Anylogic - Events triggered by message - anylogic

i'm new to AnyLogic and i'm trying to built an ABM SIRS model for pertussis in Italy...but i'm stuck because I want infected agents to send a message to all the agents they are connected with.
I want the message to be an number ( [0,1] level of infectivity) and not a string and then the real problem is: once an agent gets this message it becomes infected with probability equal to the number in the message
Sending the message
Once the message is received

try this.
To understand, put your cursor into the "Expression" code box and hover over the little light bulb in the top left corner.
Also refer to my blog on the little light bulb which can be a life-saver in these situations: the magic lightbulb


Anylogic detect that agent stopped on conveyor

is there any easy way to detect that agent stopped on a roller conveyor because there are other agents ahead? I tried to use dynamic variable and conditional event but it is consuming too much performence. I donĀ“t want to go for dynamically checking condition (with cyclic event) because I have some bad experience with it.
Try this:
Create a LinkedList<YourAgentType> agentsOnConveyor.
Whenever an agent enters the conveyor, call agentsOnConveyor.addLast(agent). When it leaves, call agentsOnConveyor.removeFirst(agent).
Now you have a linked representation of the agents on the conveyor.
Last, you use the "on stopped" field in the conveyor and pass the message "upstream" through the linked list, i.e. use a for-loop from the first to the last entry and send them a msg "conveyor stopped".
You may still need to check if the individual agent is moving itself or has also stopped, but it might put you on a working path

Anylogic Message Animation

I am trying to force agents of a population to exchange messages in AnyLogic. I would like each time agent A sends a message to B the icon of the message to move from A to B. How can I implement this?
The code Emile sent you works to move an agent from one place to another one. I understand you don't want to move your two agents, but instead you want to move only a "message icon" from one to the other. For that you can create an agent (let's call it agent "Message"), create it and locate it in the agentA, and tell it (as Emile said) to move to agentB: messageAB.moveTo(agentB.getPosition()); this way you'll get the effect you want.
You could also:
use a timer to move from one place to another, or
use an event and change the position of the icon dinamically depending on how much time you have remaining on that event
use a source/delay/sink for the same as in point 2
There are basically two ways to move an agent:
Jump to agent B: Instantly appears near agent B
Move to agent A at a certain speed
For each one the code is respectively as follows:
agentA.jumpTo( agentB.getXYZ() );
agentA.moveTo( agentB );
Where agentA and agentB refer to the agents which you might call differently depending where you are in the model.

How can I simulate a border of a parking place?

I am currently working on a parking place simulation. Before entering the parking place, a car has to cross a border. To simulate that, I added a "carMoveToBorder" block, where the car moves to a stopline. Then I added a service block to simulate the time getting served by the borderService. Now that I am having a car network, I dont really know how to specify the location of the delay or the queue inside the service block. I tried specifying the location of the delay by entering the name of the stopLine but I got an error message saying: Type mismatch: cannot convert from Agent to AnimationStaticLocationProvider
Pictures are below.
Help is appreciated.
Thank you for your time.
why dont you try to use Delay instead of Service. One of the difference between them is that Service has embedded queue. But maybe in your case the car will never use that queue, i mean if its right in front of border but not quite there, it means its still in CarMoveToBorder block. And i guess in Delay you just dont have to set any agent location. (btw, what happens if you leave agent location blank in Service?)

Dialogflow, Google Assistant: Getting error "MalformedResponse 'final_response' must be set"

I have three intents, "Cold Exposure", "Poisoning" and "Frostbite". Each intent has suggestion chips to move to the next intent, i.e. the "Cold Exposure" shows a chip of "Poisoning" and "Poisoning" shows a suggestion chip of "Frostbite".
All are follow up intents of the Default Welcome Intent, so all have the "Default Welcome Intent- followup" input context.
My problem is, when I call Cold Exposure and then call Poisoning, there's no problem. However, when I call Cold Exposure and then Poisoning, and then Frostbite, I get an error "MalformedResponse 'final_response' must be set." . Im not able to call any three intents back to back. I really dont know why this is happening.Im using v2 API.
This is the only error I have in my program, so it would be great if this could be solved quick.This is a screenshot of my intents.
What is the lifespan of the "Default Welcome Intent- followup" output context in the Default Welcome Intent?
By default, when you create followup Intents, the output context lifespan set in the root Intent is 2. Each action decrements this count and the context disappears when the count reaches 0.
Try increasing the lifespan (in the grey circle next to the output context name) to something like 10 (or any other number you see fit) and remove it manually when needed in later intents (by setting it as output context with a lifespan of 0).
I actually wouldn't have expected that the followup intents would work the way you're trying. They're all followups to the original intent, rather than to each other. So it could be that the lifespan of the original intent's Context has expired by the third one. In this case, it would revert to the Fallback Intent.
But the reason for the error message itself is that you're not sending back a reply. If you're using a fulfillment, it means it isn't sending a reply. If you're not, it could be that the "Frostbite" Intent doesn't have a reply set or that your Fallback Intent doesn't have a reply set.

Why do devices with 'ColorTemperature' trait in rooms receive commands for 'ColorSpectrum'?

To illustrate an example scenario that prompted this question, please consider the following:
A room, attic, that contains 3 devices: one light that supports both ColorSpectrum and ColorTemperature, one light that only supports ColorTemperature and one light that only supports ColorSpectrum (all 3 also support OnOff and Brightness, but this appears to be irrelevant).
"Set the attic to warm white" will result in two of the lights receiving a temperature value in Kelvin, whereas the third (which didn't support ColorTemperature) will receive an rgb/hsv color value approximating the correct hue of white.
Conversely: "Set the attic to red" will result in all 3 lights receiving an rgb/hsv color value (including the light that does not support the ColorSpectrum trait).
We are unsure how a light that supports only ColorTemperature is supposed to respond to an rgb/hsv value. This final scenario - after the light's failure to be able to execute the user's command - left us with 3 options to respond:
Lie and respond 'SUCCESS' for all 3 lights, "Ok, changing 3 lights to red."
Omit the third light from the response entirely, "Ok, changing 3 lights to red."
Respond with "notSupported" 'ERROR' for the third light, "Ok, changing 2 lights to red. That mode isn't available for the LIGHT_3."
Option 1 is clearly undesirable, incorrect feedback is worse than no feedback at all.
Option 2 is equivalent to 1, though it seems odd that Google Home should assume that a device omitted from a response was successfully processed.
Option 3 we deem unideal as well, as we expect the user may get bored of hearing that a certain light in their room is unable to change color when they might be perfectly aware of this fact. Our preference would go to a response of: "Ok, changing 2 lights to red." We feel that this communicates clearly that one light didn't change, without the potentially superfluous error message.
Our question, then, is how we might realize this?
Is the behavior listed above unintended (a bug)?
Is there some response that we are unaware of that can be used to communicate to Google Home that a device simply is not eligible for the provided execution?
Is the behavior listed above not experienced by others or the result of a mistake on our part?
Thank you for reading.
I'm going to check about this scenario as it might be a bug in which devices get commands when they shouldn't.
Canonically, option three may be undesirable but is the right implementation. Trying to ignore the command will also create a bad user experience as they receive an incorrect reply.