How can I implement a CountedSet (NSCountedSet) in Swift? - swift

Create a generic CountedSet struct that is constrained to Hashable elements. A counted set is an unordered collection of unique elements that may appear more than once in the collection. Use a private dictionary as your backing storage for set members and their counts.
struct CountedSet<Element> {
private(set) var elements: [Element]
mutating func insert(_ element: Element) {
mutating func remove() -> Element? {
guard elements.isEmpty == false else { return nil}
return elements.removeFirst()
subscript(_ member: Element) -> Int {
return 0
I don't understand what the real objective is here. The instructions are very confusing at least to me.

1) Make your generic struct element conform to Hashable, this is necessary because the dictionary keys are required to conform to Hashable.
struct CountedSet<Element: Hashable>
2) The backing storage you have used is an ordered array, not a dictionary and you need to initialize it with an empty one.
private(set) var elements: [Element: Int] = [:]
3) Your subscript method you need to return the count for the counted set member or zero if it is nil.
return elements[member] ?? 0
4) Your Insert and Remove methods need to first check the count of a member in the backing dictionary before adding or removing an element from it.
So your CountedSet should look like this:
struct CountedSet<Element: Hashable> {
private(set) var elements: [Element: Int] = [:]
mutating func insert(_ member: Element) {
elements[member, default: 0] += 1
mutating func remove(_ member: Element) -> Element? {
guard var count = elements[member], count > 0 else { return nil }
count -= 1
elements[member] = count == 0 ? nil : count
return member
subscript(_ member: Element) -> Int {
elements[member] ?? 0
var countedSet = CountedSet<Int>()
countedSet.elements // [4: 1, 3: 2]
countedSet.elements // [3: 2]
countedSet.remove(4) // nil
Expanding on that you can also make your CountedSet conform to ExpressibleByArrayLiteral to allow you to initialize your CountedSet with an array and CustomStringConvertible to allow you to print its elements:
extension CountedSet: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral, CustomStringConvertible {
typealias ArrayLiteralElement = Element
init<S: Sequence>(_ sequence: S) where S.Element == Element {
self.elements = sequence.reduce(into: [:]) { $0[$1, default: 0] += 1 }
init(arrayLiteral elements: Element...) { self.init(elements) }
var description: String { .init(describing: elements) }
var countedSet: CountedSet = [1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,5,5,5]
print(countedSet) // "[5: 3, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 2, 1: 1]\n"


How can i disable adding new item to an array in Swift?

I have an array like this inside a struct:
struct TestType {
private(set) var array: [String] = ["0", "1", "2"]
mutating func updateItem0(_ value: String) {
self.array[0] = value
mutating func updateItem1(_ value: String) {
self.array[1] = value
mutating func updateItem2(_ value: String) {
self.array[2] = value
I want be able to disable appending method to this array when I use an instance of struct, and keeping the count of it as it is. I cannot use private(set) because it would not allow me to update items of it.
My idea is using private(set) inside struct and making a mutating function for updating items in case, I wanted to know if there is better way for it?
Lots of options but a simple enhancement would be passing the index:
mutating func update(_ value: String, at index: Int) {
array[index] = value
And another is to check if the operation is possible:
enum Error: Swift.Error {
case indexOutOfBound
mutating func update(_ value: String, at index: Int) throws {
guard array.indices.contains(index) else { throw Error.indexOutOfBound }
array[index] = value
Here is a nice way to handle it. Add subscript to your struct which then allows you to access and change the values like you would an array. Adopting CustomStringConvertible and implementing description allows you to print the internal array while keeping it entirely private:
struct TestType: CustomStringConvertible {
private var array: [String] = ["0", "1", "2"]
var description: String { String(describing: array) }
subscript(_ index: Int) -> String {
get {
return array[index]
set {
array[index] = newValue
var foo = TestType()
foo[0] = "hello"
foo[2] = "goodbye"
foo[3] = "oops" // Fatal error: Index out of range
print(foo[0]) // hello
print(foo[1]) // 1
print(foo[2]) // goodbye
print(foo) // ["hello", "1", "goodbye"]

Swift how to make a set with multiplicity (multiset)

I am substracting two Array of Integers. I did the substraction using sets :
let numbersA = [1, 2, 3]
let numbersB = [3, 4, 5]
but I then realized that I have multiplicity in my arrays, and I should take it into account. What is the data structure for multisets in Swift?
In swift 5, there is no Multiset implementation in the core library.
You can reproduce the Multiset behavior by using a dictionary [Element:Multiplicity].
Your code will be:
let numbersA = [1, 2, 3, 3]
let numbersB = [3, 4, 5]
Set(numbersA).subtracting(numbersB) // [1, 2, 3]
As pointed out by Leo Dabus in comment, this gives you an unordered collection as a result.
You can find a good tutorial on multisets at
Here is a ready to use implementation of multiset. I added to it the substracting implementation. Notice it can be considered an incomplet implementation of a Multiset since, for exemple, it doesn't extends the Collection protocol.
// Multiset.swift
// Multiset
// Created by Simon Whitaker on 28/08/2017.
// Extended by Jeremy Cochoy on 17/11/2019
import Foundation
public struct Multiset<T: Hashable> {
private var storage: [T: UInt] = [:]
public private(set) var count: UInt = 0
public init() {}
public init<C: Collection>(_ collection: C) where C.Element == T {
for element in collection {
public mutating func add (_ elem: T) {
storage[elem, default: 0] += 1
count += 1
public mutating func remove (_ elem: T) {
if let currentCount = storage[elem] {
if currentCount > 1 {
storage[elem] = currentCount - 1
} else {
storage.removeValue(forKey: elem)
count -= 1
public func isSubSet (of superset: Multiset<T>) -> Bool {
for (key, count) in storage {
let supersetcount =[key] ?? 0
if count > supersetcount {
return false
return true
public func count(for key: T) -> UInt {
return storage[key] ?? 0
public var allItems: [T] {
var result = [T]()
for (key, count) in storage {
for _ in 0 ..< count {
return result
public func subtracting(_ elems: [T]) -> Multiset<T> {
var resultSet = self
elems.forEach { resultSet.remove($0) }
return resultSet
// MARK: - Equatable
extension Multiset: Equatable {
public static func == (lhs: Multiset<T>, rhs: Multiset<T>) -> Bool {
if != {
return false
for (lkey, lcount) in {
let rcount =[lkey] ?? 0
if lcount != rcount {
return false
return true
// MARK: - ExpressibleByArrayLiteral
extension Multiset: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
public init(arrayLiteral elements: T...) {
As you say, swift does not have Multiset as a native type.
I implemented a fairly thorough implementation of Multiset in Swift here:
and full documentation of that library with usage examples here:

Custom comparator for Swift

This is my code (simplified code):
struct SomeStruct {
let id: Int
let age: Int
extension SomeStruct: Hashable {
var hashValue: Int {
return id.hashValue * age.hashValue
static func ==(lhs: SomeStruct, rhs: SomeStruct) -> Bool {
return == && lhs.age == rhs.age
struct Calculator {
let struct1: [SomeStruct]
let struct2: [SomeStruct]
func uniqueById() {
let struct3 = Set(struct2).union(Set(struct1))
// I want to union it by property 'id' only.
// If the property 'id' is equal for both objects,
// the object in struct2 should be used (since that can have a different age property)
SomeStruct is a generated struct which I do not want to edit. I want to create a Set for SomeStruct that is based on 1 property: id. For that, I think I need a custom Comparator, just as Java has. Is there any Swifty way? This is the only thing I can come up with, but I am wondering if there is a better way:
struct SomeStructComparatorById: Hashable {
let someStruct: SomeStruct
var hashValue: Int {
static func ==(lhs: SomeStructComparatorById, rhs: SomeStructComparatorById) -> Bool {
return ==
First, I don't think this would work in Java. addAll() doesn't take a Comparator (nor does contains, etc.) Comparators are for sorting, not equality. Conceptually this is breaking how Set works in any language. Two items are not "equal" unless they can be swapped in all cases.
That tells us that we don't want a Set here. What you want here is uniqueness based on some key. That's a Dictionary (as Daniel discusses).
You could either just have a "id -> age" dictionary or "id -> struct-of-other-properties" dictionary as your primary data type (rather than using Array). Or you can turn your Array into a temporary Dictionary like this:
extension Dictionary {
init<S>(_ values: S, uniquelyKeyedBy keyPath: KeyPath<S.Element, Key>)
where S : Sequence, S.Element == Value {
let keys = { $0[keyPath: keyPath] }
self.init(uniqueKeysWithValues: zip(keys, values))
And merge them like this:
let dict1 = Dictionary(struct1, uniquelyKeyedBy: \.id)
let dict2 = Dictionary(struct2, uniquelyKeyedBy: \.id)
let merged = dict1.merging(dict2, uniquingKeysWith: { old, new in old }).values
This leaves merged as [SomeStruct].
Note that this Dictionary(uniquelyKeyedBy:) has the same preconditions as Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues:). If there are duplicate keys, it's a programming error and will raise precondition failure.
You could do something like this:
var setOfIds: Set<Int> = []
var struct3 = struct2.filter { setOfIds.insert($ }
struct3 += struct1.filter { setOfIds.insert($ }
The result would be an array of SomeStruct, with all elements with unique ids.
You could define this as a custom operator :
infix operator *>
func *> (lhs: [SomeStruct], rhs: [SomeStruct]) -> [SomeStruct] {
var setOfIds: Set<Int> = []
var union = lhs.filter { setOfIds.insert($ }
union += rhs.filter { setOfIds.insert($ }
return union
Your code would then look like this:
func uniqueById() {
let struct3 = struct2 *> struct1
//use struct3
The short answer is no. Swift sets do not have any way to accept a custom comparator and if you absolutely must have a Set, then your wrapper idea is the only way to do it. I question the requirement for a set though.
Instead of using Set in your calculator, I recommend using dictionary.
You can use a Dictionary to produce an array where each item has a unique ID...
let struct3 = Dictionary(grouping: struct1 + struct2, by: { $ })
.compactMap { $0.value.max(by: { $0.age < $1.age })}
Or you can keep the elements in a [Int: SomeStruct] dictionary:
let keysAndValues = (struct1 + struct2).map { ($, $0) }
let dictionary = Dictionary(keysAndValues, uniquingKeysWith: { lhs, rhs in
lhs.age > rhs.age ? lhs : rhs

Ambiguous reference to member 'contains'

I have defined a struct for the Stack:
struct Stack<T> {
private(set) var elements = [T]()
var isEmpty: Bool { return elements.isEmpty }
mutating func push(newElement: T) {
mutating func pop() -> T {
return elements.removeLast()
func top() -> T? {
return elements.last
When I use the method to get the last element and check if it is in the collection:
if operators.contains(!) {
//do smth
compiler raises an error: "Ambiguous reference to member 'contains'"
Update: The collection is defined as:
struct Operator: OperatorType {
let name: String
let precedence: Int
let associativity: Associativity
// same operator names are not allowed
var hashValue: Int { return "\(name)".hashValue }
init(_ name: String, _ precedence: Int, _ associativity: Associativity) { = name; self.precedence = precedence; self.associativity = associativity
And init with:
let operators: Set <Operator> = [
Operator("%", 4, .Right),
Operator("*", 3, .Left),
Operator("/", 3, .Left),
Operator("+", 2, .Left),
Operator("-", 2, .Left)
What am I doing wrong?
This is because the contains method you are looking for only exists where Array.Element : Equatable
Taken from the stdlib.
extension Array where Element : Equatable {
public func contains(_ element: Element) -> Bool
Assuming someCollection is Array<Stack> then you would need to change Stack to:
struct Stack<T: Equatable> : Equatable {
And with Swift 4.1 the Equatable conformance is handled automatically. Source

Is it possible to have a range as a key in a Swift Dictionary?

For simplification. Lets say i have some unique values -> the numbers from 1 to 10
Now I want 1-5 map to the value "first" and I want 6-10 map to the value "second"
Is there a way I can create or extend a dictionary to work like the following?
let dict: [Range<Int> : String]
The goal is to have the following results:
print(dict[1]) // prints first
print(dict[2]) // prints first
print(dict[3]) // prints first
print(dict[7]) // prints second
print(dict[8]) // prints second
print(dict[9]) // prints second
The way I am currently doing it is to simply have the multiple keys map to the same value. But my dictionary can have sometimes 60k values. So I am wondering if a range can work.
I know I can make the value into a class instead of a struct so that multiple keys can map to the same class object, but I was wondering if simply creating a Dictionary that worked like above was possible?
If you insist on using Dictionary, you have to wait until Swift 3.1 (currently in beta):
extension CountableClosedRange : Hashable {
public var hashValue: Int {
return "\(lowerBound) to \(upperBound)".hashValue
// This feature is called concrete-type extension and requires Swift 3.1
extension Dictionary where Key == CountableClosedRange<Int> {
subscript(rawValue rawValue: Int) -> Value? {
for k in self.keys {
if k ~= rawValue {
return self[k]
return nil
let dict : [CountableClosedRange<Int>: String] = [
1...5: "first",
6...10: "second"
print(dict[rawValue: 1])
print(dict[rawValue: 2])
print(dict[rawValue: 3])
print(dict[rawValue: 7])
print(dict[rawValue: 8])
print(dict[rawValue: 9])
However, it's a lot clearer if you implement your own data model:
struct MyRange {
var ranges = [CountableClosedRange<Int>]()
var descriptions = [String]()
mutating func append(range: CountableClosedRange<Int>, description: String) {
// You can check for overlapping range here if you want
subscript(value: Int) -> String? {
for (i, range) in self.ranges.enumerated() {
if range ~= value {
return descriptions[i]
return nil
var range = MyRange()
range.append(range: 1...5, description: "one")
range.append(range: 6...10, description: "second")
This is in Swift 3.0, it may not be as nice as Code Different's answer though.
class MyRange: Hashable, Equatable {
public var hashValue: Int {
get {
return (self.range.lowerBound + self.range.upperBound).hashValue
var range: Range<Int>!
public static func ==(_ lhs: MyRange, _ rhs: MyRange) -> Bool {
return lhs.range == rhs.range
init(range: Range<Int>) {
self.range = range
extension Dictionary where Key: MyRange, Value: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
internal subscript(index: Int) -> [String] {
return self.filter({$0.key.range.contains(index)}).map({$0.value as! String})
Now, you can make your dictionary like so:
var dict = Dictionary<MyRange, String>()
dict[MyRange(range: 0..<5)] = "first"
dict[MyRange(range: 5..<10)] = "second"
Getting values works with Integers and Ranges:
print(dict[1]) // ["first"]
print(dict[5]) // ["second"]
print(dict[11]) // []
print(dict[MyRange(range: 0..<5)]) // "first"
print(dict[MyRange(range: 0..<6)]) // nil
The dictionary should look like this:
// [MyRange: "first", MyRange: "second"]