Expected endmodule error while definig macro - macros

I have defined a macro for gating gating assertion but while compiling, I am facing failure saying: endmodule expected at endproperty.
`define gating_check( _name, _clock, _data, txen) \
property _name ; \
#(posedge `TOP.``_clock``) disable iff (~`STIMULUS.RSTN_VEC_GEN) \
(~(txen) |-> ##[1:6] ( |`TOP.``_data`` == 0 ) ); \
endproperty \
``_name``_checker : assert property (_name) else $error("-E- property gating_check failed"); \
``_name``_cover : cover property (_name)
Pls help.

You just have extra space after the "\" in two lines - 4 and 5 , if you remove these trailing space the code should compile.
The "\" is used to escape the end of line but an extra space after the "\" will not do so. Hence now your macro has become a multi-lien statement generating the error. Because its a space character it difficult to observe :) .
Below is the code without the trailing space in line 4 and 5 .
`define gating_check( _name, _clock, _data, txen) \
property _name ; \
#(posedge `TOP.``_clock``) disable iff (~`STIMULUS.RSTN_VEC_GEN) \
(~(txen) |-> ##[1:6] ( |`TOP.``_data`` == 0 ) ); \
endproperty \
``_name``_checker : assert property (_name) else $error("-E- property gating_check failed"); \
``_name``_cover : cover property (_name)


How to make Synopsys VCS Verdi to show display macro messages in Wave window?

I know that in Questa or Riviera UVM error messages can be indicated in the waveform as well.
With system verilog display macros (but not UVM!), how can an indicator be shown in the Synopsis Verdi waveform when the display happens?
For example lets say something like this macro is used:
`define DELIM
`define DEBUG_PRINT(p0, p1=ELIM, p2=ELIM, p3=ELIM, p4=ELIM, p5=ELIM) \
`ifdef D``p1 \
my_debug($psprintf(p0)); \
`else \
`ifdef D``p2 \
my_debug($psprintf(p0, p1)); \
`else \
`ifdef D``p3 \
my_debug($psprintf(p0, p1, p2)); \
`else \
`ifdef D``p4 \
my_debug($psprintf(p0, p1, p2, p3)); \
`else \
`ifdef D``p5 \
my_debug($psprintf(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4)); \
`else \
my_debug($psprintf(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)); \
`endif \
`endif \
`endif \
`endif \
Ideas that may be relevant here to some solution:
I am aware of the TMR capability briefly but I'm not sure if that should be applied here. Neither if it is propagating to the Wave window as an indicator.
If it would be necessary to use some workaround like below (flag/event), since it is not UVM, I'm not sure how to get around the problem (such as discussed here) of applying the semicolon in the middle :
my_debug($psprintf(p0)); \ -> tb.event \

counter.cairo:7:1: Unexpected character "#"

The code starts with # as seen :
func counter() -> (count : felt):
I run : starknet-compile ../counter.cairo --output counter_compiled.json --abi counter_abi.json
and the result is:
counter.cairo:7:1: Unexpected character "#"
Why this problem arises ? Is it about the cairo version ?

Advanced Command-Line Replace Command In VBScript

I'm writing a compiler for my won computer language. Now before the language can be compiled i actually need to replace all apostrophes (') with percents (%) via a command-line vbs program. But the apostrophes only need to be replaced if there is NOT a circumflex accent (^) in front of it. So for example, in this code:
color 0a
input twelve = 0a "hi! that^'s great! "
execute :testfornum 'twelve'
if numeric('1) (
) ELSE (
print 0a "oops 'twelve' should be numeric"
the apostrophe at line 2 should not be replaced, but the ones at line 3, 6 and 9 should be.
can anyone help me?
this is what i have so far:
'syntax: (cscript) replace.vbs [filename] "StringToFind" "stringToReplace"
Option Explicit
Dim FileScriptingObject, file, strReplace, strReplacement, fileD, lastContainment, newContainment
Set FileScriptingObject=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if FileScriptingObject.FileExists(file) = false then
wscript.echo "File not found!"
end if
set fileD=fileScriptingobject.OpenTextFile(file,1)
set fileD=fileScriptingobject.OpenTextFile(file,2)
fileD.Write newContainment
As #Ansgar's solution fails for the special case of a leading ' (no non-^ before that), here is an approach that uses a replace function in a test script that makes further experiments easy:
Option Explicit
Function fpR(m, g1, g2, p, s)
If "" = g1 Then
fpR = "%"
fpR = m
End If
End Function
Function qq(s)
qq = """" & s & """"
End Function
Dim rE : Set rE = New RegExp
rE.Global = True
rE.Pattern = "(\^)?(')"
Dim rA : Set rA = New RegExp
rA.Global = True
rA.Pattern = "([^^])'"
'rA.Pattern = "([^^])?'"
Dim s
For Each s In Split(" 'a^'b' a'b'^'c nix a^''b")
WScript.Echo qq(s), "==>", qq(rE.Replace(s, GetRef("fpR"))), "==>", qq(rA.Replace(s, "$1%"))
cscript 25221565.vbs
"" ==> "" ==> ""
"'a^'b'" ==> "%a^'b%" ==> "'a^'b%" <=== oops
"a'b'^'c" ==> "a%b%^'c" ==> "a%b%^'c"
"nix" ==> "nix" ==> "nix"
"a^''b" ==> "a^'%b" ==> "a^'%b"
You can't do this with a normal string replacement. A regular expression would work, though:
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "(^|[^^])'"
re.Global = True
newContainment = re.Replace(lastContainment, "$1%")

ANTLR: loop did not match anything at input

sorry for my english! I have problem, faced here with such a problem, give the decision:
line 1:0 required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input < E O F
This my file, calc.g
grammar calc;
options {
language = Java;
rule: statement+;
: expr NEWLINE
| ID '=' expr NEWLINE
NEWLINE : '\r'? '\n'
: multExpression ('+' multExpression |'-' multExpression)*
: a1=atom ('*' a2=atom | '/' a2=atom)*
: ID
| '(' expr ')'
ID : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9'|'_')*
INT : ('1'..'9') ('0'..'9')*
this is my main:
ANTLRReaderStream input = new ANTLRReaderStream();
calcLexer lexer = new calcLexer(input);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
calcParser parser = new calcParser(tokens);
It looks like your input is empty: the parser immediately encounters the EOF (end-of-file) where it expects at least one statement.
Try something like this:
ANTLRStringStream input = new ANTLRStringStream("2*42\n");
calcLexer lexer = new calcLexer(input);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
calcParser parser = new calcParser(tokens);
As 280Z28 mentioned in the comment beneath my answer, you should probably force the parser to consume the entire input by adding EOF at the end of your parser's entry point:
rule: statement+ EOF;
and if you want to allow an empty string to be valid input too, change the + to a *;
rule: statement* EOF;
I didn't test it but think you have to add the default EOF token to your grammar:
rule: statement+ EOF!;
Your parser seems to recognize the whole input but at the end there is an EOF but you did not add the corresponding rule to your grammar.

Including variable in file directory in matlab ..?

I want to access several sequenced folders
Example :
[ndata, text, alldata] = xlsread(' D: \ folder \ 1 \ file ' ) ;
[ndata, text, alldata] = xlsread(' D: \ folder \ 2 \ file ' ) ;
[ndata, text, alldata] = xlsread(' D: \ folder \ 3 \ file ' ) ;
[ndata, text, alldata] = xlsread(' D: \ folder \ 4 \ file ' ) ;
Could I replace 1,2,3and 4 by variable i .. How could the directory be written here ?!
Please need any recommendation !
The fullfile command is meant for this purpose:
xlsread(fullfile('D:','folder', sprintf('%d',i) , 'file'));
The fullfile function takes care of OS-specific file separator and insuring only one file separator is used per folder division. (i.e. strcmp(fullfile('a','b') equals fullfile('a/','/b'))
[ndata, text, alldata] = xlsread([' D:/folder/' num2str(i) '/file ' ]) ;
Just use forward slashes, that works everywhere.
Don't make things harder than they should be.
Yes, you can. Use the sprintf() command.
[ndata, text, alldata] = xlsread(sprintf('D:\\folder\\%i\\file',i))
To make sure this is working right, change the sprintf to a fprintf, and make sure the file exists.
>> i=1;
>> fprintf('D:\\folder\\%i\\file',i)
>> ls D:\folder\1\file