Invert mouse pointer directions / movements - mouse

My Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 14 has mouse buttons integrated in the touchpad and they work very miserably. However, the touchpad has real buttons at its top, which I could use after rotating it by 180 degrees. However, in addition I would need to invert the x and y directions of the mouse pointer in order to make the touchpad work normal after rotation.
Is there a why to reverse the mouse movement?
I am also using AutoHotkey in case this helps.


Move player in all directions with touch?, Unity

I was creating a basic scenario in Unity. Thi scene have 1 cube in the center of the room, and 1 camera(player).
I need to move the player around the cube like if was flying ( with movements at the top, bottom, left, right, inside and outside), very similar to when we move freely with the mouse on the development screen.
I need make this movement with the touch.
How can i to do?
You can achieve almost all movements you want using a standard fps mobile controller: 1 joystick and a slide area for rotation. Your forward movement will be your player's forward direction(with W in unity you move always forward) and of course transform's left/right for strafe.
The tricky part is move up/down part(even in Unity editor you have to use 2 extra keys, Q&E) but you can always move up/down just looking in that direction.
if u use the unity standard asset 'cross platform input' (which is available in the standard asset pack for free,) then anything you program with a mouse event or click, will automatically call the corresponding touch event if use on a phone.

Mobile Input Not Working Unity 3d 2017

greetings fellow programmers and game devs.
I am kind of new to Unity3D. I have the latest beta build of 2017 Personal.
I have a bit of a problem. I have a first person controller prefab and a dual touch control and an event system, yet when I test the game on my iPhone 5s, I can look around but as soon as I am done panning by swiping the camera resets to the place I was looking previously and I am unable to move forward or back.
Now, I also tried not having the dual touch control and it does the same thing.
Also, I checked input and the axis is set to both Horizontal and Vertical and the other is Mouse X and Mouse Y. I also tried dragging two mobile joy sticks and assigning them Mouse X and Mouse Y and the other joystick Horizontal and Vertical.
Any help would be appreciated. I also want to note that I had another project that worked with just dragging and dropping the dual touch controls on to the hierarchy and even though the settings are the same for the FPSController and the Camera and the Controls it just doesn't seem to work.

Make an object rotate according to mouse movement. [UNITY C#]

I’m starting a learning project. The idea is that you have an archer character that is static, that has a bow attached to it that shoots arrows to targets of varying difficulty.
Turns out that right at the start I’m stuck. How do I make it so that the bow rotates when the player clicks and holds the mouse anywhere on the screen? So I click+hold and move left/right and the bow rotates left/right to aim the shot. I’d like to also eventually make it portable to phones (so you’d tap+hold etc).
Stack Overflow isnt a code writing service but i will explain what you must do:
Method 1 (Exact Aiming):
For every frame the mouse is down:
Make a Ray from a screen point... hint (use
Get a far point along the Ray using ray.GetPoint(distance);.
Bow.Transform.LookAt(newPoint, Vector3.Up);.
Method 2 (Continuous Movement):
Make a variable oldMousePos to store a Vector2 location.
Record your initial screen click position into that variable on a
mouse down event.
Have a function that runs once every frame the mouse stays down.
For the direction of the rotation of the bow, you can use
(newMousePos - oldMousePos).normalized;.
For the speed of rotation for your bow, you can use (newMousePos -

How to make a perfect pinch zoom (Unity 3D)

I am searching for a solution to how to make a perfect pinch zoom in Unity by moving the camera along the forward:
Set up:
Horizontal plane centred at the origin with all Game objects.
Perspective camera with FOV 10, offset at (10,10,10) looking down at a 45 degrees angle, so that it looks at the origin (there is also a rotation of 45 degrees around the axis pointing up, to achieve this).
What I need:
When I place two fingers on the screen I am touching two GameObjects with them - so the screen coordinates under the fingers correspond to certain world coordinates. When I make a pinch movement (with moving two fingers or only one) I want the new screen coordinates to correspond to the same world coordinates that were under the fingers at the beginning of the whole interaction.
So to simplify even further - whenever I touch the screen with two fingers, I want the world coordinates corresponding to the screen coordinates under my fingers to always stay under the fingers (allowing a very small margin of error).
An example of this perfect zoom for which I am looking for you can see in the mobile game Boom Beach from Supercell.
I already tried to move the camera along its forward vector and to reposition it and I get pretty good results, but pretty much always the GameObjects underneath ‘slip’ away from under my fingers, that is at some points are no longer underneath them. It would be great if there was a mathematical solution to this, but if it’s necessary to compute the answer (through some search for example) then this is totally fine.
If the setup/scenario is not clear, I could provide some sketches to clarify it a bit more.
Hope someone can help me! :)
I would set up a system that detects when the user is zooming in and out if you are using GameObjects to pinpoint where the fingers are that is easy to do with Vector3.distance. After that, I would make a function that moves the camera closer to your desired zoom level with Vector3.MoveTowards(camera position, desired position, the speed of movement) where I would set "speed of movement" as a mathf.sqrt(vector3.distance(Camera position, Desired position));
as for the "desired position" I would set that Vector3(position) as a fraction of a line between two game objects that represent your maximum and minimum zoom level.
EDIT: with that, you should have a very nice camera system

Landscape mode in chipmunk/cocos2D

I'm trying to create a chipmunk space with a bouncing ball.(Example seen here)
Currently my device is running in Landscape mode. So according to cocos2D everything is all right. When adding Sprites they orient to landscape mode.
[director setDeviceOrientation:kCCDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft];
The only problem is that the device orientation is screwed up when using chipmunk right now. When tilting the ipad towards the upper-left corner, my 'bouncing ball' moves towards the upper-right corner.
Is there a way to rotate a chipmunk space manually?
Or is there some other way to set rotation within a chipmunk space?
It sounds like a simple sign issue. I assume the balls are moved by applying a force to them. So instead of applying a positive force like (10, 0) apply a negative force (-10, 0) when moving the balls in one direction, and do the reverse in the other (eg multiply x coordinate forces by -1). Chipmunk doesn't care or know about device orientation, it just moves objects according to forces and gravity.