Connecting two TShape objects - drag-and-drop

i'm trying to do simple game in lazarus, but i'm stuck with one thing that i don't really want to overcomplicate. I have some circles on the screen (pretty small ones, 10pixels diameter) and i want to draw lines between two selected. So i thought i gonna make invisible hitboxes. I took care that two hitboxes doesn't intersect.
And i want to do simple drag and drop. If i drag circle or it's hitbox and drop it on another circle or it's hitbox i want to draw a line between those two circles. And my question is: is there a elegant way of knowing which circle belongs to a hitbox? Or maybe some other nice solution to this problem?

I'm not sure how exactly you have your setup, so the answer is quite generic.
You can start with the following:
Have a function to detect which circle is below cursor - CircleHitTest(X,Y: Integer): Integer;. If there's no circle at given XY - return -1.
Upon MouseDown detect which circle was under a cursor and store it's Id in variable DrawFrom.
Upon MouseUp detect which circle was under a cursor and store it's Id in variable DrawTo
If DrawFrom and DrawTo are two different and valid circles - draw a line between them.


Holes in 2D circle collider

I try to begin new game development that has rotating circle that has one or many holes as in the attached image , the problem is I need to use circle collides for the big circle., in addition I need to use small collides for the smaller holes to prevent and particles(smaller circles ) input the circle and to count no of collisions occurred
enter image description here
The circle collider itself does not have this functionality since it can only check collisions between perfect circles. (Behind the scenes all circle colliders just check the distance between points and these distances do not work with holes) The best solution I can think of would be to use a polygon collider and make a rough circle that you can then remove parts of (would require some advanced geometry but not impossible). I have tried simillar things in 3D and with the mesh collider, removing parts of it using a method known as CSG (Wikipedia) and something simillar should be possible in 2D however it is really, really hard and even experienced programmers struggle to come up with a system that can handle every scenario.
All hope is not lost though, depending on what you need the collision for, there might be other ways. If you just need to check if two objects intersect and don't want rigibodys and stuff to interact with the collider just checking the distance between the big circle and the object (too figure out if it's close enough) and then checking the distance between the object and the holes (too see if it's inside a hole on thus not colliding) is the best way to solve the issue.
I'm sure someone who have done more in this field than I have will be able to help you out but without more information of what you need it's impossible to say. It all depends on the circumstances!

How to find the center in unity 2d?

I want to create 2d game. The game is similar to the Scale Puzzle. I've already created nearly all the functionality. Only the last remains.
This is example.
And that's how I draw shapes.
I click inside a white square, and after 1 seconds a square is drawn regardless of the position of the ball. (x,y).
Square is created programmatically, and it is added to the parent element "SquaresList" with name New Game Object.
How can i do, so that the violet field becomes larger, and in the middle of the screen.
I made it so that for every 3 clicks, "SquaresList" increases Scale by 0.25f, and get negative position of the ball. Example:
SquareList.transform.position = new Vector2(-ball.pos.x, -ball.pos.y)
This does not work correctly.
What options can be? (intersections, find the max/min point, math formulas) ?
Hi NoName :) Your method
SquareList.transform.position = new Vector2(-ball.pos.x, -ball.pos.y)
would work perfectly if your object does not inherit other objects and there positions. To fix this make sure that you reset the position of all other game objects that you use as containers.

Blender - Intersection between 2 objects deletes part of my first object

I'm making a chess piece (a bishop) and I am trying to make the top notch.
For this purpose, I made a new cube, resized it and put on the place to make the cut.
I want to make a cut using a modifier: Boolean, intersecting the two objects.
The problem I am facing is that while intersecting, the top UV Sphere that simulates the 'hat' of the bishop disappears.
What I did so far:
- Remove Doubles
- CTRL+J to join Bishop+Hat(UV Sphere) to make 1 component
Nothing helped and when trying to intersect, the UVSphere-hat disappears.
Why? How to solve?
Here is the bishop before modifier, with hat:
Here is the .blend file to catch the problem faster:
Thank you for your help :-)
The boolean modifier offers two different solvers that produce different results. You want the intersect operation with the carve solver. You also want to hide the cube that you are using for the intersection otherwise you won't see the hole that it has cut out.
Just to go straight to the point I'll add the reply here and select sambler's excellent answer as right.
In my case the Cube which was going to intersect with the bishop HAD NEGATIVE SCALE.
If you have similar problems, check if your objects scale/parameters have negative parameters

How to determine if iPad user taps within an irregular shaped image?

I've hooked up a UITapGestureRecognizer to a UIImageView containing the image I'd like to display on an iPad screen and am able to consume the user taps just fine. However, my image is that of a hand on a table and I'd like to know if the user has tapped on the hand or on the table part of the image. I can get the x,y coordinates of the user tap with CGPoint tapLocation = [recognizer locationInView:self.view]; but I'm at a loss for how to map that CGPoint to, say, the region of the image that contains the hand vs. the region that contains the table. Everything I've read so far deals with determining if a CGPoint is in a particular rectangular area, but what if you need to determine if that CGPoint is located in the boundaries of a more irregular shape? Is that even possible? Any suggestions or just pointing me in the right direction would be a big help. Thanks!
You could use pointInside:withEvent: to define the hit area programmatically.
To elaborate, you just take the point and evaluate to see if it falls in the area you're after with a series of if statements. If it does, return TRUE. If it doesn't, return FALSE. If this is related to this post, then you could use a circular conditional to compare the distance of the point to the center of your circle using Pythagorean Theorem.
late to the party,
but the core tool you want here is a "point in polygon" routine.
this is a generic approach, independent of iOS.
google has lots of info,
but the general approach is:
1) define your closed polygon.
- it sounds like this might be a bit of work in your case.
2) choose any point not equal to your original point.
(yes, any point)
3) for each edge in the polygon,
determine if the ray from your original point through the seconds point intersects with that polygon edge.
- this requires a line-segment-intersect-ray routine, also available on the 'tubes.
4) if the number of intersections is odd, it's inside the polygon.
if the count is even, it's outside.
for general geometry-type issues,
i highly recommend Paul Bourke:
You can use a bounding rectangle that covers most or all of the hand.
If the user is using his finger to tap either the hand or the table, I doubt that you want him or her to be extremely precise with the tap.
An extension of the bounding rectangle answer,
you could define several smaller bounding rectangles that would approximate a hand without covering the rest of the screen.
you could use a list of rectangles, for each of your objects and put the hand at the end of the list. In this case, if you had a tap on button X on the top right hand of the screen which is technically inside the hand rectangle, it would choose the button X because that rectangle is found first.
define the shape by a black and white bitmap (1 bit per pixel). Check if the particular bit is set. This would eat a lot of memory if you had a lot of large shapes, but for one bitmap with a hand, it should not be a big deal.
define the shape as a polygon. Then you need to do point-in-polygon test. Wikipedia has a wonderful article on this, with links to code here:
iPad libraries might have this already implemented. Sorry, I cannot help you there, not an iPad developer.

Fill a touch drawn path of CGPoints using OpenGL or CoreGraphics

I have a NSArray of points that make up a path. I can detect when it self-intersects. When this happens, I try to fill the path.
First I used CoreGraphics, now I'm using openGl to draw a triangle array. Doesn't work well as you can see in the image.
How do I fill only the circular area while leaving the "tail" alone? I was thinking of a reverse flood fill but don't think CG has any API functions for this...
Maybe instead of actually drawing the path you can just approximate the diameter of the path and draw a circle with your approximation.
Here is some code to detect a circle gesture on the iPhone:
Record all of the points in a doubly-linked list. When it comes time to fill, walk the list from the start and find the point that's closest to the end. Then, lineto that point, then lineto each point in reverse order, stopping with the second point in the list. The fill will implicitly close the path, which will jump from where you left off (the second point) back to the start (first) point.
This is just off the top of my head; you can play with a couple of variations on this to see what works best. You might record the closest previous node in each node, but this could get expensive for many nodes.