WMS layer not shown over Google Map plugin layer in Leaflet application - leaflet

I have a simple Leaflet application containing 3 layers: OSM layer, Google Satellite layer (from Pavel Shramov plugin) and my own WMS layer.
My WMS layer show well over OSM basemap but when switching basemap to Google layer with layers control, Google Satellite layer show well but my WMS is not shown over it.
Exploring in Firebug tell me that my WMS images are there but not shown correctly OVER Google layer... This was working well using old version of Leaflet js/css but I want to use the new release 0.4.2...
Any idea how to patch this issue?
Thanks a lot

Finallly, adding this line:
$("#" + this._container.id).css("z-index", "auto");
in the _initContainer() function of the Google.js plugin solved the problem...
Check this conversation for more detail: https://github.com/shramov/leaflet-plugins/issues/29


Add WMS remote service to Leaflet map from Leaflet interface

I'm trying to find a way to load external WMS layers to Leaflet map, just like Leaflet.FileLayer does for local files.
I'm imagining a button that opens a form window to introduce the URL and then select the layer's that will be loaded to the map. Is there any plugin or an approach to do that?

Leaflet - How to query rendered features in Vector tiles

I am new to leaflet. currently I am working on leaflet to render vector tiles. my application's requirement is that on click i should get features from map tiles in geojson format.
In Mapbox map.queryRenderedFeatures(e.point). I want to do exact same thing, but in leaflet. Please check here to check how mapbox is fetching features.
Please help.
Current Leaflet implementation does not supports querying rendered features. Hence switching to Mapboxgl

How to access vector objects in mapbox styles(road, water etc.)?

In mapbox studio I have a lot of layers for customizations. Is there a way to access those layers programmatically with js. For example hide all WATER or ROAD layer on the map with js?
You can try using https://github.com/mapbox/vt2geojson to get geojson data for whichever layers you are interested in and then use this data and add styling using mapbox gl js maps.
Hope that answers your question.

how can i handle if my leaflet web application has heavy traffic

now I use leaflet.
I want to know what are their policies about heavy traffic.
like OSM, I have to make another server? then, how can i do?
thanks for answering.
Leaflet is a javascript library and does not provide tiles. So there is no limit in using leaflet.
Your question is more towards the provider of the tiles that leaflet uses.
For example:
L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors'
The map you see is actually a set of images (usually 256x256 pixels). There are served by a tiles server. See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames.
The limitation you want to know is the limitation of the tiles server.
Leaflet is the glue that knows which tiles to show according to the lat,lng you want to show.
The TileLayer you create tells leaflet where it must get the tiles from.

Remove thumbnail of Qgis from wms,wfs layer

I have created one QGIS map server for serving map as WMS or WFS feature.
As I am adding the layers in QGIS various thumbnails of QGIS is appearing which I do not want to appear in my map.
Same thing is happening when I am accessing those layers on web via Leaflet. Please help me how to remove these thumbnails.
I am attaching screenshots regarding this problem: