How to get the Log In Form on every page? (for example in footer) Typo3 - forms

Is there a way to get the Log In Form for Frontend User on every page? I would prefer the footer.
And if someone is logged in you can see the Log Out Button.
Is this possible without an extension?

You can copy the default felogin output to wherever you want on your template. For example use lib.login, copy the plugin.tx_felogin_pi1 into it, change the template and you're fine.
lib.login < plugin.tx_felogin_pi1
lib.login.templateFile = path/to/your/template/file
More you can see in the official documentation:

In general there are three options to include a CE (e.g. the Login-form) on all pages:
use typoscript to generate the CE. Normally the CEs are defined in tt_content, from where you could copy the base configuration and adapt it. For some plugins you also find a complete configuration beyond lib (for newer extensions there you only find the settings). All the configuration must be done in typoscript.
use typoscript to render the content of a special page/ column. In this variant you have a special page only for content referenced somewhere else. Advantage: you could configure the CE in the usual way. Try to avoid referencing CEs by uid as an editor might disable or delete the current element(s) and insert a new one which would not be rendered.
use a special column in your root page and inherit the content to all subpages. Advantage: you could change the inherited content easily on each page (if this column is available in the current backend layout).
example for 3:
variables {
footer_content < styles.content.get = colPos = 15
footer_content.slide = -1


Custom tags in TYPO3 content

new here, and also new to TYPO3.
I need to put something like [imagebox, title='box1'] into content editor and that will be replaced by a text and image with some javascript effect (text and image are managed in the DB elsewhere, the tag is just for the placement in the page).
I've read that TYPO3 has a mechanism for adding custom tags and I managed to make them accepted in the RTE.
I tried instead of [imagebox..... to use
with something like this (copied from web):
tt_content.text.20.parseFunc.tags {
imagebox <
imagebox = TEXT
imagebox.value= replaced
# imagebox = PHP_SCRIPT
# imagebox {
# stripNL = 0
# Pass a parameter from Typoscript to a PHP script:
# UID of the page containing the SINGLE view of tt_news
# id_singleView = 18
# Call the PHP script
# file = fileadmin/scripts/imagebox_parser.php
# }
lib.parseFunc.tags.imagebox < tt_content.text.20.parseFunc.tags.imagebox
should be able to replace content between tags.
I've commented call to php function just tried to get a text replacement for starters.
I've put that in the main root template Setup, but nothing is replaced.
I've also tried other examples from the web with no success.
Did anyone have situation like this?
Are there better approaches for that in TYPO3? (I'm using v7.6.23)
Any suggestion or hint is appreciated.
EDIT: using FSC on textmedia element
I think your examples are outdated. (the object PHP_SCRIPT is obsolete for a long time)
You might have a look at the documentation for your TYPO3 version:
you also need to enhance the parsefunc where you need it. That can depend on:
which kind of content element (CE) do you use? (be sure to enhance the rendering of that CE)

TYPO3 Extbase: Set storagepid for Backend Module

I have written a small extension that provide news for Backend User.
Ist is just 2 Parts. One part showing the news for all BE User as a own Module, and the other part are create and edit functions provided by the TCA.
To work with the TCA forms and the default extbase getter, i need the correct storagePid. I can't set them via TypoScript, because I'm never in a page context.
My Idea was to use the Plugin settings with the file ext_conf_template.txt
# cat=persistence/enable; type=int; label=Storage pid
storagePid = 4457
But how can I tell TYPO3 to look at this Settings?
At least Repository->findAll() must respect it
Normally you would define this using TypoScript:
module.tx_yourextensionkey.persistence.storagePid = 123
Not being in a page context is not a blocker as long as you place the configuration on the first root TypoScript template (or include the TypoScript via other means which cause global inclusion not specific to any sys_template record or page tree location).
Maybe not the best solution, but it works.
I have written my own function in the repository with the pid as parameter.
I'm using the TYPO3 Query builder.
With $query->equals('pid', $pid); I get entries with my pid.
And with $query->getQuerySettings()->setRespectStoragePage(false); the default pid will be ignored.
And as the last step. My Controller gets the pid from the Settings, unserialize($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf']['my_extension']['storagePid']); an gives it to the function.

Manage hierarchy / enforce priority of TS-templates

Well, there is actually another guy with exact the same problem. But until today, they didn't come up with a solution, that's why I'm asking it once again.
My entire TS is included by an extension in TYPO3 7.6.8. This works fine except with indexed_search. The TS inside my resources EXT get overwritten by the indexed_search default TS.
This is the order of the TS inside the Template-Analyzer:
SYS: TYPO3_CONF_VARS:FE:defaultTypoScript
... a bunch of other third party extensions ...
So #7 is the extension which includes all my TS but it gets overwritten by #14. The only way to configure the indexed_search is inside the setup of the page template (which comes after all those above). But I want to avoid that to keep things clean.
Is there a way to prioritize a certain TS so that it doesn't get overwritten?
Open the TypoScript record, switch to the tab "Includes", at the bottom you will find the field Static Template Files from TYPO3 Extensions:. Select the value Include before all static templates if root flag is set.
Try putting the TS from your template extension inside the root page Setup field like this (adjust the path if necessary, your example says Resources/Private/TypoScript?):
<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:templates_ext/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.ts">
This should make sure that it is included AFTER all the other includes (I assume you included those via the includes tab?)

typo3 extension two times on page, different setup?

I have written a Typo3 extension that I want to put 2 times on the same Typo3 page (actually in two parts defined through a templavoila template), but the two instances need different setups!
When I add content to the page through the "Page" module, I can add as many instances of my extension as I want. But in the "Template" module, there is only 1 configuration per page.
So my question is: what is the best way to have different typoscript setups for different instances of a single plugin on the same page?
Thanks for any hints!
If a configuration option is not available as flexform, or there are other reasons why to change the options via TypoScript, you may do it like this:
temp.tx_yourextension < plugin.tx_yourextension
plugin.tx_yourextension >
plugin.tx_yourextension = CASE
plugin.tx_yourextension {
# check for the uid of the content element (the plugin)
key.field = uid
# if nothing special is defined
default < temp.tx_yourextension
# the plugin with the uid 1234 needs different configuration
1234 < temp.tx_yourextension
1234 {
property = whatever
Instead of requesting the uid, you could check for section_frame or any other field.
But keep in mind, some extensions accessing directly the TypoScript via $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_yourextension.']['property'] which will prevent this option.
You could do the same on tt_content.list.*
# without tx_ prefix
temp.yourextension < tt_content.list.20.yourextension
tt_content.list.20.yourextension >
tt_content.list.20.yourextension = CASE
Why using template configuration? You could define some configurations for the frontend plugin itself (with flexforms), so every instance could be customized.
You can use the flexform to have different setups. Each flexform is stored in a separate database field.

How to fusion two content elements? / Does an all in one content element exist?

I need a content element that cointains apsects from the "Textpic" and the "Media" content elements.
Basically I need the whole palette of input masks of the textpic CE (headline, rte text, images) plus the media tab (swf, mp4, mov) from the media content element.
This special requirements for our project comes from the need that we can only use one content element for our specific javascript content slieder. So I can not use like a Textpic and underneath a media CE. No it really has to be just one CE which can handle the textpic + the media CE stuff.
Generally I ask you: Is there already a extension, trick, modification or a framework which I can/should be use to achive that i can "fusionate" content elements? Like an "all-in-one"-content element, a multi content element?
Ps: I do not use Templavoila. My Typo3 version is 4.5
I think this is the tutorial you're looking for:
Follow step 2 and 3.
You'll also need to add a specific rendering config in Typoscript ie: tt_content._your-ce_
But it can be copied from out of tt_content.textpic and You can find the expample typoscript of before mentioned CE's in: typo3/sysext/css_styled_content/static/setup.txt. Just don't alter it there, but make a copy and alter in your own file.
As you seem to only talk about reusing already exisiting fields, you really only need to change the backend interface (big keyword: "showitem"). You'll need the database names of the fields (peek into the tt_content table of some records where you know the contents), alternatively visit the module Admin Tools / Configuration, select TCA in top dropdown menu, open tt_content and columns.
Try, you'll of course have to substitue tt_content for tt_news etc.
You might also want to make a new type (the above recipe is for changing a preexisitent), but I'm sorry, I'm currently out of time for explaining that. It's not very hard, though, and the castiron link by Koopa will help you on your way.
Perhaps you can wrap the content column in another div? You can use that outer div for your content slider. Now you actually use all content elements seperately, but combine then for usage.