How to use a different texture on intersecting part of 2 quads - unity3d

I'm looking for a way to dynamically change a part of a Quad that has a SpriteRenderer attached to it. Let's say I have a red Quad and a blue Quad, and then I drag one onto the other (fast or slow), the intersecting part should be colored using a green sprite. This illustration shows the scenario I'm trying to solve.
Can someone please help me with this?

You have two options:
First, if your mid color will be the correct mixture of other two color, in this case it would be yellow, you can use Mobile Particle/Additive or Mobile Particle/Multiply Shaders.
In a second way, you can write your own shader that takes the intersection area as parameter and paint your textures according to parameters.


How to create a Sprite Color Mask in Unity

I'm trying to use the Among Us Spritesheets to get crewmates in Unity. The spritesheet looks like this:
Each sprite is a blue/red color. Somehow the devs get every color of crewmate from these sprites, and I'm wondering how they did it.
How can I get every color of crewmate from this sprite sheet?
EDIT: Solution
I edited the title to be more accurate to my problem. Thanks to #G Kalendar for mentioning Shaders, I hadn't thought about that.
What I ended up doing was creating a Shader Graph, extracting each color channel, multiplying it by a color value, and recombining them into a texture.
I followed this helpful and straightforward tutorial:
This is what my Shader Graph ended up looking like:
"Secondary" and "Primary" are color properties.
Hope this helps somebody!
If you want to have multiple info stored in a single image, it's common practice to use the channels: Red, Green, Blue. Horizon Zero Dawn for example uses that technique to make the environment effects as efficient as possible.
Here it looks like blue and red are used as a polaceholder to mark an area. So in unity's shader graph, when you use this image in a SampleTexture2D node you can use a Split node to get the different channels of the image to isolate the parts you want to color in.
Then just multiply the different channels by the color you want, add them together and use that as the base color.
Edit: Or use the "Replace Color Node" I just learned about.

Unity Line Mesh Inward Shader

I am pretty new to shaders in unity and am stuck on a problem.
I am using ShaderGraph and unity 2021. I understood the ShaderGraph examples from the unity page and "implemented" an OutlineShader thinking I could simply "inverse" the direction (not multiply by some value to get a bigger object then coloring that object and laying the original object ontop). Yet I am nowhere near what I want.
Basically what I am trying to achive is a stepped color gradient to the inside of the object. As an image it should look something like this:
Starting from color0 (green) going inward to color1 (yellow) until i reach the center with colorN (white) and repeat the same for the other side. The shader is then used on a material that is applied to a MeshLineRenderer (LineRendererPro from asset store with minor modifications for custom behavior) which kind of looks like this:
In the end the line should be colored according to the specified colors and the direction the line is going.
Explanation of a simple "Inline" Shader (similar to an outline) would help alot. I think I would be able to adapt that concept and implement multiple colors with (maybe) percentages of width. I don't want to use a fixed image/texture since i want to change the widths and colors.
Any input is welcome and thank you in advance.

Am I able to make certain parts of a texture glow with post process bloom?

So I have these mushroom models, and some of the faces are blue as opposed to purple.
I was hoping to make the top part of the mushroom glow, but not the stem of the mushroom. Currently i just use a point light in Unity but it doesn't look very good.
Any help would be awesome! Thank you
Glowing Mushrooms
U can try making the textures emissive by adding an emission map, that way they will glow when using post processing bloom.
The bloom post-processing effect relies on a material or light's intensity values. So, you'd need a separate material for the stem and another for the head. For the head of the mushroom, you then need to set the material's emission colour as well as the albedo. This will allow you to make it glow slightly and then the bloom will then spread out that glow for you.
As per Bean5's post, you can assign an emissions map if you don't want to use two separate materials. That way, if you have one mesh then only parts of your model will glow.

How to texture mesh? Shader vs. generated texture

I managed to create a map divided in chunks. Each one holding a mesh generated by using perlin noise and so on. The basic procedural map method, shown in multiple tutorials.
At this point i took a look at surface shader and managed to write one which fades multiple textures depending on the vertex heights.
This gives me a map which is colored smoothly.
In tutorials i watched they seem to use different methods to texture a mesh. So in this one for example a texture is generated for each mesh. This texture will hold a different color depending on the noise value.This texture is applied to the mesh and after that the mesh vertices are displaced depending on the z-value.
This results in a map with sharper borders between the colors giving the whole thing a different look. I believe there is a way to create smoother transitions between the tile-colors by fading them like i do in my shader.
My question is simply what are the pro and cons of those methods. Let's call them "shader" and "texture map". I am lost right now, not knowing in which direction to go.

Unity - Avoid quad clipping or set rendering order

I am using Unity 5 to develop a game. I'm still learning, so this may be a dumb question. I have read about Depth Buffer and Depth Texture, but I cannot seem to understand if that applies here or not.
My setting is simple: I create a grid using several quads (40x40) which I use to snap buildings. Those buildings also have a base, made with quads. Every time I put one one the map, the Quads overlap and they look like the picture.
As you can see, the red quad is "merging" with the floor (white quads).
How can I make sure Unity renders the red one first, and the white ones are background? Of course, I can change the red quad Y position, but that seems like the wrong way of solving this.
This is a common issue, called Z-Fighting.
Usually you can reduce it by reducing the range of “Clipping Planes” of the camera, but in your case the quads are at the same Y position, so you can’t avoid it without changing the Y position.
I don't know if it is an option for you, but if you use SpriteRenderer (Unity 2D) you don’t have that problem and you can just set “Sorting Layer” or “Order in Layer” if you want modify the rendering order.