How can I create in Gehpi directed tree graph instead of sphererical - directed-graph

I want to make a network graph which shows the distribution of our documents in our folder structure.
I have the nodefile, edgefile and gephi graph file in this location:!AuVfRBdVHkO7hgs5K9r9f7jBBAUH
What I do is:
Run the algorithm ForceAtlas2 with scaling 10-20, dissuade hub marked and prevent overlap marked, all other standard setting.
What I get is a graph with groups radial/spherical distributed. However, what I want is a tree directed network graph.
Anyone know how I can adjust Gephi to make this?

I just found a solution.
I tested the file format as shown on the Yed site "import excel file" page
This gave me the Yed import dialog (took a life time to figure out that it's a pop up menu and not selectable through the standard menu)
Anyway, it worked and I've adjusted the test files with the data prepared for the Gehpi. This was pretty easy, I could used the source target ID's etc. Just copy paste.
I load it into Yed and used some directed and radial clustering algorithms on it. Works fine!
Below you can find the excel node/edge file used to import in Yed and the graph file you can open with Yed to see the final radial result.!AuVfRBdVHkO7hg6DExK_eVkm5_mR
Only thing to figure out is how to combine the weight (which represents the number of documents) with the node size.

Unfortunately, as of version 0.9.0, Gephi no longer supports hierarchical graphs. Maybe try using a previous version?
Other alternatives involve more complex software, such as Graphviz, but you need a .dot file instead of your .csv. I looked all over, but could not find an easy-to-use csv to dot converter.
You could try looking at d3-hierarchy, a node.js program, but then again you need to use the not-so-user-friendly npm. If you look at the link, it looks like it can produce the kind of diagram you're looking for.


How to use Transfer Learning for Text classification in Apples Create ML?

I was watching, where Transfer Learning is used for text classification in Create ML.
I wanted to do the same and created Datasets with the following structure:
Folders where the Name of the Folder is the Label / Answer to a Question.
Inside each folder there are 10 text files with Questions.
Pretty much the same Idea like in the Video.
When I now choose Transfer Learning (like in the Video) and start to train, the Window tells me "Model has no Data" (see Screenshot).
Error Screenshot
What I am doing wrong ?
By looking at your Error Screenshot, you are missing the test data.

OpenStreeMap: export a place's boundaries

I'd like to export the boundaries (perimeter) of a place. For instance, consider the boundaries of the University of Illinois at Chicago at this link.
I see it's pretty easy to export an OSM file. But how can I export only that red line (perimeter)?
I don't need a script to do that, even a manual solution would be fine. I tried to navigate the UI for quite a time, but I couldn't find a way.
My ultimate goal is to convert the boundaries to a GeoJson.
You can use the Overpass API for this.
Go to and enter the following script:
out geom;
The way-Id was taken from your link.
Then click on Run.
Afterwards, you can switch to the Data tab in the top right and copy the JSON for this area.
Alternatively, you can also use Export -> "raw data directly from Overpass API" to directly download a JSON payload, bypassing the browser output. For GeoJSON output, use Export -> "download/copy as GeoJSON" instead.

When should I use poppler_page_render vs poppler_page_render_for_printing?

There are two functions to render a PopplerPage on a cairo surface: poppler_page_render and poppler_page_render_for_printing. The documentation states that the latter should be used "to render a page that will be printed".
My question is: which one of these should I use if my cairo surface will be later saved as a (pdf) file? Does saving as a file constitute a poppler "printing"? I would appreciate a reference to documentation.
Does it matter that the PopplerPage was created from a pdf file by poppler_document_get_page?
Looking at poppler's source code, the difference is, for example, that annotations are displayed, but not printed:

What does the parameter "cvid" in Bing search engine stands for?

As I searching something with Bing and I open the Chrome development tools. Here is the request url:
So, what does the parameter "cvid" stands for? It seems if i don't set a cvid,i can't get the complete result html in my program.
By the way, the cvid is calculated by the browser automaticlly, so how to calculate?
In the Bing search context, cvid represents the JavaScript parameter ConversationId. Bing uses this key to identify your search result collection as its reply to your query, q. Similarly, pq is PartialQuery. These and other parameters may also apply to different kinds of searches, such as image or video searches.
Next, qs is your query's SuggestionType, sc shows your SuggestionCount, and from the suggestion list (dropped down, if enabled), sp shows the SuggestionPosition you chose. In your case, you did not select a suggestion, so &sp=-1. Toward the end of your string, sk is the SkipValue, because you might skip through your result pages, first tells the issuer how many results belong on the first page, and I'll let you figure out what FORM means. ;)
Navigate to Bing, conduct a search, choose some options, change your displays, and change some search types. Next, open file explorer and navigate to your Windows OS equivalent of the following path.
Next, you may need to adjust your View temporarily to "Show hidden files, folders, and drives." View tab > Options > Change... > View tab again, and click the bullet to "Show...".
In File Explorer's Search pane at the upper right, enter *.js to find all JavaScript files. It may point you several subfolders deeper, and the folder names may be hashed. Choose a JavaScript file you find interesting, right-click the file, and open it with Notepad, your favorite IDE, or some similar editor. You should see something akin to this (truncated; may not run independently):
var AutoSuggest,__extends,Bing,sa_inst;(function(n){var t;(function(n){var t,i,r,u,f,e;(function(n){n.User="SRCHHPGUSR"})(t=n.CookieNames||(n.CookieNames={})),function(n){n.AutoSuggest="AS"}(i=n.CrumbNames||(n.CrumbNames={})),function(n){n.CursorPosition="cp";n.ConversationId="cvid";n.SuggestionCount="sc";n.PartialQuery="pq";n.SuggestionPosition="sp";n.SuggestionType="qs";n.PreviewPaneSuggestionType="qsc";n.SkipValue="sk";n.PreviewPaneSkipValue="skc";n.Ghosting="ghc";n.Css="css";n.Count="count";n.DataSet="ds";n.SessionId="sid";n.TimeStamp="qt";n.Query="q";n.ImpressionGuid="ig";n.QFQuery="qry";n.BaseQuery="bq";n.FormCode="form";n.HashedMuid="nclid";n.RequestElToken="elvr";n.ElTokenValue="elv";n.AppId="appid";n.History="history";n.NoHistory="nohs";n.ApiTextDecoration="textdecorations";n.ClientId="clientid";n.Market="mkt";n.Scope="scope";n.CountryCode="cc";n.HomeGeographicRegion="hgr";n.SetLang="setlang";n.ZeroInputSerp="zis"}(r=n.QueryParams||(n.QueryParams={}))
I hope that helps someone! :D
I'm also trying to find out what this is :)
I'm pretty sure it's an encryption mechanism for bing a la public key cryptography, though I could be wildly wrong. There is another field called pq - and p's and q's are used a lot in crypto theory.
The field is 32 nibbles (e.g. 8D0E519A91024A08B075654D006C0A14) which equals 128 bits. This number results in some arithmetic operation with the binary value of your search and bing's private key - thus making url generation quite difficult.

Data.c file generation

i'm very new to matlab, i'm working on a software which needs the following files as input model.c,model.h,model_data.c for a particular simulink model. I have a model for which i can't generate model_data file using RTW, i have tried to get some information on the files generated by RTW, but i didnt get sufficient info. If there anybody who knows about the RTW please let me know the blocks which are required to generate model_data.c
thank you
model_data.c is a conditionally created file (i.e. it is only created if it is needed, which depends on the way the model is set up for code generation).
For a discussion of the Simulink Coder build process, and what files get generated when, search the doc for the section titled "Files and Folders Created by Build Process".
For others who need help in future.
Open the Configuration Parameters pane. Go to Code Generation -> Optimization and make sure that Default parameter behavior is set to Tunable.