Remove thumbnail of Qgis from wms,wfs layer - leaflet

I have created one QGIS map server for serving map as WMS or WFS feature.
As I am adding the layers in QGIS various thumbnails of QGIS is appearing which I do not want to appear in my map.
Same thing is happening when I am accessing those layers on web via Leaflet. Please help me how to remove these thumbnails.
I am attaching screenshots regarding this problem:


Add WMS remote service to Leaflet map from Leaflet interface

I'm trying to find a way to load external WMS layers to Leaflet map, just like Leaflet.FileLayer does for local files.
I'm imagining a button that opens a form window to introduce the URL and then select the layer's that will be loaded to the map. Is there any plugin or an approach to do that?

Improve performance to render tiles from Geoserver on Google map

I have started using Geoserver and PostgreSQL combination to render polygons (more than 4000) on Google Map. Everything seems to be fine. However, when I zoom the map, layers are redrawn very slowly on browser. These polygons are not fixed.I get information about which polygons need to be displayed from a web page and then from PostGresql view. Therefore I have passed viewParams in WMS service of Geoserver.
I use Geowebcache. But the problem I described above does not solve from GeoWebcache. Is there anything that I can try to improve performance?

What does the painting of the leaflet-described elements on a map?

I'm using Leaflet + CartoDB; I've also used Leaflet + Mapbox; and there may also be some Leaflet + GoogleMaps in my future.
My customer asked me this question: where do the Leaflet layers get painted onto the tiles? Is that done by Leaflet? Or by the Tile engine?
Does this change if I'm using a "regular" map engine (such as Mapbox) or if I'm using something like the KML-rendering plugin?
where do the Leaflet layers get painted onto the tiles? Is that done by Leaflet?
By default (unless you're doing something weird), that happens in your web browser, which is compositing DOM elements on top of each other. You can check this by using the developer tools in your browser and inspecting the DOM elements for the tiles, and the <canvas> or <svg> with your vector geometries. They are separate DOM elements, thus your browser is doing the compositing.
Does this change if I'm using a "regular" map engine (such as Mapbox) or if I'm using something like the KML-rendering plugin?
Not really. Mapbox-gl-js uses insane amounts of WebGL, so that means that the brunt of the workload moves from the browser's compositor to a WebGL stack. It still happens in the web browser, albeit in a different part of the browser.
There is no "KML rendering plugin" for leaflet, just KML loading plugins. Vector geometries are still rendered in a <canvas> or <svg> separate from the image tiles for the basemap, then composited.
You can, of course, run your own tile server (with software such as Geoserver, Mapserver, Mapproxy, mapnik+mod_tile, tirex, tilestream, or dozens of others). In that case, you obviously know you are rasterizing your data into tiles.

How to make Leaflet maps accessible and WCAG2 compliant

I have followed several threads on this topic but have not been able to fix the following issues:
How to prevent Leaflet map tile images names from being read out by screen readers?
How to make vector layers (like Circles and Rectangles) tabbable?
How to make tile images not selectable - is this related to #1?
I have tried with current Leaflet distribution 0.7.5 and 1.0 Beta2 - without any success. Here are some related discussions:
Leaflet issue: accessibility improvements
StackOverflow: how to make Leaflet tile layers accessible
Does anyone have a link to share - to a Leaflet based site/page that is WCAG2 compliant?

WMS layer not shown over Google Map plugin layer in Leaflet application

I have a simple Leaflet application containing 3 layers: OSM layer, Google Satellite layer (from Pavel Shramov plugin) and my own WMS layer.
My WMS layer show well over OSM basemap but when switching basemap to Google layer with layers control, Google Satellite layer show well but my WMS is not shown over it.
Exploring in Firebug tell me that my WMS images are there but not shown correctly OVER Google layer... This was working well using old version of Leaflet js/css but I want to use the new release 0.4.2...
Any idea how to patch this issue?
Thanks a lot
Finallly, adding this line:
$("#" +"z-index", "auto");
in the _initContainer() function of the Google.js plugin solved the problem...
Check this conversation for more detail: