Ionic app with IBM Mobile first 7.1 version - ionic-framework

I am developing ionic app + Mobile first application .
First,I have worked with Mobile first platform 8.0 beta.It was successfully connected with mobile first server.
Now, I am trying with Mobile first 7.1 version(stable). I have installed mobile first 7.1 cli and I am able to see my installed version in my console.
By installing MFP Plugin "cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-mfp" .
After in my config.xml file mfp details added as following which is pointing to Mobile first 8.0,
plugin version: 8.0.00-20160328
How can I install the cordova mfp plugin for 7.1?
Any help will be appreciated!!!

MobileFirst CLI contains an instance of Cordova CLI v5.0.0, Android platform version 3.6.4, and iOS platform version 3.7.0. It is not possible to upgrade or replace these embedded versions. Therefore, it is not a requirement for you to install Cordova on your developer workstation.
Only Android and iOS are supported for creating Cordova apps by using the MobileFirst CLI.


Ionic Share feature not working

I've been using Ionic for a while, including the "ionic share" command from the CLI.
However, recently, that command fails with:
$ ionic share
Invalid command (CLI v2.2.2)
Your system information:
Cordova CLI: 6.4.0
Ionic CLI Version: 2.2.2
Ionic App Lib Version: 2.2.1
ios-deploy version: 1.9.0
ios-sim version: 5.0.13
OS: macOS Sierra
Node Version: v6.9.3
Xcode version: Xcode 8.3 Build version 8E16
Has anyone run into this issue?
As of now the Ionic CLI doesn't recognize the ionic share command, though their documentation hasn't updated this information.
However, you can now share your app from your account:
Dashboard > Settings icon next to the app you want to share > Share
Then you'll be able to enter email addresses to share your preview with. Just had to go through that drudgery myself.
I wanted to add that I found
ionic upload
to be a worthwhile CLI replacement for pushing new data up.

How to get debug output on eclipse console screen for cordova app

I am using cordova plugin (THym) with eclipse Mars to make applications for android platform and I have an Android device with Android 4.3 due to which, chrome remote debugging is not working in my case.
Also I have tried android virtual device but even that didn't worked.
Only thing I am able to do is to run apk on my android device.
How can I debug the cordova app using eclipse?
Weinre is your friend for older Android Versions:
And you should use Android Studio for developing Cordova Apps. Eclipse is no more supported.

Not able to run Ionic App with Mobile First 7.1

I have created my ionic App via Commmand Prompt by using the following command,
mfp cordova create AppName
After that mfp plugin was installed automatically inside my project.Then
I created mfp project using,
mfp create projectname
App created successfully..Then using
mfp push
i pushed my app inside the server 7.1 version.
After i have started to run my ionic app using,
ionic run android --livereload
In there i am getting error as,
TypeError: platforms[platformId].parser is not a function
My configuration:
cordova : 5.4.1 version android : 3.6.4 version
Anyone help will be Appreciated!!!!
You did not create an Ionic app. You created a Cordova app.
You wrote: mfp cordova create AppName. That's not how you create an Ionic app... that's how you do it: ionic start todo blank.
Please read the Ionic docs.
To create an Ionic app and then integrate it with MobileFirst , you can follow this guide:

Using Ionic to develop IBM MobileFirst Platform hybrid applications

I have mobile first development studio in my eclipse and by using that I created a new MobileFirst project and hybrid application. Added an Android and IOS environment to the application. I have idea of worklight. Ionic support is added using mobile first 7.1. How to install ionic? I have read many steps using all CLI based. Can any one guide me to install process of ionic.
It is not possible, or at least easily possible to use Ionic with a MobileFirst Hybrid project that was created in MobileFirst Studio.
Instead you should create a "pure" Cordova application, that uses MobileFirst's SDK.
You can read more on this in the following blog post:

How to install android 4.0 ice cream sandwich version in eclipse?

My office system already has some Android SDK versions 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2 installed into Eclipse. These versions are working fine. Now I wish to install version 4.0 but I don't know? How can I install Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich into my Eclipse? I am using Ubuntu 10.04.
Also if you know how to install Android 4.0 under windows then please tell me.
You will be having an Icon in you Eclipse Bar.. That is SDK Manager.. Click on SDK Manager you will get below image :
Select on API level you want to download. Also ensure that any update is available for ANDROID SDK TOOLS and ANDROID SDK PLATFORM TOOLS , if so update it also..
In Windows, Luanch SDK Manager. It will show you Installed/Not Installed/ Updates available. Select whichever API level you want and hit Install Packages...
If you are using Eclipse, what you need to do is to run android SDK manager. A new windows pop ups. It shows all the packages available. All you need to do is to update them.
You could do the samething by browsing to where your android-sdk. Go to tools folder and run android (./android). Again SDK manager pops up with all the available packages.
You Can Download latest Version of Android SDK below link:
It's contains android 4.0 ics sdk..!
Open Android SDK Manager in eclipse it's shows android 4.0 sdk (or)API Level 14 shows not installed to you can download Package's for android 4.0 working..!
If you are behind the proxy, go to Tools -> Options in Android SDK Manager and set the proxy setting.