Query runs slow when NVL is used in Oracle - oracle10g

I have a view when I query this view it runs slow. However if I remove NVL function it is running fast.
I have checked execution plan, when NVL function is used it is not using any index. If NVL function is not used it is index. I tried to specify the index as hint but it did not help. Not sure whether the hint is considered or not while executing.
Below is the view and the query used to create the view.
select NVL(table1.a,table2.a) a,table2.b from table1 join table2 on table1.id=table2.id
The query that I am using on view is
select * from test where a='XYZ'
Any thoughts what should I do to make above query run fast?

Not sure if you got an answer to this already - You would need to use a Functional based index using NVL(a). By default Oracle will not index null columns, so when you query using NVL, it will perform a full table scan.


How to perform same SQL query on many tables using FOR IN LOOP statement?

I am just starting with functions and it seems like I went a bit over my head with this one)
So for example I need to execute SELECT * FROM <table> query. I need this query to be executed for all tables I have.
And list of table names is just another table, so to get all table names I have to execute SELECT table_names FROM meta_table_info
How can I do this for many tables using some sort of cycle?
Thank you beforehand.

updating table rows in postgres using subquery with jooq

I would like to execute and update similar to this:
UPDATE dummy
SET customer=subquery.customer,
FROM (SELECT address_id, customer, address, partn
FROM dummy) AS subquery
WHERE dummy.address_id=subquery.address_id;
Taken from this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6258586/411965
I found this and wondered if this can auto converted to jooq fluent syntax.
What is the equivalent jooq query? specifically, how do I perform the outer when referencing the subquery?
Assuming you're using code generation, do it like this:
Table<?> subquery = table(
.set(DUMMY.CUSTOMER, subquery.field(DUMMY.CUSTOMER))
.set(DUMMY.ADDRESS, subquery.field(DUMMY.ADDRESS))
.set(DUMMY.PARTN, subquery.field(DUMMY.PARTN))
Of course, the query makes no sense it is, because you're just going to touch every row without modifying it, but since you copied the SQL from another answer, I'm assuming your subquery's dummy table is really something else.

Indexing using pg_trgm module not working while using more than one OR operator in the where condition inside the query in postgresql 9.4

Indexing using pg_trgm module not working for me while using more than one OR operator in the where condition. Query is given below.
FROM registration
data->>'firstName' LIKE '%lali%' OR
data->>'spouseName' LIKE '%lali%' OR
data->>'vhnName' LIKE '%lali%' OR
data ->> 'subCentreName' LIKE '%lali%'
When I run the above I get sequence scan but I expect index scan to happen.
I am using JsonB.
I tried out both gist and gin indexing for all the columns mentioned in the where clause in above query but indexing didn't work for both.
How to do indexing for the case if we use multiple OR operators inside where clause?
A pattern starting with % is worthless in a index search since it can start with anything.

Postgres: Perform statement and limit

I have the following query which I run every night.
perform distinct fn_debtor_summary( clientacc) from client where not clientacc is null;
However because the function is quite slow, when I debug I like to debug off a small subset of data, so I use the following query.
perform distinct fn_debtor_summary( clientacc) from client where not clientacc is null limit 10;
However I find that the limit doesn't work and it runs the function against the whole table.
Any ideas why this is happening and how I could run it against a small subset of the data without creating temporary tables?
PostgreSQL runs functions on every row in the PERFORM query, before applying the limit. So even through it returns only 10, it will still run the function more than 10 times.
the solution is to use a subquery, interestingly PERFORM doesnt work, but a SELECT will work as well.
select fn_debtor_summary( limitclients.clientacc) from (select clientacc from client limit 1) limitclients;

Is ST_GeomFromText better than providing direct geometry?

I have been working with postgis recently,and in my query if I use ST_GeomFromText it execute faster than running a sub-query to get geom.
I thought ST_GeomFromText will be more expensive but after running many tests every time I got the result faster, my question Is there any explanation behind this?
because for me getting the geom directly in sub-query is better than getting geom as text then added as GeomFromText.
Your issue is that the issues are different. ST_GeomFromText is going to be an immutable function, so the output depends on the input only. This means the planner can execute it once at the beginning of the query. Running a subquery means you are having to look up the geometry, which means disk access, etc. In the first, you have a little bit of CPU activity, executed once for the query, and on the second you have disk lookups.
So the answer to some extent depends on what you are doing with it. In general, you can assume that the optimizer will handle things like type conversions on input, where those are not dependent on settings, quite well.
Think about it this way.
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE my_geom = ST_GeomFromText(....);
This gets converted into something like the following pseudocode:
private_geom = ST_GeomFromText(....);
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE my_geom = private_geom;
Then that query gets planned and executed.
Obviously you don't want to be adding round trips just to avoid in-query lookups, but where you know the geometry, you might as well specify it via ST_GeomFromText(....) in your query.