How to implement dynamic creation of permission groups with different set of endpoints Django Rest Framework - rest

In my project I have lot of endpoint views (APIViews, ViewSets). For all of them now I set permissions, some of them are default (e.g. AllowAny) and some are custom created:
permission_classes = (IsUserHaveSomePermission,)
Now I want to implement some flexible system, that will allow me to specify set of allowed endpoints for each user, for example:
On front-end I want to select some user and have a list of checkboxes that correspond to project's endpoints.
This is just an utopian solution, some details may be changed, but the main question is to how make something similar so that admins can basically dynamically change list of allowed endpoints/views for user?
thanks in advance

This solution can be implemented by storing if the user has permission to access the current request method and request path.
Create a new db model for storing the user, request method and request path. Lets say the name of the model is RequestPermission
Instead of the path you can store a constant representing the url so that you have the flexibility of editing the path later on. This constant can be the url name which is supported by django.
class RequestPermission(models.Model):
user = user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='request_permissions')
method = models.CharField(max_length=10)
path_name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
create a custom permission class:
class IsUserResuestAllowed(permissions.BasePermission):
def has_permission(self, request, view):
user = request.user
# you can choose how to get the path_name from the path
path_name = get_path_name(request.path)
return RequestPermission.objects.filter(user=user, method=request.method, path_name=path_name).exists()
Now you can use this class as the default permission class in rest framework settings or use it per view.


Limit token scope server-side

My login procedure allows admins to select an account that they would like to login-as. For that I can login as that particular user and issue the authorization code, as usual.
Now, what I would like is to extend this setup to allow some other admins to login with "read-only" access. This can easily be mapped to our API by use of certain scopes and removing some other scope.
For the oauth process to work, I do need a way to issue oauth tokens that come with a scope that has been limited server side (less scope than the actual client - server-side because read-only is enforced).
I imagine that I might need to write a new GrantType and probably also have to track state somehow, but I am unclear on how exactly I should use create_authorization_response() in this case.
Ok, after some fiddling around, I found a solution. It essentially creates a custom Oauth2Request (usually client-provided, in our case, modified server-side).
Some rough outline of the code:
from urllib.parse import urlencode, parse_qs, urlparse
# obtain query string as dictionary
query_dict = parse_qs(request.query_string.decode("utf-8"))
# customize scope for this request
query_dict["scope"] = ["profile"]
# We here setup a custom Oauth2Request as we have change the scope in
# the query_dict
req = OAuth2Request(
"POST", request.base_url + "?" + urlencode(query_dict, doseq=True)
return authorization.create_authorization_response(grant_user=user, request=req)

Backend access rights for news records

Is it possible to store all records of the news extension (ext:news) on the same storage page, but show only records, which are created by the loggedin backend user?
So the current backend user can just see and edit his own records? Admins should see all records of course.
No, this is not possible, since backend user permissions on record level are not implemented in TYPO3.
So you either have to separate the news records of the users in separate sysfolders or you could try to use hooks (e.g. $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['typo3/']['getTable']) or XClass to customize TYPO3 backend to your needs. I do not recommend the latter, since the TYPO3 backend permission system is complex and you would need to make sure to restrict record access in several parts of TYPO3 (e.g. recordlist, element browser, related news field, ...)
There are two ways to archive that:
If the backend user is not too much. You can just create a page(type
is folder) named with the backend user name. And in the backend user
module you can set the permission(Not for the group user but for the
single backend user only).
if the backend user is too much. and You just wanna set permissions for the group and all backend users are sharing the same rules. You can refer to Hook: so that the basic logic is like this:
2.1 get current logged-in user group.
2.2 if the group is Reporter, we can use the hook for the listing page:
$constraints[] = $query->equals('cruser_id', $be_id);
Hi Chris, Yes you are right.
Today, I have got a chance to dig into the news extension. I think we can still make it by the hook
in your ext_localconf.php
= \T3docs\SitePackage\Hooks\DatabaseRecordListHook::class;
(Please make sure the namespace is correct)
within the file : T3docs\SitePackage\Hooks\DatabaseRecordListHook.Create a function named modifyQuery:
public function modifyQuery($parameters,
if ($table === 'tx_news_domain_model_news') {
$tsconfig = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getTSConfig();
if (!empty($tsconfig['options.']['be_users'])) {
$be_users = $tsconfig['options.']['be_users'];
$queryBuilder->andWhere('cruser_id IN (' . $be_users . ')');
return $queryBuilder;
in the user Options tab set Tsconfg : options.be_users = 3,100
(3,100 is the be_user id. And the 2 two backend users's news will show up)
thus, it works for me.

How to use DiscoveredResource to traverse to a single entity resource exposed by a RepositoryRestResource

I'm trying to set up a system with multiple applications connecting by use of a discovery server. I can traverse the hal responses to a specific resource, but I'm looking for a solution to get from a collection resource to a single resource and find the data for a specific entity.
In 1 application I have a RepositoryRestResource exposing some object:
#RestRepositoryResource(collectionResourceRel="things", itemResourceRel="thing") public interface ThingRepo extends CrudRepository<Thing,Long> {}
In some other application, I would like to get to a single thing. I have the id (let's say it's 1) and have the relation name of the collection and the single resource.
I would like to use a DiscoveredResource to get a link to this single item resource, or to the collection resource which I can then somehow expand using the ID (which would require a templated resource).
If at all possible I would not like to just add "/1" at the end of the URL.
this is how I currently create a DiscoveredResource to point to the collection resource:
new DiscoveredResource(new DynamicServiceInstanceProvider(discoveryClient, traverson -> traverson.follow("things"));
Should I and is it possible to add a templated link on a collection resource created by a #RepositoryRestResource. Or is there some other trick I am missing?
The solution here is to add a custom method as a #RestResource which exposes a relation with a templates URL you can then follow to.
#RestRepositoryResource(collectionResourceRel="things", itemResourceRel="thing") public interface ThingRepo extends CrudRepository<Thing,Long> {
#RestResource(rel = "thing")
Thing findOneById(#Param("id") Long id);
Discovery + traverson:
DiscoveredResource resource = new DiscoveredResource(new DynamicServiceInstanceProvider(discoveryClient, traverson -> traverson.follow("things","search","thing"));
Link link = resource.getLink().expand(id);

TYPO3 7.6 load backend user info

I've added my own scheduler task to the TYPO3 that will, for example, create new page if necessary. The scheduler runs by a special _cli_scheduler user and if I create new pages with it, other editors may not see it.
I'm using the DataHandler (former TCE) to create new pages. The start() method accepts an optional parameter - alternative user object that will be used as a creator of the page.
Having uid of an editor user, how can I fully instantiate the \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\BackendUserAuthentication object which then I provide to the DataHandler::start()?
I was thinking of using the object manager to get new instance of the mentioned class and just set the uid on it, but the DataHandler checks some other properties of the BackendUserAuthentication object, like permissions, etc.
What is the correct way for getting BackendUserAuthentication object will all user data? Is there any factory or a repository I could use?
No one was able to help me with this, so I started digging. After some reverse engineering I have found a complete way for loading any backend user as long as you know their ID. I have created a read-only repository with the following method:
public function fetchById($userId)
/** #var BackendUserAuthentication $user */
$user = $this->objectManager->get(BackendUserAuthentication::class);
return $user;
It will do the following:
Load user record from database and store it internally in the $user property
Load the UC of the user
Load user/group permissions
Initialize file storage
Initialize workspace
I've dumped user created by this method and compared with the currently logged-in user and it seems that all necessary properties have been set up.
Please let me know if I missed something.

Tastypie build_filters access tp request.user

Is there any way to access the user that initiated the request in build_filters override in tastypie.
I want to use the logged in user to give context to one of the filters for example filter contains the word Home and i want to use this as a lookup to the requesting users locations to find their home address.
If build filters took the request as an argument this would be easy as i could simply call
Is there anyway to force the user into the list of filters or alternatively enrich get parameters before they are passed to build_filters.
There still isn't a great method for this. I'm currently overriding obj_get_list like so, so that I can manually pass the bundle object to build_filters:
def obj_get_list(self, bundle, **kwargs):
filters = {}
if hasattr(bundle.request, 'GET'):
filters = bundle.request.GET.copy()
applicable_filters = self.build_filters(filters=filters, bundle=bundle)
objects = self.apply_filters(bundle.request, applicable_filters)
return self.authorized_read_list(objects, bundle)
except ValueError:
raise BadRequest("Invalid resource lookup data provided (mismatched type).")
There is currently an open pull request for this change:
I haven't found a way to do that. I generally 'cheat' by adding the code into apply_authorization_limits where the session is available.