DB visualizer tool, not able to show data while run sp - dbvisualizer

Issue in using dbvisualier tool:
While sp can be executed, no result output showing up. This SP is tested ok to show data with others DBvisualizer.
by simply testing sp_helptext, its not able to showing output with notification as :
17:37:15 [SP_HELPTEXT - 0 row(s), 0.167 secs] Command processed. No
rows were affected Code: 0 SQL State: 010P4 --- 010P4: An output
parameter was received and ignored. ... 1 statement(s) executed, 0
row(s) affected, exec/fetch time: 0.167/0.000 sec [0 successful, 1
warnings, 0 errors]
-It may not be issue with my logins or accounts permission, as i have tested and compared with FID.
-It may not be issue due to my DB visualizer version, as my colleague who has same version works fine, and i have upgraded to most recent version but still not working. the certification is new.
-I have also compared DB Visualizer tool properties with colleague who works fine, nothing different.


Why is the generation of my TYPO3 documentation failing without a proper error?

I have a new laptop and I try to render the Changelogs of TYPO3 locally based on the steps on https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/docs-how-to-document/master/en-us/RenderingDocs/Quickstart.html#render-documenation-with-docker. It continues until the end but show some non-zero exit codes at the end.
project : 0.0.0 : Makedir
makedir /ALL/Makedir
2021-02-16 10:32:50 654198, took: 173.34 seconds, toolchain: RenderDocumentation
REBUILD_NEEDED because of change, age 448186.6 of 168.0 hours, 18674.4 of 7.0 days
FINAL STATUS is: FAILURE (exitcode 255)
because HTML builder failed
exitcode: 0 39 ms
When I run the command in another documentation project, it renders just fine.
I found the issue with this. It seemed the docker container did not have enough memory allocated. I changed the available memory from 2 Gb to 4 Gb in Docker Desktop and this issue is solved with that.
You already solved the problem. But in case of similar errors: To get more information on a failure, you can also use this trick:
Create a directory tmp-GENERATED-temp before rendering. Usually, this is automatically created and then removedd after rendering. If you create it before rendering, you will find logfiles with more details in this directory.
See the Troubleshooting page.
I had some errors where I found the output in the console insufficient and this helped me to narrow down the problem.
In case of other problems, I would file an issue in the GitHub repo: https://github.com/t3docs/docker-render-documentation
Note: This is specific to TYPO3 docs rendering and may change in the future.

ERROR Failed to perform transaction: Transaction failed with vm status: Validation(UnknownScript)

I am following Diem (libra) documentation on My First Transaction, everything worked fine until Submit a Transaction. As mentioned in the following document, I tried to submit a transaction. https://developers.libra.org/docs/my-first-transaction#submit-a-transaction
But it fails with below error, tried going thru troubleshooting articles, but not much helpful.
libra% transfer 0 1 10
>> Transferring
[ERROR] Failed to perform transaction: Transaction failed with vm status: Validation(UnknownScript)
Wondering if anyone able to successfully submit the transaction.
OS: macos
Seems you are building the client cli off master branch, you may need to build using testnet instead. I faced the same issue, it worked after switching to testnet branch.
$ git checkout testnet
libra% transfer 0 1 10
>> Transferring
Transaction submitted to validator
To query for transaction status, run: query txn_acc_seq 0 0 <fetch_events=true|false

Randomly Login Timeout Expired errors from SQL 2000 DTS against SQL2008R2 databases

I have some JOBs running on SQL Server 2000, which are calling stored procedures or queries against remote SQL Servers (different editions).
The JOB calls a DTS, and is the DTS who does the remote connection and executes the Stored Procedure or gets a query results from the remote server.
This has been working without errors for years. I don't know why during the last month, I'm having randomly errors on these kind of jobs... I've read some other posts and seems to be related to a security issue, but I repeat, the most of times the jobs are working, only some runs are failing with the error.
Executed as user: SERVER\user. DTSRun: Loading... DTSRun: Executing...
DTSRun OnStart: DTSStep_DTSDynamicPropertiesTask_2 DTSRun OnError:
DTSStep_DTSDynamicPropertiesTask_2, Error = -2147467259 (80004005)
Error string: Login timeout expired Error source: Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server Help file: Help context: 0
Error Detail Records: Error: -2147467259 (80004005); Provider Error: 0 (0)
Error string: Login timeout expired Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Help file: Help context: 0 DTSRun OnFinish:
DTSStep_DTSDynamicPropertiesTask_2 DTSRun: Package execution complete.
Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.
I really don't know what to check. After reboot the server the problems are still there. Any help from you guys would be appreciated.
EDIT 2019-02-14 16:15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
One of the solutions I found has been to change the Remote Login Timeout property from the default 20 seconds to 30 seconds, or to 0 (Zero means without timeout), by executing the next code:
sp_configure 'remote login timeout', 30 --Or 0 seconds for infinite
reconfigure with override
From: https://support.microsoft.com/es-es/help/314530/error-message-when-you-execute-a-linked-server-query-in-sql-server-tim
I've tried this solution changing it to 30 seconds, but with the same result. Of course I didn't set it to 0 for obvious reasons, the timeouts are there for something. And also tried 300 seconds (5 minutes to make a login!) and still the same.
EDIT 2019-02-25 11:25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Very similar to my problem, still not solved...
For the moment I have a temp solution, and it is to increase the Connect Timeout on the Connection object.
It was blank (probably using its default value).
Since I changed this property (Connection Object > Advanced... > Connect Timeout) to 300 I'm not having the problems on these DTS. I leaved 2 DTS without the change to ensure I continued having the problem, and these are the only ones which continue having the problem. The changed ones are working fine now.

PlayFramework Hangs After Days

The server run successfully at one time, but it hangs after days with no error logs. Then, all requests would not get the response.
This is the start command with options
sudo /opt/dev -Dhttps.port=443 -Dhttp.port=9000 -J-Xms3277m -J-Xmx3277m -J-XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -J-Xmn2574M -J-XX:+UseConcMarkScMarkSweepGC -J-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -J-server &
/opt/dev is the script file generated from activator stage
===========server info==========
linux: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
ram: 4G
openjdk version "1.8.0_141"
===========process info========
15037 root 20 0 5978800 2.280g 31216 S 0.0 58.3 63:33.82 java
===========port info ===================
tcp6 :::9000 :::* LISTEN 15037/java
tcp6 :::443 :::* LISTEN 15037/java
===========other info==========
play version 2.3.2
scala version 2.11.1
akka setting
akka.jvm-exit-on-fatal-error = false
play.akka.jvm-exit-on-fatal-error = false
akka.default-dispatcher.fork-join-executor.pool-size-max =64
akka.actor.debug.receive = on
These steps could help identify the problem.. or they could be just first steps in this direction.
Try to start with adding -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/where/to/put/hprof according you start script params think you need to use -J-XX instead of -XX. This will create heap-dump in case of OOM.
Add logging in endpoints (at start and at end) to be able to check if play receives request or even this does not happen.
While you have unresponsive play, try to check open file descriptors and compare it with your limits. To check you can find pid of your java process and call sudo ls -al /proc/7333/fd/|wc -l to see your limits use ulimit -a.
Would be nice to try to control akka queues. For the case if you use same dispatcher for frontend requests purposes and for some backoffice processing (dispatcher could be filled with long background tasks)
I would do all the diagnostic steps that Evgeny suggested, plus:
Change "akka.jvm-exit-on-fatal-error" and "play.akka.jvm-exit-on-fatal-error" to true, this may be masking your problem.
Take a stack dump of the running process when it is in this state and use that to identify the problem or post it here. See How to get a complete stack trace of a running java program that is taking 100% cpu?

OrientDB 2.1.9 crashes with OStorageException EOFException when running SQL script in console

I've been using my SQL database initialization script for a while, but it seems that recently the database crashes in the middle of the execution and I don't know why, but here's some details:
I am running OrientDB on Ubuntu 14 Trusty x64 (via Vagrant)
It always seems to crash while the script attempts to create a UNIQUE_HASH_INDEX, but doesn't always crash at the same UNIQUE_HASH_INDEX instruction
The script creates a lot of vertices and edges, but for example, it will crash here (see line with UNIQUE_HASH_INDEX):
CREATE INDEX Channel.uq_channelId ON Channel(channelId) UNIQUE_HASH_INDEX;
The database crashes entirely with the following error:
Creating index... Error:
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OStorageException: Error
on executing command: sql.create INDEX Channel.uq_channelId ON
Channel(channelId) UNIQUE_HASH_INDEX
Error: java.io.EOFException
Looking at the log files, the only hint I get are the last two lines:
2016-01-14 17:17:05:437 INFO Received signal: SIGTERM [OSignalHandler]
2016-01-14 17:17:05:454 INFO Received signal: SIGTERM [OSignalHandler]
How can I resolve this issue, or at least get better hints as to what is making the database crash?
I also test with OrientDB 2.1.6, as I was running the older version initially. Same problem.
Sorry, false alarm -- this is a Vagrant issue, not an OrientDB issue. Running the exact same script on a 32bit instance instead of 64bit solved my problem, and installing the same script on a real 64bit server also works.