Using Ionic to develop IBM MobileFirst Platform hybrid applications - ionic-framework

I have mobile first development studio in my eclipse and by using that I created a new MobileFirst project and hybrid application. Added an Android and IOS environment to the application. I have idea of worklight. Ionic support is added using mobile first 7.1. How to install ionic? I have read many steps using all CLI based. Can any one guide me to install process of ionic.

It is not possible, or at least easily possible to use Ionic with a MobileFirst Hybrid project that was created in MobileFirst Studio.
Instead you should create a "pure" Cordova application, that uses MobileFirst's SDK.
You can read more on this in the following blog post:


Is there a way to import and run a Flutter app as a dependency of another package?

So, I'm thinking of creating a CLI application that could also be used with UI, developed in Flutter.
The idea is that there would be 3 different packages, one for the business logic, one for the CLI and one for the Flutter app. Is there a way to import the Flutter app as a dependency in my CLI package, so I could open the Flutter app from the CLI? If so, how would I do it?
Seems like you want to use 1 library containing the business logic for 2 different applications: Desktop CLI app and mobile app (android/iOS).
It's very much possible with flutter. By default flutter installs only the android and iOS platform supports but by changing few configurations in installed flutter SDK we can extend the same setup to Web and Desktop apps (Windows, MacOS or linux) as well.
Check this official doc for enabling desktop support
Check this official doc for enabling Web support
You can enable these settings in your existing application only.

Using Ionic Appflow Build for non Ionic framework project

Is there a way to use Ionic Appflow to build and non-Ionic Framework project just using Capacitor?
Cause a on a blog by Ionic it said:
Appflow is the official Mobile DevOps platform built
by the Ionic team, focused on bringing powerful Mobile DevOps
workflows to hybrid app developers across Capacitor and Cordova
whether or not they are using Ionic Framework.
Link to the blog
Ionic Framework (the UI library) is not required.
However, as of today, Appflow requires an Ionic config file and a package.json file. See that link for details (ignore the rest of that guide). If you're building a modern web app, you'll likely have a package json already. for the ionic config, just create it manually but for "integrations" swap in "capacitor".
You'll also use the Ionic CLI for some of the configuration (like "ionic deploy" as you shared).

WebApp using Ionic 3 or latest

I am new to Ionic so it may possible that my question is of baby level but then too I want to know presence of any browser platform in ionic 3. I know the ionic application runs on browser but as i have to add platform for android if I have to run it on android device.
So is there any presence of web platform which specifically build application for web?
If I would like to make web application using Ionic so can I?

Ionic app with IBM Mobile first 7.1 version

I am developing ionic app + Mobile first application .
First,I have worked with Mobile first platform 8.0 beta.It was successfully connected with mobile first server.
Now, I am trying with Mobile first 7.1 version(stable). I have installed mobile first 7.1 cli and I am able to see my installed version in my console.
By installing MFP Plugin "cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-mfp" .
After in my config.xml file mfp details added as following which is pointing to Mobile first 8.0,
plugin version: 8.0.00-20160328
How can I install the cordova mfp plugin for 7.1?
Any help will be appreciated!!!
MobileFirst CLI contains an instance of Cordova CLI v5.0.0, Android platform version 3.6.4, and iOS platform version 3.7.0. It is not possible to upgrade or replace these embedded versions. Therefore, it is not a requirement for you to install Cordova on your developer workstation.
Only Android and iOS are supported for creating Cordova apps by using the MobileFirst CLI.

Worklight Facebook platform selection?

For Facbook integration in Worklight which platform should we select Android or Website
right now i am developing for android environment but later i will be doing for iphone and windows as well
Also were do i place the Facebook integration code in index.html(main) or in android project which is separately created ?
i am confused do reply
It looks like you are developing a Worklight-based Hybrid application, so in this case you should actually opt for the Facebook JavaScript SDK.
You can add it to your common\js folder and reference it in the common\index.html (just follow the instructions Facebook probably provides). This way you could easily 'extend' it to whichever additional environments you will add in Worklight Studio in your project setup.
Of course, you can also choose to use Facebook's native SDKs for each environment in your Hybrid application. In this case, you'll need to add the SDK in the iphone-ipad-or-android\native folder and follow Facebook's integration instructions (note that for iPhone the actual integration will be done in Xcode, not Eclipse).
If you choose to create a native application and bundle it with the Worklight SDK, then you should opt for the Facebook SDK dedicated to the specific OS. Here, you will add the SDK, again, by following Facebook's instructions.