Swift Collection conformance default - swift

In my app I've some objects that conform to Collection. I do this because then I get the for-loop syntax and all the filter/map/etc methods for free. But I noticed it is always to same. I've got an private array and I just forward the calls. So I thought I would wrap Collection protocol in another protocol like so:
protocol CollectionTrait: Collection {
associatedtype CollectionType: Collection
var _items: CollectionType { get }
extension CollectionTrait {
var startIndex: CollectionType.Index {
return _items.startIndex
var endIndex: CollectionType.Index {
return _items.endIndex
func index(after i: CollectionType.Index) -> CollectionType.Index {
return _items.index(after: i)
subscript(index: CollectionType.Index) -> CollectionType.Element {
get {
return _items[index]
And this can be used as follows:
class Words: CollectionTrait {
let _items = [
"foo", "bar", "baz"
let words = Words()
for word in words {
I feel like this is great, only problem I have now is that _items needs to be public, but I kinda want it to be private since I preferable don't wanna expose it. So for now I prefixed it with an underscore, to show it shouldn't be used. Does anybody know a way to force this behaviour? Or just in general a better way to avoid code duplication without inheritance (is not always possible in my case)

If you're fine with splitting your code up into multiple files, you can define CollectionTrait as a private protocol and conform to it with fileprivate. If, in one file, you have:
private protocol CollectionTrait: Collection {
associatedtype CollectionType: Collection
var _items: CollectionType { get }
extension CollectionTrait {
var startIndex: CollectionType.Index {
return _items.startIndex
var endIndex: CollectionType.Index {
return _items.endIndex
func index(after i: CollectionType.Index) -> CollectionType.Index {
return _items.index(after: i)
subscript(index: CollectionType.Index) -> CollectionType.Element {
get {
return _items[index]
class Words: CollectionTrait {
fileprivate let _items = [
"foo", "bar", "baz"
In another file, if you try to use Words you can:
let words = Words()
for word in words {
But trying to access words._items directly would be an error, since it's fileprivate.


RangeReplaceableCollection conformance doesn't require... actually anything

According to the documentation:
To add RangeReplaceableCollection conformance to your custom
collection, add an empty initializer and the replaceSubrange(_:with:)
method to your custom type.
But in practice it's not required! (except for empty initializer)
// Just stubs for minimal reproducible code
struct Category: Hashable {}
struct Product {}
struct ProductCollection {
typealias DictionaryType = [Category : [Product]]
// Underlying, private storage
private var products = DictionaryType()
// Enable our collection to be initialized with a dictionary
init(products: DictionaryType = DictionaryType()) {
self.products = products
extension ProductCollection: Collection {
// Required nested types, that tell Swift what our collection contains
typealias Index = DictionaryType.Index
typealias Element = DictionaryType.Element
// The upper and lower bounds of the collection, used in iterations
var startIndex: Index { return products.startIndex }
var endIndex: Index { return products.endIndex }
// Required subscript, based on a dictionary index
subscript(index: Index) -> Iterator.Element {
get { return products[index] }
// Method that returns the next index when iterating
func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
return products.index(after: i)
extension ProductCollection: ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral {
init(dictionaryLiteral elements: (Category, [Product])...) {
self.init(products: .init(uniqueKeysWithValues: elements))
extension ProductCollection: RangeReplaceableCollection {
init() {
products = DictionaryType()
// func replaceSubrange<C: Collection, R: RangeExpression>(_ subrange: R, with newElements: C)
// where Self.Element == C.Element, Self.Index == R.Bound {
// }
The code is taken from a great (but not related to the post's topic) John Sundell article.
This code compiles even though replaceSubrange function is not provided.
One more question. Why should I provide an empty initializer explicitly in this situation? I can initialize the struct like ProductCollection() without having that initializer. I can do this for many reasons: 1) products property has initializing value provided 2) main initializer has default value provided 3) there is also a ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral initializer which can be used to initialize an empty object.
So why I have to provide one more empty initializer explicitly?
But please, the first question about replaceSubrange function is more important :)
That is a bug which has also been discussed in the Swift forum:
SR-6501 RangeReplaceableCollection default implementations cause infinite recursion
Compiler lets me use incomplete RangeReplaceableCollection
Using Swift
The reason is that there is an overload of the replaceSubRange() method (taking a RangeExpression as the first argument) which the compiler erroneously accepts as satisfying the protocol requirement.
But note that even if the code compiles without implementing the required method, it does not work and leads to an infinite loop. Here is a short example:
struct MyCollection : MutableCollection {
private var storage: [Int] = []
init(_ elements: [Int]) { self.storage = elements }
var startIndex : Int { return 0 }
var endIndex : Int { return storage.count }
func index(after i: Int) -> Int { return i + 1 }
subscript(position : Int) -> Int {
get { return storage[position] }
set(newElement) { storage[position] = newElement }
extension MyCollection: RangeReplaceableCollection {
init() { }
var mc = MyCollection([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
mc.replaceSubrange(0..<3, with: [2, 3, 4])
Running that code leads to an “infinite” loop and eventually crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS due to a stack overflow.

Swift 4 KeyPath On Objects of Different Type

I have 2 types, A and B that implement the same methods and have the same properties on them. I have defined an extension to fetch a value in a sub property for each of A and B. I want to know if there is a way to reduce those 2 extensions down to 1 method. Imagine there are many more types like A and B so the code duplication problem becomes much worse.
Update: A and B are generated along with many others like them. The original plan is to avoid writing extensions at all for A or B. I don't know if this is possible but I was told I could use KeyPaths for this. The properties names must be different. This is a byproduct of the code generation
struct A {
var something: Common
struct B {
var somethingElse: Common
struct Common {
var value1: String
var value2: String
extension A {
func valueFor(condition: Bool) -> String {
return condition ? self.something.value1 : self.something.value2
extension B {
func valueFor(condition: Bool) -> String {
return condition ? self.somethingElse.value1 : self.somethingElse.value2
I think protocols are the solution for your problem. They help to make code more generic.
protocol CommonContaining {
var common: Common { get set }
func valueFor(condition: Bool) -> String {
return condition ? self.common.value1 : self.common.value2
struct A {
var something: Common
struct B {
var somethingElse: Common
extension A: CommonContaining {
var common: Common {
return something
extension B: CommonContaining {
var common: Common {
return somethingElse
From what i have understand, if the method is related to Common struct then you should implement this method in the struct itself or to create extension to the struct :
struct A
var something: Common
struct B
var somethingElse: Common
struct Common
var value1: String
var value2: String
func valueFor(condition: Bool) -> String {
return condition ? self.value1 : self.value2 }
var object_1 = A(something: Common(value1: "1", value2: "1"))
var object_2 = B(somethingElse: Common(value1: "1", value2: "2"))
print(object_1.something.valueFor(condition: true))
print(object_2.somethingElse.valueFor(condition: false))
Good luck.

Add sort to array wrapping class

The following code is from this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28191539/4096655
public class SynchronizedArray<T> {
private var array: [T] = []
private let accessQueue = dispatch_queue_create("SynchronizedArrayAccess", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL)
public func append(newElement: T) {
dispatch_async(self.accessQueue) {
public subscript(index: Int) -> T {
set {
dispatch_async(self.accessQueue) {
self.array[index] = newValue
get {
var element: T!
dispatch_sync(self.accessQueue) {
element = self.array[index]
return element
var a = SynchronizedArray<Int>()
// can be empty as this is non-thread safe access
// thread-safe synchonized access
I am doing something very much like but am having trouble setting up a sort to pass to the array of generics. Ideally I'd like a sortInPlace but am not sure how to do it.
If you want to sort the wrapped array, then one way is to constrain T to a type conforming to Comparable. If you add this restriction, then a sorting function is easy to implement, simply ask the array to sort itself:
public class SynchronizedArray<T: Comparable> {
public func sortInPlace() {
For custom classes, you need to add an extension conforming to Comparable, and overload the == and < operators (reference here)
extension MyClass: Comparable {
func ==(lhs: MyClass, rhs: MyClass) -> Bool {
func <(lhs: MyClass, rhs: MyClass) -> Bool {
var a = SynchronizedArray<MyClass>()

Multiple index types in Swift

In Swift (a language I'm still fairly new to), I'm trying to define a class that allows indexing using either an Int or Range<Int>. For example:
var m = Matrix(rows: 10, cols: 10)
var v = m[1, 0..<10]
The two ways I can think of allowing this issue is to either adding an extension to the Range class:
extension Range {
init(_ intValue:Element) {
self.init(start: intValue, end: intValue.successor())
or to create an enum that allows for either type:
enum IndexType {
case value(Int)
case range(Range<Int>)
init(_ v:Int) {
self = .value(v)
init(_ r:Range<Int>) {
self = .range(r)
However, neither solution works as intended, as I still need to specify the type manually. For example, given the function:
func slice(indices:IndexType...) -> [Double] {
// ...
I can't then just do:
slice(1, 3...4, 5)
but instead have to do:
slice(IndexType(1), IndexType(3...4), 5)
Is there a way to accomplish this in Swift? I'm used to c++, which would do type inference automatically, but the same doesn't appear to work with Swift.
One similar question I found was:
Swift Arrays of Multiple Types
However, I really would like to avoid the use of Any as I know the two types it should be.
protocol MatrixIndex {
var Matrix_range: Range<Int> { get }
extension Int : MatrixIndex {
var Matrix_range: Range<Int> {
get {
return Range<Int>(start: self, end: self+1)
extension Range : MatrixIndex {
var Matrix_range: Range<Int> {
get {
return Range<Int>(start: self.startIndex as! Int, end: self.endIndex as! Int)
class Matrix {
subscript(row: MatrixIndex, column: MatrixIndex) -> () {
get {
print("getting \(row.Matrix_range) \(column.Matrix_range)")
set(newValue) {
print("setting \(row.Matrix_range) \(column.Matrix_range)")

Can I simulate traits/mixins in Swift?

Does Swift have a way of mixing in traits, a la Scala? The section of the Swift book on using extensions to add protocols to existing classes comes tantalizingly close. However, since protocols can't contain an implementation, this can't be used to mix code into a class. Is there another way?
As of Swift 2.0, yes!
Providing Default Implementations
You can use protocol extensions to provide a default implementation
to any method or property requirement of that protocol. If a
conforming type provides its own implementation of a required method
or property, that implementation will be used instead of the one
provided by the extension.
One way to simulate mixing is use generic function to provide implementation
For example with these protocols
protocol Named {
func GetName() -> String
protocol NamedExtension {
func GetLowercaseName() -> String
func GetUppercaseName() -> String
I want some class to implement GetName() and use mixing so they also get GetLowercaseName() and GetUppercaseName() without implement them
This is the implementation of NamedExtension as in free function
func GetLowercaseNameImpl<T:Named>(obj:T) -> String {
return obj.GetName().lowercaseString
func GetUppercaseNameImpl<T:Named>(obj:T) -> String {
return obj.GetName().uppercaseString
and extensions on Int
extension Int : Named {
func GetName() -> String {
return "Int"
extension Int : NamedExtension {
// use provided implementation
func GetLowercaseName() -> String {
return GetLowercaseNameImpl(self)
func GetUppercaseName() -> String {
return GetUppercaseNameImpl(self)
and I can use
1.GetName() // result Int
1.GetUppercaseName() // result "INT"
1.GetLowercaseName() // result "int"
I don't know Scala, but from what you're telling me it is possible to simultaneously create a protocol and an extension that extends a type to add "pseudo-trait" behavior.
For example:
protocol IsGreaterThan
func isGreaterThan(other:Int) -> Bool
func isNotGreaterThan(other:Int) -> Bool
extension Int : IsGreaterThan
func isGreaterThan(other:Int) -> Bool
return self > other
func isNotGreaterThan(other:Int) -> Bool
return !isGreaterThan(other)
The real hamstring is how generics are somewhat limited for now. I think they will improve a lot in the coming revisions of Swift.
Similar to Bryan Chen's answer:
import Foundation
protocol Named {
var name : String { get }
protocol NamedExtension : Named { // NB extends Named
var lowercaseName : String { get }
var uppercaseName : String { get }
struct NamedExtensionDefault { // Put defaults inside a struct to keep name spaces seperate
static func lowercaseName(named : NamedExtension) -> String {
return (named.name as NSString).lowercaseString
static func uppercaseName(named : NamedExtension) -> String {
return (named.name as NSString).uppercaseString
extension Int : NamedExtension {
var name : String {
return "Int"
// Use default implementation
var lowercaseName : String {
return NamedExtensionDefault.lowercaseName(self)
var uppercaseName : String {
return NamedExtensionDefault.uppercaseName(self)
1.name // result Int
1.uppercaseName // result "INT"
1.lowercaseName // result "int"
The main difference from Bryan's answer is that I didn't use generics because I made NamedExtension extends Named, so that the default implementations can access name.
Here's my (not yet widely tested) way of doing what I think are Scala traits in Swift 2.1.1, Playgrounds-ready, two versions:
Less flexible:
protocol BigBadProtocol {
func madFunc() -> String;
// func otherFunc();
// Maybe a couple more functions here.
protocol BlueMadFuncUser: BigBadProtocol {}
extension BlueMadFuncUser {
func madFunc() -> String {
return "Blue"
protocol RedMadFuncUser: BigBadProtocol {}
extension RedMadFuncUser {
func madFunc() -> String {
return "Red"
class ClearClass: BigBadProtocol {
func madFunc() -> String {
return "Clear"
class BlueClass: BlueMadFuncUser {}
class RedClass: RedMadFuncUser {}
More flexible:
protocol BigBadProtocol {
func madFunc() -> String;
// func otherFunc();
// Maybe a couple more functions here.
protocol BlueMadFuncUser {}
extension BigBadProtocol where Self: BlueMadFuncUser {
func madFunc() -> String {
return "Blue"
protocol RedMadFuncUser {}
extension BigBadProtocol where Self: RedMadFuncUser {
func madFunc() -> String {
return "Red"
class ClearClass: BigBadProtocol {
func madFunc() -> String {
return "Clear"
class BlueClass: BigBadProtocol, BlueMadFuncUser {}
class RedClass: BigBadProtocol, RedMadFuncUser {}
Sanity check:
var classes: [BigBadProtocol] = [ClearClass(), BlueClass(), RedClass()]
// Prints "Clear, Blue, Red\n"
print((classes.map { $0.madFunc() }).joinWithSeparator(", "))
// Print another way for Playgrounds, which appears to bug out on the lines above
var s = ""
for klass in classes {
s += klass.madFunc() + " "
BlueMadFuncUser and RedMadFuncUser are two versions of a trait. My terminology might be off, but then you can independently create a second trait like that and mix and match in your classes as you please.
Would be much more challenging or boiler-plate-y to reuse logic like that with an inheritance-based approach.
I ended up wanting this pattern after finding it very useful in Hack for PHP, where from what I can tell traits are very similar to Scala's: https://docs.hhvm.com/hack/other-features/trait-and-interface-requirements)