Screen is not full after deleting LaunchScreen from Info - iphone

I do not need in LaunchScreen, so I have deleted this line from myApp->Info in XCode. But after deleting those line my screen became:
It's not full screen. Do you see black parts? How can I fix it?

Add launch images for all screen sizes, that's how iOS determines supported device sizes.
Launch images are a good idea to give your user initial feedback instead of presenting a black screen - but if that's what you want, make a set of black images.

Simply Add Default-568h#2x.png splash screen & than try again.
It will work.
There might be a question raised why we need to add a splash to resolve this issue ?
Answer is because UIView takes size on basis of Splash screen you have added.
Default-568#2x.png is the Splash screen for App. That will appear when we launch application.
Its default name for the iPhone 5 splash screen (because iPhone 5 screen resolution is 320x568 so Apple preferred it)
Yes you need to add splash screens for all devices including iPhone 4, 5, 6, 6+ & iPad.
To add splash screens for All devices:
Go to Targets -> General -> App Icons & Launch Images -> Click arrow on Launch Image Source.
See Image:
Than you will get this screen where you can add all Splash screens:


Black bars showing when running app on iOS 7 (4 inch retina display)

We have an iPod app built with base SDK as 5.1.
App has a tabBarController with three tabs and each tab has a UIViewController to load a different view.
The app works fine for iOS 6.1 and iOS 7 (3.5 inch display) simulator and device but when we run the app on
iOS 7 (4 inch display simulator) or device we are getting black bars at the top and bottom of the view screen in all three tabs.
If anyone can suggest reason for this or some feasible solution to this problem, it would be really helpful for us.
First thing is that you must add the required default image for 4 inch screen display. Check Properly in you project have image with name Default-568h#2x.png (640 × 1136 pixels)
This Default-568h#2x.png is Necessary for Support app in 4 inch Screen display
Ones you add this image in to you working Project, Remove old Build from device or Simulatore, clear Project and re build and check Hope you issue will solve.
After fix the black Bar issue you can check the device like my answer Give here check this:-
Detect device type
you have two choice if you can't use AutoLayout
Create two xib with same class one for 3.5 inch screen and one for 4 inch screen set using macro with checking which screen appear.
Set Self.view frame using macro with checking which screen appear.
There are also other methods you can use for set self.view frame as using window frame or UIScreen
My problem was I accidentally deleted the value found here:
I added back LaunchScreen, and made sure there was a LaunchScreen.xib. Maybe it will help some others.
Ive had the same problem - black bars at the top and bottom. It was simply solved by setting the drop down in "App Icons and Launch Images" to Main_iPhone:
App Icons and Launch Images Screen Shot
I was facing same problem . I just added launch image and it worked for me.
XCode->Click on Project File -> Select Target-> App Icons and Launch Images -> Add launch image source
This worked!
Pay attention to Step#5 and Step#6 below:
1.In xcode, Click on the Project file in Project Navigator
2.Click General tab
3.Type "Main_iPhone" in the Launch Screen File field
5.Remove the app from device or simulator
6.Then in Xcode go to Product Menu and then select Clean
7.Build again

Launch settings iphone5

Ok, I believe I have a problem with the launch setting not fitting iPhone 5. This is not a splash issue because the status bar is about an inch away from the top . This is what happens as soon as the splash screen comes on. How do I optimize it to launch with iPhone 5 support?
Hey you can do as folllows, I hope you might get some help.
Set a 4-inch launch image for your app. for that you have to get 1136px screen height ..otherwies you will get black screen

Wrong iPhone launch image displayed when iPhone app is launched on iPad

I have developed a straight iPhone/iPod Touch app.
A launch image is implemented for Retina displays as well as the lower resolution of the former generation devices.
Those images are displayed properly on the iPhone simulator as well as on several iPhone an iPod Touch devices.
However, since some days, when launched on an iPad (1) or iPad simulator one of the other images within the app is shown.
Apparently the image that is displayed wrongly, is one of two amongst ca. 70 images within the app. Those two images happen to be either
1. the first image in my xcode project groups hierarchy.
2. the first image in my project in alphabetical order.
I did not yet find a pattern of when 1. or 2. happens, so when the first image in the project's hierarchy of groups is taken or when the first in alphabetical order is taken. But it seems to be one of these two files only.
Any idea what I probably did wrong so that a wrong image is picked as launch image of this iPhone-only app whenever it is launched on an iPad?
Thanks in advance.
Try inserting an image named Default.png into Xcode. That's all, just drag it in. Xcode recognizes any picture named Default.png as the loading image. That should make it work.
To expand a little on Jack's answer - you can indeed use an image named Default.png which will automatically be used as a launch image for your app.
However,you can also customise the launch image for particular hardware and device orientations by using images of a particular size and name - for example, a 768x1004 pixel image named Default-Portrait~ipad.png added to your project will be automatically used as the launch image when you launch the app on an iPad in portrait orientation.
The use of these customised images is highly recommended, as it allows the launch image to be sized appropriately for the different shapes of screen (i.e. iPhone and iPad), and allows high resolution launch images to be used on Retina display devices.
For a list of these sizes and image names, see this page. The items of interest are the ones beginning with "Default"
All iPhone apps have a splash screen, or what Apple refers to as a “launch image”. It is the screen that is displayed immediately after you press your app’s icon on the home screen, while the app icons are sweeping away and your app is zooming into view.
Some apps opt not to display a splash screen and go for a black screen, which is the default behaviour when you create an app. Others display a wireframe of the app’s interface in order to look like it is loading faster. See Apple’s native apps such as Clock and Camera for good examples of this. The most common use of the splash screen (especially in games) is to present a company or game logo, as we do in Addicus:
Apple has made it so easy to set your splash screen that you don’t even need a single line of code to do it. Why, you don’t even need to change a setting. Here’s how to set your splash screen it in just 2 steps:
Add a file to your project’s Resource folder called Default.png.
There is no step 2. Take this time to reflect on how good life is.
And that’s it. Run your app and your splash screen will zoom into glorious view.
A couple of things to watch out for when working with splash screens:
Whatever image you give it will be scaled to fill the 320×480 resolution of the iPhone, so ideally you would use a 320×480-sized image.
If your iPhone app is running in landscape mode, you need to rotate the splash screen you use. For example, our splash screen is rotated 90 degrees to the right in the above image.
See more at:

Splash images in iOS universal applications: setting no splash for one version but not the other

I have the universal application both for iPhone and iPad. I need to have the splash screen for the iPhone application but no launch image for the iPad version.
If I remove the iPad's splash screen image then it loads the iPhone one. I tried to set iPad's launch image key to empty string in application.plist manually but it leads to an ugly random image.
When developing a universal application, can one have the splash screen for the iPhone version but no splash for the iPad? If yes - how?
Why would you want to remove the splash screen? Only thing I can think of is to create a black image and use that as the splash screen to mimic the default black one.
You can create your splash screen and then can set the time to remove the splash screen or once the user tap on.
There are many tutorials around to create splash screen programmatically. Just use that and set the timer to remove the splash screen.
But there is the tricky solution for that as well, just take the screen shot of your home page and use as splash image and set the timer, so when the user click on any component he/she would not feel that the splash image was loading actually.

how to change the background of an iphone app when it launches?

Everything is in the title but I have to make myself clear :
I don't mean : how to automatically change the background of the app once it has finished launching.
What I mean is : when you first launch the app, before the first view is loaded by the iphone there is a black screen. Is it possible to change this black screen which I get when waiting for the first view to appear? I'd like to put a picture instead.
You need to set a Default.png and a Default#2x.png (for retina) and all the work is done for you. Or if you have payed to be a developer, download xcode 4 gm, and you can double click on the loading screen area and you can have it named what ever you wanted.
Just add a picture called "Default.png" to the project (size of the iPhone screen) and it'll automatically appear.
You can add Default.png and it's variations to your project. This image will be displayed as splash screen during application startup (before the first view is loaded).
Search for Application Launch Images at ...
You must specify Launch image
The docs here explain the different types of launch images can should use: