Ionic splash not generating full screen image - ionic-framework

There is not much about splash screen for ionic. According to documentation it should be very simple.
What I did then was to download the psd-file from here:
Then I created my artwork which is 1200X1200 pixels. I copied the artwork and put it in the middle of the psd-file.
After that, I just run the command to generate the splash screens for the various devices (testing ios right now).
When I start the app, the splash screen doesn't cover all the screen. It is centered vertically and above and below there are a lot of empty pixels. What am I doing wrong?

Actually ionic Splash screen pixels should be 2208pixels.
Then you have to Replace your splash screen in your resources file with your splash screen.
Then run ionic resources --splash command in your terminal to load your splash screen and that should do the trick.
To know more about ionic-splash look here ionic-doc.


Flutter - Splash Screen Setting

I want to set Splash Screen with an image.
It doesn't work properly.
Let me show you my settings.
So I changed the part as
But when I open app splash screen image is not launch_image.
But the splash image is ic_launcher.png image
I want to set ic_laucher.png as icon image
and I want to set launch_image.png as splash screen image.
Can you let me know how to do it?
I maintain a package on that sets up the splash screen for you automatically: I think you will find it a lot easier than setting up the splash screen manually.

Add loading spinner to splash screen

I just added a splash screen to my app using flutter_native_splash package, and it works really fine.
How can I add a loading spinner to my splash screen?
From their documentation,
Are animations/lottie/GIF images supported? #
Not at this time. However, you may want to consider a secondary splash screen that supports animation. See the secondary splash screen recommendation.
You can only display an image as a splash screen as of now.

Ionic splash screen size

I have added a splash screen to my Ionic App.
I have followed the official Ionic Framework procedure.
Everithing work but the splash screen on device is not like the real image because the circle in the center is became an oval.
Could anyone say me something more about this problem or give me a solution?

Screen is not full after deleting LaunchScreen from Info

I do not need in LaunchScreen, so I have deleted this line from myApp->Info in XCode. But after deleting those line my screen became:
It's not full screen. Do you see black parts? How can I fix it?
Add launch images for all screen sizes, that's how iOS determines supported device sizes.
Launch images are a good idea to give your user initial feedback instead of presenting a black screen - but if that's what you want, make a set of black images.
Simply Add Default-568h#2x.png splash screen & than try again.
It will work.
There might be a question raised why we need to add a splash to resolve this issue ?
Answer is because UIView takes size on basis of Splash screen you have added.
Default-568#2x.png is the Splash screen for App. That will appear when we launch application.
Its default name for the iPhone 5 splash screen (because iPhone 5 screen resolution is 320x568 so Apple preferred it)
Yes you need to add splash screens for all devices including iPhone 4, 5, 6, 6+ & iPad.
To add splash screens for All devices:
Go to Targets -> General -> App Icons & Launch Images -> Click arrow on Launch Image Source.
See Image:
Than you will get this screen where you can add all Splash screens:

Splash images in iOS universal applications: setting no splash for one version but not the other

I have the universal application both for iPhone and iPad. I need to have the splash screen for the iPhone application but no launch image for the iPad version.
If I remove the iPad's splash screen image then it loads the iPhone one. I tried to set iPad's launch image key to empty string in application.plist manually but it leads to an ugly random image.
When developing a universal application, can one have the splash screen for the iPhone version but no splash for the iPad? If yes - how?
Why would you want to remove the splash screen? Only thing I can think of is to create a black image and use that as the splash screen to mimic the default black one.
You can create your splash screen and then can set the time to remove the splash screen or once the user tap on.
There are many tutorials around to create splash screen programmatically. Just use that and set the timer to remove the splash screen.
But there is the tricky solution for that as well, just take the screen shot of your home page and use as splash image and set the timer, so when the user click on any component he/she would not feel that the splash image was loading actually.