How to make Leaflet maps accessible and WCAG2 compliant - leaflet

I have followed several threads on this topic but have not been able to fix the following issues:
How to prevent Leaflet map tile images names from being read out by screen readers?
How to make vector layers (like Circles and Rectangles) tabbable?
How to make tile images not selectable - is this related to #1?
I have tried with current Leaflet distribution 0.7.5 and 1.0 Beta2 - without any success. Here are some related discussions:
Leaflet issue: accessibility improvements
StackOverflow: how to make Leaflet tile layers accessible
Does anyone have a link to share - to a Leaflet based site/page that is WCAG2 compliant?


Mapbox GL - transition animations for unclustering and for active feature

In Mapbox GL JS, I'm looking to use clustering + use a different icon for one feature which is currently defined as "active". I want the necessary transitions (unclustering + change of the active feature) to be animated, but can't find a way of making this all happen.
Mapbox provides an example showing how to implement clusters, which uses different layers for the clusters and for non-clustered features. This technique can also be used for rendering the "active" feature in its own layer with a different image. When a cluster breaks ("unclusters") into features, it basically gets removed from the clusters layer, and the features get added to the "unclustered" features layer. But this doesn't allow adding a transition animation, since there isn't really a transition here. I would like to show the cluster splitting into features, with each feature moving to its respective location.
Any ideas how to solve this?
Some ideas that don't quite provide a full answer:
Use Leaflet with the markercluster plugin and its "spider" behavior for clustering. This works and provides a nice "spider" transition animation for unclustering. However there is no "official" binding between leaflet and Mapbox GL, so I'm reluctant to use that (there is just this which I would need to modify and it's based on undocumented Mapbox internals). Also I'm now sure whether this is good or bad performance-wise with thousands of features. And I know from experience that adding an animation to modify the shape of Leaflet markers (for active/inactive transitions) doesn't really work.
Use markers in Mapbox, instead of layers, but then how to do any sort of clustering?
I can't think of any reasonable way to implement this just using Mapbox GL JS, short of learning WebGL and implementing a custom source.
But I wouldn't write off the Leaflet+Mapbox approach - in my experience, the performance is ok (though I haven't tested with clusters or what you're trying to do).
There is a similar approach with OpenLayers: I have also used this and it worked fine.
Finally, it seems there are quite a few Leaflet and OpenLayers libraries that specifically solve the animated clustering issue: (And most of these answers are very old, so perhaps there are more libraries now).

Is it possible to add a watermark in MapBox vector tiles?

A client would like to add their URL as a brand/watermark within a MapBox tiled vector layer in MapBox Studio, so that the watermark appears wherever the tiled vector layer is displayed. (One possible use-case is to discourage competitors from stealing that tiled layer in their own maps.)
Is it possible to add a watermark to a tiled layer in MapBox, and ensure that it's visible at least once in every view?
I tried adding a duplicate copy of a polyline dataset as a Symbol Layer, and labelling it with the client's URL using the Text Field option. This works but has the side effect of preventing the labels from appearing on the original copy of the line layer.
It is not possible to add a single occurrence of a watermark to a map style in Studio in the way that the Mapbox watermark is displayed on a map, but there are alternative approaches to achieve what you are looking to do.
If the underlying goal is to prevent competitors from using a particular map style (and hence an underlying tiled layer), the best approach is to set scopes and URL restrictions on the Mapbox access tokens being used to access the map style in a public environment. You can find more useful information about token management and access tokens in general in the Mapbox documentation. This approach could be used in conjunction with adding a branded "watermark" on the client side -- for example, placing a fixed div in the corner of a web map loaded with GL JS. Although this watermark obviously isn't included in the style itself, setting a URL restriction on the access token used to load the map would prevent others from accessing the same map with that token on other domains.
You could also experiment with adding a low-opacity background-pattern to relevant layers in the map style itself. This property could be used to mimic a traditional watermarked effect, where a particular logo is placed on an image at multiple regular intervals.

Poor Mapbox GL JS performance compared to old Mapbox.js

I'm in the process of rewriting route-planning web app from Mapbox.js to Mapbox GL JS library.
With all the features almost implemented, it's borderline unusable due to lags, non-smooth animations and general sluggishness of the map layer.
Now, it's entirely possible I'm using the API wrong. I made a quick comparison and published it here:
Notice the old Mapbox.js (left) is much smoother than the new Mapbox GL JS (right).
You can see the difference more clearly here where both maps are moving and zooming:
This is just a basic example. The app itself also features:
Dynamically styled routes (traffic, air quality, elevation)
Rich UI which overlays the map
Additional layers (eg. bicycle lanes, POIs, air quality)
With all there features, Mapbox GL JS is pretty much unusable. Unlike the old Mapbox.js, which is smooth.
Any advice for optimizing the performance appreciated!
it's important to note that the older Mapbox.js library was serving raster tiles, which get rendered server side, where the more modern Mapbox GL JS is vector based and rendered client side. Due to the nature of raster vs. vector is why you might see this "dip" in performance, if you are looking strictly at FPS, because your machine may be struggling.
Mapbox.js, like other traditional JavaScript map libraries, used the basemap-overlay mapping convention. The basemap (or baselayer) is a raster tile layer that is served already rendered from the server and overlays are often vector data that sits on top of the basemap.
Mapbox GL JS has no distinction between baselayers and overlay layers, and uses mostly vector tiles. This means that map details like labels and icons and elements like streets and buildings can be modified with JavaScript, like overlays in earlier mapping libraries. Each layer provides rules about how the renderer should draw certain data in the browser, and the renderer uses these layers to draw the map on the screen.
You can read more about the difference here:
There are also some great guides on improving performance of Mapbox GL JS maps and working with large GeoJSON sources in Mapbox GL JS

Custom drawing layer in Mapbox GL JS (and Leaflet)

I'm starting research to add a user feature to an existing map built in Mapbox GL JS (wrapped in an Angular 2+ application). What I need to do, is allow a user to be able to draw and rotate ellipses and text labels over the top of a map, and be able to save screen captures of the result.
I'm coming into this with no experience in Mapbox or Leaflet, so I have a lot to figure out. My first goal is to determine if I can do this in Mapbox directly (with a plugin?), of if I will need to render a canvas over the top of my map with some third-part drawing library (I have a lot of experience with those).
The obvious advantage to doing this in Mapbox directly would be that we might still be able zoom and pan.
The Mapbox-gl-draw library lets the user author features in a map, but probably not to the extent you need.
If the features the user creates don't need to live "in map space" (ie, the map is static, and the labels are statically positioned over the top, for printing), working directly on a canvas will give you much more flexibility. You'll also have access to a much wider variety of libraries.

What does the painting of the leaflet-described elements on a map?

I'm using Leaflet + CartoDB; I've also used Leaflet + Mapbox; and there may also be some Leaflet + GoogleMaps in my future.
My customer asked me this question: where do the Leaflet layers get painted onto the tiles? Is that done by Leaflet? Or by the Tile engine?
Does this change if I'm using a "regular" map engine (such as Mapbox) or if I'm using something like the KML-rendering plugin?
where do the Leaflet layers get painted onto the tiles? Is that done by Leaflet?
By default (unless you're doing something weird), that happens in your web browser, which is compositing DOM elements on top of each other. You can check this by using the developer tools in your browser and inspecting the DOM elements for the tiles, and the <canvas> or <svg> with your vector geometries. They are separate DOM elements, thus your browser is doing the compositing.
Does this change if I'm using a "regular" map engine (such as Mapbox) or if I'm using something like the KML-rendering plugin?
Not really. Mapbox-gl-js uses insane amounts of WebGL, so that means that the brunt of the workload moves from the browser's compositor to a WebGL stack. It still happens in the web browser, albeit in a different part of the browser.
There is no "KML rendering plugin" for leaflet, just KML loading plugins. Vector geometries are still rendered in a <canvas> or <svg> separate from the image tiles for the basemap, then composited.
You can, of course, run your own tile server (with software such as Geoserver, Mapserver, Mapproxy, mapnik+mod_tile, tirex, tilestream, or dozens of others). In that case, you obviously know you are rasterizing your data into tiles.