I have multiple lines in a text file and some are empty.
hasjdh lashd
aksl asldh l lasjdh
I want to add * to the start of all the non empty lines.
*hasjdh lashd
*aksl asldh l lasjdh
how to do it
$ sed 's/^./*&/' file
*hasjdh lashd
*aksl asldh l lasjdh
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '/\S/s/^/*/' file
If the line contains a non-whitespace character, insert an * before the first character of that line.
I am using the following command to strip leading and trailing spaces from a file A.csv
sed "s/^ \+//g;s/[ \t]*$//;s/ \{1,\}/ /g" <A.csv> B.csv
Here is an example to A.csv
"a"," v b","z"
"a"," vd","z"
"a"," v, b, c ","z "
"a"," vb ","z "
The problem is that not all leading and trailing spaces are removed as shown below:
"a"," v b","z"
"a"," vd","z"
"a"," v, b, c ","z "
"a"," vb ","z "
Below is an example of what I was expecting:
"a","v b","z"
"a","v, b, c","z"
How can I get this right?
sed 's/" \+/"/g;s/[ \t]*"/"/g;s/ \{1,\}/ /g' A.csv
The ouput:
"a","v b","z"
"a","v, b, c","z"
Your own command, only s/ \{1,\}/ /g is working.
Thing is, sed will treat csv file as a simple text file, without knowing the commas and quotes are for columns.
So the ^ and $ will only match the beginning and the end of each line.
Also you forgot to put g to the second s.
You can't/shouldn't do this properly with just sed. I recommend switching to some better language that can work with CSV files.
There is also a tool called csvtool:
$ cat /path/to/trim
#!/usr/bin/env bash
shopt -s extglob
for c; do
c=${c##*([[:space:]])} c=${c%%*([[:space:]])}
printf '"%s"\n' "${c//'"'/'""'}"
done | paste -sd,
$ csvtool call /path/to/trim A.csv
"a","v b","z"
"a","v, b, c","z"
As much as I like csvtool for simple stuff, this will unfortunately be painfully slow! It took my VBox nearly 15 seconds to process a short 4000-line CSV.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r 's/"\s*([^[:space:]"]+(\s*[^[:space:]"]+)*)\s*"/"\1"/g' file
Remove immediate white space either side of a pair of double quotes, globally throughout the file.
If I have a string and I want to use sed such that a colon is inserted after the first 8 characters and then after every 2 characters after it, what would the sed pattern look like and what would the replacement pattern look like?
awk has substr() function, it can solve your problem eaiser:
awk -v m="8" -v n="2"
You can change the m and n to desired value (error handling was not done in my one-liner). If we do a test:
$ awk -v m="8" -v n="2" '{a=substr($0,1,m);b=substr($0,m+1);gsub(".{"n"}","&:",b)}$0=a":"b'<<<"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/../&:/4g' file
Insert a : after the 4th occurrence of 2 characters and then globally throughout the line.
So let's say I have a file
a b c
a b
and I want to append a line below of the line containing a b and c. So I write the command :
sed -i '/s*a b c/a new line'
But it doesn't work. What is wrong with the sed command that I wrote?
You pattern is incorrect. Try this instead
sed -e '/a *b *c/a new line' file.txt
If you want to modify the original file in-place, add the -i flag. It would probably better to test it without it first though.
You need to match the line (or unique part) of the first line, do:
sed -i '/^a[[:blank:]]*b[[:blank:]]*c$/a new line' file.txt
^a[[:blank:]]* matches a at the start of the line followed by any number of whitespaces, similarly b[[:blank:]]* matches b followed by any number of whitespaces
c$ matches c at the end of the line
$ cat file.txt
a b c
$ sed '/^a[[:blank:]]*b[[:blank:]]*c$/a new line' file.txt
a b c
new line
a b
I am using sed to find and replace text, e.g.:
set -i 's/a/b/g' ./file.txt
This replaces every instance of a with b in the file. I need to add an exception, such that sed replaces every instance of a with b, except for the first appearance in the file, e.g.:
There lived a bird who liked to eat fish.
One day he fly to a tree.
This becomes:
There lived a bird who liked to ebt fish.
One dby he fly to b tree.
How can I modify my sed script to only replace every instance of a with b, except for the first occurrence?
I have GNU sed version 4.2.1.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/a/b/2g' file
sed ':a;s/\(a[^a]*\)a/\1b/;ta' file
This can be taylored e.g.
sed ':a;s/\(\(a[^a]*\)\{5\}\)a/\1b/;ta' file
will start replacing a with b after 5 a's
You can do a more complete implementation with a script that's more complex:
#!/bin/sed -nf
/a/ {
/a.*a/ {
: loop
$! b loop
The functionality of this is easily explained in pseudo-code
if line contains "a"
if line contains two "a"s
tmp = line
remove everything after the first a in line
swap tmp and line
replace the first a with "\n"
remove everything up to "\n"
replace all "a"s with "b"s
tmp = tmp + "\n" + line
line = tmp
remove first "\n" from line
print line
read next line
replace all "a"s with "b"s
repeat loop if we haven't read the last line yet
One way is to replace all and then reverse the first replacement (thanks potong):
sed -e 'y/a/\n/' -e 's/\n/a/g' -e 'y/\n/b/'
Newline serves as an intermediate so strings beginning with b work correctly.
The above works line-wise, if you want to apply it to the whole file, first make the whole file into one line:
<infile tr '\n' '^A' | sed 'y/a/\n/; s/\n/a/; y/\n/b/' | tr '^A' '\n'
Or more briefly using the sed command from potong's answer:
<infile tr '\n' '^A' | sed 's/a/b/2g' | tr '^A' '\n'
Note ^A (ASCII 0x01) can be produced with Ctrl-vCtrl-a. ^A in tr can be replaced by \001.
This assumes that the file contains no ^A.