Is there any way to force to update metadata on Opensea? - metadata

I tried to change token base URL to display the new images of NFTs on But it is not updated immediately.
There is a way to update by specifying force_update=true on Rikeby testnet.
But I don't know how to update it on mainnet. Will it be possible?
Any help will be appreciated.

Try this :<your_contract_address>/<token_id>/?force_update=true
please tell me if this works.
This method may not work on another mainnet example polygon.
Update: There is a manual refresh for metadata on opensea. One can always use that one too.


Wso2: cannot save parameters of DBReport or properties of the Log mediator

Please tell what am I doing wrong?
I add parameters to the sql statement in DB Report Mediator and then click on Update, so that my parameters would've been saved, but when I reopen my DBReport, there is nothing...
After reopening:
Actually I'm creating REST API for the first time, does anyone have examples?
Is it even possible to do that without Integration Studio?
Thanks in advance.
The correct expression should be get-property() [1]. Can you try that.

Setting a value in Frappe application isn't reflected in ERPNext GUI

I have added a 'number_of_members' value to the Customer DocType via customization.
In my application I have tried several ways to update the value. However the value never updates in the webpage. I feel like I'm missing some sort of save or update or commit step.
For example I have tried:
frappe.client.set_value('Customer', '00042', 'number_of_members', 8887)
frappe.set_value('Customer', '00042', 'number_of_members', 8887)
frappe.db.set_value('Customer', '00042', 'number_of_members', 8887)
and also
customer = frappe.get_doc('Customer', '00042')
customer.number_of_members = 8887
In each case I can do something like frappe.get_value, or frappe.get_doc and it shows the value is set to 8887. However it never updates in the web side. This is what makes me think I'm updating some sort of cache or database transaction and I need some way to save it, but have not had any luck.
I am mostly testing this via bench console if that has any bearing on it, but I've tried a couple of the methods in my application code as well.
Relevant documentation:
Frappe Developer API - Document
Frappe Developer API - Database
Turns out the answer is to call frappe.db.commit() after making changes. If someone can point this out in the documentation so I can better understand how I'm missing stuff, I would appreciate it.
I also noticed if you try to Save something in the UI before you send frappe.db.commit() the UI will hang.

SuiteCRM, sugarCRM : Modifying the name of subpanels

Modifying the name of subpanels using studio works perfectly,
but when i do quick repair and rebuild or when i clear simply the cache, i lose the modifications.
Thank you for your help !
Best regards.
Yes it happens Many time , Just try to do using through code,
you can change the subpanel name in Custom/Extension/Modules/YOUrmodule/language
Just find your label and change it.
OR please check you gave proper permissions to your folder.

Why can't I find control using sap.ui.getCore().byId()?

I'm trying to access an input control in the controller but I'm not able to fetch it.
I'm using
sap.ui.getCore().byId("id of the input");
I faced a similar issue when I started using UI5. The id is not the same anymore because Sap UI5 dynamically concatenates some other properties to your id so it will be different. Hope this helps. try finding out the id after it has been changed by the resources. Hope this doc will help you.
You should use relative navigation(this.getView().byId('myId')). Absolute Navigation(sap.ui.getcore().byId('myId')) is not recommended, since that will not work anymore if you change like local project to FioriLaunchpad.
I think the source code of byId of Controller and createId of View explains a lot.
Try the following:
See Difference Between this.getView().byId(), this.byId(), and sap.ui.getCore().byId()

When I try to add a schema in stackmob it is not getting saved

I was trying to do a tutorial in stackmob but while I try to save a schema and when I come back to it I cant find the changes I made to the schema?Any help??
Assuming you mean that you are in the Stackmob Dashboard and trying to create and save a schema, there are two snags that can get you (and me). If you didn't hit save schema, nothing will be saved. The other snag can be that you do not set the Create, Read, Update, and Delete permissions at the bottom of the page, although I think it flags this as something you must complete. If these things have been done and your data is not being retained, provide a bit more info and I can try my best to help.