Crystal Report 2021 - crystal-reports

Consultation, I have a report that is generated in batches, but I need that when finishing a record on an odd page it leaves me a blank page to start again on an even page.
Can someone give me an idea on how to correct this issue?

If you want to have the documents separated, you just need to make a group that identifies a single document and then in the 'Section Expert' of the group footer, in 'Pagination' tab, check 'New page after'.
But i suspect you are trying to print with both sides of the page and you want to start a new document in a new page, check this


How to delete the last page in Crystal report?

I cannot figure out how to get rid of the last page in the Crystal report, whether in the report itself or in C# code behind it.
I know how to delete the last blank page if the report has grouping and use Not OnLastRecord. But this is not my case, I don't have grouping, and I need to delete the last page regardless whether it's blank or not. I also know how to suppress the header on the last page and use PageNumber=TotalPageCount, but this doesn't delete the page.
I would appreciate any help.
The usual cause of a blank last page is that you have a report footer section with nothing in it. Suppress that section.
Another potential cause is a group footer section set to "New Page After". Make that option conditional with "NOT OnLastRecord"

Crystal Reports: New Page Before when details start on following page?

I have a report where sometimes the Details of the Group start on the following page. I'm looking for a way to insert a page break before the Group Header if the Details for that group will not appear on the same page. I can't use "Keep Together" as when I do I sometimes get a mostly blank previous page.

How do I keep a group header in crystal reports from appeaing when unnecessary?

I am running a report on multiple salespersons and their multiple clients. I have a group header, which includes the name of the salesperson for that group, and a secondary group header, which includes the name of each of the salesperson's clients and all their info as well as headings for the columns with information.
I've set up both group headings to appear at the top of every page. It works for the most part with the group header at the top of every page along with the corresponding secondary group header for the particular client being reported on. However, I've run into a small problem. Sometimes when the next group for a for the next client is started it's toward the end of the page so that the end of page has the secondary group header with none of the details only to repeat at the top of the next page with the corresponding details. I don't want to start a new page for each client as some clients don't have a lot of information and multiple clients can be included on a page. How do I set it up so that if there is not enough space on a page for any details, the secondary header does not appear until the next page?
Thank you.
I realized that "keep it together" was only clicked for the main group not the subgroup that I was worried about. So I clicked it and that solved the problem

Crystal subreport in page footer won't print

I'm attempting to modify a Crystal Report that prints our invoices. The original request was to allow the report to print the T&C (Terms & Conditions) Page at the end of each invoice. I was able to do this successfully. However, when I presented it to the end-user they explained that they don't want to have to print each invoice individually. (Makes sense...) However, I have not been able to successfully provide results as of yet. Below are my challenges/questions:
I obviously can't expect the Report Footer to print multiple times within the report so I inserted a section below my current page footer for the T&C. I wanted to add a 'New Page Before' but that option is grayed out. After attempting to identify what was causing this to gray out without success (content that was marked 'can grow' or that was too large for a section is my understanding) I decided to attempt creating a subreport in the new page footer & I marked that section of the report as 'New Page Before' so that the T&C would be placed on a new page between each invoice. I finally got the first line of the T&C to show up but the rest was cut off and the next page started the next invoice.
Does anyone know why my subreport in the page footer - to display a single page print of our company's T&C - isn't working as intended?
Thanks in advance for your time!
Open the SubReport by right clicking and going to Edit from the main report.
Resize the Detail section of the Subreport. This should help displaying all of the T&C

in Jasper Reports how to know when we reached last page

Our invoicing system needs to print OMR (optical mark recognition) symbol on each page of our invoices so the folding machine knows what to put in the envelope.
That little PNG picture with OMR mark has to be put on each page. Our invoice is consisted of main report with two subreports created in special .jrxml files. Picture is generated by calling web service with passing page number and 'last page' mark as a parameter in http request.
What we can't put to right is that 'last page' mark since variable called $v{PAGE_NUMBER} can be read in two contextes: page and report. If you read it in page context you will have actual page number, in report context that variable will give you total number of pages. You cannot read such variable at once and know that you are on, lets say, page 3 of 5.
Since I have 'access' to last page (last page is filled with static text) in main report I can put another image with total number of pages and hardcode 'last page' parameter set to true, and put that image on the very same position on paper where regular image 'sits' so this image will overflow another generated in transactions subreport, but then there is no rule of which image will be over another, this approach is only partly successfull.
What can I do?
If you put the OMR symbol in the footer, you can use the report element Last Page Footer, which will cause the last page footer to be different than the other page footers in the report. This way you can put a last page mark on the last page of the report.