Internet of Things Platform Starter-error BXNUI0005E - ibm-cloud

Getting error BXNUI0005E while creating a new device at Internet of Things Platform Starter at IBM Bluemix. Please help. Also i am unable to find my previous made device. Help

As amadain mentioned in the comments - That error is normally seen when creating an application whose name is not unique. Changing the application name to something unique should resolve the issue.


Google Services Framework Identifier (gsfid) How to get it with Flutter

I am a beginner in flutter and would like your help.
I want to get the Google Services Frameword Identifier (gsfid) in a flutter app, but i can't find any plugin for that. I found a fairly old post on how to do it using java, but I couldn't get it to work, as flutter, if I understood correctly, uses kotlin and unfortunately I'm neither a java nor kotlin expert.
I read all the stuff about deviceID and Android_id, which is confusing enough on its own without starting to mention other "unique" ids (e.g. ad id etc).
I have concluded that what suits me for use in the particular application I have designed is the gsf id.
So if anyone knows the subject and is kind enough to help me, I will be grateful and thank you in advance.
I tried to convert the java code I found se kotlin and connect it (methodChannel) to my flutter application, but without any luck

Access troubles to db2 console

i'm facing access problems to the db2 console (ibm-cloud).
i got this message :
HWCUSR0079E: Impossible to acces user information. Motif : HWCCON0048E: Failed to get connection profile crn:v1:bluemix:public:dashdb-for-transactions:us-south:a/16421fa67dc942ea96e562ff547b457a:ed7c96b2-28b4-4d9b-9bc4-46567241774b:: because Not Found.
Need help please , thanks
I have similar issue as you. And I checked View Cloud Status from resource list:
I suspect their servicehave interruption.
Also, if you search against the internet and Coursera, you will find that we are not alone.

Error while retrieving the application from ABAP repository

I am trying to create an Adaptation Project for SAP Fiori elements. But when I am trying to get the project from System it is showing me an error. shown in screenshot.
I am following Tutorial mentioned in link Adaptaion Project by Jessica Merz
I am not sure why is this coming. I tried searching many blogs without any luck,
is it issue of some Authorization or missing some profile ?
kindly let me know if someone faced same issue as me.
Yes, your users is missing required authorization objects.

Unable to publish to a new deployment

I am unable to publish to a new deployment. I get a Error 404. 404. That’s an error.
The requested URL was not found on this server. That’s all we know.
Could you please help me solve this issue?
Please check recent update from App Maker Team posted here:!topic/appmaker-users/XqBpaeDD2Lc
It seems like the data access infrastructure is having some troubles and the App Maker Team are working on it. Please check the above thread for updates. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Note: Please make sure you are using the following tag for future App Maker questions: appmaker
UPDATE: This should be fixed now, but please let us know if you still see any error during the preview / publishing process.

The remote name could not be resolved: ''

I'm using the FaceBook C# SDK for the first time.
Since I have a simple application I want to create I have picked up the sample Azure MVC application and modified it to point at my facebook application instance and secret as per the configuraiton guidance.
I want to retrieve a months status messages so I need authorisation which has worked thanks to CanvasAuthorize(Perms = "user_about_me") attribute.
However now when I goto the about view I get an error in the controller first:
dynamic result = fbApp.Get("me");
The actual error is listed as:
The remote name could not be resolved: ''
Can anyone help me identify what I am doing wrong?
Many thanks,
That sounds like a temporary connectivity issue. The server (or your computer) is having trouble resolving Try to going to in your browser and see what happens.
Make sure that you have the correct fb_key and fb_secret values. In my case I have added them in the web config file but when I read the values I have given a wrong name to retrieve. client_id and client_secret values were not set. As a result this error popped out.