Swift crashes (related to generics?) - swift

What is wrong with this code? It crashes both the REPL and the compiler (segmentation fault 11) ...
This is supposed to be a trivial generics example. The crashes seem due to the extension adding ArrayLiteralConvertible conformance, the base type List works fine on its own.
struct List<Item> {
private var items: [Item] = []
var count: Int {
return items.count
func item(atIndex index: Int) -> Item? {
if index < count {
return items[index]
} else {
return nil
mutating func add(item: Item) {
mutating func remove(atIndex index: Int) {
if index < count {
extension List: ArrayLiteralConvertible {
typealias Element = Item
init(arrayLiteral elements: Item...) {
items = elements
var numbers: List<Int> = [1, 2, 3]

This seems to be a bug, which has already been filed at https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-493
As a workaround, you can move the init(arrayLiteral:) and ArrayLiteralConvertible conformance into the main struct definition, which seems to avoid the crash.


RangeReplaceableCollection conformance doesn't require... actually anything

According to the documentation:
To add RangeReplaceableCollection conformance to your custom
collection, add an empty initializer and the replaceSubrange(_:with:)
method to your custom type.
But in practice it's not required! (except for empty initializer)
// Just stubs for minimal reproducible code
struct Category: Hashable {}
struct Product {}
struct ProductCollection {
typealias DictionaryType = [Category : [Product]]
// Underlying, private storage
private var products = DictionaryType()
// Enable our collection to be initialized with a dictionary
init(products: DictionaryType = DictionaryType()) {
self.products = products
extension ProductCollection: Collection {
// Required nested types, that tell Swift what our collection contains
typealias Index = DictionaryType.Index
typealias Element = DictionaryType.Element
// The upper and lower bounds of the collection, used in iterations
var startIndex: Index { return products.startIndex }
var endIndex: Index { return products.endIndex }
// Required subscript, based on a dictionary index
subscript(index: Index) -> Iterator.Element {
get { return products[index] }
// Method that returns the next index when iterating
func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
return products.index(after: i)
extension ProductCollection: ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral {
init(dictionaryLiteral elements: (Category, [Product])...) {
self.init(products: .init(uniqueKeysWithValues: elements))
extension ProductCollection: RangeReplaceableCollection {
init() {
products = DictionaryType()
// func replaceSubrange<C: Collection, R: RangeExpression>(_ subrange: R, with newElements: C)
// where Self.Element == C.Element, Self.Index == R.Bound {
// }
The code is taken from a great (but not related to the post's topic) John Sundell article.
This code compiles even though replaceSubrange function is not provided.
One more question. Why should I provide an empty initializer explicitly in this situation? I can initialize the struct like ProductCollection() without having that initializer. I can do this for many reasons: 1) products property has initializing value provided 2) main initializer has default value provided 3) there is also a ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral initializer which can be used to initialize an empty object.
So why I have to provide one more empty initializer explicitly?
But please, the first question about replaceSubrange function is more important :)
That is a bug which has also been discussed in the Swift forum:
SR-6501 RangeReplaceableCollection default implementations cause infinite recursion
Compiler lets me use incomplete RangeReplaceableCollection
Using Swift
The reason is that there is an overload of the replaceSubRange() method (taking a RangeExpression as the first argument) which the compiler erroneously accepts as satisfying the protocol requirement.
But note that even if the code compiles without implementing the required method, it does not work and leads to an infinite loop. Here is a short example:
struct MyCollection : MutableCollection {
private var storage: [Int] = []
init(_ elements: [Int]) { self.storage = elements }
var startIndex : Int { return 0 }
var endIndex : Int { return storage.count }
func index(after i: Int) -> Int { return i + 1 }
subscript(position : Int) -> Int {
get { return storage[position] }
set(newElement) { storage[position] = newElement }
extension MyCollection: RangeReplaceableCollection {
init() { }
var mc = MyCollection([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
mc.replaceSubrange(0..<3, with: [2, 3, 4])
Running that code leads to an “infinite” loop and eventually crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS due to a stack overflow.

How can I implement a CountedSet (NSCountedSet) in Swift?

Create a generic CountedSet struct that is constrained to Hashable elements. A counted set is an unordered collection of unique elements that may appear more than once in the collection. Use a private dictionary as your backing storage for set members and their counts.
struct CountedSet<Element> {
private(set) var elements: [Element]
mutating func insert(_ element: Element) {
mutating func remove() -> Element? {
guard elements.isEmpty == false else { return nil}
return elements.removeFirst()
subscript(_ member: Element) -> Int {
return 0
I don't understand what the real objective is here. The instructions are very confusing at least to me.
1) Make your generic struct element conform to Hashable, this is necessary because the dictionary keys are required to conform to Hashable.
struct CountedSet<Element: Hashable>
2) The backing storage you have used is an ordered array, not a dictionary and you need to initialize it with an empty one.
private(set) var elements: [Element: Int] = [:]
3) Your subscript method you need to return the count for the counted set member or zero if it is nil.
return elements[member] ?? 0
4) Your Insert and Remove methods need to first check the count of a member in the backing dictionary before adding or removing an element from it.
So your CountedSet should look like this:
struct CountedSet<Element: Hashable> {
private(set) var elements: [Element: Int] = [:]
mutating func insert(_ member: Element) {
elements[member, default: 0] += 1
mutating func remove(_ member: Element) -> Element? {
guard var count = elements[member], count > 0 else { return nil }
count -= 1
elements[member] = count == 0 ? nil : count
return member
subscript(_ member: Element) -> Int {
elements[member] ?? 0
var countedSet = CountedSet<Int>()
countedSet.elements // [4: 1, 3: 2]
countedSet.elements // [3: 2]
countedSet.remove(4) // nil
Expanding on that you can also make your CountedSet conform to ExpressibleByArrayLiteral to allow you to initialize your CountedSet with an array and CustomStringConvertible to allow you to print its elements:
extension CountedSet: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral, CustomStringConvertible {
typealias ArrayLiteralElement = Element
init<S: Sequence>(_ sequence: S) where S.Element == Element {
self.elements = sequence.reduce(into: [:]) { $0[$1, default: 0] += 1 }
init(arrayLiteral elements: Element...) { self.init(elements) }
var description: String { .init(describing: elements) }
var countedSet: CountedSet = [1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,5,5,5]
print(countedSet) // "[5: 3, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 2, 1: 1]\n"

Swift Collection conformance default

In my app I've some objects that conform to Collection. I do this because then I get the for-loop syntax and all the filter/map/etc methods for free. But I noticed it is always to same. I've got an private array and I just forward the calls. So I thought I would wrap Collection protocol in another protocol like so:
protocol CollectionTrait: Collection {
associatedtype CollectionType: Collection
var _items: CollectionType { get }
extension CollectionTrait {
var startIndex: CollectionType.Index {
return _items.startIndex
var endIndex: CollectionType.Index {
return _items.endIndex
func index(after i: CollectionType.Index) -> CollectionType.Index {
return _items.index(after: i)
subscript(index: CollectionType.Index) -> CollectionType.Element {
get {
return _items[index]
And this can be used as follows:
class Words: CollectionTrait {
let _items = [
"foo", "bar", "baz"
let words = Words()
for word in words {
I feel like this is great, only problem I have now is that _items needs to be public, but I kinda want it to be private since I preferable don't wanna expose it. So for now I prefixed it with an underscore, to show it shouldn't be used. Does anybody know a way to force this behaviour? Or just in general a better way to avoid code duplication without inheritance (is not always possible in my case)
If you're fine with splitting your code up into multiple files, you can define CollectionTrait as a private protocol and conform to it with fileprivate. If, in one file, you have:
private protocol CollectionTrait: Collection {
associatedtype CollectionType: Collection
var _items: CollectionType { get }
extension CollectionTrait {
var startIndex: CollectionType.Index {
return _items.startIndex
var endIndex: CollectionType.Index {
return _items.endIndex
func index(after i: CollectionType.Index) -> CollectionType.Index {
return _items.index(after: i)
subscript(index: CollectionType.Index) -> CollectionType.Element {
get {
return _items[index]
class Words: CollectionTrait {
fileprivate let _items = [
"foo", "bar", "baz"
In another file, if you try to use Words you can:
let words = Words()
for word in words {
But trying to access words._items directly would be an error, since it's fileprivate.

Adopting CollectionType (Collection) in Swift

I'm writing a graphics library to display data in a graph. Since most of the projects I do tend to have a large learning component in them, I decided to create a generically typed struct to manage my data set DataSet<T: Plottable> (note here that Plottable is also Comparable).
In trying to conform to MutableCollectionType, I've run across an error. I'd like to use the default implementation of sort(), but the compiler is giving the following error when trying to use the sorting function.
Ambiguous reference to member 'sort()'
Here's a code example:
var data = DataSet<Int>(elements: [1,2,3,4])
data.sort() //Ambiguous reference to member 'sort()'
The compiler suggests two candidates, but will not actually display them to me. Note that the compiler error goes away if I explicitly implement sort() on my struct.
But the bigger question remains for me. What am I not seeing that I expect the default implementation to be providing? Or am I running across a bug in Swift 3 (this rarely is the case... usually I have overlooked something).
Here's the balance of the struct:
struct DataSet<T: Plottable>: MutableCollection, BidirectionalCollection {
typealias Element = T
typealias Iterator = DataSetIterator<T>
typealias Index = Int
The list of elements in the data set. Private.
private var elements: [Element] = []
Initalize the data set with an array of data.
init(elements data: [T] = []) {
self.elements = data
//MARK: Sequence Protocol
func makeIterator() -> DataSetIterator<T> {
return DataSetIterator(self)
//MARK: Collection Protocol
subscript(_ index:DataSet<T>.Index) -> DataSet<T>.Iterator.Element {
set {
elements[index] = newValue
get {
return elements[index]
subscript(_ inRange:Range<DataSet<T>.Index>) -> DataSet<T> {
set {
elements.replaceSubrange(inRange, with: newValue)
get {
return DataSet<T>(elements: Array(elements[inRange]))
//required index for MutableCollection and BidirectionalCollection
var endIndex: Int {
return elements.count
var startIndex: Int {
return 0
func index(after i: Int) -> Int {
return i+1
func index(before i: Int) -> Int {
return i-1
mutating func append(_ newElement: T) {
// /**
// Sorts the elements of the DataSet from lowest value to highest value.
// Commented because I'd like to use the default implementation.
// - note: This is equivalent to calling `sort(by: { $0 < $1 })`
// */
// mutating func sort() {
// self.sort(by: { $0 < $1 })
// }
// /**
// Sorts the elements of the DataSet by an abritrary block.
// */
// mutating func sort(by areInIncreasingOrder: #noescape (T, T) -> Bool) {
// self.elements = self.elements.sorted(by: areInIncreasingOrder)
// }
Returns a `DataSet<T>` with the elements sorted by a provided block.
This is the default implementation `sort()` modified to return `DataSet<T>` rather than `Array<T>`.
- returns: A sorted `DataSet<T>` by the provided block.
func sorted(by areInIncreasingOrder: #noescape (T, T) -> Bool) -> DataSet<T> {
return DataSet<T>(elements: self.elements.sorted(by: areInIncreasingOrder))
func sorted() -> DataSet<T> {
return self.sorted(by: { $0 < $1 })
Your DataSet is a BidirectionalCollection. The sort() you're trying to use requires a RandomAccessCollection. The most important thing you need to add is an Indicies typealias.
typealias Indices = Array<Element>.Indices
Here's my version of your type:
protocol Plottable: Comparable {}
extension Int: Plottable {}
struct DataSet<Element: Plottable>: MutableCollection, RandomAccessCollection {
private var elements: [Element] = []
typealias Indices = Array<Element>.Indices
init(elements data: [Element] = []) {
self.elements = data
var startIndex: Int {
return elements.startIndex
var endIndex: Int {
return elements.endIndex
func index(after i: Int) -> Int {
return elements.index(after: i)
func index(before i: Int) -> Int {
return elements.index(before: i)
subscript(position: Int) -> Element {
get {
return elements[position]
set {
elements[position] = newValue
subscript(bounds: Range<Int>) -> DataSet<Element> {
get {
return DataSet(elements: Array(elements[bounds]))
set {
elements[bounds] = ArraySlice(newValue.elements)
var data = DataSet(elements: [4,2,3,1])
print(data.elements) // [1,2,3,4]
You don't actually need an Iterator if you don't want one. Swift will give you Sequence automatically if you implement Collection.

Conforming a new protocol to Sequence with a default makeIterator() implementation

I made a (very basic) BinaryTree protocol:
public enum BinaryTreeChildSide {
case left, right
public protocol BinaryTree {
associatedtype Element
associatedtype Index
func child(of index: Index, side: BinaryTreeChildSide) -> Index?
var rootIndex: Index? { get }
subscript(position: Index) -> Element { get }
For a basic iterative in-order traversal, I made a BinaryTreeIterator (note that I don't implement Sequence just yet):
public extension BinaryTree {
func makeIterator() -> BinaryTreeIterator<Self> {
return BinaryTreeIterator(self)
public struct BinaryTreeIterator<Tree: BinaryTree>: IteratorProtocol {
private let tree: Tree
private var stack: [Tree.Index]
private var index: Tree.Index?
private init(_ tree: Tree) {
self.tree = tree
stack = []
index = tree.rootIndex
public mutating func next() -> Tree.Element? {
while let theIndex = index {
index = tree.child(of: theIndex, side: .left)
guard let currentIndex = stack.popLast() else { return nil }
defer { index = tree.child(of: currentIndex, side: .right) }
return tree[currentIndex]
Implementing a binary heap to this protocol is also pretty straight-forward:
public struct BinaryHeap<Element> {
private var elements: [Element]
public init(_ elements: [Element]) {
self.elements = elements
extension BinaryHeap: BinaryTree {
private func safeIndexOrNil(_ index: Int) -> Int? {
return elements.indices.contains(index) ? index : nil
public func child(of index: Int, side: BinaryTreeChildSide) -> Int? {
switch side {
case .left: return safeIndexOrNil(index * 2 + 1)
case .right: return safeIndexOrNil(index * 2 + 2)
public var rootIndex: Int? { return safeIndexOrNil(0) }
public subscript(position: Int) -> Element {
return elements[position]
So far, so good. I can now make a simple heap and iterate through its elements:
let heap = BinaryHeap([4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7])
var iterator = heap.makeIterator()
while let next = iterator.next() {
print(next, terminator: " ")
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
This works, but of course the goal of implementing makeIterator() is to conform to Sequence. however, if I replace
public protocol BinaryTree {
public protocol BinaryTree: Sequence {
then the compiler complains that BinaryHeap doesn't implement Sequence because the associated type Iterator couldn't be inferred. If I manually specify the Iterator type with
extension BinaryHeap: BinaryTree {
typealias Iterator = BinaryTreeIterator<BinaryHeap>
then the compiler shows an error that Iterator circularly references itself. So that might be why the Iterator type couldn't be inferred.
Interestingly, it works if I wrap my custom BinaryTreeIterator in an AnyIterator instance:
public extension BinaryTree {
func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<Element> {
return AnyIterator(BinaryTreeIterator(self))
let heap = BinaryHeap([4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7])
for number in heap {
print(number, terminator: " ")
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Apple's own IndexingIterator seems to work in a similar fashion to my BinaryTreeIterator:
public struct IndexingIterator<
Elements : IndexableBase
// FIXME(compiler limitation):
// Elements : Collection
> : IteratorProtocol, Sequence {
From the source code. Maybe the problem I'm facing might also be because of the compiler limitation mentioned there, but I don't know for sure.
Is there a way to conform BinaryTree to Sequence without using AnyIterator?
This is the farthest I could take it. Now the compiler will still complain about the heap not containing any makeIterator member
(which I thought was included by default once someone conforms to sequence—wrong turns out one must conform to Sequence ​and​ IteratorProtocol for the default implementation) and having a next—but once you add those methods its smooth sailing.
So makeIterator + next method to make Mr/Mrs/Preferred Gender Pronoun compiler happy.
public enum BinaryTreeChildSide {
case left, right
public struct BinaryTreeIterator<Tree: BinaryTree>: Sequence, IteratorProtocol {
private let tree: Tree
private var stack: [Tree.Index]
private var index: Tree.Index?
private init(_ tree: Tree) {
self.tree = tree
stack = []
index = tree.rootIndex
public mutating func next() -> Tree.Element? {
while let theIndex = index {
index = tree.child(of: theIndex, side: .left)
guard let currentIndex = stack.popLast() else { return nil }
defer { index = tree.child(of: currentIndex, side: .right) }
return tree[currentIndex]
public protocol BinaryTree: Sequence {
associatedtype Element
associatedtype Index
func child(of index: Index, side: BinaryTreeChildSide) -> Index?
var rootIndex: Index? { get }
subscript(position: Index) -> Element { get }
extension BinaryTree {
func makeIterator() -> BinaryTreeIterator<Self> {
return BinaryTreeIterator(self)
extension BinaryHeap {
private func safeIndexOrNil(_ index: Int) -> Int? {
return elements.indices.contains(index) ? index : nil
public func child(of index: Int, side: BinaryTreeChildSide) -> Int? {
switch side {
case .left: return safeIndexOrNil(index * 2 + 1)
case .right: return safeIndexOrNil(index * 2 + 2)
public var rootIndex: Int? { return safeIndexOrNil(0) }
public subscript(position: Int) -> Element {
return elements[position]
public struct BinaryHeap<Element> {
private var elements: [Element]
public init(_ elements: [Element]) {
self.elements = elements
let heap = BinaryHeap([4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7])
var iterator = heap.makeIterator()
while let next = iterator.next() {
print(next, terminator: " ")
Apparently it was a Swift bug: my code compiles fine using Swift 3.1.