ERROR Failed to perform transaction: Transaction failed with vm status: Validation(UnknownScript) - facebook

I am following Diem (libra) documentation on My First Transaction, everything worked fine until Submit a Transaction. As mentioned in the following document, I tried to submit a transaction.
But it fails with below error, tried going thru troubleshooting articles, but not much helpful.
libra% transfer 0 1 10
>> Transferring
[ERROR] Failed to perform transaction: Transaction failed with vm status: Validation(UnknownScript)
Wondering if anyone able to successfully submit the transaction.
OS: macos

Seems you are building the client cli off master branch, you may need to build using testnet instead. I faced the same issue, it worked after switching to testnet branch.
$ git checkout testnet
libra% transfer 0 1 10
>> Transferring
Transaction submitted to validator
To query for transaction status, run: query txn_acc_seq 0 0 <fetch_events=true|false


Github pages Deploy Error: Error: Error: Request failed with status code 400 [duplicate]

This error is popping-up intermittently while trying to deploy my github webpages. I have no clue what to do, I already deleted and recreated the repository but the error persists. I have the same problem for all my github pages repositories.
Here is one repository example:
Run actions/deploy-pages#v1
Actor: github-pages[bot]
Action ID: 1998855719
Artifact URL:
Creating deployment with payload:
"artifact_url": "",
"pages_build_version": "bf8f96d22c5dd116a5d94ee24cd398bdda60035f",
"oidc_token": "***"
Failed to create deployment for bf8f96d22c5dd116a5d94ee24cd398bdda60035f.
{"message":"Deployment request failed for bf8f96d22c5dd116a5d94ee24cd398bdda60035f due to in progress deployment. Please cancel e92de3f483b775a12d4f784d7cc661ff2847fa62 first or wait for it to complete.","documentation_url":""}
Error: Error: Request failed with status code 400
Error: Error: Request failed with status code 400
Sending telemetry for run id 1998855719
GitHub Actions is currently experiencing degraded performance and published this on their status page. Therefore, you are most likely experiencing a side effect of the current problems. Other users are reporting the same issue as well. Try again later when the issue has been resolved by GitHub.
Update: More products are now affected and experience degraded performance. Check their status page for more details:
[It was a bug of GitHub, happens to all its users---date: 18/03/2022]
It happens to me today too.. :(
Maybe is a bug of GitHub pages:

Azure Devops - Release Pipeline when re-running failed tests azure devops shows failure status even if re-run succeeded

I use Specflow with SpecRunner+ I am using the Deafult.srprofile to to re-run failed tests 3 times in visual studio it shows 2passed 1 failed but the status of the test is a failure, the same goes for azure devops if a re-ran test passes the outcome of the run is a failure. The Failures are sometimes caused by locator timeouts or server timeouts not often but saw it happen few time thats why we decided to implement a re-run.
Could anyone help on this?
022-02-09T12:40:13.8607507Z Test Run Failed.
2022-02-09T12:40:13.8608607Z Total tests: 37
2022-02-09T12:40:13.8609271Z Passed: 36
2022-02-09T12:40:13.8609858Z Failed: 1
2022-02-09T12:40:13.8617476Z Total time: 7.4559 Minutes
2022-02-09T12:40:13.9226929Z ##[warning]Vstest failed with error. Check logs for failures. There might be failed tests.
2022-02-09T12:40:14.0075402Z ##[error]Error: The process 'D:\Microsoft_Visual_Studio\2019\Common7\IDE\Extensions\TestPlatform\vstest.console.exe' failed with exit code 1
2022-02-09T12:40:14.8164576Z ##[error]VsTest task failed.
But then the report states that it was retried 3 times which 2 of the retries were seccusefull but still a failure status on the azure devops run.
The behavior of the report is the correct one and sadly this can't be configured to be changed.
What you can do is to adjust how the results are reported back to Azure DevOps.
You can configure it via the VSTest element in the srProfile- File.
This example means, that at least one retry has to be passing:
<VSTest testRetryResults="Unified" passRateAbsolute="1"/>
Be aware that we have stopped the development of the SpecFlow+ Runner. More details here:

Randomly Login Timeout Expired errors from SQL 2000 DTS against SQL2008R2 databases

I have some JOBs running on SQL Server 2000, which are calling stored procedures or queries against remote SQL Servers (different editions).
The JOB calls a DTS, and is the DTS who does the remote connection and executes the Stored Procedure or gets a query results from the remote server.
This has been working without errors for years. I don't know why during the last month, I'm having randomly errors on these kind of jobs... I've read some other posts and seems to be related to a security issue, but I repeat, the most of times the jobs are working, only some runs are failing with the error.
Executed as user: SERVER\user. DTSRun: Loading... DTSRun: Executing...
DTSRun OnStart: DTSStep_DTSDynamicPropertiesTask_2 DTSRun OnError:
DTSStep_DTSDynamicPropertiesTask_2, Error = -2147467259 (80004005)
Error string: Login timeout expired Error source: Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server Help file: Help context: 0
Error Detail Records: Error: -2147467259 (80004005); Provider Error: 0 (0)
Error string: Login timeout expired Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Help file: Help context: 0 DTSRun OnFinish:
DTSStep_DTSDynamicPropertiesTask_2 DTSRun: Package execution complete.
Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.
I really don't know what to check. After reboot the server the problems are still there. Any help from you guys would be appreciated.
EDIT 2019-02-14 16:15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
One of the solutions I found has been to change the Remote Login Timeout property from the default 20 seconds to 30 seconds, or to 0 (Zero means without timeout), by executing the next code:
sp_configure 'remote login timeout', 30 --Or 0 seconds for infinite
reconfigure with override
I've tried this solution changing it to 30 seconds, but with the same result. Of course I didn't set it to 0 for obvious reasons, the timeouts are there for something. And also tried 300 seconds (5 minutes to make a login!) and still the same.
EDIT 2019-02-25 11:25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Very similar to my problem, still not solved...
For the moment I have a temp solution, and it is to increase the Connect Timeout on the Connection object.
It was blank (probably using its default value).
Since I changed this property (Connection Object > Advanced... > Connect Timeout) to 300 I'm not having the problems on these DTS. I leaved 2 DTS without the change to ensure I continued having the problem, and these are the only ones which continue having the problem. The changed ones are working fine now.


I have been working with HFC SDK for Node.js and it used to work, but since last night I am having some problems.
When running helloblockchain.js only few times works, most time I get this error when it tries to enroll a new user:
E0113 11:56:05.983919636 5288 handshake.c:128] Security handshake failed: {"created":"#1484304965.983872199","description":"Handshake read failed","file":"../src/core/lib/security/transport/handshake.c","file_line":237,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"#1484304965.983866102","description":"FD shutdown","file":"../src/core/lib/iomgr/ev_epoll_linux.c","file_line":948}]}
Error: Failed to register and enroll JohnDoe: Error
Other times, the enroll works and the failure appears deploying the chaincode:
Enrolled and registered JohnDoe successfully
Deploying chaincode ...
E0113 12:14:27.341527043 5455 handshake.c:128] Security handshake failed: {"created":"#1484306067.341430168","description":"Handshake read failed","file":"../src/core/lib/security/transport/handshake.c","file_line":237,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"#1484306067.341421859","description":"FD shutdown","file":"../src/core/lib/iomgr/ev_epoll_linux.c","file_line":948}]}
Failed to deploy chaincode: request={"fcn":"init","args":["a","100","b","200"],"chaincodePath":"chaincode","certificatePath":"/certs/peer/cert.pem"}, error={"error":{"code":14,"metadata":{"_internal_repr":{}}},"msg":"Error"}
Enrolled and registered JohnDoe successfully
Deploying chaincode ...
E0113 12:15:27.448867739 5483 handshake.c:128] Security handshake failed: {"created":"#1484306127.448692244","description":"Handshake read failed","file":"../src/core/lib/security/transport/handshake.c","file_line":237,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"#1484306127.448668047","description":"FD shutdown","file":"../src/core/lib/iomgr/ev_epoll_linux.c","file_line":948}]}
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
at ClientDuplexStream._emitStatusIfDone (/usr/lib/node_modules/hfc/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:189:19)
at ClientDuplexStream._readsDone (/usr/lib/node_modules/hfc/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:158:8)
at readCallback (/usr/lib/node_modules/hfc/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:217:12)
E0113 12:15:27.563487641 5483 handshake.c:128] Security handshake failed: {"created":"#1484306127.563437122","description":"Handshake read failed","file":"../src/core/lib/security/transport/handshake.c","file_line":237,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"#1484306127.563429661","description":"FD shutdown","file":"../src/core/lib/iomgr/ev_epoll_linux.c","file_line":948}]}
This code worked yesterday, so I don't know what could be happening.
Does anybody know how can I fix it?
These types of intermittent issues are usually related to GRPC. An initial suggestion is to ensure that you are using at least GRPC version 1.0.0.
If you are using a Mac, then the maximum number of open file descriptors should be checked (using ulimit -n). Sometimes this is initially set to a low value such as 256, so increasing the value could help.
There are a couple of GRPC issues with similar symptoms.
There is a grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms property that is mentioned in some of these issues. Increasing the value past the 1000 ms level might help reduce the frequency of issues. Below are instructions for how the helloblockchain.js file can be modified to set this property to a higher value.
Open the helloblockchain.js file in the Hyperledger Fabric Client example and find the enrollAndRegisterUsers function.
Add “grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms": 5000 to the setMemberServicesUrl call.
chain.setMemberServicesUrl(ca_url, {
pem: cert, "grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms": 5000
Add “grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms": 5000 to the addPeer call.
chain.addPeer("grpcs://" + peers[i].discovery_host + ":" + peers[i].discovery_port,
{pem: cert, "grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms": 5000
Note that setting the grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms property may reduce the frequency of issues, but it will not necessarily eliminate all issues.
The connection to the eventhub that is made in the helloblockchain.js file can also be a factor. There is an earlier version of the Hyperledger Fabric Client that does not utilize the eventhub. This earlier version could be tried to determine if this makes a difference. After running git clone, run git checkout b7d5195 to use this prior level. Before running node helloblockchain.js from a Node.js command window, the git status command can be used to check the code level that is being used.

msdeploy - stop deploy in postsync if presync fails

I am using msdeploy -presync to backup the current deployment of a website in IIS before the -postsync deploys it, however I recently had a situation where the -presync failed (raised a warning due to a missing dll) and the -postsync continued and overwrote the code.
Both the presync and postsync run batch files.
Obviously this is bad as the backup failed so there is no backout route if the deployment has bugs or fails.
Is there anyway to stop the postsync if the presync raises warnings with msdeploy?
Perhaps the issue here is that the presync failure was raised as a warning not an error.
Supply successReturnCodes parameter set to 0 (success return code convention) to presync option such as:
-preSync:runCommand="your script",successReturnCodes=0
More info at: