Add AngularJS2 plugin in Eclipse - eclipse

I just started learning AngularJS2. I want to plugin AngularJS2 in Eclipse IDE. Please someone suggest me how to do this. I am using Eclipse Mars.

There's you can install in Eclipse Neon. I don't think it's compatible with Eclipse Mars, but using Neon is worth it anyway.


Will an old Eclipse RCP plugin work with Eclipse Che?

I am having very basic doubt about Eclipse Che. Can an old Eclipse plugin (developed for Eclipse 3.x) be deployed into Eclipse Che?
Can an old Eclipse plugin (developed for Eclipse 3.x) be deployed into Eclipse Che?
No. Eclipse Che is an entirely new code base that does not use Eclipse IDE Plug-ins. Neither for Eclipse 4.x for that matter.

I can not see the Server option in eclipse

I can not see the Server option in eclipse, when I go to Windows-->showview, even in the --Others--option it's not there. I am using eclipse luna. Can anyone help me?
You have downloaded a package that doesn't include the server/web features. Instead, download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.

Would GWT plugin for Eclipse 4.4 work with Eclipse Mars 4.5

Just wanted to check if it would be a good idea to install GWT plugin for Eclipse 4.4 on Eclipse Mars 4.5. Also, if there are any plans for 4.5 plugin?
I recommend that you wait for the 4.5 plugin before upgrading eclipse. We waited quite a while for the 4.4 plugin, but it came.
I've tried 4.4 plugin in Mars, and it doesn't work for me.
I'm having problems showing error messages in eclipse Mars (didn't have problems in Luna).
So I will say that NO. The plugin doesn't work well in Eclipse MARS.
I got GWT plugin version 4.4 to work in Mars only with Eclipse Mars not installed from Eclipse Installer ('download Eclipse package' instead).
Using the installer resulted instead in the plugin then installing, but not appearing via blue GWT toolbar icon, Eclipse Google preferences, nor Eclipse project Google context menu.

Install Eclipse plug in from maven?

Perhaps I am misreading, but per:
Or is this meant only for RCP applications and not for an actual Eclipse IDE?
Just curious...
Your second link Eclipse Plugin actually unpack an Eclipse IDE (the RCP edition).
So it is for any Eclipse IDE distribution like the ones listed in Helios packages.

Zend Studio on Eclipse "HELIOS"

I'm trying to install Zend Studio on an existing installation of Eclipse HELIOS, but Zend doesn't want to behave. The PDF instructions here say it's for "Eclipse Galileo version 3.5.1 only". Sure enough, I'm getting a strange error on a Helios.
Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
I've already upgraded to Helios and don't want to go back to Galileo, so has anyone solved this problem or knows how to get around it?
Studio 7.x does not support Helios. Studio 8.x which is just about to go to beta does.
On my Linux (Ubuntu) I was able to install multiple versions of Eclipse for various purposes. You can install a new Eclipse Galileo version 3.5.1 and it should not effect your Helios.
For a good explanation of how to do this see: