Freshdesk email command - email

I have created a freshdesk account and support also. If I send an email to create a new ticket it won't create a ticket with this code:
Mt delemeter is
My email body is
#Simonsays "status":"pending", "priority":"medium", "agent":"Test Agent" #Simonsays
I am receiving a ticket but It is not change the values assigned there in Ticket Properties. If I do have any errors in Email Command, please sort it out

Commands on tickets where you are the requester do not work.


Snowflake email notification integration question

SF has provided us with an email notification procedure. We have to pass in different values to this procedure to send out the notifications to a group email. I wrote another procedure to pass those values from a sql and execute the email notification procedure. It works with individual emails ids but not the group email id. Notification integration was created with group email as allowed recipients, type=email. Can someone please let me know why group email wouldn't work here?

Email Salesforce

I m with a doubt with email, i have two objects an object call request where which request is related with an account.In the accounti have the email information, and in the"request" i have the fields that i need to write my email, so i create an email template where i bring the info from the object request, and now i want to send this email to contact in the account object.
And how do do a fluxe where it will send the email to my account with the information that i have in que other object.
Correct me if I'm wrong, the Email Address to which you want to send to is in the Account record and not in a Contact record associated to the Account, yes?
If so, using Standard Workflows, you only need to:
Create an Email field on your 'Request' object
Create a workflow that populates this new Email field equal to the Account Email Address upon creation/modification
Use this Email field to send an email.
Caveat: If the Email Address on the Account has changed, this won't fire off the workflow you created. You would need an Apex Trigger to achieve this.

MSCRM 2011: Sending a reply email via code?

[Sending a reply email via code]
Currently i am opening an email activity and manually sending replies to them by clicking on the reply button in the form.
I have written a plugin which triggers on creation of an email activity and sends out an notification email to the sender of that email activity.
But it goes out as a fresh email activity and not a reply.
Email should go out as a reply and not a fresh email.
Please help.
Aamir Nawaz
If the e-mail you reply to does not have anything in the "Regarding" field, then the reply would also not have.
Depending on your use case, the incoming e-mail could be connected to a case, an account or an activity (typically).
In your code you should set the Regarding accordingly. If you do not have a Regarding in the original e-mail I would suggest reviewing your business case and decide on the flow.
In our system, if an e-mail is recieved it is scanned for CAS-###### reference in subject and body. If found it is connected to the existing case, if not a new case is created using either the known contact as customer or a place holder account (awaiting a CSR to create/correct contact and case). The creation of the case triggers an acknowledgement e-mail to the contact with case reference information. This e-mail is connected to the case.
I hope this helps you.
Br Nicolai

Configuring email from address in Jira 4.1 email notification

I am trying to configure Jira from email section of email notification. I need to add assignee fullname and status of the issue in the from section.
If anyone knows how to accomplish this task please let me know.
JIRA deliberately sends email from one address so that replies can have their text added as comments. If you sent email as the actual assignee then email would go only to that person, making JIRA less useful as a shared tool.

Jira send emails from user address

My Jira 4.3.2 instance sends emails from jira#{domain}.com. When user, for example Todd, makes a comment on an issue, I would like Jira to send the email from Todd's email address (todd#{domain}.com) rather than jira#{domain}.com.
Is this possible to configure? This is mainly so that users can hit Reply from their email client and email the person responsible for the comment.
From the JIRA documentation it looks as if you can only configure one "from" email address per project, not per user.
The advantage of having project specific email addresses is that you can configure email services that will automatically create or update JIRA issues from emails sent to them.