How to flatten a sequence of cats' ValidatedNel values - scala

I need to flatten a sequence of[E, T] values to a single ValidatedNel value:
val results: Seq[[E, T]] = ???
val flattenedResult:[E, T]
I can do it like this:
import cats.std.list._, cats.syntax.cartesian._
results.reduce(_ |#| _ map { case _ => validatedValue })
but wonder if a pre-defined library methods exists.

It depends on how you want to combine them (what is validatedValue in your question ?)
import{Validated, ValidatedNel}
import cats.implicits._
val validations1 = List(1.validNel[String], 2.valid, 3.valid)
val validations2 = List(1.validNel[String], "kaboom".invalidNel, "boom".invalidNel)
If you want to combine the Ts, you can use Foldable.combineAll which uses a Monoid[T] :
val valSum1 = validations1.combineAll
// Valid(6)
val valSum2 = validations2.combineAll
// Invalid(OneAnd(kaboom,List(boom)))
If you want to get a ValidationNel[String, List[T]], you can use Traverse.sequence :
val valList1: ValidatedNel[String, List[Int]] = validations1.sequence
// Valid(List(1, 2, 3))
val valList2: ValidatedNel[String, List[Int]] = validations2.sequence
// Invalid(OneAnd(kaboom,List(boom)))
If you don't care about the result, which seems to be the case, you can use Foldable.sequence_.
val result1: ValidatedNel[String, Unit] = validations1.sequence_
// Valid(())
val result2: ValidatedNel[String, Unit] = validations2.sequence_
// Invalid(OneAnd(kaboom,List(boom))) // as(x) is equal to map(_ => x)


fs2 dropWhile with X => IO[Boolean]

I can write something like the following and it works just as it should (it yields 10):
import cats.effect.IO
val zz: fs2.Stream[IO, Int] = fs2.Stream.iterate[IO, Int](1)(_+1).map(_*2)
val qq: IO[Int] = zz.dropWhile(_ < 10).take(1)
However, supposing that, instead of a predicate like _ < 10 which returns Boolean, I have a predicate that returns an IO[Boolean]. Is there an alternative form of dropWhile which could handle this situation? I don't want to have to do something like unsafeRunSync() inside the predicate just so that it can yield a Boolean.
Clearly, this is a toy case, not the actual problem that I'm working on.
You can easily define that combinator yourself:
def dropWhileEval[A](sa: Stream[IO, A])(p: A = IO[Boolean]): Stream[IO, A] =
sa.evalMap(a => p(a).map(b => (b, a))).dropWhile(_._1).map(_._2)
This answer is based on the accepted answer by #Luis Miguel Mejia Suárez. But there is a tiny typo in that answer and, essentially, I changed the question after posting the original. So here's the final (toy) code:
import cats.effect.IO
import fs2.{Pure, Stream}
val fLessThan10: Int => Boolean = _ < 10
val fLessThan10_lifted: IO[Int] => IO[Boolean] = _ map fLessThan10
def dropWhileEval[A](sa: Stream[IO, IO[A]])(p: IO[A] => IO[Boolean]): fStream[IO, IO[A]] =
sa.evalMap(a => p(a).map(b => (b, a))).dropWhile(_._1).map(_._2)
val zz: Stream[IO, IO[Int]] = Stream.iterate[IO, Int](1)(_+1).map(x => IO(x*2))
val yy: Stream[IO, IO[Int]] = dropWhileEval[Int](zz)(fLessThan10_lifted).take(1)
val result: IO[List[Int]] = yy.evalMap(identity).compile.toList

Circe encoder for a SortedMultiDict

I'm trying to write a Circe encoder for an object which has a field of scala.collection.immutable.SortedMultiDict. Circe can't find an encoder instance for that, so I need to write one.
import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder, HCursor}
import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
import io.circe.parser.decode
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMultiDict
import io.circe.syntax._
implicit val mapEncoder: Encoder[List[(Long, String)]] = deriveEncoder[List[(Long, String)]]
implicit val mapDecoder: Decoder[List[(Long, String)]] = deriveDecoder[List[(Long, String)]]
implicit val oneEncoder: Encoder[SortedMultiDict[Long, String]] = (a: SortedMultiDict[Long, String]) =>
implicit val oneDecoder: Decoder[SortedMultiDict[Long, String]] = (c: HCursor) =>[Long, String])(c)
Sadly, this isn't correct...
val test = SortedMultiDict.from[Long, String](Seq(1666268475626L -> "a5d9f51d-35c7-4fef-b4a3-3d28944eeb2b", 1666268475626L -> "df359396-043c-4b65-bc3 -bf309d433ff5"))
val encodedData = test.asJson.noSpaces
val roundTrip = decode[SortedMultiDict[Long, String]](encodedData)
results in
scala> roundTrip
val res2: Either[io.circe.Error,scala.collection.immutable.SortedMultiDict[Long,String]] = Left(DecodingFailure(Attempt to decode value on failed cursor, List(DownField(head), DownField(::))))
In fact, the derived list encoder doesn't appear to work...
scala> val myList = List((1666268475626L, "a5d9f51d-35c7-4fef-b4a3-3d28944eeb2b"), (1666268475626L, "df359396-043c-4b65-bc3 -bf309d433ff5"))
val myList: List[(Long, String)] = List((1666268475626,a5d9f51d-35c7-4fef-b4a3-3d28944eeb2b), (1666268475626,df359396-043c-4b65-bc3 -bf309d433ff5))
scala> decode[List[(Long, String)]](myList.asJson.noSpaces)
val res0: Either[io.circe.Error,List[(Long, String)]] = Left(DecodingFailure(Attempt to decode value on failed cursor, List(DownField(head), DownField(::))))
Are my expectations of how to do the round trip of encoding/decoding wrong? It's what I'd understood from Circe's codec docs.
EDIT: Well, it works if I change the map codecs to be:
implicit val mapEncoder: Encoder[List[(Long, String)]] = Encoder.encodeList[(Long, String)]
implicit val mapDecoder: Decoder[List[(Long, String)]] = Decoder.decodeList[(Long, String)]
I still don't really understand why the earlier ones don't work, though, explications welcome...

Scala.js: How to convert Seq[T] to js.Array[T]

I start working with scala.js, and I want to convert Seq to js.Array. I have this sample code:
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation._
object JsSeqs {
def sum(xs: js.Array[Double], ys: js.Array[Double]): js.Array[Double] = {
val s = Seqs.sum(xs.toSeq, ys.toSeq)
//how to parse Seq[Double] to js.Array[Double] ???
object Seqs {
def sum(xs: Seq[Double], ys: Seq[Double]): Seq[Double] = { => x._1 + x._2)
How to do that?
Here is a way to convert a Seq[Int] to Array[Int]
import js.JSConverters._
val scSeq = Seq(1, 2, 3)
// Seq to js.Array -- Copy to js.Array
val jsArray: js.Array[Int] = scSeq.toJSArray
For your reference visit this page.

scalaz, read and map the lines of a file

The following code to read and map the lines of a file works ok:
def readLines(fileName: String) =
def toInt(line: String) = line.toInt
val numbers: Iterator[Int] = readLines("/tmp/file.txt").map(toInt).map(_ * 2)
I get an iterator of Ints if the executing goes well. But the program throws an exception if the file is not found, or some line contains letters.
How can I transform the program to use scalaz monads and get a Disjunction[Exception, List[Int]]?
I tried this on scalaz 7.2.6, but it does not compile:
import scalaz.Scalaz._
import scalaz._
def readLines(fileName: String): Disjunction[Any, List[String]] =
try { }
catch { case e: => e.left}
def toInt(line: String): Disjunction[Any, Int] =
try { line.toInt.right }
catch { case e: NumberFormatException => e.left}
val numbers: Disjunction[Any, Int] = for {
lines: List[String] <- readLines("/tmp/file.txt")
line: String <- lines
n: Int <- toInt(line)
} yield (n * 2)
it fails to compile with these errors:
Error:(89, 37) could not find implicit value for parameter M: scalaz.Monoid[Any]
lines: List[String] <- readLines("/tmp/file.txt")
Error:(89, 37) not enough arguments for method filter: (implicit M: scalaz.Monoid[Any])scalaz.\/[Any,List[String]].
Unspecified value parameter M.
lines: List[String] <- readLines("/tmp/file.txt")
Error:(91, 20) could not find implicit value for parameter M: scalaz.Monoid[Any]
n: Int <- toInt(line)
Error:(91, 20) not enough arguments for method filter: (implicit M: scalaz.Monoid[Any])scalaz.\/[Any,Int].
Unspecified value parameter M.
n: Int <- toInt(line)
I don't understand the errors. what is the problem?
and how to improve this code, so that it does not read all the file into memory, but it reads and maps each line at a time?
Update: Answer from Filippo
import scalaz._
def readLines(fileName: String) = \/.fromTryCatchThrowable[List[String], Exception] {
def toInt(line: String) = \/.fromTryCatchThrowable[Int, NumberFormatException](line.toInt)
type λ[+A] = Exception \/ A
val numbers = for {
line: String <- ListT[λ, String](readLines("/tmp/file.txt"))
n: Int <- ListT[λ, Int](toInt(line).map(List(_)))
} yield n * 2
To answer the second part of your question, I would simply use the Iterator out of the fromFile method:
val lines: Iterator[String] =
If you want to use toInt to convert String to Int:
import scala.util.Try
def toInt(line: String): Iterator[Int] =
Then numbers could look like:
val numbers = readLines("/tmp/file.txt").flatMap(toInt).map(_ * 2)
Due the presence of all these try and catch, if you want to keep using that monadic-for I would suggest to check a scalaz helper like .fromTryCatchThrowable on Disjunction:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
def readLines(fileName: String): Disjunction[Exception, List[String]] =
def toInt(line: String): Disjunction[Exception, Int] =
Now we also have Exception instead of Any as the left type.
val numbers = for {
lines: List[String] <- readLines("/tmp/file.txt")
line: String <- lines // The problem is here
n: Int <- toInt(line)
} yield n * 2
The problem with this monadic-for is that the first and third line are using the Disjunction context but the second one uses the List monad. Using a monad transformer like ListT or DisjunctionT here is possible but probably overkill.
EDIT - to reply the comment
As mentioned, if we want a single monadic-for comprehension, we need a monad transformer, in this case ListT. The Disjunction has two type parameters while a Monad M[_] obviously only one. We need to handle this "extra type parameter", for instance using type lambda:
def readLines(fileName: String) = \/.fromTryCatchThrowable[List[String], Exception] {
val listTLines = ListT[({type λ[+a] = Exception \/ a})#λ, String](readLines("/tmp/file.txt"))
What is the type of listTLines? The ListT transformer: ListT[\/[Exception, +?], String]
The last step in the original for-comprehension was toInt:
def toInt(line: String) = \/.fromTryCatchThrowable[Int, NumberFormatException](line.toInt)
val listTNumber = ListT[\/[Exception, +?], Int](toInt("line"))
What is the type of listTNumber? It doesn't even compile, because the toInt return an Int and not a List[Int]. We need a ListT to join that for-comprehension, one trick could be changing listTNumber to:
val listTNumber = ListT[\/[Exception, +?], Int](toInt("line").map(List(_)))
Now we have both steps:
val numbers = for {
line: String <- ListT[\/[Exception, +?], String](readLines("/tmp/file.txt"))
n: Int <- ListT[\/[Exception, +?], Int](toInt(line).map(List(_)))
} yield n * 2
scala> foreach println
If you are wondering why all this unwrapping:
scala> val unwrap1 =
unwrap1: scalaz.\/[Exception,List[Int]] = \/-(List(2, 20, 200))
scala> val unwrap2 = unwrap1.getOrElse(List())
unwrap2: List[Int] = List(2, 20, 200)
scala> unwrap2 foreach println
(assuming that the sample file contains the lines: 1, 10, 100)
EDIT - comment about compilation issues
The code above compiles thanks to the Kind Projector plugin:
addCompilerPlugin("org.spire-math" % "kind-projector_2.11" % "0.5.2")
With Kind Projector we can have anonymous types like:
Either[Int, +?] // equivalent to: type R[+A] = Either[Int, A]
Instead of:
type IntOrA[A] = Either[Int, A]
// or
({type L[A] = Either[Int, A]})#L
First, the compiler alerts that you´re using for comprehensions mixing types. Your code is transformed by the compiler as that :
readLines("/tmp/file.txt") flatMap { lines => lines } map { line => toInt(line) }
The definition of flatMap is:
def flatMap[A,B](ma: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B]
In your case F is the \/, and this flatMap { lines => lines } is wrong. The compiler alerts with a message like this "List[Nothing] required: scalaz.\/[Any,Int]" because treats list as one function with no parameters and List[Nothing] as result type. Change your code like that:
import scalaz.Scalaz._
import scalaz._
def readLines(fileName: String): Disjunction[Any, List[String]] =
try { }
catch { case e: => e.left}
def toInt(line: List[String]): Disjunction[Any, List[Int]] =
try { (line map { _ toInt }).right }
catch { case e: NumberFormatException => e.left}
val numbers = for {
lines <- readLines("/tmp/file.txt")
n <- toInt(lines)
} yield (n map (_ * 2))
That works.
For read line by line maybe FileInputStream can be easier:
fis = new FileInputStream("/tmp/file.txt");
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis));
String line = reader.readLine();
while(line != null){
line = reader.readLine();
Or you can test the readline function from Source class.

How to run sequence over List[F[G[A]]] to get F[G[List[A]]]

Is it possible to transform a List[F[G[A]]] into F[G[List[A]]] nicely?
I can do this in Scalaz the following way:
val x: List[Future[Option[Int]]] = ???
val transformed: Future[Option[List[Int]]] =
I'm just wondering if there's a nicer way to do this rather than Perhaps using a monad transformer? I did attempt this, without much luck.
Monad transformers are the way to go if you want to avoid the nested sequencing. In this case you want an OptionT[Future, A] (which is equivalent to Future[Option[A]]):
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import scala.concurrent.Future
val xs = List(OptionT(Future(some(1))), OptionT(Future(some(2))))
val ys = OptionT(Future(none[Int])) :: xs
val sequencedXs: Future[Option[List[Int]]] =
val sequencedYs: Future[Option[List[Int]]] =
And then:
scala> sequencedXs.foreach(println)
Some(List(1, 2))
scala> sequencedYs.foreach(println)
As expected.
I've realised that while a monad transformer is great here, I can take advantage that applicatives compose:
def transform[F[_], G[_], A](list: List[F[G[A]]])(implicit af: Applicative[F], ao: Applicative[G]): F[G[List[A]]] = {
type λ[α] = F[G[α]]
implicit val applicative: Applicative[λ] = af compose ao
list.sequence[λ, A]
val lfo: List[Future[Option[Int]]] = List(Future(1.some), Future(2.some))
val future: Future[Option[List[Int]]] = transform(lfo)
And then:
scala> future.foreach(println)
Some(List(1, 2))