different markers
figure,hold on
markerList = 'o*+';
for iClass = 1:nClasses
classIdx = dataClass==iClass;
When you use color to represent one of the features, I suggest to use a good colormap, such as pmkmp from the Matlab File Exchange instead of the default jet.
Alternatively, you can use e.g. mdscale to transform your higher-dimensional data to 2D for standard plotting.
There's a model called SOM (Self-organizing Maps) which builds a 2-D image of a multidimensional space.