How to save mpi profile summary report in matlab - matlab

I want to save the details of each worker as it is seen in the mpiprofile summary report. Profsave does not give all the details very clearly for the report generated by the mpiprofile viewer option.
Is there any other way to save the report?

One way I figured to do something similar is the following.
I am assuming you are using "pmode" because as far as my understanding goes, you need to run on "pmode" to run mpiprofile.
So this is how it goes.
Save the mpiprofile info inside each worker(or it is often called lab from my understanding).
mpiprofile mpistruct;
Then you transfer to the client using the following command
pmode lab2client mpistruct;
Then save the mpistruct into a .mat file
When you are trying to view the mpiprofile result:
Load the mpi file
Run mpiprofile viewer
mpiprofile('viewer', mpistruct);
This should pop up the browser.
Note. Above code was tested with 2015b.
(I wrote the same exact answer to Matlab community. I copied for your convenience.)


Tableau Command Line - Refresh datasource

I have a Tableau Workbook which connects to server-side data source. Researching online it seems the accepted way to refresh this is something like
tabcmd refreshextracts -–datasource “Number of Goals”.
My datasource is named "aggregated usage table". I have tried basically copying what I saw online, using
tabcmd refreshextracts -–datasource “aggregated usage table”, and receive the error message "*** Item not found". Clearly I am not correctly identifying my data source.
Can someone help me determine the correct syntax for this?
The O/E is Linux. Thank you!
Longshot, but something looks off about your dashes...
When I copy yours vs mine:
-– vs --
When I put yours into word and enlarge they look even weirder. Sometimes this can happen if copying and pasting from the web to import into your script.
Try copying and pasting my command and see if it works:
tabcmd refreshextracts --datasource “aggregated usage table”

How can I create in Gehpi directed tree graph instead of sphererical

I want to make a network graph which shows the distribution of our documents in our folder structure.
I have the nodefile, edgefile and gephi graph file in this location:!AuVfRBdVHkO7hgs5K9r9f7jBBAUH
What I do is:
Run the algorithm ForceAtlas2 with scaling 10-20, dissuade hub marked and prevent overlap marked, all other standard setting.
What I get is a graph with groups radial/spherical distributed. However, what I want is a tree directed network graph.
Anyone know how I can adjust Gephi to make this?
I just found a solution.
I tested the file format as shown on the Yed site "import excel file" page
This gave me the Yed import dialog (took a life time to figure out that it's a pop up menu and not selectable through the standard menu)
Anyway, it worked and I've adjusted the test files with the data prepared for the Gehpi. This was pretty easy, I could used the source target ID's etc. Just copy paste.
I load it into Yed and used some directed and radial clustering algorithms on it. Works fine!
Below you can find the excel node/edge file used to import in Yed and the graph file you can open with Yed to see the final radial result.!AuVfRBdVHkO7hg6DExK_eVkm5_mR
Only thing to figure out is how to combine the weight (which represents the number of documents) with the node size.
Unfortunately, as of version 0.9.0, Gephi no longer supports hierarchical graphs. Maybe try using a previous version?
Other alternatives involve more complex software, such as Graphviz, but you need a .dot file instead of your .csv. I looked all over, but could not find an easy-to-use csv to dot converter.
You could try looking at d3-hierarchy, a node.js program, but then again you need to use the not-so-user-friendly npm. If you look at the link, it looks like it can produce the kind of diagram you're looking for.

How can I close the report window after code generation using rtwbuild() for a Simulink model from the command line?

I'm trying to automate the building process of my Simulink models. I achieve to handle the configuration of these models as I want.
Then I start generation using the command :
rtwbuild('system', 'Mode', 'ExportFunctionCalls');
That's working pretty well. At the end of the generation, a window appears showing a report of the generation allowing me to browse the just generated code.
My script builds several models and I would like to close this window after each model generation in order to don't disturb the user with all those reports "poping out".
An even better solution would be to not even show this window. I don't need to see it in my generation process and I don't want the user to click the OK button for each report.
So, is there a way to prevent rtwbuild() command to show this report when it's done ? Or at least, is there a way to close this window from the command line after the generation ?
As suggested by #Navan in the comments, there is a model parameter for that.
So to disable the generation of the report (and therefore the opening of the report window), you can simply use the command :
set_param(system, 'GenerateReport', 'Off')
I also got some more information from the MATLAB support. It is also possible to generate this report but prevent the window from opening using these commands :
set_param(system, 'GenerateReport', 'On')
set_param(system, 'LaunchReport', 'Off')
I was using MATLAB R2011a. But since R2012, there are some dedicated methods to open/close code report :

Creating PDF documents and exporting download links from the Tableau server

Is it possible to create PDF documents (e.g. on a nightly schedule) with Tableau and have those documents exposed by a URL by the Tableau server?
This sort of approach is common in the Jasper Reports and BIRT world, so I was wondering if the same approach is possible with Tableau?
I couldn't see any documentation on the Tableau site for creating PDFs, other than print to PDF
With Tableau Server, you can access your published workbook in a pdf format with this URL:
Simply, the url is the url of your view + you add ".pdf".
The pdf file will be generated dynamically when accessing the URL.
Another option is to program your own script with tabcmd.
You can have more info on tabcmd here:
The same technique also works for PNG. You can control filters using ?field_name=value. You can even select multiple values like this ?field_name=value1,value2.
Parameters can be set the same way.
Personally I've had the best luck with discrete dimensions instead of continuous ones.
I use the Windows Task Scheduler with batch files and Tabcmd.
Programs needed:
Windows TaskScheduler (All Programs- Accessories - system tools)
(tabcmd, how it works?)
Batchfile (create a text file and then save with file extension .bat):
1- Locate tabcmd and login
2- use function tabcmd get "http:\..." and -f "C:...pdf" to save to file.
3- concatenate the filters you want to use to the end of your URL as shown in other answers(all filters on the view must be included(filled out))
4- Save Batch file
Windows Task Scheduler:
1- create a task that will execute the batch file
You can do this by typing
Another option will be using javascript api like below..
function exportPDF() {

Data.c file generation

i'm very new to matlab, i'm working on a software which needs the following files as input model.c,model.h,model_data.c for a particular simulink model. I have a model for which i can't generate model_data file using RTW, i have tried to get some information on the files generated by RTW, but i didnt get sufficient info. If there anybody who knows about the RTW please let me know the blocks which are required to generate model_data.c
thank you
model_data.c is a conditionally created file (i.e. it is only created if it is needed, which depends on the way the model is set up for code generation).
For a discussion of the Simulink Coder build process, and what files get generated when, search the doc for the section titled "Files and Folders Created by Build Process".
For others who need help in future.
Open the Configuration Parameters pane. Go to Code Generation -> Optimization and make sure that Default parameter behavior is set to Tunable.