Collision detection leading to color detection? [duplicate] - swift

This question already exists:
Do an SKAction if the colors of two sprites aren't the same? [duplicate]
Closed 6 years ago.
How can I check if, when I collide with an SKSpriteNode in the middle of two rectangles with a ball, the ball and the two rectangles are the same color?
For example, if my two rectangles are red, and my ball is blue, I want it to detect that the colors of my rectangle and the ball are different. If they are the same color, then I don't want anything to happen. If they aren't, I'll write the code that makes the player lose. But how can I detect the color difference when the ball collides the skspritenode located in the middle and in between the two rectangles?

My suggestion is that your change your "pair" of walls to become a trio of walls instead. This third wall should have a different categoryBitMask. (PhysicsCategory.wallSpace seems to fit with your current naming scheme.)
This "wallSpace" needs to be positioned between the two existing walls. It should be given the same color as its siblings through your color-change logic, but here comes the trick: set it's alpha to 0.
This way you can check for collisions between this invisible wall and your ball and perform actions based on the color-information.


How to create a SKPhysicsBody in a shape of a parabola?

I need to create a SKSpriteNode or a SKShapeNode such that it would look like the image below. I can figure out how to use a texture to get the shape of the line but I can't seem to find a way to make the physics body. It needs to be made out of two horizontal lines which can change their y position and the middle parabola-like shape joins the other two lines with a specified maximum point (the maximum would hopefully be a variable).
(Note:- the blue and green lines are just to highlight that the image is compromised of three objects)
Is this possible? Thanks!

How to find the center in unity 2d?

I want to create 2d game. The game is similar to the Scale Puzzle. I've already created nearly all the functionality. Only the last remains.
This is example.
And that's how I draw shapes.
I click inside a white square, and after 1 seconds a square is drawn regardless of the position of the ball. (x,y).
Square is created programmatically, and it is added to the parent element "SquaresList" with name New Game Object.
How can i do, so that the violet field becomes larger, and in the middle of the screen.
I made it so that for every 3 clicks, "SquaresList" increases Scale by 0.25f, and get negative position of the ball. Example:
SquareList.transform.position = new Vector2(-ball.pos.x, -ball.pos.y)
This does not work correctly.
What options can be? (intersections, find the max/min point, math formulas) ?
Hi NoName :) Your method
SquareList.transform.position = new Vector2(-ball.pos.x, -ball.pos.y)
would work perfectly if your object does not inherit other objects and there positions. To fix this make sure that you reset the position of all other game objects that you use as containers.

Connecting two TShape objects

i'm trying to do simple game in lazarus, but i'm stuck with one thing that i don't really want to overcomplicate. I have some circles on the screen (pretty small ones, 10pixels diameter) and i want to draw lines between two selected. So i thought i gonna make invisible hitboxes. I took care that two hitboxes doesn't intersect.
And i want to do simple drag and drop. If i drag circle or it's hitbox and drop it on another circle or it's hitbox i want to draw a line between those two circles. And my question is: is there a elegant way of knowing which circle belongs to a hitbox? Or maybe some other nice solution to this problem?
I'm not sure how exactly you have your setup, so the answer is quite generic.
You can start with the following:
Have a function to detect which circle is below cursor - CircleHitTest(X,Y: Integer): Integer;. If there's no circle at given XY - return -1.
Upon MouseDown detect which circle was under a cursor and store it's Id in variable DrawFrom.
Upon MouseUp detect which circle was under a cursor and store it's Id in variable DrawTo
If DrawFrom and DrawTo are two different and valid circles - draw a line between them.

Sprite Kit Physics Body Complex Shape - Spritekit

I have this situation:
I'd like to move the white ball inside the red track and detect wherever the balls touch the limit of the red track.
Which is the best solution? I have to create multiple transparent shape along the borders? Do you have other ideas?
thanks so much
In iOS8 you can create a single physics body for that kind of shape.
Make a texture of your shape with p.e. Adobe Illustrator and use this method:
init(texture texture: SKTexture!,alphaThreshold alphaThreshold: CFloat,size size: CGSize) -> SKPhysicsBody
The SKTexture is your shaped image. The body is defined by the colored pixels.
The alphaThresHold: The minimum alpha value for texels that should be part of the new physics body.
The Size is clear I think.
The texture is analyzed and all invisible pixels around the egg are ignored and only the color pixels are interpreted as the body of the SKPhysicsNode. You should use too many of these because they are very expensive to calculate for the Physics Engine.
Variations of this method are found in the SpriteKit Class Reference.
To your problem. Make an inverse texture of your area which should be transparent and pass it as texture to the physics body. It will be analyzed and a body around the free zone is created.
You cannot create a single physics body for that kind of shape.
Using bodyWithPolygonFromPath: will only allow you to create a convex polygonal path which obviously does not work for your shape.
I think you have 3 options here:
Use a number of bodyWithPolygonFromPath: bodies (probably the hardest to do and time consuming).
Use a number of various size bodyWithRectangleOfSize: bodies (not so hard but time consuming).
Use only straight lines in your image and use bodyWithRectangleOfSize: (the easiest and fastest). If you choose this option remember you are still free to rotate your straight lines to various angles.

How to use a different texture on intersecting part of 2 quads

I'm looking for a way to dynamically change a part of a Quad that has a SpriteRenderer attached to it. Let's say I have a red Quad and a blue Quad, and then I drag one onto the other (fast or slow), the intersecting part should be colored using a green sprite. This illustration shows the scenario I'm trying to solve.
Can someone please help me with this?
You have two options:
First, if your mid color will be the correct mixture of other two color, in this case it would be yellow, you can use Mobile Particle/Additive or Mobile Particle/Multiply Shaders.
In a second way, you can write your own shader that takes the intersection area as parameter and paint your textures according to parameters.