SELECT vs CREATE TABLE AS SELECT execution time - postgresql

My function should return a TABLE which is created by lots of joins and is relatively "big".
If inside of my function i put return query select <complex query goes here>; then it takes ages (more like 10-15 mins) to run.
However, if instead of returning a TABLE, I return VOID and simply create a table within function body - it finished under 1 min.
The same goes for running this "complex query" as select <complex query goes here> VS create table <table name> as select <complex query goes here> and then select * from <table_name>.
Why is there such a difference in execution time?
P.S. The select clause of the query has around 35 columns with some logic inside.
P.P.S. The query returns only about 90K rows, so I doubt that it is the time that takes to send the data over the network

select differs from create table as select in manner where you use the data, first will send data to the client and the latter will save it to disk server side.
Possible reasons could be slow link, and "feature" of the client. According to the fact that local psql running \copy (select * from) to 'local_file' took 3 seconds and yet PgAdmin took ages to display sam data, I assume you version PgAdmin (or any version at all) is not meant for your amount of data to display (as you say 36MB). So it was not the link, but the client.


How do I chain a VACUUM off of a purge routine running with pg_cron?

Postgres 13.4
I've got some pg_cron jobs set up to periodically delete older records out of log-like files. What I'd like to do is to run VACUUM ANALYZE after performing a purge. Unfortunately, I can't work out how to do this in a stored function. Am I missing a trick? Is a stored procedure more appropriate?
As an example, here's one of my purge routines
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dba.purge_event_log (
retain_days_in integer_positive default 14)
WITH -- Use a CTE so that we've got a way of returning the count easily.
deleted AS (
-- Normal-looking code for this requires a literal:
-- where your_dts < now() - INTERVAL '14 days'
-- Don't want to use a literal, SQL injection, etc.
-- Instead, using a interval constructor to achieve the same result:
FROM dba.event_log
WHERE dts < now() - make_interval (days => $1)
-- Save details to a custom log table
logit AS (
insert into dba.event_log (name, details)
values ('purge_event_log(' || retain_days_in::text || ')',
'count = ' || (select count(*)::text from deleted)
-- Return result count
select count(*) from deleted;
COMMENT ON FUNCTION dba.purge_event_log (integer_positive) IS
'Delete dba.event_log records older than the day count passed in, with a default retention period of 14 days.';
The truth is, I don't really care about the count(*) result from this routine, in this case. But I might want a result and an additional action in some other, similar context. As you can see, the routine deletes records, uses a CTE to insert a report into another table, and then returns a result. No matter what, I figure this example is a good way to get me head around the alternatives and options in stored functions. The main thing I want to achieve here is to delete records, and then run maintenance. if this is an awkward fit for a stored function or procedure, I could write out an entry to a vacuum_list table with the table name, and have another job to run though that list.
If there's a smarter way to approach vacuum without the extra, I'm of course interested in that. But I'm also interested in understanding the limits on what operationa you can combine in PL/PgSQL routines.
Pavel Stehule' answer is correct and complete. I decided to follow-up a bit here as I like to dig in on bugs in my code, behaviors in Postgres, etc. to get a better sense of what I'm dealing with. I'm including some notes below for anyone who finds them of use.
COMMAND cannot be executed...
The reference to "VACUUM cannot be executed inside a transaction block" gave me a better way to search the docs for similarly restricted commands. The information below probably doesn't cover everything, but it's a start.
Command Limitation
ALTER DATABASE If creating a new table space.
CLUSTER Without any parameters.
REINDEX All in system catalogs, database, or schema.
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION When creating a replication slot (the default behavior.)
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION With refresh option as true.
DROP SUBSCRIPTION If the subscription is associated with a replication slot.
The accepted answer indicates that the limitation has nothing to do with the specific server-side language used. I've just come across an older thread that has some excellent explanations and links for stored functions and transactions:
Do stored procedures run in database transaction in Postgres?
Sample Code
I also wondered about stored procedures, as they're allowed to control transactions. I tried them out in PG 13 and, no, the code is treated like a stored function, down to the error messages.
For anyone that goes in for this sort of thing, here are the "hello world" samples of sQL and PL/PgSQL stored functions and procedures to test out how VACCUM behaves in these cases. Spoiler: It doesn't work, as advertised.
SQL Function
select * from dba.vacuum_sql_function();
ERROR: VACUUM cannot be executed from a function
CONTEXT: SQL function "vacuum_sql_function" statement 1. 0.000 seconds. (Line 13).
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS dba.vacuum_sql_function();
CREATE FUNCTION dba.vacuum_sql_function()
AS $sql_code$
select * from dba.vacuum_sql_function(); -- Fails.
PL/PgSQL Function
select * from dba.vacuum_plpgsql_function();
ERROR: VACUUM cannot be executed from a function
CONTEXT: SQL statement "VACUUM ANALYZE activity"
PL/pgSQL function vacuum_plpgsql_function() line 4 at SQL statement. 0.000 seconds. (Line 22).
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS dba.vacuum_plpgsql_function();
CREATE FUNCTION dba.vacuum_plpgsql_function()
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $plpgsql_code$
select * from dba.vacuum_plpgsql_function();
SQL Procedure
call dba.vacuum_sql_procedure();
ERROR: VACUUM cannot be executed from a function
CONTEXT: SQL function "vacuum_sql_procedure" statement 1. 0.000 seconds. (Line 20).
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS dba.vacuum_sql_procedure();
CREATE PROCEDURE dba.vacuum_sql_procedure()
AS $sql_code$
call dba.vacuum_sql_procedure();
PL/PgSQL Procedure
call dba.vacuum_plpgsql_procedure();
ERROR: VACUUM cannot be executed from a function
CONTEXT: SQL statement "VACUUM ANALYZE activity"
PL/pgSQL function vacuum_plpgsql_procedure() line 4 at SQL statement. 0.000 seconds. (Line 23).
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS dba.vacuum_plpgsql_procedure();
CREATE PROCEDURE dba.vacuum_plpgsql_procedure()
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $plpgsql_code$
call dba.vacuum_plpgsql_procedure();
Other Options
Plenty. As I understand it, VACUUM, and a handful of other commands, are not supported in server-side code running within Postgres. Therefore, you code needs to start from somewhere else. That can be:
Whatever cron you've got in your server's OS.
Any exteral client you like.
As we're deployed on RDS, those last two options are where I'll look. And there's one more:
Let AUTOVACCUM and an occasional VACCUM do their thing.
That's pretty easy to do, and seems to work fine for the bulk of our needs.
Another Idea
If you do want a bit more control and some custom logging, I'm imagining a table like this:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dba.vacuum_list (
database_name text,
schema_name text,
table_name text,
run boolean,
run_analyze boolean,
run_full boolean,
last_run_dts timestamp)
PRIMARY KEY (database_name, schema_name, table_name);
That's just a sketch. The idea is like this:
You INSERT into vacuum_list when a table needs some vacuuming, at least as far as you're concerned.
In my case, that would be an UPSERT as I don't need a full log-like table, just a single row per table of interest with the last outcome and/or pending state.
Periodically, a remote client, etc. connects, reads the table, and executes each specified VACUUM, according to the options specified in the record.
The external client updates the row with the last run timestamp, and whatever else you're including in the row.
Optionally, you could include fields for duration and change in relation size pre:post vacuuming.
That last option is what I'm interested in. None of our VACUUM calls were working for quite some time as there was a months-old dead connection from something sever-side. VACUUM appears to run fine, in such a case, it just can't delete a whole lot of rows. (Because of the super old "open" transaction ID, visibility maps, etc.) The only way to see this sort of thing seems to be to VACUUM VERBOSE and study the output. Or to record vacuum time and, more important, relation size change to flag cases where nothing seems to happen, when it seems like it should.
VACUUM is "top level" command. It cannot be executed from PL/pgSQL ever or from any other PL.


I'm trying to execute and insert query to a linked server in SQL Server.
For that I'm using INSERT INTO OPENQUERY statement.
The linked server is an Apache HIVE using Cloudera ODBC Provider.
The insert operation takes around 1 minute in my setup when performed from HIVE client.
However, SQL INSERT always times out after 30 seconds.
I set the Query Timeout parameter to 0 but it seems to be not affecting INSERT statement, however, it is working fine for SELECT statements taking longer time.
Is this a known limitation?
Is there a way to change the timeout for the insert statement when using OPENQUERY?
I would like to clarify the setup I'm working with.
---------- ---------------------- ---------------
| MS SQL | => Linked Server => | Hive ODBC Provider | => | Hive Server |
---------- ---------------------- ---------------
In Hive, I have a table called calc_result where I would like to periodically store calculation results from the SQL server. For example, I try to insert using a query like this.
insert openquery(HIVE, 'select timestamp timestamp , tag tag, value value from calc_result')
values('2019-04-22 11:50:41', 'test',2.0)
The insert operation is captured correctly by HIVE server and a MapReduce job starts. However, the job will be killed after 30 seconds due to timeout.
The SQL server will show the below error message.
OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "HIVE" returned message "[Cloudera][Hardy] (72) Query execution timeout expired.".
However, SELECT OPENQUERY works fine and would follow Query Timeout settings of the linked server (Which is set to 0 in this case).
Edit that is completely different use case from what I've imagined. In that case there should not be any difference in select/insert.
As you have configured your linked server timeout, there is a second place in the linked server properties you can check a Command Timeout setting in the provider string:
Other option that comes into my mind is instance wide timout. Default set for 600 seconds (10 minutes) which is way above your 30 seconds. However, you can still try it to see if there is any impact.
For infinite wait:
sp_configure 'show advanced options',1
sp_configure 'remote query timeout (s)',0
I would try using SELECT INTO temporary table and then materializing it using regular INSERT INTO:
SELECT c1, c2
INTO #temp_tab
FROM OPENQUERY(mylinkedserver, 'SELECT c1, c2 FROM remote_table');
INSERT INTO normal_table(col1, col2)
SELECT c1, c2
FROM #temp_tab;
You could try wrapping it with transaction and remove aliases:
insert openquery(HIVE, 'select timestamp, tag, value from calc_result')
values('2019-04-22 11:50:41', 'test',2.0);
If necessary set up DTC: How can I enable distributed transactions for a linked server?
While I didn't find a way to change OPENQUERYtimeout from 30 seconds, I found that using EXEC AT Linked Server to work fine for INSERT queries while adhering to timeout settings.
I accidentally stumbled upon the solution in this 2009 blog post. Databases might not be my strength, but I feel SQL Server documentation can be improved. A simple page that lists possible ways to interact with a Linked Server could've saved me lots of retries.

In PostgreSQL, is there a CLI command to copy the speed of a SELECT statement as well as the SELECT statement into a text file (without the data)?

I am currently comparing performance of PostgreSQL with several other SQL systems. I am aware of the \timing option to turn on timing queries. However, I would very much like to automate the process of copying the statements executed and the query speed below it. I imagine there is a simple way to log this?
Let's say I run:
SELECT itemID, prodCategory
FROM products
WHERE prodCategory = "footwear"
I want to automatically save into a text file:
SELECT itemID, prodCategory
FROM products
WHERE prodCategory = "footwear"
Time: 10.884 ms
If OS Specifications are needed, I am using MacOS.
I just learned that you can use the:
script filename
command to save everything that is printed on your screen. If timing is on, you can record the queries and the query time outputs.
To stop recording, simply type exit.

SAS SQL Pass Through

I would like to know what gets executed first in the SAS SQL pass thru in this code:
Connect To OLEDB As MYDB ( %DBConnect( Catalog = MYDB ) ) ;
Create table MYDB_extract as
select put(Parent,$ABC.) as PARENT,
put(PFX,z2.) as PFX,*
From Connection To MYDB
FROM MYDB.dbo.FlatRecord
WHERE Appointment between '20150801' and '20150831'
And Children > 2);
Disconnect from MYDB;
Since MS SQL-Server doesn't support the PUT function will this query cause ALL of the records to be processed locally or only the resultant records from the DBMS?
The explicit pass-through query will still process and will return to SAS what it returns (however many records that is). Then, SAS will perform the put operations on the returned rows.
So if 10000 rows are in the table, and 500 rows meet the criteria in where, 500 records will go to SAS and then be put; SQL will handle the 10000 -> 500.
If you had written this in implicit pass through, then it's possible (if not probable) that SAS might have done all of the work.
First the code in the inline view will be executed on the server:
SELECT Appointment,Parents,Children,Cats,Dogs
FROM MYDB.dbo.FlatRecord
WHERE Appointment between '20150801' and '20150831' And Children > 2
Rows that meet that WHERE clause will be returned by the DBMS to SAS over the OLDEB connection.
Then SAS will (try and) select from that result set, applying any other code, including the put functions.
This isn't really any different from how an inline view works in any other DBMS, except that here you have two different database engines, one running the inner query and SAS running the outer query.

Postgres: Perform statement and limit

I have the following query which I run every night.
perform distinct fn_debtor_summary( clientacc) from client where not clientacc is null;
However because the function is quite slow, when I debug I like to debug off a small subset of data, so I use the following query.
perform distinct fn_debtor_summary( clientacc) from client where not clientacc is null limit 10;
However I find that the limit doesn't work and it runs the function against the whole table.
Any ideas why this is happening and how I could run it against a small subset of the data without creating temporary tables?
PostgreSQL runs functions on every row in the PERFORM query, before applying the limit. So even through it returns only 10, it will still run the function more than 10 times.
the solution is to use a subquery, interestingly PERFORM doesnt work, but a SELECT will work as well.
select fn_debtor_summary( limitclients.clientacc) from (select clientacc from client limit 1) limitclients;