Crystal Reports: New Page Before when details start on following page? - crystal-reports

I have a report where sometimes the Details of the Group start on the following page. I'm looking for a way to insert a page break before the Group Header if the Details for that group will not appear on the same page. I can't use "Keep Together" as when I do I sometimes get a mostly blank previous page.


Crystal Report 2021

Consultation, I have a report that is generated in batches, but I need that when finishing a record on an odd page it leaves me a blank page to start again on an even page.
Can someone give me an idea on how to correct this issue?
If you want to have the documents separated, you just need to make a group that identifies a single document and then in the 'Section Expert' of the group footer, in 'Pagination' tab, check 'New page after'.
But i suspect you are trying to print with both sides of the page and you want to start a new document in a new page, check this

How to delete the last page in Crystal report?

I cannot figure out how to get rid of the last page in the Crystal report, whether in the report itself or in C# code behind it.
I know how to delete the last blank page if the report has grouping and use Not OnLastRecord. But this is not my case, I don't have grouping, and I need to delete the last page regardless whether it's blank or not. I also know how to suppress the header on the last page and use PageNumber=TotalPageCount, but this doesn't delete the page.
I would appreciate any help.
The usual cause of a blank last page is that you have a report footer section with nothing in it. Suppress that section.
Another potential cause is a group footer section set to "New Page After". Make that option conditional with "NOT OnLastRecord"

Crystal Report display three records per page

This is the record in 1st employee in page and there is another employee results in other page. In every page there is only 1 employee details:
All I want is in every page, 3 employee details will be displayed not only one.
This is the the image also in my Crystal Report.
When you go through the Sections in the Section Expert, is the "New Page After" or "New Page Before" chekbox checked anywhere? Uncheck it. Try the first and the last visible section, it should be there.
That will give you as many employee details in one page as possible.

"Blank" pages in crystal reports with groups

I have 3 groups in my report, i'm trying to get page break between groups.
Results are fine except I get a blank page right before "Group 1" changes. The Page header has the same data as the next page except details section is blank.
After some searching, here are my current settings:
In the group expert, all 3 groups have "Keep Group Together" unchecked. In the section expert, all 3 groups have "New Page Before" checked and nothing else, no formulas either. Nothing checked in Group Footer.
What are my settings suppose to be so the I get a page break after each group?

Crystal subreport in page footer won't print

I'm attempting to modify a Crystal Report that prints our invoices. The original request was to allow the report to print the T&C (Terms & Conditions) Page at the end of each invoice. I was able to do this successfully. However, when I presented it to the end-user they explained that they don't want to have to print each invoice individually. (Makes sense...) However, I have not been able to successfully provide results as of yet. Below are my challenges/questions:
I obviously can't expect the Report Footer to print multiple times within the report so I inserted a section below my current page footer for the T&C. I wanted to add a 'New Page Before' but that option is grayed out. After attempting to identify what was causing this to gray out without success (content that was marked 'can grow' or that was too large for a section is my understanding) I decided to attempt creating a subreport in the new page footer & I marked that section of the report as 'New Page Before' so that the T&C would be placed on a new page between each invoice. I finally got the first line of the T&C to show up but the rest was cut off and the next page started the next invoice.
Does anyone know why my subreport in the page footer - to display a single page print of our company's T&C - isn't working as intended?
Thanks in advance for your time!
Open the SubReport by right clicking and going to Edit from the main report.
Resize the Detail section of the Subreport. This should help displaying all of the T&C