How do I determine why the temp files are not being created? - swift

Update: While a root cause has not been determined for these errors. I have been able to fix my issues via reimporting and reinstalling the Google AdMob Manual SDK all together.
New to this whole Stackoverflow, not sure if I should make that as the answer?
I'm attempting to install the Google AdMob module into my SwiftUI iOS application using the Manual SDK method located on their documentation page. The project throws no errors until I build the project, at that time it tells me "Build Succeeded" then tells me the below error. When I navigate to the path, I can get to the following directory however, there is no further file there...
I have ensure that the Info.plist is in the directory. I have also verified that the path is proper via the Build Settings.
Please try again later.
Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/PROFILE/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/DEVICE_UUID/data/Library/Caches/;
Extra info about "/Users/PROFILE/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/DEVICE_UUID/data/Library/Caches/":
Couldn't stat /Users/PROFILE/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/DEVICE_UUID/data/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory

While a root cause has not been determined for these errors. I have been able to fix my issues via reimporting and reinstalling the Google AdMob Manual SDK all together.
In doing so I followed the Manual SDK Instructions, particularly I believe the root issue was some funky indentation or mishap in the Info.plist. That being said, if you run into a similar issue, I urge you to take a step back. Start a fresh blank project and attempt to implement the Google AdMob procedures in the blank project. This will eliminate the concern that your current code is causing any conflicts. Once completed and you have it working, mimic the steps within your core project.


Flutter Windows Desktop app gets stuck on white screen after msix installation

I just developed my first flutter desktop app for a windows machine. The app is working fine while developing/debugging it, but I am trying to test it as an application in release mode.
What’s done
I created an msix using pub msix.
For signing, I have tried both my
own certificate and the test certificate that comes with msix
packages by default.
I have tried both stable and beta channels.
Actual Problem
When I install the app on the other system (or even on the actual system where I debugged the app). I can install the msix setup successfully I can see my app listed in the apps, but when I try to open it, it is stuck on a blank/white screen. There is no UI rendered. And if I try to maximize the window, it goes to App not responding state.
Any help will be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Update / New Finding
After going through the links provided by Yehuda Kremer and pulling my hair for a few days, I found the answer in this tweet
So the main issue is that app is using some absolute paths that don't work on other machines (after release)
1- My app was using a database, so I have made sure that that database path is relative to the application document directory.
2- Now the build is also referring to some dependencies and their paths are also absolute. I have noticed a flag CMAKE_INSTALL_LOCAL_ONLY in the cmake_install.cmake but that flag is not being set anywhere.
Here is the log of flutter build windows -v
-- Now I am looking for a proper way to convert all the paths to relative so that the build is ready for installation on different machines, instead of local installation only.
I have found the solution.
The main problem was that the app was looking for some dependencies and it was unable to find them. As mentioned here.
The reason for not finding that in release mode can be one of the following,
You are using some dll (package that depends on a dll) that is available on a specific path in your system, but when you are release the app that (absolute) path is not valid anymore.
You are adding some asset with absolute path (that is only applicable to your system).
If it is a dll, you should be adding that to the release folder. In my case it was sqlite3.dll
If it is some other asset then you should always use the relative path.
You mentioned msix package, let see if the problem is in the app or in the packaging process
run flutter build windows without the flutter pub run msix:create, then run the created .exe file to see if its work.
btw this issue mention here:
and here (the 'maximizing' problem): Black screen appears on maximizing and minimizing flutter desktop app

TICoreDataSync with dropbox SDK giving 'path not found' error

I've followed the tutorial found here to set up my app for dropbox sync. When i start the app, thus starting sync, i get this:
[WARNING] DropboxSDK: error making request to /1/metadata/dropbox/com.timisted.notebook - Path '/com.timisted.notebook' not found
[WARNING] DropboxSDK: error making request to /1/metadata/dropbox/com.timisted.notebook/Documents/Notebook - Path '/com.timisted.notebook/Documents/Notebook' not found
And a list of similar errors.
Any ideas what the cause of this is, and how I could fix it?
EDIT: I tried this with the example app provied with TICoreDataSync, using my credentials, and it accepted the credentials but it didn't work.
I've found you can typically ignore these messages. TICoreDataSync will try and make the request and then if it fails, it will create the folder and continue.
Here are the changes I had to make to get iOSNotebook to run:
Dropbox wouldn't let me create an app called “iOSNotebook” as it was already taken (no surprises there :)). So I changed the name of the Xcode project and target to iOSNotebookCA along with the TICDSDropboxSDKBasedApplicationSyncManager's globalAppIdentifier to #"com.timisted.iOSNotebookCA"
Next I had to change Build Settings > Build Active Architectures Only = Yes
I changed the deployment target to 5.1 so I could avoid having all test devices running 6.0 (optional)
I also had to change the info.plist file's URL string to reflect the Dropbox key assigned to my iOSNotebookCA (db-blahblahblah).
And changed the DBSession root to kDBRootAppFolder
We recently released version 1.0.2 of the framework along with updated documentation, example apps, and tutorials on the project wiki. Check it out and if you run into any snags open an issue on the project's Issues page

How can I fix this Android SDK build problem in Eclipse?

I am using Eclipse for Android dev and everything was going fine until I tried to incorporate the facebook SDK. Now when I tried to back it out, there appears to be an artifact left behind that Eclipse tries to link the FB library?!?
[2010-11-17 18:50:22 - Library Project] Unable to set linked path var '' for library /Users/mobibob/Projects/workspace/facebook-android-sdk/facebook: Path variable name cannot contain character: ..
Any clue where this command / reference is in the build configuration? I have scoured it as best that I can, but I still get the same error.
Problem solved ... as it turns out, it was not so much the Facebook SDK but something that I did in the process of configuring the library reference. I am not entirely certain of how I misconfigured, but I was tweaking the various "path" settings such that, once when the automatic build tried to build my project, an import for android.R was added to my source module. This superseded com.myproject.R and would not resolve the values for resource references.
There were other problems with path order and setting that I modified during the troubleshooting that made it worse. Recreating the project without Facebook was the first step to discovery and fixing.
Either way, the lesson I learned is that the build error messages can misdirect one to the configuration when the problem is in the source code.

Receive message "A signed resource has been added, modified, or deleted" when trying to debug an App on iPhone

While attempting to debug a build created using the 3.2 SDK on an iPhone device I receive the message "A signed resource has been added, modified, or deleted.".
I can clean, rebuild, then install with no error, but if I try to install without cleaning the error shows.
Anyone have an idea as to what might be causing this?
I found a workaround for the bug.
If you delete the .app file in build/Debug-iphoneos/ before building for the device, the app gets installed without errors.
And there is a simple way to do that before every build.
Make sure you have selected "Device" in the dropdown overview menu.
In XCode go to Project > New target...
Then find "Shell Script target" under MacOSX/Other
Name it and add it to the current project
Now, in the left navigation panel, under targets, expand your newly created target and double-click on Run Script.
In the window that opens replace "# shell script goes here" with "rm -fr build/Debug-iphoneos/*.app" (without the quotes).
Now open your main target preferences and under Direct Dependencies add your newly created target.
Build and Go! :)
This error occurs when there is a special character in the Product Name. In my case it was a "?"
If you change the Product Name it automatically updates the "Bundle Name" and "Bundle Display Name" so it is often the best choice to rename an app.
If you want to include special characters in the app name you have to manually rename the "Bundle Name" and "Bundle Display Name"
Bundle Name: This is the actual app bundle name in the file system such as "Awesome". It is generally not visible to the user.
Bundle Display Name: This is a short name displayed under the app icon on the device. Since the bundle name would be truncated to "Awes…tion" you have the option to have a shorter name which fits better such as "Awesome App". It should be similar to the App Store name (set in iTunes Connect)
This is pretty clearly a bug in the 3.2 SDK, but I don't want to downgrade. I've found that doing a Clean by pushing Command+Shift+K, then Return is pretty fast before pushing Command+R to build.
Xcode 8, reason of the "A signed resource has been added, modified, or deleted." was that target was signed with an enterprise provision profile.
In my case, it happened when no changes were made. Make a change to any file and run again.
This can have several causes. The fastest way to figure out what is causing it is to go into Xcode, Window menu, Devices, then click the reveal button at the bottom of the pane to show the Console. Now attempt to run. You should see log output that names the specific files it is complaining about.
Most of the solutions previously posted are just artificial ways of getting Xcode to regenerate the contents of the build folder and/or re-sign the files.
In my case, my WatchKit extension was somehow acquiring references to Cocoapods frameworks that were only targeted toward the main app so they got signed during the build, then pruned later (as they were not used). Then on device, iOS complained that they were missing from the .appex folder for the extension. I ended up not needing any pods in the extension so I just removed them all and removed the extension as a target, then did some minor cleanup to remove the pod-related debris left in the build steps. Now everything works perfectly.
(SOLVED) This is a weird one. I tried everything I could find. Eventually I changed the product name from "Unit Tests (device)" to "Device Unit Tests" - removing the brackets. Now everything works. The spaces in it appear to be fine.
Previously on stackoverflow:
I've just run into this bug with two static library projects. One builds and tests using the GHUnit test runner on the device without a problem. The other projects will not install and gets this error. That means it's something thats different between these two projects. I've so far tried wiping the build directory, taking spaces out of the executable name, and various clean and builds as suggested here.
Same for me, thought it has something to do with multiple targets etc. because I changed a lot there. But it's highly possible that it's a Bug in the 3.2.2 release since I did not test extensively in this sdk version before the massive target changes in my project.
solved my issue!!!
I found out by accident that somehow a space " " found it's way into the Product Name of my app so it was called "First" instead of "". After deleting the space the issue was gone!
I changed it here:
right click on target
Get Info
Build Tab
Packaging Section
Product Name <- The name here will be used for the bundle (.app) name
Hope this helps, let me know!
I could solved by changing project name.
[project]-[Rename] menu. "phase1 (new)" -> "pahse1"
I was getting this same error, but intermittently. I tried all the above and it still didn't work. Today I found what was causing it.
The error seems to occur when editing a xib in interface builder. If you try to run while the interface builder is open in xcode it will cause the above error. To solve just close the interface builder editor. i.e. just select a code file from your project so you are in the Source Editor.
The simplest (and probably most common cause) appears to be rebuilding without any changes.
So the simplest thing to cure it is to make a trivial change to a source file (such as adding a space, then deleting it), and then rebuilding.
If this doesn't work, feel free to try all the other answers here.
For months, I'd get this error without realizing it was due to such a simple cause. I'd usually do a Clean Build to get rid of it.
When I created ipa through terminal using xcodebuild commands, ipa created but while installing it I was getting same error. exportOptionsPlist solved my issue.
xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath projectPath/myapp.xcarchive -exportPath projectPath/myApp.ipa -exportOptionsPlist ProjectFolder/exportPlist.plist
In my case, Quit and restarting XCode worked.
For me the issue was related to the provisioning profile settings. The clue to this was that debug builds were installing ok, but release builds were not. I wanted to test a release build, so I ran the scheme with that build configuration.
I fixed it by duplicating the Release Configuration, then modifying those fields in the Build Settings to have the same provisioning stuff as if I am debugging it.
(Adding another build configuration will give you headaches if you are using Cocoapods however, then you'll have to modify your Podfile)
I'm getting the same thing, when installing on a iPod Touch. I can't link for the simulator (for other reasons), so can't say whether the problem occurs there.
Yes, rebuilding clean or deleting the app from the device allows me to install again. Neither are desirable, iterative solutions!
The minimal "cleaning" I've come across as a work around is manually deleting the in the build/Debug-iphoneos directory.
it seems this is a bug in xcode 3.2.2:
I had the same problem in Xcode 3.2.1 when I put a + in my app name. Specifically the "product name" in the build settings. It is fine to have a + in the bundle name in your Info.plist. The same probably applies to other punctuation characters.
Go to Window > Organizer > Projects > Find your project and delete derived data
I got this error intermittently while installing app using iPhone config utility on Windows7. Following solution works - Go to C:\Users\{lanusername}\AppData\Local\Temp and delete app specific folders (e.g. and try installing app again.
I reported this bug on ICU (Windows versions) to Apple in June 2011. With the following workarounds:
The workaround is this ....
Win XP
1) Close ICU
2) Delete the temp folder: c:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Temp\[AppName].app
3) Delete the deploy folder: c:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\AppleComputer\MobileDevice
4) Restart ICU. Drag in the App and install normally.
Win 7
1) Close ICU
2) Delete the temp folder: c:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\[AppName].app
3) Delete the deploy folder: c:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\MobileDevice\Applications\[AppName].app
4) Restart ICU. Drag in the App and install normally.
I simply rebuilt my app, and that solved the issue.
I also faced the same issue. After wasting lot of time I realized that my product name has a special character "?" which cased the problem
Having the DerivedData folder at a network location caused this problem for me.
After trying everything else, I found out my workstation couldn't agree with the University server about what the time was. (It thought everything was always modified). I also had to clean for every rebuild to avoid that frustrating message.
In the end I gave up and built locally, changing Xcode > Preferences > Locations ... feeling altogether pretty dumb for having ever built over the network.
We ran into this issues on XCode_6.3.1. We were building a AppleWatch app, with an extension. We do have a bunch of Pods.. After debugging the issue for almost a bunch of hours, what we found was that there was an issue with the way a file was adde to the project..
It seems like some references to a unused file was sitting in the iPhone App, though it was used in the Watch App.. It turns out that the error XCode was showing was totally useless.
After removing this file and re adding it back to the project the project started working fine & was able to install to the device. To make it even harder to debug the issues, the debug version was installed without an issue, but was unable to install the norman version..
Make sure you add your files to the right target and, look at git history and see if there are lingering fragments that are added to the wrong target.
This is a very general error message indicating something is wrong during the validation process of the code signature. To find out the specific error, you can go to Xcode->Window->Devices and check your device log.
In my case, I have following console spew
Feb 1 18:53:07 iPod-touch installd[40] : 0x1001f8000 -[MICodeSigningVerifier performValidationWithError:]: 192: Failed to verify code signature of : 0xe8008017 (Signed resources have been added, removed, or modified)
Check on this 3rd party framework again, I found an extra CodeResources file under the framework root. Remove that file fixed the problem.

Upgrade to iPhone SDK 3.0 Causing UIKit Problems

I have an existing project that I was working on, and I recently decided to update my iPhone SDK and updated to the latest 3.0 SDK.
I update my SDK and go to open my existing project. Sure enough, there are some problems including some certificate problems and so on. Anyway, google and I were able to solve most of them, but I haven't had any luck on what I hope to be the last of my problems.
When running my program in the simulator, I now get
dyld: Library not loaded:
Referenced from:
/Developer/iGameLib/iGameLib/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Reason: image not found
Now, I discovered the UIKit has moved to
and I have updated my target and project settings to point to that new framework location, but still when I build it, no luck.
I have also tried clearing out the simulator's applications and settings, still no luck.
The referencing .app is cleared when I run the "clean" menuitem, I have confirmed this, so clearly something in my project settings are still pointing to use the old UIKit location.
Where should I be looking?
I've gone as far as I can to help myself but I'm afraid I'm at a loss here. I don't see it under the target settings, or the project settings, or the plist, or any of the other files within my project.
I was getting the same error
dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit
The solution on my case was simply quit Xcode and try again.
Quite simply, Xcode is not changing all of the variables correctly in the actual .xcodeproj file. So, here are the steps I took.
Get out of Xcode, you've got to do this job at the terminal. Bring up a terminal and go to where your project is. Find your .xcodeproj and go into it as if it were a directory. It looks like an actual file in finder, but it is one of those package directories.
Now, I couldn't get textedit to allow me to edit it, but you can go into nano, so like I did
sudo nano project.pbxproj which is under my .xcodeproj file/folder/package/whatever.
In this file, you need to find where the SDKROOT is set. Chances are there are a few places it is referenced, but you're looking for SDKROOT = iphoneos2.2.1 or something similar. Change ALL OF THESE (there are a few) to SDKROOT = iphoneos3.0
Now, you're half way there. do ctrl x and save the file. Next you're going to do ls and find out what the .pbxuser file is. Mine is myname.pbxuser. run the same command of
sudo nano myname.pbxuser
In this file, there are a HUGE number of references to the 2.1 iphone sdk directory. Do a search/replace of iPhoneSimulatorOLDVERSION.sdk, in my case it was iPhoneSimulator2.1.sdk
and change the 2.1 to 3.0. Be very careful with this though, I wouldn't want to know what happens when you mess this file up.
Save it and open xcode. CLEAN the project and build and run. Presto!
Check your target settings
Make sure you're actually linking to all of those frameworks in the Target (check under "link binary with libraries")
Make sure you've chosen the 3.0 sdk as your base SDK
Create a blank project and add your frameworks as before; if you still have issues, probably a borked SDK install
BTW, you shouldn't have to re-add sdk frameworks, as the paths are relative to the current SDK
Just trying to be helpful… not sure I can debug from here :)
I have had some similar problems with Xcode that seem to have no apparent cause. The fact of the matter is that Xcode does still have bugs here and there and sometimes you WILL run into a wall.
My Experience: Similar to your situation somewhat, on one particular occasion, an Xcode project I was working just stopped building for whatever mysterious reason, and no amount of cleaning, googling or SO-ing provided me any answers. So I simply created a FRESH, NEW project and filled the source-code from my corrupt project into that of the new project. The new project used the SAME source, libraries, resources, settings, mind you -- and yet it built with no problems. It took about 20-25 minutes to make the transfer but considering that I had spent several HOURS trying to address a bug that would not reveal itself in the corrupt project, the time was well worth it.
So, I'd suggest doing what I did: Maybe try creating a fresh project and transfer your old source and resources over.
Good Luck
I just deleted the UIKit.framework from the 'Frameworks' folder, right-clicked and added it back again.
Clean build, and no problem..
I had the same problem using Xcode 3.2.1 but it was solved in an easier manner. I realized I had recently disabled my target's environment variables, specifically ones to do with memory debugging (NSDebugEnabled, NSZombieEnabled, NSAutoreleaseFreedObjectCheckEnabled, MallocStackLogging, MallocStackLoggingNoCompact). The app ran once in the simulator after removing the environment variables but never again after that.
Quitting Xcode, the Simulator, restarting Xcode and doing a complete clean of the target (including it's dependencies off course) brought me back to a good state.
Same problem when launching my application without debugging.
In my experience the produced binary does not seem to be the culprit.
I created an app from the xcode wizard which does launch OK in the simulator (let's call it testApp, my application being called myApp), I tried to figure out where is the difference with my app.
otool -L myApp
gives correct (relative paths) to the frameworks, same as testApp
ps -E
DYLD_ROOT_PATH, DYLD_FALLBACK_FRAMEWORK_PATH, DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables needed by ld to locate the framework
are OK for myApp compared to the values of these variables when testApp is launched
I suspect that the problem lies somewhere in the communicartion between XCode and the simulator once the app is launched ... altough I can't find what's wrong ...
The solution that worked (at least for me) have certainly some big side effects but here it is :
quit xcode
browse the content of the package myApp.xcodeproj
unlock .model1v3 and .pbxuser for modification (the lock in the information panel (cmd-I on the file))
delete these two files
start xcode and retry to launch your application from there