DllNotFoundException: libgfxunity3d - unity3d

I'm new to unity and I am trying to use a plugin named Scaleform and I'm following the steps indicated in readme file, I've created a new project, imported the plugin, selected Main Camera object and attached the specified script to it, but when I want to play, I get this error:
DllNotFoundException: libgfxunity3d
SFCamera.OnDestroy () (at Assets/Plugins/SF/SFCamera.cs:163)
I googled and all I got was this: http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/Scaleform-Unity-Development/dll-not-found-exception/td-p/4242779
I've downloaded and installed DirectX too, but still no change! :(
Does anyone know what should I do?

We also ran into this problem on Windows. Ultimately, reinstalling the DirectX runtime did fix it for us (the person who had the problem was missing the d3dx9_43.dll that the Scaleform dll depends on).
You might also check and make sure you have put the right key into the appropriate location in your inherited camera script. (In the example, I believe it is called MyCamera.cs.)
Finally, you should check that your build target matches the version of the Scaleform trial you have installed. If your Unity build setting is Android, for example, you need to have the Android runtime for Windows, not the Windows runtime proper.

I downloaded the Depends application from http://www.dependencywalker.com/ and loaded libgfxunity3d.dll. I was missing msvcr100.dll, IEShims.dll and wer.dll. I threw those dlls into the System32 directory and my program ran great. Hope this helps!


SwiftUI builds successfully but preview fails

I'm on the latest OS and Xcode version (11.2) and for some reason my canvas just will not build. I keep getting X is not a member of PROJECT error. It's driving me insane. It was working not that long ago and I have no idea what changed to make it fail like this. I've also tried deleting Derived Data, restarting laptop...
I've made sure that all my files are included in my target and everything looks like it should be working properly, the app itself builds perfectly fine it's just the preview
The solution to my problem was that I had a file within my project named the same as my project name. The error messaging was not useful at all in solving this, but once I had renamed that file, the preview began working again.
So I had this same issue except I found out it was because I have custom build configurations and it didn't like the custom module name Xcode made. The solution was to rename the module to the same thing as debug and release in Build Settings > Product Module Name
I hope this helps someone

Adding Native support to gstreamer tutorial won't finish

I'm following this:
I'm using the Windows x86 ADT bundle, the Windows x86 r9d NDK, and the Gstreamer SDK linked to in the guide.
I was able to get the first tutorial to add native support, build, and run. Then I tried the 3rd tutorial, and Eclipse becomes unresponsive. Same thing happened with the 2nd tutorial. I left it to do it over the weekend in case it just took a long time. When I change anything for another attempt I delete the tutorial folder completely and use a fresh copy from the zip file. I have also remove the ADT bundle completely and started over from scratch.
If I cancel, I have the expected build errors of missing import com.gstreamer.GStreamer;
The GSTREAMER_SDK_ROOT_ANDROID value is set to C:/gstreamer
The NDK Location is C:\android-ndk-r8d
I switched to using r8d as recommended in: Adding Gstreamer support to an android NDK project
One comment also suggests adding to the gstreamer.mk file:
ifndef SYSROOT
I attempted this but there is a gstreamer_prebuilt.mk file it may be using instead.
My only clue is that Tutorial 1 does not use gstreamer plugins and the tutorials that do not work use plugins.
Thank you for any help you can give.
Edit: I tried using android-ndk-r7c also.
Then I deleted the ADT bundle and tried going the "Use an existing IDE" route, same result.
I'm going to try a different machine, and also see if I can compile it without eclipse, but I would love to hear any guess on what's going on.
Edit2: I watched a youtube video of someone setting this up (as far as I can tell he adds the NDK manually adding a build program and pointing to the ndk-build.cmd file):
This seemed to work but I was still missing import com.gstreamer.GStreamer; so I closed the tutorial 2 project, built and ran tutorial 1, opened tutorial 2 again, cleaned, built, and it ran.
Problem solved.
I watched a youtube video of someone setting this up (as far as I can tell he adds the NDK manually adding a build program and pointing to the ndk-build.cmd file):
This seemed to work but I was still missing import com.gstreamer.GStreamer; so I closed the tutorial 2 project, built and ran tutorial 1, opened tutorial 2 again, cleaned, built, and it ran.
Problem solved.

Xcode upgrade: PBXContainerItemProxy missing containerPortal key

I just upgraded my Xcode, now when I try to open my project, I get this error:
Project /Users/xxx/xxxx/xxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxxx.xcodeproj cannot be opened: PBXContainerItemProxy (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) is missing a containerPortal key
I have searched the web and stackoverflow, but cannot get anything relevent to come up at all regarding this.
I do have Three20 as part of my project, I don't know if that matters. I just upgraded to xcode 4.4.1
Thanks for any insight.
the project icon which we see i.e projectname.xcodeproj, is actually a directory, you do this
1. in terminal do cd yourproject.xcodeproj
3.vi project.pbxproj
4. scroll down till /* Begin PBXContainerItemProxy section */
5.there you will see all sections check for the section which is missing a portal key edit it and save it :wq it will work
in image if you see the first section is missing container portal key.just pic it from other section and replace it..
it will work :D see this link
Now I should start with that I do not know the actual error, never seen it before, but I did find a reference to a "PBXContainerProxy"-error in this post (As soon as I add a project to XCode 4.0.2 it crashes) and thought you might try the solutions from there?
"Apparently this is due to the new version of XCodeProjects. I found a
work around by pre-compiling the library that was causing the issue
and then using the linker to link to the .a file. I also had to copy
the .a library into the DerivedData path.
The real solution was to remove the project and replace it with an
updated project for the new version of XCode."
Hope that helps somewhat :)
Never saw that error either, but if you're upgrading directly from XCode 3.X I'd suggest you to go to https://developer.apple.com/downloads/index.action?name=Xcode
and download/install a previous version of Xcode somewhere else. (You can have several different copies installed on your machine, just google it if you don't know how but just remember to use xcode-select to pick the one you want to use). Repeat with all the versions back to 4.0.1 until (hopefully) it works. I know it's tedious but it might help.
If it does, validate the project settings and try to open it with 4.4.1. That should work.
Good luck

Overriding acm.program init() method; does Java have to be this hard?

Java problems
I am a student of Java. I managed to write about 15 Java programs so far and get them working on the PC. But I have not yet written a init() method like my latest assignment requires in order to initialize some instance variables. The compiler tells me that my init() method is attempting to override the final init() method in the acm.program. Isn’t that what an init() method is supposed to do? After exhausting all avenues on PC for the last week, I thought maybe it is an Eclipse problem on the PC. All the example code in the Java documentation shows little Mac windows. So I thought I would try moving my code to a Mac running Lion OS 10.7.2.
Switching to MAC environment.
The Mac claims to have Java installed but I think it’s just the run time environment, not a development environment. All I could find for applications is the Java VisualVM, which I assume is the virtual machine so there is no java development software. So… I downloaded Eclipse for Mac from Stanford’s website and got Eclipse IDE for Java Developers Version: Helios Service Release 2 and tried to run a simple program which included an import statement.
The import acm.program.*; statement is giving the compiler a problem: "acm cannot be resolved”. After researching this I think the problem is I have not downloaded the acm.jar archive and added that to my build path. Why this isn’t already done for me, as part of Eclipse I have no clue. I guess everything has to be difficult.
So I downloaded the acm.jar archive and it’s sitting in my download folder. I tried double clicking it and thankfully the mac won’t execute it. I tried dragging it into my source folder in Eclipse and then adding it to the build path. Once in the build path, Eclipse tells me the jar is missing. So I removed it from the build path and instead from inside Eclipse went to Properties/Java Build Path/Libraries/add External JARS… and navigated to my downloads folder where the acm.jar folder is to select the JAR. However, Eclipse seems to be looking for a .jar;.zip file, which there are none because my Mac helpfully already unzipped the folder. So I changed the open window to look for all files (.) and now I see individual .java files that are too numerous to add to the build path individually.
So back to the PC and download the acm.jar zip file and copy it over to the Mac in unzipped form and again add it to the build path as a zip file. This resolved the compiler error and my simple program executed on the Mac!
Next I will try my program with the init() method to see if that now works. Nope. Same problem on the Mac. This init method causes the following error: Multiple markers at this line
overrides acm.program.Program.init
Cannot override the final method from
public void init() {
canvas = new HangmanCanvas();
Does it have to be this hard or am I missing something?
Generally Macs have the whole JDK installed. Eclipse is nice, though.
This "acm" package isn't installed because it's not any kind of standard thing; this is like asking why your refrigerator doesn't come with asparagus already in it.
That last dialog was the right one; you need the original jar file. Try again, right-click and "Save As..." the link to save the file from your browser.
See 3. I find it particularly funny that anybody would use a Windows computer to make up for shortcomings of a Mac; in reality the Mac is infinitely more flexible and more powerful.
If you got a message that complains you're trying to override a final method, then you are indeed trying to do something wrong; final actually means "You're not allowed to override this." Perhaps you didn't fully understand the instructions for the assignment.
It gets better, I promise. Just be sure to use each of these annoyances as a learning experience.
There is no reasons why Java for the Mac would be any better than Java for the PC. The language and tools should work the same ... assuming that you are using the same versions of the language and similar versions of the tools.
Your problem with init is nothing to do with PCs versus Macs. So don't waste your time switching platforms to try to fix it. You need to figure out what the
On the face of is, the compiler / IDE is telling you the truth. Java won't let you override a final method. In fact the whole point of declaring a method to be final is to prevent overloading.
However, this does not make sense. According to the documentation I found here, the acm.program.Program.init() method is designed to be overridden. So why won't it let you?
I suspect that the cause of your problems is that you've downloaded or been given a copy of the JAR file that someone has messed around with. Someone has changes the method to be final (for some reason best kown to themselves), compiled it and put it up for people to download. Google is not always your friend ...
So, what I suggest you do is review all of the handouts and the files that were provided to find either the copy of the JAR that is provided, or the instructions on WHERE to download it from. Then replace the copy of the JAR you are currently using with the recommended one.
Why this isn’t already done for me, as part of Eclipse I have no clue. I guess everything has to be difficult.
How is Eclipse supposed to know what this "acm" stuff is? Which version you require? Where to download it from?

I can't get qml to use my custom plugin

I'm working in QtQuick and right now struggling with a weird problem: I can't get my custom plugin to work in Qml. There's a simple demo in the SDK (Examples/4.7/declarative/tutorials/extending/chapter6-plugins) and this doesn't work on my computer either. I don't get any error messages except that it doesn't recognize my custom items. Has anybody seen this problem? Any suggestions?
My setup:
Win 7 Home Premium, Qt Creator 2.1.0, Qt 4.7.3 (MinGW 4.4)
Beside the qmldir issue already mentioned by blakharaz, also make sure to set QML_IMPORT_PATH in your pro file or setting the path via QDeclarativeEngine::addImportPath() so the module can be found on your development environment (if you don't install them systemwide before using).
And when using subfolders, make sure they are part of the import (see http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qdeclarativemodules.html)
It would be nice to have some code. One possible issue could be the directory structure or the qmldir file. If you want to have a plugin called Foo you basically need a directory Foo which contains the Foo.dll (or libFoo.so) and a qmldir file (content is at least "plugin Foo")
If you have that "import Foo 1.0" should load the library.
I just had the exact same problem.
Build your .dlls as release instead of debug, that fixed it for me.