Postgres: Perform statement and limit - postgresql

I have the following query which I run every night.
perform distinct fn_debtor_summary( clientacc) from client where not clientacc is null;
However because the function is quite slow, when I debug I like to debug off a small subset of data, so I use the following query.
perform distinct fn_debtor_summary( clientacc) from client where not clientacc is null limit 10;
However I find that the limit doesn't work and it runs the function against the whole table.
Any ideas why this is happening and how I could run it against a small subset of the data without creating temporary tables?

PostgreSQL runs functions on every row in the PERFORM query, before applying the limit. So even through it returns only 10, it will still run the function more than 10 times.
the solution is to use a subquery, interestingly PERFORM doesnt work, but a SELECT will work as well.
select fn_debtor_summary( limitclients.clientacc) from (select clientacc from client limit 1) limitclients;


In PostgreSQL, is there a CLI command to copy the speed of a SELECT statement as well as the SELECT statement into a text file (without the data)?

I am currently comparing performance of PostgreSQL with several other SQL systems. I am aware of the \timing option to turn on timing queries. However, I would very much like to automate the process of copying the statements executed and the query speed below it. I imagine there is a simple way to log this?
Let's say I run:
SELECT itemID, prodCategory
FROM products
WHERE prodCategory = "footwear"
I want to automatically save into a text file:
SELECT itemID, prodCategory
FROM products
WHERE prodCategory = "footwear"
Time: 10.884 ms
If OS Specifications are needed, I am using MacOS.
I just learned that you can use the:
script filename
command to save everything that is printed on your screen. If timing is on, you can record the queries and the query time outputs.
To stop recording, simply type exit.


My function should return a TABLE which is created by lots of joins and is relatively "big".
If inside of my function i put return query select <complex query goes here>; then it takes ages (more like 10-15 mins) to run.
However, if instead of returning a TABLE, I return VOID and simply create a table within function body - it finished under 1 min.
The same goes for running this "complex query" as select <complex query goes here> VS create table <table name> as select <complex query goes here> and then select * from <table_name>.
Why is there such a difference in execution time?
P.S. The select clause of the query has around 35 columns with some logic inside.
P.P.S. The query returns only about 90K rows, so I doubt that it is the time that takes to send the data over the network
select differs from create table as select in manner where you use the data, first will send data to the client and the latter will save it to disk server side.
Possible reasons could be slow link, and "feature" of the client. According to the fact that local psql running \copy (select * from) to 'local_file' took 3 seconds and yet PgAdmin took ages to display sam data, I assume you version PgAdmin (or any version at all) is not meant for your amount of data to display (as you say 36MB). So it was not the link, but the client.

SAS SQL Pass Through

I would like to know what gets executed first in the SAS SQL pass thru in this code:
Connect To OLEDB As MYDB ( %DBConnect( Catalog = MYDB ) ) ;
Create table MYDB_extract as
select put(Parent,$ABC.) as PARENT,
put(PFX,z2.) as PFX,*
From Connection To MYDB
FROM MYDB.dbo.FlatRecord
WHERE Appointment between '20150801' and '20150831'
And Children > 2);
Disconnect from MYDB;
Since MS SQL-Server doesn't support the PUT function will this query cause ALL of the records to be processed locally or only the resultant records from the DBMS?
The explicit pass-through query will still process and will return to SAS what it returns (however many records that is). Then, SAS will perform the put operations on the returned rows.
So if 10000 rows are in the table, and 500 rows meet the criteria in where, 500 records will go to SAS and then be put; SQL will handle the 10000 -> 500.
If you had written this in implicit pass through, then it's possible (if not probable) that SAS might have done all of the work.
First the code in the inline view will be executed on the server:
SELECT Appointment,Parents,Children,Cats,Dogs
FROM MYDB.dbo.FlatRecord
WHERE Appointment between '20150801' and '20150831' And Children > 2
Rows that meet that WHERE clause will be returned by the DBMS to SAS over the OLDEB connection.
Then SAS will (try and) select from that result set, applying any other code, including the put functions.
This isn't really any different from how an inline view works in any other DBMS, except that here you have two different database engines, one running the inner query and SAS running the outer query.

Query runs slow when NVL is used in Oracle

I have a view when I query this view it runs slow. However if I remove NVL function it is running fast.
I have checked execution plan, when NVL function is used it is not using any index. If NVL function is not used it is index. I tried to specify the index as hint but it did not help. Not sure whether the hint is considered or not while executing.
Below is the view and the query used to create the view.
select NVL(table1.a,table2.a) a,table2.b from table1 join table2 on
The query that I am using on view is
select * from test where a='XYZ'
Any thoughts what should I do to make above query run fast?
Not sure if you got an answer to this already - You would need to use a Functional based index using NVL(a). By default Oracle will not index null columns, so when you query using NVL, it will perform a full table scan.

Is ST_GeomFromText better than providing direct geometry?

I have been working with postgis recently,and in my query if I use ST_GeomFromText it execute faster than running a sub-query to get geom.
I thought ST_GeomFromText will be more expensive but after running many tests every time I got the result faster, my question Is there any explanation behind this?
because for me getting the geom directly in sub-query is better than getting geom as text then added as GeomFromText.
Your issue is that the issues are different. ST_GeomFromText is going to be an immutable function, so the output depends on the input only. This means the planner can execute it once at the beginning of the query. Running a subquery means you are having to look up the geometry, which means disk access, etc. In the first, you have a little bit of CPU activity, executed once for the query, and on the second you have disk lookups.
So the answer to some extent depends on what you are doing with it. In general, you can assume that the optimizer will handle things like type conversions on input, where those are not dependent on settings, quite well.
Think about it this way.
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE my_geom = ST_GeomFromText(....);
This gets converted into something like the following pseudocode:
private_geom = ST_GeomFromText(....);
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE my_geom = private_geom;
Then that query gets planned and executed.
Obviously you don't want to be adding round trips just to avoid in-query lookups, but where you know the geometry, you might as well specify it via ST_GeomFromText(....) in your query.