Using sed to append a line ignoring the white space for a specific line - sed

So let's say I have a file
a b c
a b
and I want to append a line below of the line containing a b and c. So I write the command :
sed -i '/s*a b c/a new line'
But it doesn't work. What is wrong with the sed command that I wrote?

You pattern is incorrect. Try this instead
sed -e '/a *b *c/a new line' file.txt
If you want to modify the original file in-place, add the -i flag. It would probably better to test it without it first though.

You need to match the line (or unique part) of the first line, do:
sed -i '/^a[[:blank:]]*b[[:blank:]]*c$/a new line' file.txt
^a[[:blank:]]* matches a at the start of the line followed by any number of whitespaces, similarly b[[:blank:]]* matches b followed by any number of whitespaces
c$ matches c at the end of the line
$ cat file.txt
a b c
$ sed '/^a[[:blank:]]*b[[:blank:]]*c$/a new line' file.txt
a b c
new line
a b


sed: How to remove the first blank line after a pattern match

I would like to remove the first blank line after a pattern match in a file using sed.
For example, if I were trying to match the below file on b:
the would result would be:
I've tried variations of the following: sed -i '/b/,/^$/{//d}' FILE.
I suggest with GNU sed:
sed -i '/b/,/^$/{ /^$/d }' file
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '/b/{:a;n;/^$/d;ba}' file
Locate b, then print/fetch lines until an empty line and delete it.

Sed: find, replace and then append result to original line

I am on Mac, I want to find a pattern in lines, replace it with something, then append the resulting string to the end of the original line. Here is what I tried:
echo "test='123'" | sed -E '/([^a-z])/ s/$/ \1/'
sed: 1: "/([^a-z])/ s/$/ \1/": \1 not defined in the RE
What do I need to define \1? I thought I did it with ([^a-z]). No?
Edit: Perhaps this code will represent better what I want:
1) echo "test='123'" | sed 's/[a-zA-Z0-9]//g'
2) I want the new line = original line + line #1 above
In other words:
Before (what I get): test='123'
After (what I want): test='123' =''
You can edit this command this way:
echo "test='123'" | sed -E 'h;s/([a-zA-Z0-9])//g;G;s/(.*)\n(.*)/\2\1/'
For readability, the script, line by line, reads
h stores the current line in the hold space,
your s command does what it does
G appends the content of the hold space, i.e. the original line, to the pattern space, i.e. the current line as you have edited it, putting a newline \n in between.
another s command reorders the two pieces, also removing the \n that the G command inserted.
Your original attempt sed -E '/([^a-z])/ s/$/ \1/' could not work because \1 refers to what is captured by the leftmost (…) group in the search portion of the s command, it does not "remember" the group(s) you used to address the line.
Once you print the pattern space with p, a newline comes with it, and once it's been printed, there's no way you can remove it within the same sed program.

sed: replace pattern only if followed by empty line

I need to replace a pattern in a file, only if it is followed by an empty line. Suppose I have following file:
the following command would replace all occurrences of test with xxx
cat file | sed 's/test/xxx/g'
but I need to only replace test if next line is empty. I have tried matching a hex code, but that doesn ot work:
cat file | sed 's/test\x0a/xxx/g'
The desired output should look like this:
Suggested solutions for sed, perl and awk:
sed -rn '1h;1!H;${g;s/test([^\n]*\n\n)/xxx\1/g;p;}' file
I got the idea from sed multiline search and replace. Basically slurp the entire file into sed's hold space and do global replacement on the whole chunk at once.
$ perl -00 -pe 's/test(?=[^\n]*\n\n)$/xxx/m' file
-00 triggers paragraph mode which makes perl read chunks separated by one or several empty lines (just what OP is looking for). Positive look ahead (?=) to anchor substitution to the last line of the chunk.
Caveat: -00 will squash multiple empty lines into single empty lines.
$ awk 'NR==1 {l=$0; next}
/^$/ {gsub(/test/,"xxx", l)}
{print l; l=$0}
END {print l}' file
Basically store previous line in l, substitute pattern in l if current line is empty. Print l. Finally print the very last line.
Output in all three cases
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r '$!N;s/test(\n\s*)$/xxx\1/;P;D' file
Keep a window of 2 lines throughout the length of the file and if the second line is empty and the first line contains the pattern then make a substitution.
Using sed
sed -r ':a;$!{N;ba};s/test([^\n]*\n(\n|$))/xxx\1/g'
:a # set label a
$ !{ # if not end of file
N # Add a newline to the pattern space, then append the next line of input to the pattern space
b a # Unconditionally branch to label. The label may be omitted, in which case the next cycle is started.
# simply, above command :a;$!{N;ba} is used to read the whole file into pattern.
s/test([^\n]*\n(\n|$))/xxx\1/g # replace the key word if next line is empty (\n\n) or end of line ($)

How to find and replace every match except the first using sed?

I am using sed to find and replace text, e.g.:
set -i 's/a/b/g' ./file.txt
This replaces every instance of a with b in the file. I need to add an exception, such that sed replaces every instance of a with b, except for the first appearance in the file, e.g.:
There lived a bird who liked to eat fish.
One day he fly to a tree.
This becomes:
There lived a bird who liked to ebt fish.
One dby he fly to b tree.
How can I modify my sed script to only replace every instance of a with b, except for the first occurrence?
I have GNU sed version 4.2.1.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/a/b/2g' file
sed ':a;s/\(a[^a]*\)a/\1b/;ta' file
This can be taylored e.g.
sed ':a;s/\(\(a[^a]*\)\{5\}\)a/\1b/;ta' file
will start replacing a with b after 5 a's
You can do a more complete implementation with a script that's more complex:
#!/bin/sed -nf
/a/ {
/a.*a/ {
: loop
$! b loop
The functionality of this is easily explained in pseudo-code
if line contains "a"
if line contains two "a"s
tmp = line
remove everything after the first a in line
swap tmp and line
replace the first a with "\n"
remove everything up to "\n"
replace all "a"s with "b"s
tmp = tmp + "\n" + line
line = tmp
remove first "\n" from line
print line
read next line
replace all "a"s with "b"s
repeat loop if we haven't read the last line yet
One way is to replace all and then reverse the first replacement (thanks potong):
sed -e 'y/a/\n/' -e 's/\n/a/g' -e 'y/\n/b/'
Newline serves as an intermediate so strings beginning with b work correctly.
The above works line-wise, if you want to apply it to the whole file, first make the whole file into one line:
<infile tr '\n' '^A' | sed 'y/a/\n/; s/\n/a/; y/\n/b/' | tr '^A' '\n'
Or more briefly using the sed command from potong's answer:
<infile tr '\n' '^A' | sed 's/a/b/2g' | tr '^A' '\n'
Note ^A (ASCII 0x01) can be produced with Ctrl-vCtrl-a. ^A in tr can be replaced by \001.
This assumes that the file contains no ^A.

Delete code pattern using sed?

I want to use sed to delete part of code (paragraph) beginning with a pattern and ending with a semicolon (;).
Now I came across an example to delete a paragraph separated by new lines
sed -e '/./{H;$!d;}' -e 'x;/Pattern/!d'
I'm confused how to use semicolon not as a delimiter but as a pattern instead.
Other option is to use the GNU extension of address range.
Next example means: delete everything from a line which begins with pattern until a line ending with semicolon.
sed '/pattern/,/;$/ d' infile
EDIT to comment of Harsh:
Try next sed command:
sed '/^\s*LOG\s*(.*;\s*$/ d ; /^\s*LOG/,/;\s*$/ d' infile
/^\s*LOG\s*(.*;\s*$/ d # Delete line if begins with 'LOG' and ends with semicolon.
/^\s*LOG/,/;\s*$/ d # Delete range of lines between one that begins with LOG and
# other that ends with semicolon.
This might work for you:
cat <<! >file
> a
> b
> ;
> x
> y
> ;
> !
sed '/^[^;]*$/{H;$!d};x;s/;//;/x/!d' file
For any line the does not have a single ; in it /^[^;]*$/
Append the above line to the hold space (HS) and delete the pattern space (PS) and begin the next iteration unless it is the last line in the file. {H;$!d}
If a line is empty /^$/ or the last line of the file:
Swap to the HS x
Delete the first ; s/;//
Search for pattern (x) and if not found delete the PS /x/!d
N.B. This finds any pattern /x/ to find the beginning pattern use /^x/.
After having seen your data and expected result, this may work for you:
sed '/^\s*LOG(.*);/d;/^\s*LOG(/,/);/d' file