I start working with scala.js, and I want to convert Seq to js.Array. I have this sample code:
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation._
object JsSeqs {
def sum(xs: js.Array[Double], ys: js.Array[Double]): js.Array[Double] = {
val s = Seqs.sum(xs.toSeq, ys.toSeq)
//how to parse Seq[Double] to js.Array[Double] ???
object Seqs {
def sum(xs: Seq[Double], ys: Seq[Double]): Seq[Double] = {
xs.zip(ys).map(x => x._1 + x._2)
How to do that?
Here is a way to convert a Seq[Int] to Array[Int]
import js.JSConverters._
val scSeq = Seq(1, 2, 3)
// Seq to js.Array -- Copy to js.Array
val jsArray: js.Array[Int] = scSeq.toJSArray
For your reference visit this page.
How to make this code work?
sealed abstract class Addable[A] {
def sum(el: Seq[A]): A
class MyAddable[A]() extends Addable[A] {
override def sum(el: Seq[A]): A = {
val myvec = Vector(1, 2, 3)
val mylist = List(1, 2, 3)
val inst = new MyAddable
val res0 = inst.sum(mylist) // should return 6
val res1 = inst.sum(myvec) // should return 6
println(s"res0 = $res0")
println(s"res1 = $res1")
I want to pass a generic data type (Vector/List[Int]) and get a sum of it's elements using the described signatures and code structure.
At the moment I am getting:
found : immutable.this.List[scala.this.Int]
required: Seq[scala.this.Nothing]
The specific error is here:
val inst = new MyAddable
which should be
val inst = new MyAddable[Int]()
MyAddable is generic but you are not specifying a type, so it is assuming Nothing, hence the error message.
sealed abstract class Addable[A] {
def sum(el: Seq[A]): A
class MyAddable[A: Numeric]() extends Addable[A] {
override def sum(el: Seq[A]): A = {
val myvec = Vector(1, 2, 3)
val mylist = List(1, 2, 3)
val inst = new MyAddable[Int]()
val res0 = inst.sum(mylist)
val res1 = inst.sum(myvec)
println(s"res0 = $res0")
println(s"res1 = $res1")
import cats.{Semigroup}
import cats.implicits._
// Specify a generic Reduce Function. Use Contravariant parameter to support reduce on derived types
trait Reduce[-F[_]] {
def reduce[A](fa:F[A])(f:(A,A) => A):A
object Reduce {
implicit val SeqReduce = new Reduce[Seq] {
def reduce[A] (data:Seq[A])(f:(A,A) => A ):A = data reduce f
implicit val OptReduce = new Reduce[Option] {
def reduce[A] (data:Option[A])(f:(A,A) => A ):A = data reduce f
// Generic sum function
def sum[A:Semigroup, F[_]](container: F[A])(implicit red:Reduce[F]):A = {
val myvec = Vector(1, 2, 3)
val mylist = List (1, 2, 3)
val mymap = Map ( 1 -> "one",
2 -> "two",
3 -> "three"
val myopt = Some(1)
val res0 = sum(myvec)
val res1 = sum(mylist)
val res2 = sum(myopt)
println(s"res0 = $res0")
println(s"res1 = $res1")
println(s"res2 = $res2")
This gets a little more complicated for Maps
I need to flatten a sequence of cats.data.ValidatedNel[E, T] values to a single ValidatedNel value:
val results: Seq[cats.data.ValidatedNel[E, T]] = ???
val flattenedResult: cats.data.ValidatedNel[E, T]
I can do it like this:
import cats.std.list._, cats.syntax.cartesian._
results.reduce(_ |#| _ map { case _ => validatedValue })
but wonder if a pre-defined library methods exists.
It depends on how you want to combine them (what is validatedValue in your question ?)
import cats.data.{Validated, ValidatedNel}
import cats.implicits._
val validations1 = List(1.validNel[String], 2.valid, 3.valid)
val validations2 = List(1.validNel[String], "kaboom".invalidNel, "boom".invalidNel)
If you want to combine the Ts, you can use Foldable.combineAll which uses a Monoid[T] :
val valSum1 = validations1.combineAll
// Valid(6)
val valSum2 = validations2.combineAll
// Invalid(OneAnd(kaboom,List(boom)))
If you want to get a ValidationNel[String, List[T]], you can use Traverse.sequence :
val valList1: ValidatedNel[String, List[Int]] = validations1.sequence
// Valid(List(1, 2, 3))
val valList2: ValidatedNel[String, List[Int]] = validations2.sequence
// Invalid(OneAnd(kaboom,List(boom)))
If you don't care about the result, which seems to be the case, you can use Foldable.sequence_.
val result1: ValidatedNel[String, Unit] = validations1.sequence_
// Valid(())
val result2: ValidatedNel[String, Unit] = validations2.sequence_
// Invalid(OneAnd(kaboom,List(boom)))
validations1.sequence_.as(validatedValue) // as(x) is equal to map(_ => x)
I am trying to get a number out of an xml field
Some((recipe \ "Main" \ "Quantity").text.toInt)
Sometimes there may not be a value in the xml, though. The text will be "" and this throws an java.lang.NumberFormatException.
What is a clean way to get either an Int or a None?
scala> import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.Try
scala> def tryToInt( s: String ) = Try(s.toInt).toOption
tryToInt: (s: String)Option[Int]
scala> tryToInt("123")
res0: Option[Int] = Some(123)
scala> tryToInt("")
res1: Option[Int] = None
Scala 2.13 introduced String::toIntOption:
"5".toIntOption // Option[Int] = Some(5)
"abc".toIntOption // Option[Int] = None
"abc".toIntOption.getOrElse(-1) // Int = -1
More of a side note on usage following accepted answer. After import scala.util.Try, consider
implicit class RichOptionConvert(val s: String) extends AnyVal {
def toOptInt() = Try (s.toInt) toOption
or similarly but in a bit more elaborated form that addresses only the relevant exception in converting onto integral values, after import java.lang.NumberFormatException,
implicit class RichOptionConvert(val s: String) extends AnyVal {
def toOptInt() =
try {
} catch {
case e: NumberFormatException => None
res: Option[Int] = Some(123)
res: Option[Int] = Some(456)
res: Option[Int] = None
Here's another way of doing this that doesn't require writing your own function and which can also be used to lift to Either.
scala> import util.control.Exception._
import util.control.Exception._
scala> allCatch.opt { "42".toInt }
res0: Option[Int] = Some(42)
scala> allCatch.opt { "answer".toInt }
res1: Option[Int] = None
scala> allCatch.either { "42".toInt }
res3: scala.util.Either[Throwable,Int] = Right(42)
(A nice blog post on the subject.)
What is the simplest way to convert a java.util.IdentityHashMap[A,B] into a subtype of scala.immutable.Map[A,B]? I need to keep keys separate unless they are eq.
Here's what I've tried so far:
scala> case class Example()
scala> val m = new java.util.IdentityHashMap[Example, String]()
scala> m.put(Example(), "first!")
scala> m.put(Example(), "second!")
scala> m.asScala // got a mutable Scala equivalent OK
res14: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Example,String] = Map(Example() -> first!, Example() -> second!)
scala> m.asScala.toMap // doesn't work, since toMap() removes duplicate keys (testing with ==)
res15: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Example,String] = Map(Example() -> second!)
Here's a simple implementation of identity map in Scala. In usage, it should be similar to standard immutable map.
Example usage:
val im = IdentityMap(
new String("stuff") -> 5,
new String("stuff") -> 10)
println(im) // IdentityMap(stuff -> 5, stuff -> 10)
Your case:
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import java.{util => ju}
val javaIdentityMap: ju.IdentityHashMap = ???
val scalaIdentityMap = IdentityMap.empty[String,Int] ++ javaIdentityMap.asScala
Implementation itself (for performance reasons, there may be some more methods that need to be overridden):
import scala.collection.generic.ImmutableMapFactory
import scala.collection.immutable.MapLike
import IdentityMap.{Wrapper, wrap}
class IdentityMap[A, +B] private(underlying: Map[Wrapper[A], B])
extends Map[A, B] with MapLike[A, B, IdentityMap[A, B]] {
def +[B1 >: B](kv: (A, B1)) =
new IdentityMap(underlying + ((wrap(kv._1), kv._2)))
def -(key: A) =
new IdentityMap(underlying - wrap(key))
def iterator =
underlying.iterator.map {
case (kw, v) => (kw.value, v)
def get(key: A) =
override def size: Int =
override def empty =
new IdentityMap(underlying.empty)
override def stringPrefix =
object IdentityMap extends ImmutableMapFactory[IdentityMap] {
def empty[A, B] =
new IdentityMap(Map.empty)
private class Wrapper[A](val value: A) {
override def toString: String =
override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
case otherWrapper: Wrapper[_] =>
value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq otherWrapper.value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
case _ => false
override def hashCode =
private def wrap[A](key: A) =
new Wrapper(key)
One way to handle this would be change what equality means for the class, e.g.
scala> case class Example() {
override def equals( that:Any ) = that match {
case that:AnyRef => this eq that
case _ => false
defined class Example
scala> val m = new java.util.IdentityHashMap[Example, String]()
m: java.util.IdentityHashMap[Example,String] = {}
scala> m.put(Example(), "first!")
res1: String = null
scala> m.put(Example(), "second!")
res2: String = null
scala> import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
scala> m.asScala
res3: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Example,String] = Map(Example() -> second!, Example() -> first!)
scala> m.asScala.toMap
res4: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Example,String] = Map(Example() -> second!, Example() -> first!)
Or if you don't want to change equality for the class, you could make a wrapper.
Of course, this won't perform as well as a Map that uses eq instead of ==; it might be worth asking for one....
I'm looking to create a class that is basically a collection with an extra field. However, I keep running into problems and am wondering what the best way of implementing this is. I've tried to follow the pattern given in the Scala book. E.g.
import scala.collection.IndexedSeqLike
import scala.collection.mutable.Builder
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
class FieldSequence[FT,ST](val field: FT, seq: IndexedSeq[ST] = Vector())
extends IndexedSeq[ST] with IndexedSeqLike[ST,FieldSequence[FT,ST]] {
def apply(index: Int): ST = return seq(index)
def length = seq.length
override def newBuilder: Builder[ST,FieldSequence[FT,ST]]
= FieldSequence.newBuilder[FT,ST](field)
object FieldSequence {
def fromSeq[FT,ST](field: FT)(buf: IndexedSeq[ST])
= new FieldSequence(field, buf)
def newBuilder[FT,ST](field: FT): Builder[ST,FieldSequence[FT,ST]]
= new ArrayBuffer mapResult(fromSeq(field))
implicit def canBuildFrom[FT,ST]:
CanBuildFrom[FieldSequence[FT,ST], ST, FieldSequence[FT,ST]] =
new CanBuildFrom[FieldSequence[FT,ST], ST, FieldSequence[FT,ST]] {
def apply(): Builder[ST,FieldSequence[FT,ST]]
= newBuilder[FT,ST]( _ ) // What goes here?
def apply(from: FieldSequence[FT,ST]): Builder[ST,FieldSequence[FT,ST]]
= from.newBuilder
The problem is the CanBuildFrom that is implicitly defined needs an apply method with no arguments. But in these circumstances this method is meaningless, as a field (of type FT) is needed to construct a FieldSequence. In fact, it should be impossible to construct a FieldSequence, simply from a sequence of type ST. Is the best I can do to throw an exception here?
Then your class doesn't fulfill the requirements to be a Seq, and methods like flatMap (and hence for-comprehensions) can't work for it.
I'm not sure I agree with Landei about flatMap and map. If you replace with throwing an exception like this, most of the operations should work.
def apply(): Builder[ST,FieldSequence[FT,ST]] = sys.error("unsupported")
From what I can see in TraversableLike, map and flatMap and most other ones use the apply(repr) version. So for comprehensions seemingly work. It also feels like it should follow the Monad laws (the field is just carried accross).
Given the code you have, you can do this:
scala> val fs = FieldSequence.fromSeq("str")(Vector(1,2))
fs: FieldSequence[java.lang.String,Int] = FieldSequence(1, 2)
scala> fs.map(1 + _)
res3: FieldSequence[java.lang.String,Int] = FieldSequence(2, 3)
scala> val fs2 = FieldSequence.fromSeq("str1")(Vector(10,20))
fs2: FieldSequence[java.lang.String,Int] = FieldSequence(10, 20)
scala> for (x <- fs if x > 0; y <- fs2) yield (x + y)
res5: FieldSequence[java.lang.String,Int] = FieldSequence(11, 21, 12, 22)
What doesn't work is the following:
scala> fs.map(_ + "!")
// does not return a FieldSequence
scala> List(1,2).map(1 + _)(collection.breakOut): FieldSequence[String, Int]
java.lang.RuntimeException: unsupported
// this is where the apply() is used
For breakOut to work you would need to implement the apply() method. I suspect you could generate a builder with some default value for field: def apply() = newBuilder[FT, ST](getDefault) with some implementation of getDefault that makes sense for your use case.
For the fact that fs.map(_ + "!") does not preserve the type, you need to modify your signature and implementation, so that the compiler can find a CanBuildFrom[FieldSequence[String, Int], String, FieldSequence[String, String]]
implicit def canBuildFrom[FT,ST_FROM,ST]:
CanBuildFrom[FieldSequence[FT,ST_FROM], ST, FieldSequence[FT,ST]] =
new CanBuildFrom[FieldSequence[FT,ST_FROM], ST, FieldSequence[FT,ST]] {
def apply(): Builder[ST,FieldSequence[FT,ST]]
= sys.error("unsupported")
def apply(from: FieldSequence[FT,ST_FROM]): Builder[ST,FieldSequence[FT,ST]]
= newBuilder[FT, ST](from.field)
In the end, my answer was very similar to that in a previous question. The difference with that question and my original and the answer are slight but basically allow anything that has a sequence to be a sequence.
import scala.collection.SeqLike
import scala.collection.mutable.Builder
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
trait SeqAdapter[+A, Repr[+X] <: SeqAdapter[X,Repr]]
extends Seq[A] with SeqLike[A,Repr[A]] {
val underlyingSeq: Seq[A]
def create[B](seq: Seq[B]): Repr[B]
def apply(index: Int) = underlyingSeq(index)
def length = underlyingSeq.length
def iterator = underlyingSeq.iterator
override protected[this] def newBuilder: Builder[A,Repr[A]] = {
val sac = new SeqAdapterCompanion[Repr] {
def createDefault[B](seq: Seq[B]) = create(seq)
trait SeqAdapterCompanion[Repr[+X] <: SeqAdapter[X,Repr]] {
def createDefault[A](seq: Seq[A]): Repr[A]
def fromSeq[A](creator: (Seq[A]) => Repr[A])(seq: Seq[A]) = creator(seq)
def newBuilder[A](creator: (Seq[A]) => Repr[A]): Builder[A,Repr[A]] =
new ArrayBuffer mapResult fromSeq(creator)
implicit def canBuildFrom[A,B]: CanBuildFrom[Repr[A],B,Repr[B]] =
new CanBuildFrom[Repr[A],B,Repr[B]] {
def apply(): Builder[B,Repr[B]] = newBuilder(createDefault)
def apply(from: Repr[A]) = newBuilder(from.create)
This fixes all the problems huynhjl brought up. For my original problem, to have a field and a sequence treated as a sequence, a simple class will now do.
trait Field[FT] {
val defaultValue: FT
class FieldSeq[+ST](val field: FT, val underlyingSeq: Seq[ST] = Vector())
extends SeqAdapter[ST,FieldSeq] {
def create[B](seq: Seq[B]) = new FieldSeq[B](field, seq)
object FieldSeq extends SeqAdapterCompanion[FieldSeq] {
def createDefault[A](seq: Seq[A]): FieldSeq[A] =
new FieldSeq[A](defaultValue, seq)
override implicit def canBuildFrom[A,B] = super.canBuildFrom[A,B]
This can be tested as so:
val StringField = new Field[String] { val defaultValue = "Default Value" }
StringField: java.lang.Object with Field[String] = $anon$1#57f5de73
val fs = new StringField.FieldSeq[Int]("str", Vector(1,2))
val fsfield = fs.field
fs: StringField.FieldSeq[Int] = (1, 2)
fsfield: String = str
val fm = fs.map(1 + _)
val fmfield = fm.field
fm: StringField.FieldSeq[Int] = (2, 3)
fmfield: String = str
val fs2 = new StringField.FieldSeq[Int]("str1", Vector(10, 20))
val fs2field = fs2.field
fs2: StringField.FieldSeq[Int] = (10, 20)
fs2field: String = str1
val ffor = for (x <- fs if x > 0; y <- fs2) yield (x + y)
val fforfield = ffor.field
ffor: StringField.FieldSeq[Int] = (11, 21, 12, 22)
fforfield: String = str
val smap = fs.map(_ + "!")
val smapfield = smap.field
smap: StringField.FieldSeq[String] = (1!, 2!)
smapfield: String = str
val break = List(1,2).map(1 + _)(collection.breakOut): StringField.FieldSeq[Int]
val breakfield = break.field
break: StringField.FieldSeq[Int] = (2, 3)
breakfield: String = Default Value
val x: StringField.FieldSeq[Any] = fs
val xfield = x.field
x: StringField.FieldSeq[Any] = (1, 2)
xfield: String = str