"Blank" pages in crystal reports with groups - crystal-reports

I have 3 groups in my report, i'm trying to get page break between groups.
Results are fine except I get a blank page right before "Group 1" changes. The Page header has the same data as the next page except details section is blank.
After some searching, here are my current settings:
In the group expert, all 3 groups have "Keep Group Together" unchecked. In the section expert, all 3 groups have "New Page Before" checked and nothing else, no formulas either. Nothing checked in Group Footer.
What are my settings suppose to be so the I get a page break after each group?


Crystal Reports PO add second page Terms & Conditions

Our ERP system Macola has a PO form created with Crystal Reports. I need to add a second page, Terms & Conditions. I've tried several suggestion from the web with no luck. The second page prints with the Terms & Conditions, but the first page header information still prints. I tried the suppression using pagenumber >1, but when you look at the printout of the second page, the page number is 1 so this formula doesnt suppress the header information. Any help would be appreciated. Its amazing that just adding a second page with terms & conditions would be that difficult. Is there an easy way to add a PDF to the last page, not using subreport.
I have a few reports that do exactly what you describe. The way I designed the reports was to put the Terms & Conditions in the Report Footer section. Then in the Section Expert for the Report Footer I checked the box for "New Page Before" on the Paging tab. This ensures this section always begins on a new page. As for suppressing the Page Header on the last page, I used the following formula.
PageNumber = TotalPageCount;
I also used this same formula in the Page Footer section to ensure it is suppressed on the last page as well.
This design also assumes that the user will never print more than a single PO at once. If your users need to print a range of Purchase Orders at once, this design will only print the Terms & Conditions page once regardless of how may Purchase Orders are being printed.
Also, based on what you said about your pagenumber > 1 formula not working as expected, you may want to go through each section in the Section Expert and inspect the Paging tab to see if any sections have "Reset Page Number After" enabled. Any sections that have this enabled will force page numbers to reset back to 1 after that section prints and could cause any formula that evaluates PageNumber to behave unexpectedly.

Crystal Report display three records per page

This is the record in 1st employee in page and there is another employee results in other page. In every page there is only 1 employee details:
All I want is in every page, 3 employee details will be displayed not only one.
This is the the image also in my Crystal Report.
When you go through the Sections in the Section Expert, is the "New Page After" or "New Page Before" chekbox checked anywhere? Uncheck it. Try the first and the last visible section, it should be there.
That will give you as many employee details in one page as possible.

Crystal Reports: New Page Before when details start on following page?

I have a report where sometimes the Details of the Group start on the following page. I'm looking for a way to insert a page break before the Group Header if the Details for that group will not appear on the same page. I can't use "Keep Together" as when I do I sometimes get a mostly blank previous page.

header wont appear on all pages of crystal report 2013

I am trying to have a header appear on all the pages of a report designed in crystal reports 2013. Most of the reports will one page but occasionally they may be more.
In the section header I add the below to the suppress formula and leave the box unchecked.
If PageNumber<1 Then True
However, if there are two pages the header appears only on page one. Thank you :).
Report header will be added once for report, So there is no meaning to write that formula in report header.
Now as per your requirement.
Add fields in page header and also in group header.
Add the below supress formula for page header.
if pageheader =1
then true
else false
So in page one page header will be supressed and fields will be displayed as headings in group header.
From page 2 from starting of the page you will find the fields and only one problem with this solution is if group header starts from next page you will find two headers.
Let me know how it goes
If you want to show some Objects on all pages then place objects on Page Header, If you want them to shown on Every group then place objects in Group Header, If you want to show them only on start of your report then place them in Report Header.

Putting 2 pages of data into a single page for crystal reports

I have a page that shows a student's grades. I would like to insert another page after this page which shows the grade descriptions.
How would i go about doing that?
Add a group on the report be student ID / primary key
Add your page of descriptions in the group footer.
In your group footer settings, check the "New page before" option