spark save simple string to text file - scala

I have a spark job that needs to store the last time it ran to a text file.
This has to work both on HDFS but also on local fs (for testing).
However it seems that this is not at all so straight forward as it seems.
I have been trying with deleting the dir and getting "can't delete" error messages.
Trying to store a simple sting value into a dataframe to parquet and back again.
this is all so convoluted that it made me take a step back.
What's the best way to just store a string (timestamp of last execution in my case) to a file by overwriting it?
The nasty way I use it now is as follows: => "" + t(0)).collect()(0)

This sounds like storing simple application/execution metadata. As such, saving a text file shouldn't need to be done by "Spark" (ie, it shouldn't be done in distributed spark jobs, by workers).
The ideal place for you to put it is in your driver code, typically after constructing your RDDs. That being said, you wouldn't be using the Spark API to do this, you'd rather be doing something as trivial as using a writer or a file output stream. The only catch here is how you'll read it back. Assuming that your driver program runs on the same computer, there shouldn't be a problem.
If this value is to be read by workers in future jobs (which is possibly why you want it in hdfs), and you don't want to use the Hadoop API directly, then you will have to ensure that you have only one partition so that you don't end up with multiple files with the trivial value. This, however, cannot be said for the local storage (it gets stored on the machine where the worker executing the task is running), managing this will simply be going overboard.
My best option would be to use the driver program and create the file on the machine running the driver (assuming it is the same that will be used next time), or, even better, to put it in a database. If this value is needed in jobs, then the driver can simply pass it through.


How to read large CSV with Beam?

I'm trying to figure out how to use Apache Beam to read large CSV files. By "large" I mean, several gigabytes (so that it would be impractical to read the entire CSV into memory at once).
So far, I've tried the following options:
Use this is no good because a quoted CSV field could contain a newline. In addition, this tries to read the entire file into memory at once.
Write a DoFn that reads the file as a stream and emits records (e.g. with commons-csv). However, this still reads the entire file all at once.
Try a SplittableDoFn as described here. My goal with this is to have it gradually emit records as an Unbounded PCollection - basically, to turn my file into a stream of records. However, (1) it's hard to get the counting right (2) it requires some hacky synchronizing since ParDo creates multiple threads, and (3) my resulting PCollection still isn't unbounded.
Try to create my own UnboundedSource. This seems to be ultra-complicated and poorly documented (unless I'm missing something?).
Does Beam provide anything simple to allow me to parse a file the way I want, and not have to read the entire file into memory before moving on to the next transform?
The TextIO should be doing the right thing from Beam's prospective, which is reading in the text file as fast as possible and emitting events to the next stage.
I'm guessing you are using the DirectRunner for this, which is why you are seeing a large memory footprint. Hopefully this isn't too much explanation: The DirectRunner is a test runner for small jobs and so it buffers intermediate steps in memory rather then to disk. If you are still testing your pipeline, you should use a small sample of your data until you think it is working. Then you can use the Apache Flink runner or Google Cloud Dataflow runner which will both write intermediate stages to disk when needed.
In general, splitting csv files with quoted newlines is hard as it may require arbitrary look-back to determine whether a given newline is or is not in a quoted segment. If you can arrange such that the CSV has no quoted newlines, works well. Otherwise
If you're using BeamPython, consider the dataframe operation which will handle quotation correctly (and efficiently).
In another language, you can either use that as a cross-language transform, or create a PCollection of file paths (e.g. via FileIO.MatchAll) followed by a DoFn that reads and emits rows incrementally using your CSV library of choice. With the exception of a direct/local runner, this should not require reading the entire file into memory (though it will cause each individual file to be read by a single worker, possibly limiting parallelism).
You can use the logic in Text to Cloud Spanner for handling new lines while reading a CSV.
This template reads data from a CSV and writes to Cloud Spanner.
The specific files containing the logic to read CSV with newlines are in ReadFileShardFn and SplitIntoRangesFn.

How to distribute processing to find waldos in csv using spark scala in a clustered environment?

I have a spark cluster of 1 master, 3 workers. I have a simple, but gigantic CSV file like this:
FirstName, Age
Waldo, 5
Emily, 7
John, 4
Waldo, 9
Amy, 2
Kevin, 4
I want to get all the records where FirstName is waldo. Normally on one machine and local mode, if I have an RDD, I can do a ".parallelize()" to get an RDD, then assuming the variable is "mydata", I can do:
mydata.foreach(x => // check if the first row's first column value contains "Waldo", if so, then print it)
From my understanding, using the above method, every spark slave would have to perform that iteration on the entire gigantic csv to get the result instead of each machine processing a third of the file (correct me if I am wrong).
Problem is, if I have 3 machines, how do I make it so that:
The csv file is broken up into 3 different "sets" to each of the
workers so that each worker is working with a much smaller file
(1/3rd of the original)
Each worker processes it, and finds all the "FirstName=Waldo"s"
The resulting list of "Waldo" records are
reported back to me in a way that actually takes advantage of the
Mmm, lot of points to make here. First, if you are using HDFS, you file is already partitioned, it is a distributed file system. You probably even have the data replicated 3 times, as that is the default (depends on your config though).
Second, Spark will indeed make use of this partitioning when you told it to load data, and will process chunks locally. Shuffling data around is only required when you want to, for instance, re-partition you data by some criteria, like keys in a key/value pair, etc.
Third, Spark is indeed great for doing batch processing and some datamining if you don't want to structure a database or don't have predefined access patterns. In short, for what you seem to need. You don't even need to write and compile code since you can run a Spark Shell and try with a few lines. I do recommend you to look at the docs, since you don't seem to have a clear grasp of the platform yet.
Fourth, I don't have an IDE or anything here, but the code you need should be something line this (sort of pseudocode, but should be VERY close):
.filter(_._1 == "Waldo")
if not too big, you can also use collect to bring all results to the driver location instead of saving to file, but after that you are back in a single machine. Hope it helps!

Is it possible to resume a failed Apache Spark job?

I am trying to run a Spark job over data from multiple Cassandra tables which are grouped as part of the job. I am trying to get an end to end run with a huge data set 13m data points and it has failed over multiple points. As I fix those failures and move ahead, I encounter the next problem which I fix and restart the job again. Is there a way to speed up the testing cycle on real data so that I can restart/resume a previously failed job from a specific checkpoint?
You can checkpoint your RDDs to disk at various midpoints, which would let you restart from there if necessary. You would have to save the intermediates as a sequence file or text file, and do a little work to make sure everything goes to and from disk cleanly.
I find it more useful to start up the spark-shell and build my data flow in there. If you can identify a subset of your data which is representative, even better. Once you get into the REPL you can create RDDs, check the first value or take(100) and print them to stdout, count various result data sets, and so on. The REPL is what makes spark 10x more productive than hadoop for me.
Once I have built, in the REPL, a flow of transformations and actions that gets me the result that I need, then I can form it into a scala file and refactor that to be clean; extract functions that can be reused and unit tested, tune the parallelism, whatever.
I often find myself going back into the REPL when I need to extend my data flow, so I copy and paste code from my scala file to get to a good starting point, and experiment with the extension from there.

Verify .mat file exists and is not Corrupt - Matlab

I have 2 independent Matlab workers, with FIRST getting/saving data and SECOND reading it (and doing some calculations etc).
FIRST saves data as .mat file on the hard-disk while SECOND reads it from there. It takes ~20 seconds to SAVE this data as .mat and 8millisec to DELETE it. Before SAVING data, FIRST deletes the old file and then saves a newer version.
How can the SECOND verify that data exists and is not corrupt? I can use exists but that doesn't tell me if the data is corrupt or not. For eg, if SECOND tries to read data exactly when FIRST is saving it, exists passes but LOAD gives you an error saying - Data Corrupt etc.
You can't, without some synchronization mechanism - by the time SECOND completes its check and starts to read the file, FIRST might have started writing it again. You need some sort of lock or mutex.
Two options for base Matlab.
If this is on a local filesystem, you could use a separate lock file sitting next to the data file to manage concurrent access to the data file. Use Java's NIO FileChannel and FileLock objects from within Matlab to lock the first byte of the lock file and use that as a semaphore to control access to the data file, so the reader waits until the writer is finished and vice versa. (If this is on a network filesystem, don't try this - file locking may seem to work but usually is not officially supported and in my experience is unreliable.)
Or you could just put a try/catch around your load() call and have it pause a few seconds and retry if you get a corrupt file error. The .mat file format is such that you won't get a partial read if the writer is still writing it; you'll get that corrupt file error. So you could use this as a lazy sort of collision detection and backoff. This is what I usually do.
To reduce the window of contention, consider having FIRST write to a temporary file in the same directory, and then use a rename to move it to its final destination. That way the file is only unavailable during a quick filesystem move operation, not the 20 seconds of data writing. If you have multiple writers, stick the PID and hostname in the temp file name to avoid collisions.
Sounds like a classic resource sharing problem between 2 threads (R-W)
In short, you should find a method of inter-workers safe communication. Check this out.
Also, try to type
in Matlab

Recover standard out from a failed Hadoop job

I'm running a large Hadoop streaming job where I process a large list of files with each file being processed as a single unit. To do this, my input to my streaming job is a single file with a list of all the file names on separate lines.
In general, this works well. However, I ran into an issue where I was partially through a large job (~36%) when Hadoop ran into some files with issues and for some reason it seemed to crash the entire job. If the job had completed successfully, what would have been printed to standard out would be a line for each file as it was completed along with some stats from my program that's processing each file. However, with this failed job, when I try to look at the output that would have been sent to standard out, it is empty. I know that roughly 36% of the files were processed (because I'm saving the data to a database), but it's not easy for me to generate a list of which files were successfully processed and which ones remain. Is there anyway to recover this logging to standard out?
One thing I can do is look at all of the log files for the completed/failed tasks, but this seems more difficult to me and I'm not sure how to go about retrieving the good/bad list of files this way.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Hadoop captures system.out data here :
However, I've found this unreliable, and Hadoop jobs dont usually use standard out for debugging, rather - the convetion is to use counters.
For each of your documents, you can summarize document characteristics : like length, number of normal ascii chars, number of new lines.
Then, you can have 2 counters: a counter for "good" files, and a counter for "bad" files.
It probably be pretty easy to note that the bad files have something in common [no data, too much data, or maybe some non printable chars].
Finally, you obviously will have to look at the results after the job is done running.
The problem, of course, with system.out statements is that the jobs running on various machines can't integrate their data. Counters get around this problem - they are easily integrated into a clear and accurate picture of the overall job.
Of course, the problem with counters is the information content is entirely numeric, but, with a little creativity, you can easily find ways to quantitatively describe the data in a meaningfull way.
WORST CASE SCENARIO : YOU REALLY NEED TEXT DEBUGGING, and you dont want it in a temp file
In this case, you can use MultipleOutputs to write out ancillary files with other data in them. You can emit records to these files in the same way as you would for the part-r-0000* data.
In the end, I think you will find that, ironically, the restriction of having to use counters will increase the readability of your jobs : it is pretty intuitive, once you think about it, to debug using numerical counts rather than raw text --- i find, quite often that much of my debugging print statements are, when cut down to their raw information content, are basically just counters...