get chrome.runtime in NW.js - google-chrome-app

I'm trying to port a Chrome app to a NW.js one. This is my first time doing anything with NW.js, but I read this: and I'm following the steps trying to convert this Analytics app. My problem is that chrome.runtime is undefined in the NW.js app. Any ideas?

I was getting this problem when dragging the folder to the NW executable. When I packaged it, it worked fine.


Flutter Windows Desktop app gets stuck on white screen after msix installation

I just developed my first flutter desktop app for a windows machine. The app is working fine while developing/debugging it, but I am trying to test it as an application in release mode.
What’s done
I created an msix using pub msix.
For signing, I have tried both my
own certificate and the test certificate that comes with msix
packages by default.
I have tried both stable and beta channels.
Actual Problem
When I install the app on the other system (or even on the actual system where I debugged the app). I can install the msix setup successfully I can see my app listed in the apps, but when I try to open it, it is stuck on a blank/white screen. There is no UI rendered. And if I try to maximize the window, it goes to App not responding state.
Any help will be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Update / New Finding
After going through the links provided by Yehuda Kremer and pulling my hair for a few days, I found the answer in this tweet
So the main issue is that app is using some absolute paths that don't work on other machines (after release)
1- My app was using a database, so I have made sure that that database path is relative to the application document directory.
2- Now the build is also referring to some dependencies and their paths are also absolute. I have noticed a flag CMAKE_INSTALL_LOCAL_ONLY in the cmake_install.cmake but that flag is not being set anywhere.
Here is the log of flutter build windows -v
-- Now I am looking for a proper way to convert all the paths to relative so that the build is ready for installation on different machines, instead of local installation only.
I have found the solution.
The main problem was that the app was looking for some dependencies and it was unable to find them. As mentioned here.
The reason for not finding that in release mode can be one of the following,
You are using some dll (package that depends on a dll) that is available on a specific path in your system, but when you are release the app that (absolute) path is not valid anymore.
You are adding some asset with absolute path (that is only applicable to your system).
If it is a dll, you should be adding that to the release folder. In my case it was sqlite3.dll
If it is some other asset then you should always use the relative path.
You mentioned msix package, let see if the problem is in the app or in the packaging process
run flutter build windows without the flutter pub run msix:create, then run the created .exe file to see if its work.
btw this issue mention here:
and here (the 'maximizing' problem): Black screen appears on maximizing and minimizing flutter desktop app

How do I determine why the temp files are not being created?

Update: While a root cause has not been determined for these errors. I have been able to fix my issues via reimporting and reinstalling the Google AdMob Manual SDK all together.
New to this whole Stackoverflow, not sure if I should make that as the answer?
I'm attempting to install the Google AdMob module into my SwiftUI iOS application using the Manual SDK method located on their documentation page. The project throws no errors until I build the project, at that time it tells me "Build Succeeded" then tells me the below error. When I navigate to the path, I can get to the following directory however, there is no further file there...
I have ensure that the Info.plist is in the directory. I have also verified that the path is proper via the Build Settings.
Please try again later.
Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/PROFILE/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/DEVICE_UUID/data/Library/Caches/;
Extra info about "/Users/PROFILE/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/DEVICE_UUID/data/Library/Caches/":
Couldn't stat /Users/PROFILE/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/DEVICE_UUID/data/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
While a root cause has not been determined for these errors. I have been able to fix my issues via reimporting and reinstalling the Google AdMob Manual SDK all together.
In doing so I followed the Manual SDK Instructions, particularly I believe the root issue was some funky indentation or mishap in the Info.plist. That being said, if you run into a similar issue, I urge you to take a step back. Start a fresh blank project and attempt to implement the Google AdMob procedures in the blank project. This will eliminate the concern that your current code is causing any conflicts. Once completed and you have it working, mimic the steps within your core project.

Error while running CsipSample code.

I downloaded Csipsample from google code and trying to work on that.I built the app based on the instructions given in
while running the app on my mobile it is giving
"can't load native library. cpu arch invalid for this build"
Even when i try to run it on Emulator also it is giving the same error.In some forum i found there might be problem with .so files. Even i tried that one also but still its not working.
The same problem i found here also :!topic/csipsimple-dev/uxkRx1vmzNk
Can anyone please give a solution for this ?
Simply rename your Lib folder with Libs

phonegap cordova unable to locate blackberry-nativepackager

I am trying to create a blackberry10 project with phonegap cordova command line tool. I am following through the phonegap document ( but keep running into the same problem.
When I run "cordova platform add blackberry10" in the terminal, it returns [Error: blackberry-nativepackager cannot be found on the path. Aborting]
Does anyone know why and what am I missing? Why is it trying to locate the blackberry-nativepackager, instead of the webwork sdk?
All I want to do its just loading up an external url in bb10. Any better suggestion? Does anyone has any good tutorial/walkthrough on how to create a blackberry10 project?
I'm pretty sure the nativepackager thing is needed to create a package, even with WebWorks. You'll find it in $BBNDK/host_10_x_xx_xxxx/linux/x86/usr/bin/blackberry-nativepackager (adapt to your OS). You'll need to add this folder to your path. Doing this depends on your OS.
The easiest way to do this is to run the bbndk-env script, located in your NDK root directory.
Here's some updated documentation to align with Cordova 3.0. It will cover all the steps needed (including the NDK setup, which seems to be currently missing in your environment).

DllNotFoundException: libgfxunity3d

I'm new to unity and I am trying to use a plugin named Scaleform and I'm following the steps indicated in readme file, I've created a new project, imported the plugin, selected Main Camera object and attached the specified script to it, but when I want to play, I get this error:
DllNotFoundException: libgfxunity3d
SFCamera.OnDestroy () (at Assets/Plugins/SF/SFCamera.cs:163)
I googled and all I got was this:
I've downloaded and installed DirectX too, but still no change! :(
Does anyone know what should I do?
We also ran into this problem on Windows. Ultimately, reinstalling the DirectX runtime did fix it for us (the person who had the problem was missing the d3dx9_43.dll that the Scaleform dll depends on).
You might also check and make sure you have put the right key into the appropriate location in your inherited camera script. (In the example, I believe it is called MyCamera.cs.)
Finally, you should check that your build target matches the version of the Scaleform trial you have installed. If your Unity build setting is Android, for example, you need to have the Android runtime for Windows, not the Windows runtime proper.
I downloaded the Depends application from and loaded libgfxunity3d.dll. I was missing msvcr100.dll, IEShims.dll and wer.dll. I threw those dlls into the System32 directory and my program ran great. Hope this helps!