Typo3: How to disable Bootstrap Language Menu - typo3

I installed the latest Typo 3 LTS 7 Version and used Bootstrap with it. I did not enable any multilanguage stuff, nor do I want it to be displayed. How to disable the language ("Deutsch, Dansk, English") which is presented after every footer?
Thanks a lot!

OK, I found a solution.
Just add
page.theme.metasection.enable = 0
to the Template Constants.
This only disables the Language Footer.
I do not know however, how to configure it (i.e. replace the non existing language names like Dansk)

The language menu is being built in EXT:bootstrap_package/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.txt (line 40).
lib.language = COA
lib.language {
It takes the languages you have defined in the backend (database), assigns information to these and builds up the HMENU. In the default bootstrap_package configuration's case that should be the languages with the ids 0,1,2.
lib.language.20.special.value = 0,1,2
You could change the values there, or get rid of the whole section all together (so not to load it at all) depending on what you want to achieve. If you want to remove it you need to remove the references in the template itself, too.
EXT:bootstrap_package/Resources/Private/Partials/Page/Structure/Footer.html (line 21):
<div class="col-md-4 language">
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.language"/>
.. and from all other places you are referencing lib.language.


Typo3 9.5 Fluid template navigation menu only starts at one page id

Working on Typo3 project, we are using Typo3 9.5
There is already an extension created for the project by my colleague, which has a navigation menu going something like this
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarNavDropdown">
<v:menu pageUid="2">
<ul class="navbar-nav">...
As you can see v:menu is assigned a hard-coded pageUid.
Is there a way to remove hardcoding so that the extension could be transfered between systems and assigned to various pages without worying about changing the value every time it's done.
I can also see it becoming an issue once we need to run more then one root level layout from this template :-(
Have a look into the documentation of that VH
Similar to a typoscript menu you can start a menu with an entryLevel.
0 = root
1 = first level
2 = second level
-1 = current level
-2 = parent level from current
if you do not provide the parameter pageUid an entryLevel = 0 is default.

How to get the Log In Form on every page? (for example in footer) Typo3

Is there a way to get the Log In Form for Frontend User on every page? I would prefer the footer.
And if someone is logged in you can see the Log Out Button.
Is this possible without an extension?
You can copy the default felogin output to wherever you want on your template. For example use lib.login, copy the plugin.tx_felogin_pi1 into it, change the template and you're fine.
lib.login < plugin.tx_felogin_pi1
lib.login.templateFile = path/to/your/template/file
More you can see in the official documentation: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/felogin/8.7/Configuration/Index.html
In general there are three options to include a CE (e.g. the Login-form) on all pages:
use typoscript to generate the CE. Normally the CEs are defined in tt_content, from where you could copy the base configuration and adapt it. For some plugins you also find a complete configuration beyond lib (for newer extensions there you only find the settings). All the configuration must be done in typoscript.
use typoscript to render the content of a special page/ column. In this variant you have a special page only for content referenced somewhere else. Advantage: you could configure the CE in the usual way. Try to avoid referencing CEs by uid as an editor might disable or delete the current element(s) and insert a new one which would not be rendered.
use a special column in your root page and inherit the content to all subpages. Advantage: you could change the inherited content easily on each page (if this column is available in the current backend layout).
example for 3:
variables {
footer_content < styles.content.get
footer_content.select.where = colPos = 15
footer_content.slide = -1

TYPO3: category tree of tx-news, render sub-tree only if main is selected

I override Templates/Styles/TWB/Templates/Category/List.html to have the category menu behave exactly as the sidebar menu in the introduction package (submenus show only if main is selected).
If I add the static template "News Styles Twitter Bootstrap (news)" I'm almost there, it is not difficult to open the sub-categories only if the main category is selected (I need a massive amount of categories/sub-categories), but it should also be open when a sub is selected:
<f:if condition="{0:category.item.uid,1:category.item.uid} == {0:overwriteDemand.categories,1:category.children.{overwriteDemand.categories}.parent}">
<f:if condition="{category.children}">
<f:render section="categoryTree" arguments="{categories: category.children,overwriteDemand:overwriteDemand,class:''}" />
I do not know how to use {overwriteDemand.categories} as key to match the value ... can anybody point to the proper syntax
update: I tried to apply a custom ViewHelper as this post suggests, but using TYPO3 V7.6.16 got stuck with the error should be compatible with TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractConditionViewHelper:‌​:render(), so could not try working with the variable overwriteDemand.categories in another way ...
Dynamic access to variables in fluid is just possible since TYPO3 8. Check out the Whats New Slides here: https://typo3.org/download/release-notes/whats-new/ and search for "Dynamic variable name parts" in the PDF.
In TYPO3 7, the "vhs"-Extension provides a ViewHelper to do the same job but nesting a ViewHelper within an complex f:if-condition is even more difficult. If possible, try out TYPO3 8. If it's not possible you may write your own ViewHelper to solve this logical problem.

Links at the start of content elements

TYPO3 adds these links at the start of almost every element:
<a id="c1427"></a>
where number is, I guess, UID of the element.
How TYPO3 render this link and is it possible to disable it for a specific FCE?
It depends on your TYPO3 Version. In 4.5 it is defined via:
tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject.default.10.value = <div id="c{field:uid}"
If you use the TS-Objectbrowser, you should find it somewhere in tt_content.stdWrap.*
Depending on the rendering you are using, you could be able to add an if statement like:
tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject.default.10 {
# check the uid of the content element which is rendered
if.isInList.field = uid
# do not render if content element uid is 1,2 or 44
if.value = 1,2,44
For sure, it depends on your configuration, so you cannot copy & paste. And i did not test this code! But it should show the way to go:)
I think your problem is in tt_content.stdWrap.prepend that is different for any languages different from default language.
Try to put this typoscript in your template:
tt_content.stdWrap.prepend >
tt_content.stdWrap.wrap = <div class="content-element">|</div>

Typo3: classes for elements

I have 3 different kinds of in my website, and I want to give be able to give different classes from the backend using the RTE from the Text Element. It should look like this:
<ul class="type2">
I thought I should use one of the 3 boxes from the RTE, probably "blockstyle", but im not sure how to add new options to this dropdow. Can someone please help me? Thanks!
The standard RTE editor (rtehtmlarea) populates the class list by parsing the CSS file that you set for it so all you need to do is to define ul.type2 in that CSS file. See the manual of the extension and search for contentCSS property. Example:
RTE.default.contentCSS = fileadmin/template/rte.css
Note that you might have to set it also for each table, e.g.:
RTE.config.tt_content.bodytext.contentCSS = fileadmin/template/rte.css
This depends on your configuration and whether you already have default settings (RTE.default) copied into other configurations. See Info -> [page] -> Page TSconfig -> RTE. for your current settings.