The following code to read and map the lines of a file works ok:
def readLines(fileName: String) =
def toInt(line: String) = line.toInt
val numbers: Iterator[Int] = readLines("/tmp/file.txt").map(toInt).map(_ * 2)
I get an iterator of Ints if the executing goes well. But the program throws an exception if the file is not found, or some line contains letters.
How can I transform the program to use scalaz monads and get a Disjunction[Exception, List[Int]]?
I tried this on scalaz 7.2.6, but it does not compile:
import scalaz.Scalaz._
import scalaz._
def readLines(fileName: String): Disjunction[Any, List[String]] =
try { }
catch { case e: => e.left}
def toInt(line: String): Disjunction[Any, Int] =
try { line.toInt.right }
catch { case e: NumberFormatException => e.left}
val numbers: Disjunction[Any, Int] = for {
lines: List[String] <- readLines("/tmp/file.txt")
line: String <- lines
n: Int <- toInt(line)
} yield (n * 2)
it fails to compile with these errors:
Error:(89, 37) could not find implicit value for parameter M: scalaz.Monoid[Any]
lines: List[String] <- readLines("/tmp/file.txt")
Error:(89, 37) not enough arguments for method filter: (implicit M: scalaz.Monoid[Any])scalaz.\/[Any,List[String]].
Unspecified value parameter M.
lines: List[String] <- readLines("/tmp/file.txt")
Error:(91, 20) could not find implicit value for parameter M: scalaz.Monoid[Any]
n: Int <- toInt(line)
Error:(91, 20) not enough arguments for method filter: (implicit M: scalaz.Monoid[Any])scalaz.\/[Any,Int].
Unspecified value parameter M.
n: Int <- toInt(line)
I don't understand the errors. what is the problem?
and how to improve this code, so that it does not read all the file into memory, but it reads and maps each line at a time?
Update: Answer from Filippo
import scalaz._
def readLines(fileName: String) = \/.fromTryCatchThrowable[List[String], Exception] {
def toInt(line: String) = \/.fromTryCatchThrowable[Int, NumberFormatException](line.toInt)
type λ[+A] = Exception \/ A
val numbers = for {
line: String <- ListT[λ, String](readLines("/tmp/file.txt"))
n: Int <- ListT[λ, Int](toInt(line).map(List(_)))
} yield n * 2
To answer the second part of your question, I would simply use the Iterator out of the fromFile method:
val lines: Iterator[String] =
If you want to use toInt to convert String to Int:
import scala.util.Try
def toInt(line: String): Iterator[Int] =
Then numbers could look like:
val numbers = readLines("/tmp/file.txt").flatMap(toInt).map(_ * 2)
Due the presence of all these try and catch, if you want to keep using that monadic-for I would suggest to check a scalaz helper like .fromTryCatchThrowable on Disjunction:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
def readLines(fileName: String): Disjunction[Exception, List[String]] =
def toInt(line: String): Disjunction[Exception, Int] =
Now we also have Exception instead of Any as the left type.
val numbers = for {
lines: List[String] <- readLines("/tmp/file.txt")
line: String <- lines // The problem is here
n: Int <- toInt(line)
} yield n * 2
The problem with this monadic-for is that the first and third line are using the Disjunction context but the second one uses the List monad. Using a monad transformer like ListT or DisjunctionT here is possible but probably overkill.
EDIT - to reply the comment
As mentioned, if we want a single monadic-for comprehension, we need a monad transformer, in this case ListT. The Disjunction has two type parameters while a Monad M[_] obviously only one. We need to handle this "extra type parameter", for instance using type lambda:
def readLines(fileName: String) = \/.fromTryCatchThrowable[List[String], Exception] {
val listTLines = ListT[({type λ[+a] = Exception \/ a})#λ, String](readLines("/tmp/file.txt"))
What is the type of listTLines? The ListT transformer: ListT[\/[Exception, +?], String]
The last step in the original for-comprehension was toInt:
def toInt(line: String) = \/.fromTryCatchThrowable[Int, NumberFormatException](line.toInt)
val listTNumber = ListT[\/[Exception, +?], Int](toInt("line"))
What is the type of listTNumber? It doesn't even compile, because the toInt return an Int and not a List[Int]. We need a ListT to join that for-comprehension, one trick could be changing listTNumber to:
val listTNumber = ListT[\/[Exception, +?], Int](toInt("line").map(List(_)))
Now we have both steps:
val numbers = for {
line: String <- ListT[\/[Exception, +?], String](readLines("/tmp/file.txt"))
n: Int <- ListT[\/[Exception, +?], Int](toInt(line).map(List(_)))
} yield n * 2
scala> foreach println
If you are wondering why all this unwrapping:
scala> val unwrap1 =
unwrap1: scalaz.\/[Exception,List[Int]] = \/-(List(2, 20, 200))
scala> val unwrap2 = unwrap1.getOrElse(List())
unwrap2: List[Int] = List(2, 20, 200)
scala> unwrap2 foreach println
(assuming that the sample file contains the lines: 1, 10, 100)
EDIT - comment about compilation issues
The code above compiles thanks to the Kind Projector plugin:
addCompilerPlugin("org.spire-math" % "kind-projector_2.11" % "0.5.2")
With Kind Projector we can have anonymous types like:
Either[Int, +?] // equivalent to: type R[+A] = Either[Int, A]
Instead of:
type IntOrA[A] = Either[Int, A]
// or
({type L[A] = Either[Int, A]})#L
First, the compiler alerts that you´re using for comprehensions mixing types. Your code is transformed by the compiler as that :
readLines("/tmp/file.txt") flatMap { lines => lines } map { line => toInt(line) }
The definition of flatMap is:
def flatMap[A,B](ma: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B]
In your case F is the \/, and this flatMap { lines => lines } is wrong. The compiler alerts with a message like this "List[Nothing] required: scalaz.\/[Any,Int]" because treats list as one function with no parameters and List[Nothing] as result type. Change your code like that:
import scalaz.Scalaz._
import scalaz._
def readLines(fileName: String): Disjunction[Any, List[String]] =
try { }
catch { case e: => e.left}
def toInt(line: List[String]): Disjunction[Any, List[Int]] =
try { (line map { _ toInt }).right }
catch { case e: NumberFormatException => e.left}
val numbers = for {
lines <- readLines("/tmp/file.txt")
n <- toInt(lines)
} yield (n map (_ * 2))
That works.
For read line by line maybe FileInputStream can be easier:
fis = new FileInputStream("/tmp/file.txt");
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis));
String line = reader.readLine();
while(line != null){
line = reader.readLine();
Or you can test the readline function from Source class.
I'm reading the book and playing with examples there. The problem is I can't reproduce this example:
type Logged[A] = Writer[List[String], A]
// Example method that returns nested monads:
def parseNumber(str: String): Logged[Option[Int]] =
util.Try(str.toInt).toOption match {
case Some(num) => Writer(List(s"Read $str"), Some(num))
case None => Writer(List(s"Failed on $str"), None)
// Example combining multiple calls to parseNumber:
def addNumbers(
a: String,
b: String,
c: String
): Logged[Option[Int]] = {
// Transform the incoming stacks to work on them:
val result = for {
a <- OptionT(parseNumber(a))
b <- OptionT(parseNumber(b))
c <- OptionT(parseNumber(c))
} yield a + b + c
// Return the untransformed monad stack:
Compiling errors:
Error:(30, 9) could not find implicit value for parameter F: cats.Monad[advancedScalaWithCats.monadTransformation.Part4UsagePatterns.Logged]
b <- OptionT(parseNumber(b))
Error:(30, 9) not enough arguments for method flatMap: (implicit F: cats.Monad[advancedScalaWithCats.monadTransformation.Part4UsagePatterns.Logged])[advancedScalaWithCats.monadTransformation.Part4UsagePatterns.Logged,Int].
Unspecified value parameter F.
b <- OptionT(parseNumber(b))
import cats.instances.list._
I have the following code:
override def getStandsByUser(email: String): Try[Seq[Stand]] =
(for {
user <- OptionT(userService.findOneByEmail(email)): Try[Option[User]]
stands <- OptionT.liftF(standService.list()):[Try[List[Stand]]]
filtered = stands.filter(stand => user.stands.contains(
} yield filtered).getOrElse(Seq())
I want to add logging on each stage of the processing - so I need to introduce writer monad and stack it with monad transformer OptionT. Could you please suggest how to do that?
The best way to do this is to convert your service calls into using cats-mtl.
For representing Try or Option you can use MonadError and for logging you can use FunctorTell. Now I don't know what exactly you're doing inside your userService or standService, but I wrote some code to demonstrate what the result might look like:
type Log = List[String]
//inside UserService
def findOneByEmail[F[_]](email: String)
(implicit F: MonadError[F, Error], W: FunctorTell[F, Log]): F[User] = ???
//inside StandService
def list[F[_]]()
(implicit F: MonadError[F, Error], W: FunctorTell[F, Log]): F[List[Stand]] = ???
def getStandsByUser[F[_]](email: String)
(implicit F: MonadError[F, Error], W: FunctorTell[F, Log]): F[List[Stand]] =
for {
user <- userService.findOneByEmail(email)
stands <- standService.list()
} yield stands.filter(stand => user.stands.contains(
//here we actually run the function
val result =
getStandsByUser[WriterT[OptionT[Try, ?], Log, ?] // yields WriterT[OptionT[Try, ?], Log, List[Stand]]
.run // yields OptionT[Try, (Log, List[Stand])]
.value // yields Try[Option[(Log, List[Stand])]]
This way we can avoid all of the calls to liftF and easily compose our different services even if they will use different monad transformers at runtime.
If you take a look at the definition of you will see that it is an alias to with the effect fixed to Id.
What you want to do is use WriterT directly and instead of Id use OptionT[Try, YourType].
Here is a small code example of how that can be achieved:
object Example {
import cats.implicits._
type MyType[A] = OptionT[Try, A]
def myFunction: MyType[Int] = OptionT(Try(Option(1)))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val tmp: WriterT[MyType, List[String], Int] = for {
_ <- WriterT.tell[MyType, List[String]](List("Before first invocation"))
i <- WriterT.liftF[MyType, List[String], Int](myFunction)
_ <- WriterT.tell[MyType, List[String]](List("After second invocation"))
j <- WriterT.liftF[MyType, List[String], Int](myFunction)
_ <- WriterT.tell[MyType, List[String]](List(s"Result is ${i + j}"))
} yield i + j
val result: Try[Option[(List[String], Int)]] =
// Success(Some((List(Before first invocation, After second invocation, Result is 2),2)))
The type annotations make this a bit ugly, but depending on your use case you might be able to get rid of them. As you can see myFunction returns a result of type OptionT[Try, Int] and WriterT.lift will push that into a writer object that also has a List[String] for your logs.
Is that possible to somehow marshall PartialFunction (let's assume it will always contains only one case) into something human-readable?
Let's say we have collection of type Any (messages: List[Any])
and number of PartialFuntion[Any, T] defined using pattern matching block.
case object R1
case object R2
case object R3
val pm1: PartialFunction[Any, Any] = {
case "foo" => R1
val pm2: PartialFunction[Any, Any] = {
case x: Int if x > 10 => R2
val pm3: PartialFunction[Any, Any] = {
case x: Boolean => R3
val messages: List[Any] = List("foo", 20)
val functions = List(pm1, pm2)
then we can find all the messages matched by provided PFs and related applications
val found: List[Option[Any]] = functions map { f =>
but what if I need resulting map of 'what I expect' to 'what I've got' in the human-readable form (for logging). Say,
(case "foo") -> Some(R1)
(case Int if _ > 10) -> Some(R2)
(case Boolean) -> None
Is that possible? Some macro/meta works?
There's nothing at runtime which will print compiled code nicely.
You could write a macro which will print the source code of the tree and use that? Most macro tutorials start with a macro for printing source code -- see e.g.
// Given a partial function "pf", return the source code for pf
// as a string as well as the compiled, runnable function itself
def functionAndSource(pf: PartialFunction[Any, Any]): (String, PartialFunction[Any, Any]) = macro functionAndSourceImpl
def functionAndSourceImpl ...
val pm1: (String, PartialFunction[Any, Any]) = functionAndSource {
case "foo" => R1
This isn't ever going to be that easy or nice in Scala.
Scala isn't Lisp or Ruby: it's a compiled language and it is not optimised for reflection on the code itself.
Thanks for your answers. Using Macro is interesting one choice.
But as an option the solution might be to use kind of named partial functions. The idea is to name the function so in the output you can see the name of function instead source code.
object PartialFunctions {
type FN[Result] = PartialFunction[Any, Result]
case class NamedPartialFunction[A,B](name: String)(pf: PartialFunction[A, B]) extends PartialFunction[A,B] {
override def isDefinedAt(x: A): Boolean = pf.isDefinedAt(x)
override def apply(x: A): B = pf.apply(x)
override def toString(): String = s"matching($name)"
implicit class Named(val name: String) extends AnyVal {
def %[A,B](pf: PartialFunction[A,B]) = new NamedPartialFunction[A, B](name)(pf)
So then you can use it as follows
import PartialFunctions._
val pm1: PartialFunction[Any, Any] = "\"foo\"" % {
case "foo" => R1
val pm2: PartialFunction[Any, Any] = "_: Int > 10" % {
case x: Int if x > 10 => R2
val pm3: PartialFunction[Any, Any] = "_: Boolean" % {
case x: Boolean => R3
val messages: List[Any] = List("foo", 20)
val functions = List(pm1, pm2)
val found: List[Option[(String, Any)]] = functions map { case f: NamedPartialFunction =>
messages.find(f.isDefined).map(m => (, f(m))
I'm doing a bit of Scala gymnastics where I have Seq[T] in which I try to find the "smallest" element. This is what I do right now:
val leastOrNone = seq.reduceOption { (best, current) =>
if (current.something < best.something) current
else best
It works fine, but I'm not quite satisfied - it's a bit long for such a simple thing, and I don't care much for "if"s. Using minBy would be much more elegant:
val least = seq.minBy(_.something)
... but min and minBy throw exceptions when the sequence is empty. Is there an idiomatic, more elegant way of finding the smallest element of a possibly empty list as an Option?
seq.reduceOption(_ min _)
does what you want?
Edit: Here's an example incorporating your _.something:
case class Foo(a: Int, b: Int)
val seq = Seq(Foo(1,1),Foo(2,0),Foo(0,3))
val ord = Foo).b)
seq.reduceOption(ord.min) //Option[Foo] = Some(Foo(2,0))
or, as generic method:
def minOptionBy[A, B: Ordering](seq: Seq[A])(f: A => B) =
seq reduceOption
which you could invoke with minOptionBy(seq)(_.something)
Starting Scala 2.13, minByOption/maxByOption is now part of the standard library and returns None if the sequence is empty:
List((3, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (5, 'c')).minByOption(_._1) // Option[(Int, Char)] = Some((1,b))
List[(Int, Char)]().minByOption(_._1) // Option[(Int, Char)] = None
A safe, compact and O(n) version with Scalaz:
xs.nonEmpty option xs.minBy(
Hardly an option for any larger list due to O(nlogn) complexity:
Also, it is available to do like that
How about this?
import util.control.Exception._
allCatch opt seq.minBy(_.something)
Or, more verbose, if you don't want to swallow other exceptions:
catching(classOf[UnsupportedOperationException]) opt seq.minBy(_.something)
Alternatively, you can pimp all collections with something like this:
import collection._
class TraversableOnceExt[CC, A](coll: CC, asTraversable: CC => TraversableOnce[A]) {
def minOption(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Option[A] = {
val trav = asTraversable(coll)
if (trav.isEmpty) None
else Some(trav.min)
def minOptionBy[B](f: A => B)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): Option[A] = {
val trav = asTraversable(coll)
if (trav.isEmpty) None
else Some(trav.minBy(f))
implicit def extendTraversable[A, C[A] <: TraversableOnce[A]](coll: C[A]): TraversableOnceExt[C[A], A] =
new TraversableOnceExt[C[A], A](coll, identity)
implicit def extendStringTraversable(string: String): TraversableOnceExt[String, Char] =
new TraversableOnceExt[String, Char](string, implicitly)
implicit def extendArrayTraversable[A](array: Array[A]): TraversableOnceExt[Array[A], A] =
new TraversableOnceExt[Array[A], A](array, implicitly)
And then just write seq.minOptionBy(_.something).
I have the same problem before, so I extends Ordered and implement the compare function.
here is example:
case class Point(longitude0: String, latitude0: String) extends Ordered [Point]{
def this(point: Point) = this(point.original_longitude,point.original_latitude)
val original_longitude = longitude0
val original_latitude = latitude0
val longitude = parseDouble(longitude0).get
val latitude = parseDouble(latitude0).get
override def toString: String = "longitude: " +original_longitude +", latitude: "+ original_latitude
def parseDouble(s: String): Option[Double] = try { Some(s.toDouble) } catch { case _ => None }
def distance(other: Point): Double =
sqrt(pow(longitude - other.longitude, 2) + pow(latitude - other.latitude, 2))
override def compare(that: Point): Int = {
if (longitude < that.longitude)
return -1
else if (longitude == that.longitude && latitude < that.latitude)
return -1
return 1
so if I have a seq of Point
I can ask for max or min method
var points = Seq[Point]()
val maxPoint = points.max
val minPoint = points.min
You could always do something like:
case class Foo(num: Int)
val foos: Seq[Foo] = Seq(Foo(1), Foo(2), Foo(3))
val noFoos: Seq[Foo] = Seq.empty
def minByOpt(foos: Seq[Foo]): Option[Foo] =
foos.foldLeft(None: Option[Foo]) { (acc, elem) =>
Option((elem +: acc.toSeq).minBy(_.num))
Then use like:
scala> minByOpt(foos)
res0: Option[Foo] = Some(Foo(1))
scala> minByOpt(noFoos)
res1: Option[Foo] = None
For scala < 2.13
For scala 2.13
In Haskell you'd wrap the minimumBy call as
least f x | Seq.null x = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (Seq.minimumBy f x)
def xs(c: String): Option[List[Long]] = ...
val ys: Stream[Long] = ...
Now I'd write a method something like:
def method(oc: Option[String]): Option[Long] = for {
c <- oc
list <- xs(c)
} yield{
for {
first <- ys.find(list contains _)
} yield first
but of course this doesn't compile, since the inferred type is Option[Option[Long]].
Is there a way in terms of scala syntax and standard library to get an Option[Long]? I know I can pattern match, but the question if it can be done using for comprehensions only just arised.
Thanks to tenshi for the answer, that does the job, however I just encountered another example of my problem:
class T
class U
class A(t: String)(implicit x: T)
def getU(a: A): Option[U] = ...
def getU_2(oc: Option[String]): Option[U] = for{
c <- oc
} yield{
implicit val someImplicit: T = new T
val a = A(c)
I can add a in the for as: a <- Some(A(c)) but what about the implicit? Should that imply a design change in my code?
Why are you using 2 nested for comprehensions? Shouldn't one do the job?
def method(oc: Option[String]): Option[Long] =
for {
c <- oc
list <- xs(c)
first <- ys.find(list contains _)
} yield first
About your second example. You can define implicit elsewhere and import it or define it in the beginning of the method, but I guess you want to make it's scope as narrow as possible. In this case you can use block directly in the for comprehension:
def getU_2(oc: Option[String]): Option[U] = for {
c <- oc
a <- {
implicit val someImplicit: T = new T
getU(new A(c))
} yield a
or (probably the simplest) provide implicit parameter explicitly:
def getU_2(oc: Option[String]): Option[U] = for {
c <- oc
a <- getU(new A(c)(new T))
} yield a