Will an old Eclipse RCP plugin work with Eclipse Che? - eclipse

I am having very basic doubt about Eclipse Che. Can an old Eclipse plugin (developed for Eclipse 3.x) be deployed into Eclipse Che?

Can an old Eclipse plugin (developed for Eclipse 3.x) be deployed into Eclipse Che?
No. Eclipse Che is an entirely new code base that does not use Eclipse IDE Plug-ins. Neither for Eclipse 4.x for that matter.


Would GWT plugin for Eclipse 4.4 work with Eclipse Mars 4.5

Just wanted to check if it would be a good idea to install GWT plugin for Eclipse 4.4 on Eclipse Mars 4.5. Also, if there are any plans for 4.5 plugin?
I recommend that you wait for the 4.5 plugin before upgrading eclipse. We waited quite a while for the 4.4 plugin, but it came.
I've tried 4.4 plugin in Mars, and it doesn't work for me.
I'm having problems showing error messages in eclipse Mars (didn't have problems in Luna).
So I will say that NO. The plugin doesn't work well in Eclipse MARS.
I got GWT plugin version 4.4 to work in Mars only with Eclipse Mars not installed from Eclipse Installer ('download Eclipse package' instead).
Using the installer resulted instead in the plugin then installing, but not appearing via blue GWT toolbar icon, Eclipse Google preferences, nor Eclipse project Google context menu.

how to upgrade from juno to kepler for eclipse?

I'm using Eclipse IDE juno , I need to upgrade my eclipse to kepler for developing J2EE applications, in my IDE help menu i tried to install new software and i also added kepler related download site , then it installed some updates after I restarted my laptop but it is not showing me option for developing J2EE applications. Help me please, without installing the complete eclipse ide.
Both Juno and Kepler are separate eclipse IDE hence you need separate installation for Eclipse Kepler and keep your original juno installer. You can download it from Here

Can I directly shift my project to Eclipse Luna from Eclipse Juno?

I am working on a project in eclipse Juno. And I see that Eclipse has a latest version as Luna.
Can I directly Shift my Juno Project to Luna.?
do I have to make some changes.?
This depends on how large your project is, and how many technologies it uses.
I did this for an enterprise project, and the steps were pretty straightforward:
Setup the Luna IDE (i.e. install all necessary software from update sites and such)
Copy-paste your Juno workspace (keep the old one)
Launch Luna IDE with pasted workspace. Check for any compile errors.
If all is okay, then switch JDK7 to JDK8, and change the workspace compiler to 1.8
I would suggest to import the project in a new workspace with Eclipse Luna, then try to install all the plugins you need and check the project setup so that everything works.
With this way you always can open the old working workspace with Eclipse Juno while you're doing the migration.

How to install Codepro plugin in Eclipse Kepler

Now I am using Eclipse Kepler Version:, but i don't how to configure "CodePro AnalytiX" plugin in Eclipse Kepler. Is it possible to configure "CodePro AnalytiX" in my current Eclipse Kepler?
And is "CodePro AnalytiX" plugin the correct tool for testing code perfomance? Otherwise suggest any other tool for code testing.
-Open Eclipse Kepler
-Help -> install new software
-enter this URL:
If you found any other good tool for persistance tests, please let me know :)
All the url's specified in this page are no longer valid.
Eclipse version Installation instructions
Direct plugin link
Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) Plugin for Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) https://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/4.6
Eclipse 4.5 (Mars) Plugin for Eclipse 4.5 (Mars) https://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/4.5
Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) Plugin for Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) https://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/4.4
If you are looking for older versions of the plugin, click here.
If you are having trouble installing from the update sites (due to firewall issues, for instance), you can install the Google Plugin for Eclipse by downloading and installing an archive of the update site.
Yes Its compatible for eclipse version: Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2)

Install Eclipse plug in from maven?

Perhaps I am misreading, but per:
Or is this meant only for RCP applications and not for an actual Eclipse IDE?
Just curious...
Your second link Eclipse Plugin actually unpack an Eclipse IDE (the RCP edition).
So it is for any Eclipse IDE distribution like the ones listed in Helios packages.