Mobile Input Not Working Unity 3d 2017 - unity3d

greetings fellow programmers and game devs.
I am kind of new to Unity3D. I have the latest beta build of 2017 Personal.
I have a bit of a problem. I have a first person controller prefab and a dual touch control and an event system, yet when I test the game on my iPhone 5s, I can look around but as soon as I am done panning by swiping the camera resets to the place I was looking previously and I am unable to move forward or back.
Now, I also tried not having the dual touch control and it does the same thing.
Also, I checked input and the axis is set to both Horizontal and Vertical and the other is Mouse X and Mouse Y. I also tried dragging two mobile joy sticks and assigning them Mouse X and Mouse Y and the other joystick Horizontal and Vertical.
Any help would be appreciated. I also want to note that I had another project that worked with just dragging and dropping the dual touch controls on to the hierarchy and even though the settings are the same for the FPSController and the Camera and the Controls it just doesn't seem to work.


How Unity editor shows transform in scene

I'm creating a 2D game. It was configured as a 2D game since it was created.
When I selected a GameObject, in the scene their anchor, their size and their pivots were pointed out.
Suddenly this has changed, and it appears like if it were a 3D project, with a circle and all the axis around it, whatever GameObject I select. (Pic below)
How can I configure my Unity Editor to be like before? Maybe is worth it to say that in the top toolbar of Scene window there's still 2D mode selected:
Version: Unity 2018.3.14f1
You've set the Rotation Tool. I think you were using Move Tool before.
It's just a matter of which gizmo you see in the scene.
You may just press "W" on the keyboard.
Or press the Move Tool (first one in the images).
Further info on Unity Tools.

Move player in all directions with touch?, Unity

I was creating a basic scenario in Unity. Thi scene have 1 cube in the center of the room, and 1 camera(player).
I need to move the player around the cube like if was flying ( with movements at the top, bottom, left, right, inside and outside), very similar to when we move freely with the mouse on the development screen.
I need make this movement with the touch.
How can i to do?
You can achieve almost all movements you want using a standard fps mobile controller: 1 joystick and a slide area for rotation. Your forward movement will be your player's forward direction(with W in unity you move always forward) and of course transform's left/right for strafe.
The tricky part is move up/down part(even in Unity editor you have to use 2 extra keys, Q&E) but you can always move up/down just looking in that direction.
if u use the unity standard asset 'cross platform input' (which is available in the standard asset pack for free,) then anything you program with a mouse event or click, will automatically call the corresponding touch event if use on a phone.

Physics messed up with cardboard scene in Unity

I am in the process of putting together an app using the Google Cardboard SDK. The user will be able to use the app with or without cardboard. So, there is a switch button inside the app, that activates and deactivates stereo rendering.
The app also uses the Vuforia SDK to track image targets. If a specific target is recognized, some 3D objects above the target and a particle system starts to emit particles.
Everything works fine in non-stereo mode. Particles are emitted and falling correctly as intended. They should simulate snow. Also if the user turns the image target to an angle, the 3D objects above fall down.
When switching to stereo mode, the physics are messed up completely. The snow particles are not falling anymore, they seem to "teleport" around the screen. Also the 3D objects do fall upwards, with a really heavy negative gravity. Timescale seems multiplied several times, but is not - I double checked that. Gravity also does not change when switching between non-stereo and stereo rendering.
Everything works fine in Unity Editor in moth modes. It only appears on the device, which is an iPhone 5.
Cardboard SDK is version 0.52, which is the newest.
Unity is version 5.3.1.
Vuforia is 5.0.6, which is not the newest, but release notes do not indicate a fix concerning physics. Will update it anyway as a next step.
Vuforia is 5.0.10, which is the latest version.
I double checked gravity and timescale, which are not changing when switching between modes. I have a hard time figuring out what might cause the physics to mess up.
I did some further investigations. I made me a little gizmo sitting always in front of the camera but getting the rotation of the Unity world space axes, so I know the 3D-world is oriented in relation to the camera. And it turns out, that when in VR mode with the Google cardboard camera system, the world does spin around the camera heavily. I managed to hold the test device in a way, so it is slowing down and almost freezing, but I have no explanation for the effect yet.
I managed to get my setup right again. Unfortunately I did not find the source of the weird behavior. But By deleting the Vuforia Prefab and the Cardboard Prefab and adding them again to the scene, the problem was solved.

unity3d - how to control the movement of the main Camera in Unity3d

I am trying to make an mobile application that contains AR(Augumented Reality)-Mode using Unity3D. So I have connected my mobile device with my unity3d program, and the camera works fine. But when move the mobile device, the main camera inside unity program does not move the same orbit that the mobile device moves. Does any one know how to change or control the orbit of the main Camera in unity3d?
This could be happening due to a number of reasons. It could be due to non centered pivots, or coordinate systems for example.
Could you please specify which AR system are you using? As a side note, at work we recently had a project involving Unity3d and Metaio and it was a nightmare to bend the system to do what we needed, specially when we needed to do a lot of object positioning based on the local coordinate system.
When you refer to the orbit of the camera, I imagine it could be that the pivot of the camera is somehow offset and the camera is rotating around that offset. Or maybe that the camera is a child of the actual Game Object that is controlled by the AR system, in which case this parent node acts as a pivot to the camera.
In the picture below you can see that the camera is away from that center point and when it rotates it does it based on that center point, in other words the camera always tries to look at that center point and it gives that feeling of "orbiting" when it moves.
Here's the link to the image (I can't post pictures yet on this forum -.- )

Detect hand swipe gesture in Unity using Kinect with OpenNI

I have a 3D model in my Unity project and I have a JavaScript that rotates the camera based on keyboard arrow keys (left/right).
Now, I need to have a script that detects a horizontal swipe hand gesture and returns a vector that I would use to rotate the camera.
I am using the ZigFu SDK with PrimeSense OpenNI/NITE. The ZigFu SDK comes with sample scripts, one of which is SwipeDetector - I am wondering how does it work?
My setup:
I have 3 GameObjects: a 3D model, a MainCamera, and a Directional Light.
So, how do I use the SwipeDetector script in my project? The way I do it right now is 1)Create an empty game object "SwipeDetection", 2) "drag and drop" the SwipeDetector script from ZigFu. I've put in logs in the SwipeDetector script, but I don't see them.
The Zigfu bindings (I'm assuming you're using version 1.4?) dont have a SwipeDetector sample, but they do include a SwipeDetector MonoBehaviour. The SwipeDetector detects vertical and horizontal swipes, but unfortunately doesn't detect the velocity of the swipe.
You have a few options:
Use the provided Swipe Detector, and rotate the camera by a fixed amount every time you detect a horizontal swipe (SwipeDetector_Left or SwipeDetector_Right events)
Use the provided Swipe Detector, start rotating on Swipe, and stop rotating on the SwipeDetector_Release event. This would be similar to pressing on the arrow keys (assuming you have the same behaviour on keydown/keyup events)
Keep track of the hand velocity, and check its value when the swipe occurs. Use this value to rotate the camera. You can keep track of velocity by creating a new MonoBehaviour, and implementing Hand_Create, Hand_Update, and Hand_Destroy (look at any of the scripts in the HandpointControls folder). Keep a queue with the hand points from the last n frames. The delta between the newest & oldest points will be your velocity for those n frames (I recommend you start with 15 frames, or about half a second)
(This will be included in a future Zigfu release :))
Your game object setup sounds right - if you dont see any logs you may not be performing the 'focus gesture' correctly. Try waving or performing a tap towards the sensor - this should cause the Hand_Create event to be called. Once you have a valid handpoint you should get the proper events from the Swipe Detector.
Also worth mentioning your swipe detection game object should have a HandPointControl component (added implicitly with RequireComponent) and that 'ActiveOnStart' should be true.