How can I make each instance of a perl script have its own unique id? - perl

I have a perl script that connects to the Plex API. It logs in and performs certain actions (mostly working).
However, the Plex API suggests (insists?) that each instance of the script send a unique ID, such that if I share this script with anyone else they should use a different string.
In the interests of keeping this simple, I don't want to have some configuration file that keeps that value outside of the script. I also can't leave a value hard-coded in, no one who downloads this will change it.
Could the perl script modify itself?
If I were to declare it as such:
my $uuid = 1;
... then could I not check immediately afterward if this value is equal to 1, and if so overwrite that with a randomly generated uuid? The script would then exit, but somehow re-invoke itself (so the user doesn't have to run it a second time).
Is there a safe way to do this? Alternatively, is there a better way to accomplish the goal without using this method?

Make the last line of your script __DATA__ and append the ID to the script either at installation or first run. Reading from the special <DATA> handle reads the data segment of a script.

You could use UUID::Tiny to generate a random UUID:
use UUID::Tiny;
my $uuid = create_UUID(UUID_V4);
To preserve the UUID between invocations, you'll have to modify the script itself. The answers in this thread might be helpful.

You say in the comments that you want a different unique ID "per installation", but you also say that "it needs to be the same value for any given user", so I'm no longer sure that my answer will satisfy your requirements
I suggest that you use the system UUID returned by dmidecode. Of course you will need to have it installed on your computer, and there's a parser module for it on CPAN called Parse::DMIDecode
It's slightly more complex if you have to support Windows systems. You can use DmiDecode for Windows, which is available as a ready-built binary, but the parser module explicitly checks that there are no colons (amongst other things) in the path to the demidecode executable, so a call to the probe method won't work. Instead you must call demidecode and pass the result to the parse method
This short example works fine on both Linux and Windows
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use feature 'say';
use Parse::DMIDecode;
my $decoder = Parse::DMIDecode->new;
say $decoder->keyword('system-uuid');


What happens if I reference a package but don't use/require it?

As much as I can (mostly for clarity/documentation), I've been trying to say
use Some::Module;
use Another::Module qw( some namespaces );
in my Perl modules that use other modules.
I've been cleaning up some old code and see some places where I reference modules in my code without ever having used them:
my $example = Yet::Another::Module->AFunction($data); # EXAMPLE 1
my $demo = Whats::The::Difference::Here($data); # EXAMPLE 2
So my questions are:
Is there a performance impact (I'm thinking compile time) by not stating use x and simply referencing it in the code?
I assume that I shouldn't use modules that aren't utilized in the code - I'm telling the compiler to compile code that is unnecessary.
What's the difference between calling functions in example 1's style versus example 2's style?
I would say that this falls firmly into the category of preemptive optimisation and if you're not sure, then leave it in. You would have to be including some vast unused libraries if removing them helped at all
It is typical of Perl to hide a complex issue behind a simple mechanism that will generally do what you mean without too much thought
The simple mechanisms are these
use My::Module 'function' is the same as writing
require My::Module;
My::Module->import( 'function' );
The first time perl successfully executes a require statement, it adds an element to the global %INC hash which has the "pathified" module name (in this case, My/ for a key and the absolute location where it found the source as a value
If another require for the same module is encountered (that is, it already exists in the %INC hash) then require does nothing
So your question
What happens if I reference a package but don't use/require it?
We're going to have a problem with use, utilise, include and reference here, so I'm code-quoting only use and require when I mean the Perl language words.
Keeping things simple, these are the three possibilities
As above, if require is seen more than once for the same module source, then it is ignored after the first time. The only overhead is checking to see whether there is a corresponding element in %INC
Clearly, if you use source files that aren't needed then you are doing unnecessary compilation. But Perl is damn fast, and you will be able to shave only fractions of a second from the build time unless you have a program that uses enormous libraries and looks like use Catalyst; print "Hello, world!\n";
We know what happens if you make method calls to a class library that has never been compiled. We get
Can't locate object method "new" via package "My::Class" (perhaps you forgot to load "My::Class"?)
If you're using a function library, then what matters is the part of use that says
My::Module->import( 'function' );
because the first part is require and we already know that require never does anything twice. Calling import is usually a simple function call, and you would be saving nothing significant by avoiding it
What is perhaps less obvious is that big modules that include multiple subsidiaries. For instance, if I write just
use LWP::UserAgent;
then it knows what it is likely to need, and these modules will also be compiled
and that's ignoring the pragmas!
Did you ever feel like you were kicking your heels, waiting for an LWP program to compile?
I would say that, in the interests of keeping your Perl code clear and tidy, it may be an idea to remove unnecessary modules from the compilation phase. But don't agonise over it, and benchmark your build times before doing any pre-handover tidy. No one will thank you for reducing the build time by 20ms and then causing them hours of work because you removed a non-obvious requirement.
You actually have a bunch of questions.
Is there a performance impact (thinking compile time) by not stating use x and simply referencing it in the code?
No, there is no performance impact, because you can't do that. Every namespace you are using in a working program gets defined somewhere. Either you used or required it earlier to where it's called, or one of your dependencies did, or another way1 was used to make Perl aware of it
Perl keeps track of those things in symbol tables. They hold all the knowledge about namespaces and variable names. So if your Some::Module is not in the referenced symbol table, Perl will complain.
I assume that I shouldn't use modules that aren't utilized in the code - I'm telling the compiler to compile code that is unnecessary.
There is no question here. But yes, you should not do that.
It's hard to say if this is a performance impact. If you have a large Catalyst application that just runs and runs for months it doesn't really matter. Startup cost is usually not relevant in that case. But if this is a cronjob that runs every minute and processes a huge pile of data, then an additional module might well be a performance impact.
That's actually also a reason why all use and require statements should be at the top. So it's easy to find them if you need to add or remove some.
What's the difference between calling functions in example 1's style versus example 2's style?
Those are for different purposes mostly.
my $example = Yet::Another::Module->AFunction($data); # EXAMPLE 1
This syntax is very similar to the following:
my $e = Yet::Another::Module::AFunction('Yet::Another::Module', $data)
It's used for class methods in OOP. The most well-known one would be new, as in Foo->new. It passes the thing in front of the -> to the function named AFunction in the package of the thing on the left (either if it's blessed, or if it's an identifier) as the first argument. But it does more. Because it's a method call, it also takes inheritance into account.
package Yet::Another::Module;
use parent 'A::First::Module';
package A::First::Module;
sub AFunction { ... }
In this case, your example would also call AFunction because it's inherited from A::First::Module. In addition to the symbol table referenced above, it uses #ISA to keep track of who inherits from whom. See perlobj for more details.
my $demo = Whats::The:Difference::Here($data); # EXAMPLE 2
This has a syntax error. There is a : missing after The.
my $demo = Whats::The::Difference::Here($data); # EXAMPLE 2
This is a function call. It calls the function Here in the package Whats::The::Difference and passes $data and nothing else.
Note that as Borodin points out in a comment, your function names are very atypical and confusing. Usually functions in Perl are written with all lowercase and with underscores _ instead of camel case. So AFunction should be a_function, and Here should be here.
1) for example, you can have multiple package definitions in one file, which you should not normally do, or you could assign stuff into a namespace directly with syntax like *Some::Namespace::frobnicate = sub {...}. There are other ways, but that's a bit out of scope for this answer.

UniData List all avaiable subroutines / All parameters

I am trying to wrap some UniData Subroutines to SOAP Web Service. I'm planning to use C# and UODOTNET library (IBM U2 Data Management Interface for .NET). Also I'm looking to create an engine to read all the available Subroutines from data server and also reads all the required parameters and dynamically generate required codes for Web Service.
My code would be something like this:
var session = UniObjects.OpenSession(
var cmd = session.CreateUniCommand();
cmd.Command = "LIST SUBURB.INDEX"; // ?????
var res = cmd.Response;
Question 1: Is there any command that I can use to retrieve the list of all available subroutines?
Question 2: Is there any command that I can use to retrieve list of all parameters for specific subroutine?
The short answer is no.
The longer answer is yes, but with a lot of work.
Since you are asking this question, I'm going to assume you are missing a lot of generally knowledge about the platform. Hence to be able to do this you'll need to:
Learn about how VOC works, specifically how executable code can be catalogued here.
Learn about the CATALOG and how cataloguing programs globally, locally and direct differ.
Understand how your system in particular is designed. Some places have everything directly catalogued in the VOC, others are a mix. If the former, it'll be easier for your question.
Once you understand the above, you'll know how to get a list of all executable programs from VOC, local catalog and global catalog. For example, a simplified example for the VOC is the UniQuery command LIST VOC WITH F1="C".
The hard part is getting the parameter list, of which there isn't any system command. To do this you have 2 options.
Reverse engineer the byte code of every subroutine and tease out the number of parameters
If you have access to the related source code, parse it to generate the list.
Just wanted to add a comment on this one, in UniData there is a MAKE.MAP.FILE command that will identify Programs and Subroutines ( and the number of parameters) which puts the information in the '_MAP_' file. This does not tell you what the parameters are used for, but it helps.

How can I check if a groupname exists in Active Directory using CMD or Perl

I'm trying to write a Perl script which checks if a user group name exists in the Active Directoy. Important for me is, that I don't have to load an additional library, that's why i want to use the System command and call CMD.
I also thought about calling a Power Shell command, but this is rather problematic, because we have a lot of older servers without PS.
This might be a late answer; however the module Net::LDAP probably could be something for you. As described on their homepage; it is "a collection of modules that implements a LDAP services API for Perl programs. The module may be used to search directories or perform maintenance functions such as adding, deleting or modifying entries."
An object could be searched by this example also provided by their homepage:
use Net::LDAP;
$mesg = $ldap->search(#search_args);
#entries = $mesg->entries;

Perl convert from script to module design ideas

I have a script that I would like to convert to a module and call its functions from a Perl script as I do with CPAN modules now. My question is how would others design the module, I'd like to get some idea how to proceed as I have never written a module before. The script, as written now does this:
1) Sets up logging to a db using am in house module
2) Establishes a connection to the db using DBI
3) Fetch a file(s) from a remote server using Net::SFTP:Foreign
4) Process the users in each file and add the data to the DB
The script currently takes command line options to override defaults using Getopt::Long.
Each file is a pipe delimited collection of user data, ~4000 lines, which goes in to the db, provided the user has an entry in our LDAP directory.
So more to the point:
How should I design my module? Should everything my script currently does be moved into the module, or are there some things that are best left in the script. For example, I was thinking of designing my module, so it would be called like this:
use MyModule;
$obj = MyModule->new; // possibly pass some arguments
That would keep the script nice and clean, but is this the best idea for the module? I was thinking of having the script retrieve the files and then just pass the paths to the module for processing.
I think the most useful question is "What of this code is going to be usable by multiple scripts?" Surely the whole thing won't. I rarely create a perl module until I find myself writing the same subroutine more than once.
At that stage I generally dump it into something called "" until that gathers enough code that patterns (not in the gang of four sense really) start to suggest what belongs in a module with well-defined responsibilities.
The other thing you'll want to think about is whether your module is going to represent an object class or if it's going to be a collection of library subroutines.
In your example I could see Logging and Database connection management (though I'd likely use DBI) belonging in external modules.
But putting everything in there just leaves you with a five line script that calls "MyModule::DoStuff" and that's less than useful.
Most of the time ;)
"is this the best idea for the module? I was thinking of having the
script retrieve the files and then just pass the paths to the module
for processing."
It looks like a decent design to me. I also agree that you should not hardcode paths (or URLS) in the module, but I'm a little confused by what "having the script retrieve the files and then just pass the paths to the module for processing" means: do you mean, the script would write them to disk? Why do that? Instead, if it makes sense, have fetchFile(URL) retrieve a single file and return a reference/handle/object suitable for submission to processUsers, so the logic is like:
my #FileUrls = ( ... );
foreach (#FileUrls) {
my $file = $obj->fetchFile($_);
Although, if the purpose of fetchFile is just to get some raw text, you might want to make that a function independent of the database class -- either something that is part of the script, or another module.
If your reason for wanting to write to disk is that you don't want an entire file loaded into memory at once, you might want to adjust everything to process chunks of a file, such that you could have one kind of object for fetching files via a socket and outputting chunks as they are read to another kind of object (the process that adds to database one). In that case:
my $db = DBmodule->new(...);
my $netfiles = NetworkFileReader->new(...)
foreach (#FileUrls) {
$db->newfile(); # initialize/reset
while (my $chunk = $netfiles->more()) {
Or incorporate the chunk reading into the db class if you think it is more appropriate and unlikely to serve a generic purpose.

How do I find all the modules used by a Perl script?

I'm getting ready to try to deploy some code to multiple machines. As far as I know, using a to track dependencies is the best way to ensure they are installed everywhere. The problem I have is I'm not sure our has been updated as this application has passed through a few different developers.
Is there any way to automatically parse through either my source or a few full runs of my program to determine exactly what versions of what modules my application is depending on? On top of that, is there any way to filter it based on CPAN packages? (So that I only depend on Moose instead of every single module that comes with Moose.)
A third related question is, if you depend on a version of a module that is not the latest, what is the best way to have someone else install it? Should I start including entire localized Perl installations with my application?
Just to be clear - you can not generically get a list of modules that the app depends on by code analysis alone. E.g. if your apps does eval { require $module; $module->import() }, where $module is passed via command line, then this can ONLY be detected by actually running the specific command line version with ALL the module values.
If you do wish to do this, you can figure out every module used by a combination of runs via:
Devel::Cover. Coverage reports would list 100% of modules used. But you don't get version #s.
Print %INC at every single possible exit point in the code as slu's answer said. This should probably be done in END{} block as well as __DIE__ handler to cover all possible exit points, and even then may be not fully 100% covering in generic case if somewhere within the program your __DIE__ handler gets overwritten.
Devel::Modlist (also mentioned by slu's answer) - the downside compared to Devel::Cover is that it does NOT seem to be able to aggregate a database across multiple sample runs like Devel::Cover does. On the plus side, it's purpose-built, so has a lot of very useful options (CPAN paths, versions).
Please note that the other module (Module::ScanDeps) does NOT seem to allow you to do runtime analysis based on arbitrary command line arguments (e.g. it seems at first glance to only allow you to execute the program with no arguments) and if that's true, is inferior to all the above 3 methods for any code that may possibly load modules dynamically.
Module::ScanDeps - Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
Does both static and runtime scanning. Just modules, I don't know of any exact way of verifying what versions from what distributions. You could get old packages from BackPan, or just package your entire chain of local dependencies up with PAR.
You could look at %INC, see which also mentions Devel::Modlist
I would definitely use Devel::TraceUse, which also shows a tree of the modules, so it's easy to guess where they are being loaded.